DeSantis Lying about Infections

No, herd immunity is an illusion. The antibodies you get from being infected last a few months.
It does not guarantee you won't contract or be able to spread the virus again.
Get a life and stop spreading your manure. There's enough shit on your side of the aisle that other people
are having to clean up....again. :)
No illusion, even your esteemed Dr. Faucist has mentioned it.

So he's counting covid deaths as flu deaths
Not counting out of staters with Florida deaths
Not counting snowbirds in a lot of cases

And not a THOUGHT about what happens to tourists who get infected and carry the virus home.

What he's doing is far worse than anything Cuomo did
"Infections" and "cases" don't mean diddly-shit.

Fact remains that the virus has a 99.98% recovery rate...You hysterical pearl clutchers need a new hobby.

Wrong Bison Breath. The mortality rate from COVID in the US is 1.9%
Stuff your 99.98 lie

So he's counting covid deaths as flu deaths
Not counting out of staters with Florida deaths
Not counting snowbirds in a lot of cases

And not a THOUGHT about what happens to tourists who get infected and carry the virus home.

What he's doing is far worse than anything Cuomo did

Your last sentence was what I was thinking.

Cuomo is in a lot of trouble because of it.

But when a republican does it, it's no big deal.

So he's counting covid deaths as flu deaths
Not counting out of staters with Florida deaths
Not counting snowbirds in a lot of cases

And not a THOUGHT about what happens to tourists who get infected and carry the virus home.

What he's doing is far worse than anything Cuomo did
"Infections" and "cases" don't mean diddly-shit.

Fact remains that the virus has a 99.98% recovery rate...You hysterical pearl clutchers need a new hobby.

Wrong Bison Breath. The mortality rate from COVID in the US is 1.9%
Stuff your 99.98 lie
Horseshit, horse's ass breath.....That's 1.9% among the reported cases....Millions of infections have gone unreported.

The virus is far less dangerous than you hysterical moonbat pearl clutchers have made it out to be.

So he's counting covid deaths as flu deaths
Not counting out of staters with Florida deaths
Not counting snowbirds in a lot of cases

And not a THOUGHT about what happens to tourists who get infected and carry the virus home.

What he's doing is far worse than anything Cuomo did
"Infections" and "cases" don't mean diddly-shit.

Fact remains that the virus has a 99.98% recovery rate...You hysterical pearl clutchers need a new hobby.

Except that they do. Infections and cases mean people can't go to work, or travel, or maybe even go out to buy something. Infections and cases mean they can spread the virus to someone who isn't infected and so forth and so forth.
And a lot of people who do get the virus, turn into long haulers. Carrying the effects of the virus around with them for months..possibly for the rest of their lives. Perhaps shortening their lifespan.
You virus deniers and brush offs need wake up and smell the reality coffee.
Most "infections" are mild or asymptomatic, and contribute to herd immunity.

Get a new hobby, hysterical pearl clutching moonbat.

No, herd immunity is an illusion. The antibodies you get from being infected last a few months.
It does not guarantee you won't contract or be able to spread the virus again.
Get a life and stop spreading your manure. There's enough shit on your side of the aisle that other people
are having to clean up....again. :)
Then why even get the vax?

God, you moonbats are ignorant as fuck!

So he's counting covid deaths as flu deaths
Not counting out of staters with Florida deaths
Not counting snowbirds in a lot of cases

And not a THOUGHT about what happens to tourists who get infected and carry the virus home.

What he's doing is far worse than anything Cuomo did

Your last sentence was what I was thinking.

Cuomo is in a lot of trouble because of it.

But when a republican does it, it's no big deal.
Its near the point where "when a republican does something" makes no difference anymore. Stew in your own smelly ass swill. The Chinese political class and the people on their web are laughing at us. For many years....they call white prog socialists..."Baizuo"! What it means is you treat minorities like they are at the top and like babies. And yourselves like gods of something. They see you as the means of Western destruction and their rise as the supreme power. Look at Biden and Harris yesterday. Tripping over themselves to claim some more white supremacy points.

So he's counting covid deaths as flu deaths
Not counting out of staters with Florida deaths
Not counting snowbirds in a lot of cases

And not a THOUGHT about what happens to tourists who get infected and carry the virus home.

