DeSantis revokes licenses on places that house illegals flown into FL by biden

then again, he told me both biden was then not was doing mandates and no one based their decisions off of it, but their own choice to require the vaccine.

makes zero logistical sense to me.
He's a shill, and so giving shill's like him a platform to spew their bull crap is not a good thing. I will put him on ignore, because that's where he belongs with his constant nonsense. Look at his profile pic, isn't that a pentagram on the right, so he's a devil worshiper also ? We shouldn't be casting our pearl's before swine. It's non- productive.

Their are many evil one's doing the bidding of the demoncrats in here, and Satan will one day reward them for it.
He's a shill, and so giving shill's like him a platform to spew their bull crap is not a good thing. I will put him on ignore, because that's where he belongs with his constant nonsense. Look at his profile pic, isn't that a pentagram on the right, so he's a devil worshiper also ? We shouldn't be casting our pearl's before swine. It's non- productive.

Their are many evil one's doing the bidding of the demoncrats in here, and Satan will one day reward them for it.
sometimes he's reasonable, others he pulls this crap. but if he refuses to answer questions or be more specific then says "rinse / repeat" on his non answers, there's simply nowhere left to go in any valid discussion.

he seems to feel that since the EO was not valid, no one should have paid attention it. well given that so much of what we've done during this "pandemic crisis" has been "not legal" but done "for our own good" - that's a total bullshit argument ignoring the atmosphere our gov has setup during this "crisis".
He's a shill, and so giving shill's like him a platform to spew their bull crap is not a good thing. I will put him on ignore, because that's where he belongs with his constant nonsense. Look at his profile pic, isn't that a pentagram on the right, so he's a devil worshiper also ? We shouldn't be casting our pearl's before swine. It's non- productive.

Their are many evil one's doing the bidding of the demoncrats in here, and Satan will one day reward them for it.

I said absolutely nothing that was not true. Iceberg is sadly one of those people who can't understand that people can have opinions that differs from theirs all without someone else pushing those views.
Look at their website and see how good they can be. See what kind of services they provide to the community, look at the people who volunteer and get involved. I know you won’t do this because you want to support this political agenda that has nothing to do with what this orgs day to day involves. What info do you have that show these shelters being over run by illegals?
If so concerned, then why support the Biden administration who put all that you worry about in jeopardy??? Why would Dsantis Target them if they aren't harboring illegal's in these facilities that were therefore sent by the Biden administration to such facilities ??? Mine are question's is all.
If so concerned, then why support the Biden administration who put all that you worry about in jeopardy??? Why would Dsantis Target them if they aren't harboring illegal's in these facilities that were therefore sent by the Biden administration to such facilities ??? Mine are question's is all.
it seems that once again we are questioning the legality of a REACTIONARY move but not questioning the motives or legality of the moves that made that "reaction" necessary.
I said absolutely nothing that was not true. Iceberg is sadly one of those people who can't understand that people can have opinions that differs from theirs all without someone else pushing those views.

"Biden is not doing mandates. Other than that, think whatever you want."

iceberg said:
Biden pushed mandates under penalty of being fired.

He did.
so, which is it? is he NOT doing mandates or is he doing them under penalty of being fired?
If so concerned, then why support the Biden administration who put all that you worry about in jeopardy??? Why would Dsantis Target them if they aren't harboring illegal's in these facilities that were therefore sent by the Biden administration to such facilities ??? Mine are question's is all.
I don't support what Biden has been doing with the border and immigration. It lacks clarity and goals and a thoughtful plan. But I'm also not a political hack that will support anything that presents as a pushback to Biden. If Ronnie wants to go after Biden then go after Biden, but he has decided to go after these orgs where most of the people involved have nothing to do with politics. They spend their time trying to help those in need. And Ronnie wants to take away their licenses to make a political statement. Disgraceful.

If the feds have sent them immigrants to house then take it up with the Feds. Last time I checked it was the executive branches legal authority to handle DHS and the border. These people you call human trafficked illegals are people that came to the border for asylum or to try and become an American, they have been apprehended by our authorities and are undergoing whichever process Biden has lined up for them. That isn't the social workers responsibility. You see that don't you? This is nothing more than political games that Ronnie is playing
I don't support what Biden has been doing with the border and immigration. It lacks clarity and goals and a thoughtful plan. But I'm also not a political hack that will support anything that presents as a pushback to Biden. If Ronnie wants to go after Biden then go after Biden, but he has decided to go after these orgs where most of the people involved have nothing to do with politics. They spend their time trying to help those in need. And Ronnie wants to take away their licenses to make a political statement. Disgraceful.

