DeSantis is becoming a One Trick Pony


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
DeSantis’ biggest problem is one of perception

Rather than being know as the Governor who did so many great things for the State of Florida, he is known as the Governor who was at war with Mickey Mouse
DeSantis’s other obstacle to becoming President is he can’t counter Trumps attacks

Trump is free to taunt and ridicule DeSantis with anything that crosses his mind whether it is true or not.

DeSantis is not allowed to bring up..

Trump lost in 2020 and will lose again
Trump losing Republican strongholds in Arizona and Georgia
Two impeachments and multiple indictments
Trump cannot beat Biden
Jan 6
DeSantis’s other obstacle to becoming President is he can’t counter Trumps attacks

Trump is free to taunt and ridicule DeSantis with anything that crosses his mind whether it is true or not.

DeSantis is not allowed to bring up..

Trump lost in 2020 and will lose again
Trump losing Republican strongholds in Arizona and Georgia
Two impeachments and multiple indictments
Trump cannot beat Biden
Jan 6
Trump did not lose in 2020. That lie will never be the truth. That cowards and traitors accept it as truth is the fact here. A post truth society cannot possibly succeed much longer. So you will get what you want and freedom will disappear if people continue live on lies.
DeSantis’ biggest problem is one of perception

Rather than being know as the Governor who did so many great things for the State of Florida, he is known as the Governor who was at war with Mickey Mouse
DeSantis hasn’t done any great things for Florida – his war with Disney is the least of his idiotic stupidity.

From his failed response to COVID to his attacks on the First Amendment, the right to vote, his war on facts and the truth concerning the history of slavery and racism, book bans, and a campaign of bigotry and hate directed at gay and transgender Americans, DeSantis and Republican lawmakers have turned Florida into an oppressive, authoritarian third world state.
DeSantis’ biggest problem is one of perception

Rather than being know as the Governor who did so many great things for the State of Florida, he is known as the Governor who was at war with Mickey Mouse
The template is set in the party. Speak to the base, exclusively, 24/7/365, in their language, with their anger. Keep attacking, no matter what.

It has worked here and there, but It's hard to imagine that it can continue for long. And the '20 and '22 election underperformance didn't tell them anything.

But they're stuck on that template now.
DeSantis’ biggest problem is one of perception

Rather than being know as the Governor who did so many great things for the State of Florida, he is known as the Governor who was at war with Mickey Mouse
He's known as the Governor that Democrats and the Biden campaign are nervous about .. because 80+ year old grandpa Joe has to actually campaign this time against a Republican that is far superior with accomplishments and cognitive skills than 'ol Joe.
He's known as the Governor that Democrats and the Biden campaign are nervous about .. because 80+ year old grandpa Joe has to actually campaign this time against a Republican that is far superior with accomplishments and cognitive skills than 'ol Joe.

I WAS a worried about DeSantis running against Biden. I thought DeSantis was TRUMP Lite without all the personal baggage

But with DeSantis, it seems the more you know of him, the less you like him
He has a grating personality and has shown with Disney he can’t just let things go.
DeSantis hasn’t done any great things for Florida – his war with Disney is the least of his idiotic stupidity.

From his failed response to COVID to his attacks on the First Amendment, the right to vote, his war on facts and the truth concerning the history of slavery and racism, book bans, and a campaign of bigotry and hate directed at gay and transgender Americans, DeSantis and Republican lawmakers have turned Florida into an oppressive, authoritarian third world state.
What failed response? He protected seniors. The blue state governors killed them.
I WAS a worried about DeSantis running against Biden. I thought DeSantis was TRUMP Lite without all the personal baggage

But with DeSantis, it seems the more you know of him, the less you like him
He has a grating personality and has shown with Disney he can’t just let things go.
Yes .. the more Biden's campaign knows about him .. the bigger the threat that 'ol 80+ year old grand pa Joe has to encounter. They've already taken care of Trump with his upcoming trial scheduled during prime-time campaign time .. wonder what COVID-19 type scenario will be generated this time so old Joe can hide behind and campaign from his basement?
Yes .. the more Biden's campaign knows about him .. the bigger the threat that 'ol 80+ year old grand pa Joe has to encounter. They've already taken care of Trump with his upcoming trial scheduled during prime-time campaign time .. wonder what COVID-19 type scenario will be generated this time so old Joe can hide behind and campaign from his basement?

Any other President would have used COVID as a demonstration of their leadership of a country in crisis and had an easy path to a second term

Trump crashed and burned

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