DeSantis Lying about Infections

So he's counting covid deaths as flu deaths
Not counting out of staters with Florida deaths
Not counting snowbirds in a lot of cases

And not a THOUGHT about what happens to tourists who get infected and carry the virus home.

What he's doing is far worse than anything Cuomo did
"Infections" and "cases" don't mean diddly-shit.

Fact remains that the virus has a 99.98% recovery rate...You hysterical pearl clutchers need a new hobby.
You should look into what Bill Gates has been up to, if you’re concerned about corruption. He’s far more powerful than any governor.

WHO Insider Blows Whistle on Gates and GAVI - LewRockwell

Is that like you?
A libertarian and a self-professed anarcho-capitalist,[1]
Lew Rockwell - Wikipedia
Again...Please don’t be stupid or I’ll ban you.
If people could be banned here for stupidity, Penny would be the first to go.
I saw Ronnie Bear on the news this morning bragging about the spring break crowds and saying "it was worth the risk".
Of course most of these kids leave the state and go home or back to school in the next few weeks.
So not his problem :rolleyes-41:


So he's counting covid deaths as flu deaths
Not counting out of staters with Florida deaths
Not counting snowbirds in a lot of cases

And not a THOUGHT about what happens to tourists who get infected and carry the virus home.

What he's doing is far worse than anything Cuomo did

DeSantis isn't doing a damn thing except giving the people a choice.

So he's counting covid deaths as flu deaths
Not counting out of staters with Florida deaths
Not counting snowbirds in a lot of cases

And not a THOUGHT about what happens to tourists who get infected and carry the virus home.

What he's doing is far worse than anything Cuomo did

DeSantis day is coming. Like Cuomo, there's only so long you can keep bad news under wraps. He's fudging the numbers and it'll catch up to him.
People are already anointing him as a 2024 front runner. Long way to go.
you Progs want total tyranny but social justice sex with anything that moves or is dead and hiring people not from talent but diversity with their IQ's being 30 points lower making potentially smarter ones impoverished and undereducated. The Chinese call you "Baizuo"! Urban Dictionary has more terms for you.

So he's counting covid deaths as flu deaths
Not counting out of staters with Florida deaths
Not counting snowbirds in a lot of cases

And not a THOUGHT about what happens to tourists who get infected and carry the virus home.

What he's doing is far worse than anything Cuomo did
"Infections" and "cases" don't mean diddly-shit.

Fact remains that the virus has a 99.98% recovery rate...You hysterical pearl clutchers need a new hobby.

Except that they do. Infections and cases mean people can't go to work, or travel, or maybe even go out to buy something. Infections and cases mean they can spread the virus to someone who isn't infected and so forth and so forth.
And a lot of people who do get the virus, turn into long haulers. Carrying the effects of the virus around with them for months..possibly for the rest of their lives. Perhaps shortening their lifespan.
You virus deniers and brush offs need to wake up and smell the reality coffee. This isn't pearl clutching. It's real life.

So he's counting covid deaths as flu deaths
Not counting out of staters with Florida deaths
Not counting snowbirds in a lot of cases

And not a THOUGHT about what happens to tourists who get infected and carry the virus home.

What he's doing is far worse than anything Cuomo did
"Infections" and "cases" don't mean diddly-shit.

Fact remains that the virus has a 99.98% recovery rate...You hysterical pearl clutchers need a new hobby.

Except that they do. Infections and cases mean people can't go to work, or travel, or maybe even go out to buy something. Infections and cases mean they can spread the virus to someone who isn't infected and so forth and so forth.
And a lot of people who do get the virus, turn into long haulers. Carrying the effects of the virus around with them for months..possibly for the rest of their lives. Perhaps shortening their lifespan.
You virus deniers and brush offs need wake up and smell the reality coffee.
Most "infections" are mild or asymptomatic, and contribute to herd immunity.

Get a new hobby, hysterical pearl clutching moonbat.

So he's counting covid deaths as flu deaths
Not counting out of staters with Florida deaths
Not counting snowbirds in a lot of cases

And not a THOUGHT about what happens to tourists who get infected and carry the virus home.

What he's doing is far worse than anything Cuomo did
"Infections" and "cases" don't mean diddly-shit.

Fact remains that the virus has a 99.98% recovery rate...You hysterical pearl clutchers need a new hobby.

Except that they do. Infections and cases mean people can't go to work, or travel, or maybe even go out to buy something. Infections and cases mean they can spread the virus to someone who isn't infected and so forth and so forth.
And a lot of people who do get the virus, turn into long haulers. Carrying the effects of the virus around with them for months..possibly for the rest of their lives. Perhaps shortening their lifespan.
You virus deniers and brush offs need to wake up and smell the reality coffee. This isn't pearl clutching. It's real life.

No kidding, all those infected illegals become long haulers?

So he's counting covid deaths as flu deaths
Not counting out of staters with Florida deaths
Not counting snowbirds in a lot of cases

And not a THOUGHT about what happens to tourists who get infected and carry the virus home.

What he's doing is far worse than anything Cuomo did
"Infections" and "cases" don't mean diddly-shit.

Fact remains that the virus has a 99.98% recovery rate...You hysterical pearl clutchers need a new hobby.

Except that they do. Infections and cases mean people can't go to work, or travel, or maybe even go out to buy something. Infections and cases mean they can spread the virus to someone who isn't infected and so forth and so forth.
And a lot of people who do get the virus, turn into long haulers. Carrying the effects of the virus around with them for months..possibly for the rest of their lives. Perhaps shortening their lifespan.
You virus deniers and brush offs need wake up and smell the reality coffee.
Most "infections" are mild or asymptomatic, and contribute to herd immunity.

Get a new hobby, hysterical pearl clutching moonbat.

No, herd immunity is an illusion. The antibodies you get from being infected last a few months.
It does not guarantee you won't contract or be able to spread the virus again.
Get a life and stop spreading your manure. There's enough shit on your side of the aisle that other people
are having to clean up....again. :)


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So he's counting covid deaths as flu deaths
Not counting out of staters with Florida deaths
Not counting snowbirds in a lot of cases

And not a THOUGHT about what happens to tourists who get infected and carry the virus home.

What he's doing is far worse than anything Cuomo did



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