What he's doing is far worse than anything Cuomo did
"Infections" and "cases" don't mean diddly-shit.

Fact remains that the virus has a 99.98% recovery rate...You hysterical pearl clutchers need a new hobby.

Wrong Bison Breath. The mortality rate from COVID in the US is 1.9%
Stuff your 99.98 lie
You don’t really believe the death numbers promoted by the government, do you?
DeSantis is a great Governor. He kept Florida as open as it possibly could be, even with the tremendous influx of New York refugees coming in and infecting the state.

He kept the schools open and he had the right priority for vaccine distribution.

In relative terms of the pandemic caused by China Joe's buddies the state is doing well compared to the states run by Democrats.

DeSantis/Noem 2024!

So he's counting covid deaths as flu deaths
Not counting out of staters with Florida deaths
Not counting snowbirds in a lot of cases

And not a THOUGHT about what happens to tourists who get infected and carry the virus home.

What he's doing is far worse than anything Cuomo did
"Infections" and "cases" don't mean diddly-shit.

Fact remains that the virus has a 99.98% recovery rate...You hysterical pearl clutchers need a new hobby.

Wrong Bison Breath. The mortality rate from COVID in the US is 1.9%
Stuff your 99.98 lie
You don’t really believe the death numbers promoted by the government, do you?

Yes, I trust numbers from Johns Hopkins. Kindly stop lying and spouting alternative facts.
But you can do the math - divide cases into mortality and you get 0.0182 or close to their 1.9% number.


United States
Coronavirus Cases:

Cuomo demanded that covid-infected people be placed into nursing homes. If you lack the basic human awareness to understand what is wrong with that, you are utterly beyond all redemption.
Yeah, what is wrong with that is it was the Tramp led CDC that gave that directive, but you Trump Chumps have to blame Tramp's fuck-ups on anyone else but him.

So he's counting covid deaths as flu deaths
Not counting out of staters with Florida deaths
Not counting snowbirds in a lot of cases

And not a THOUGHT about what happens to tourists who get infected and carry the virus home.

What he's doing is far worse than anything Cuomo did
"Infections" and "cases" don't mean diddly-shit.

Fact remains that the virus has a 99.98% recovery rate...You hysterical pearl clutchers need a new hobby.

Wrong Bison Breath. The mortality rate from COVID in the US is 1.9%
Stuff your 99.98 lie
You don’t really believe the death numbers promoted by the government, do you?

Yes, I trust numbers from Johns Hopkins. Kindly stop lying and spouting alternative facts.
But you can do the math - divide cases into mortality and you get 0.0182 or close to their 1.9% number.


United States
Coronavirus Cases:


You can thank piss poor management from the Democrat controlled states for a great number of those deaths.

By the way, the number of people that caught the COVID is probably a lot higher than that. I personally know three people that had the COVID symptoms but it was so mild they never bothered to get tested so there they were never counted as having it. Much higher recovery rate than your numbers indicate.
Fact remains that the virus has a 99.98% recovery rate
Anything the Right calls a "fact" you know is a LIE!
The REAL death rate is 2%.
Cases which had an outcome:
22,612,032 (98%) Recovered / Discharged

554,196 (2%) ,Deaths

So he's counting covid deaths as flu deaths
Not counting out of staters with Florida deaths
Not counting snowbirds in a lot of cases

And not a THOUGHT about what happens to tourists who get infected and carry the virus home.

What he's doing is far worse than anything Cuomo did
"Infections" and "cases" don't mean diddly-shit.

Fact remains that the virus has a 99.98% recovery rate...You hysterical pearl clutchers need a new hobby.

Wrong Bison Breath. The mortality rate from COVID in the US is 1.9%
Stuff your 99.98 lie
You don’t really believe the death numbers promoted by the government, do you?

Yes, I trust numbers from Johns Hopkins. Kindly stop lying and spouting alternative facts.
But you can do the math - divide cases into mortality and you get 0.0182 or close to their 1.9% number.


United States
Coronavirus Cases:

I bet you believe Russiagate too. How about the Russia bounty on US troops? That too? How about Saddam’s WMD? How about Assad’s gassing his own people? Those too? Trump’s a dictator too.


So he's counting covid deaths as flu deaths
Not counting out of staters with Florida deaths
Not counting snowbirds in a lot of cases

And not a THOUGHT about what happens to tourists who get infected and carry the virus home.