If the feds have sent them immigrants to house then take it up with the Feds. Last time I checked it was the executive branches legal authority to handle DHS and the border. These people you call human trafficked illegals are people that came to the border for asylum or to try and become an American, they have been apprehended by our authorities and are undergoing whichever process Biden has lined up for them. That isn't the social workers responsibility. You see that don't you? This is nothing more than political games that Ronnie is playing
yet you refuse to get cute with bidens name and hold him accountable to shipping people around in the dead of night that is creating these issues to have to fight back against.

you'd rather name call and belittle "the other side" than dare hold your own as accountable as you do them.

THAT is why we're at such a divide anymore.

"Biden is not doing mandates. Other than that, think whatever you want."

He did.
so, which is it? is he NOT doing mandates or is he doing them under penalty of being fired?

Rinse repeat. I said many time that he pushed that BUT the courts put a stop to it. Why is that such a hard statement for you to understand?
Rinse repeat. I said many time that he pushed that BUT the courts put a stop to it. Why is that such a hard statement for you to understand?
you also said biden didn't have mandates.

trying to clarify your nonsense seems to have set you off.
I said no such things. I said there are no mandates in affect.
im tapping out of this idiocy parade.

you did say that and i provided quotes above to show it and why i took it to be that way and asked for clarification.

that's when you dance to LOL RINSE REPEAT which doesn't do shit to clarify your position other than as a troll.
I don't support what Biden has been doing with the border and immigration. It lacks clarity and goals and a thoughtful plan. But I'm also not a political hack that will support anything that presents as a pushback to Biden. If Ronnie wants to go after Biden then go after Biden, but he has decided to go after these orgs where most of the people involved have nothing to do with politics. They spend their time trying to help those in need. And Ronnie wants to take away their licenses to make a political statement. Disgraceful.

If the feds have sent them immigrants to house then take it up with the Feds. Last time I checked it was the executive branches legal authority to handle DHS and the border. These people you call human trafficked illegals are people that came to the border for asylum or to try and become an American, they have been apprehended by our authorities and are undergoing whichever process Biden has lined up for them. That isn't the social workers responsibility. You see that don't you? This is nothing more than political games that Ronnie is playing
Undoubtedly Dsantis wants these facilities to be loyal to the state, and to it's citizen's. Otherwise he doesn't want them sneaking around with the trafficking Biden administration in order to help him hide a crisis that he purposely committed himself illegally. Also there has been death/murder in the state due to what Biden and company has done. Do you not have any comment on that fall out as well ? Do these facilities know anything about these supposed asylum seekers or are they just following illegal orders by the Biden administration in concerning these illegal's and crisis he created ??
Undoubtedly Dsantis wants these facilities to be loyal to the state, and to it's citizen's. Otherwise he doesn't want them sneaking around with the trafficking Biden administration in order to help him hide a crisis that he purposely committed himself illegally. Also there has been death/murder in the state due to what Biden and company has done. Do you not have any comment on that fall out as well ? Do these facilities know anything about these supposed asylum seekers or are they just following illegal orders by the Biden administration in concerning these illegal's and crisis he created ??
If the orders are coming from the federal government then they are legal. If you don’t think they are legal you can challenge them in court. That’s not up to the shelters to decide. DeSantis is fighting and punishing the shelters for simply doing their job. He is putting them in a position where they have to choose state or country and he is hurting his community whom can use the resources and volunteer efforts from those organizations. I understand that you wanna start a war over immigration and you want to hit Biden in as many ways as possible. But this is misdirected
If the orders are coming from the federal government then they are legal. If you don’t think they are legal you can challenge them in court. That’s not up to the shelters to decide. DeSantis is fighting and punishing the shelters for simply doing their job. He is putting them in a position where they have to choose state or country and he is hurting his community whom can use the resources and volunteer efforts from those organizations. I understand that you wanna start a war over immigration and you want to hit Biden in as many ways as possible. But this is misdirected
if the orders are coming from desantis, they're legal. go fight them in court.

now, given how many "biden orders" are getting turned over and denied in courts already, it's a pure bullshit statement from you (how odd!) to say "then they are legal".

but that's what you do.

lie. a lot.
if the orders are coming from desantis, they're legal. go fight them in court.

now, given how many "biden orders" are getting turned over and denied in courts already, it's a pure bullshit statement from you (how odd!) to say "then they are legal".

but that's what you do.

lie. a lot.
Thanks... Professionally done. He has a habit of contradicting himself when trying every option he can think of in order to fight for Biden and his lackey's. I don't think for one second that he gives a crap about these shelter's, but I do think that he will do and say anything to support the crazies in charge. Maybe I'm wrong about his concerns, but probably not.
Thanks... Professionally done. He has a habit of contradicting himself when trying every option he can think of in order to fight for Biden and his lackey's. I don't think for one second that he gives a crap about these shelter's, but I do think that he will do and say anything to support the crazies in charge. Maybe I'm wrong about his concerns, but probably not.
If by “he” you mean me… then you are barking up the wrong tree. What I “care” about is irrelevant. I’m presenting an argument and a different point of view. When people go personal like you just did it just shows that they can’t debate the topic at hand.

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