DeSantis doing a great job with COVID in Florida! They are the Delta Variant capitol of the Nation!


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

Yes, Florida is leading the nation in the latest COVID surge....but just a few weeks ago

Well, you think this Ronnie took a victory lap a little too early? What is it with the Rons and the Dons? They take credit for any success, but run away and blame someone else when they fail. Poor Floridians are stuck with a miniature trump.

Yes, Florida is leading the nation in the latest COVID surge....but just a few weeks ago

Well, you think this Ronnie took a victory lap a little too early? What is it with the Rons and the Dons? They take credit for any success, but run away and blame someone else when they fail. Poor Floridians are stuck with a miniature trump.
are we surprised at this? xiden has been spending illegals there in droves.
Deaths up?


So, who gives a shit. People that aren't dying are getting it and gaining natural immunity, which contributes to the overall numbers.

Case numbers have been a known garbage metric for a year or more. This is disingenuous BS from the terror porn people.
The OP author cannot be taken seriously as he has little to no problem with the massive numbers Biden has allowed across our southern border. And those numbers include thousands upon thousands that don't get caught. All thanks to Bidens's words and his policies.

Joe Biden is 'The Super Spreader.'
'massive numbers Biden has allowed across our southern border. And those numbers include thousands upon thousands that don't get caught'...reliable link?..operative word..'reliable'..not some wacko right wing blog.
If they are being held in ICE detention how are they to blame for the nation wide spread? Why can't you admit it's the anti-vaxers who are to blame.

They've been sent across America after testing positive

And you conveniently forget the huge numbers crossing the border in 2021 (thanks to Bidens' words and his policies) who aren't being apprehended.

But you are another leftist who hates America and Americans and blames Americans while kissing the asses of illegals.
If they are being held in ICE detention how are they to blame for the nation wide spread?

The ones being sent around the country are being held in detention?

Hastings said 17 percent of all families and single adults apprehended by his agents this year have been released into the U.S., much as they would have been before the Trump administration began using the Covid-19 restrictions known as Title 42 to begin denying access to asylum-seekers last year.

Borderwide, about 15 percent of single adults and 65 percent of families are released into the U.S. rather than expelled, according to Customs and Border Protection data from April.

If they are being held in ICE detention how are they to blame for the nation wide spread? Why can't you admit it's the anti-vaxers who are to blame.
They are NOT in ICE detention. They are free to go anywhere they choose, and because of Biden's buses and planes, they are now all over the country. Catch and RELEASED. Many are in HOTELS (being paid for by US taxpayers).

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