What he's doing is far worse than anything Cuomo did
Cumo knowingly put covid positive people into nursing homes. DeSantis is letting people freely do as they please. Anyway spare me your fake outrage. Biden is letting thousands of covid positive illegals across our and busing them all over our country. With your blessings.

So he's counting covid deaths as flu deaths
Not counting out of staters with Florida deaths
Not counting snowbirds in a lot of cases

And not a THOUGHT about what happens to tourists who get infected and carry the virus home.

What he's doing is far worse than anything Cuomo did
"Infections" and "cases" don't mean diddly-shit.

Fact remains that the virus has a 99.98% recovery rate...You hysterical pearl clutchers need a new hobby.

Except that they do. Infections and cases mean people can't go to work, or travel, or maybe even go out to buy something. Infections and cases mean they can spread the virus to someone who isn't infected and so forth and so forth.
And a lot of people who do get the virus, turn into long haulers. Carrying the effects of the virus around with them for months..possibly for the rest of their lives. Perhaps shortening their lifespan.
You virus deniers and brush offs need wake up and smell the reality coffee.
Most "infections" are mild or asymptomatic, and contribute to herd immunity.

Get a new hobby, hysterical pearl clutching moonbat.

No, herd immunity is an illusion. The antibodies you get from being infected last a few months.
It does not guarantee you won't contract or be able to spread the virus again.
Get a life and stop spreading your manure. There's enough shit on your side of the aisle that other people
are having to clean up....again. :)
Then why even get the vax?

God, you moonbats are ignorant as fuck!

Oh lordy. Sometimes I don't believe the hack shit you post. There are people here who hold you up as great debater. I don't see it. :)

So let's take your version of herd immunity gone wild, assume no vaccine and just let the virus run its course. Let's also make the great leap that once you get the virus, if you survive, you'll never get it in any form again. If we take the current mortality rate of 1.8% and run the simple math against a US population of 330M, that's a little over 6M people a first world county with the supposed greatest health care system in the world that people from all over the world come to in order to get away from that nasty socialism in their country. We're not even taking into account the newer, seemingly more contagious and deadly variants..or any other variant that might evolve.

Why get the vax? Well....for one it has been shown to protect you from having to go through the hell of being major league sick or require hospitalization. If you're lucky enough to be asymptomatic, great. But if you're not, at least you know you more than likely will not die from it. Next, there are some preliminary studies out of countries like Israel that suggest that vaccinated people don't spread the virus as easily (or not at all) as the non-vaccinated.

And then there are all the arguments you right wingers like to spout when it applies to other people or other races like, personal responsibility, concern for your fellow man, do the right thing, etc, etc, etc.
I bet you believe Russiagate too. How about the Russia bounty on US troops? That too? How about Saddam’s WMD? How about Assad’s gassing his own people? Those too? Trump’s a dictator too.


  • Russia was not a "gate" - It was a serious thing
  • Russian bounty on US troops? TRUE per our own intelligence (which you don't believe)
  • Saddam's WMD? Nope - I called that a pig from the get-go - Junior had a hard-on for war
  • Assad DEFINITELY gassed his own people
  • Trump was merely a WANNABE dictator - Happily he failed in his final attempt or we'd all be up shit creek
Most "infections" are mild or asymptomatic, and contribute to herd immunity.
Yeah, the 554,196 dead are certainly immune from getting the Trump-45 virus again.
The Biden 46 virus. He is letting thousands of covid positive illegals in and they are bused all over our country. Or are you stating illegals cannot spread covid?
I bet you believe Russiagate too. How about the Russia bounty on US troops? That too? How about Saddam’s WMD? How about Assad’s gassing his own people? Those too? Trump’s a dictator too.


  • Russia was not a "gate" - It was a serious thing
  • Russian bounty on US troops? TRUE per our own intelligence (which you don't believe)
  • Saddam's WMD? Nope - I called that a pig from the get-go - Junior had a hard-on for war
  • Assad DEFINITELY gassed his own people
  • Trump was merely a WANNABE dictator - Happily he failed in his final attempt or we'd all be up shit creek
Bless your heart, I know cnn won't tell you Russia was a lie because they know you are a tool of the democrat party.

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