DeSantis revokes licenses on places that house illegals flown into FL by biden

Businesses have long required certain things. I had to randomly piss in a cup for years. These are requirements enacted by private businesses which the court seems to be upholding.

Places like hospitals actually see a benefit in them even if you do not.
now - as for your hospitals seeing a benefit -

Some hospital systems are starting to walk back their COVID-19 staff vaccine mandates due to recent court decisions.

As The Wall Street Journal reported, hospital groups including HCA Healthcare Inc., Tenet Healthcare Corp., and nonprofits such as AdventHealth and the Cleveland Clinic are getting rid of their mandates. According to hospital leaders, public health officials, and nursing organizations, vaccine mandates have contributed to restricting the number of healthcare employees. The outlet also noted that the price of labor has risen, and hospitals have found it difficult to keep workers at all levels as hospitalizations increased.
so, the court told biden these are not legal. these hospitals you say find value in the mandates are ending them because they can't keep people on staff. the article doesn't say the hospital did it because of their own free will (in the same manner they chose to enforce mandates) but it says after biden lost in court they found out they don't *have* to do this.

i simply don't understand how you are coming across by saying biden doesn't have a mandate.
Biden is not doing mandates. Other than that, think whatever you want.
yes. he is. your denial isn't ending them.

1. if he was not doing mandates, then the courts had nothing to overturn and end
2. if he was not doing mandates, then we wouldn't need exemptions or people denied exemptions - after all, the mandates don't exist.
3. if he was not doing mandates, then hospitals wouldn't stop doing them after the courts told him to stop doing them, which is odd because you say he wasn't doing them to begin with.

so if biden wasn't doing mandates, what did the courts tell him to stop doing?

i am providing logic, proof, and references. you're simply saying, in effect, "NUH UNH!" as a reply.
and finally - from the white house -

and one of their mandate reports

feel free to read through the executive order from the whitehouse saying where the vaccine is mandated to tell me biden isn't doing mandates.

pknopp - do these simply not exist and are a figment of my imagination?
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I love how DeSantis thwarts the knucklehead in chief
More hot air from DeathSantis.

If he even really said anything like that. This one seems waaay out there.
now - as for your hospitals seeing a benefit -

Some hospital systems are starting to walk back their COVID-19 staff vaccine mandates due to recent court decisions.

As The Wall Street Journal reported, hospital groups including HCA Healthcare Inc., Tenet Healthcare Corp., and nonprofits such as AdventHealth and the Cleveland Clinic are getting rid of their mandates. According to hospital leaders, public health officials, and nursing organizations, vaccine mandates have contributed to restricting the number of healthcare employees. The outlet also noted that the price of labor has risen, and hospitals have found it difficult to keep workers at all levels as hospitalizations increased.
so, the court told biden these are not legal. these hospitals you say find value in the mandates are ending them because they can't keep people on staff. the article doesn't say the hospital did it because of their own free will (in the same manner they chose to enforce mandates) but it says after biden lost in court they found out they don't *have* to do this.

i simply don't understand how you are coming across by saying biden doesn't have a mandate.

So if they do not decide to follow through, great. That's exactly what they should do if that is what they decide.
So if they do not decide to follow through, great. That's exactly what they should do if that is what they decide.
and they decided not to follow through after the courts shot down biden. now for this logic to work, they would have had to have done it because of biden, not some internal decision of their own. otherwise there is no link.
and they decided not to follow through after the courts shot down biden. now for this logic to work, they would have had to have done it because of biden, not some internal decision of their own. otherwise there is no link.

Some decided to proceed in case it became enforceable, some decided to put the brakes on, some decided to do it on their own.
I never did. I said it is currently unenforceable but you still insist on rambling.
enforceable or not many followed it as if it were. i posted the links and now you are simply ignoring what biden has done as "unenforceable" despite the fact i've shown you many did in fact follow these.

at this point you're saying we can safely ignore any EO we wish.

let the mayhem begin.

and you're being very obtuse and simply going "not there" doesn't change the fact biden did in fact try to pass on mandates. you said he wasn't doing it, i proved beyond a shadow of a doubt he was, now you simply say no one has to follow them.

no point in discussing things with you if you're going to take such questionable actions.
Some decided to proceed in case it became enforceable, some decided to put the brakes on, some decided to do it on their own.
but biden never did it. got it.

your focus on a single pixel of an 8k video screen is admirable, if not annoying as hell.
"Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me" (Matthew 25:40, 45, NIV).
Mine are question's, so give me answers not religious text that don't get to the heart of the matter. I have no problem with helping anyone, but created illegal crisis need to be dealt with. So you are willing to overlook the perpetrators in the crisis eh ?? Yeah that same text can be applied to the Biden administration also. Just so you know.
Mine are question's, so give me answers not religious text that don't get to the heart of the matter. I have no problem with helping anyone, but created illegal crisis need to be dealt with. So you are willing to overlook the perpetrators in the crisis eh ?? Yeah that same text can be applied to the Biden administration also. Just so you know.
then again, he told me both biden was then not was doing mandates and no one based their decisions off of it, but their own choice to require the vaccine.

makes zero logistical sense to me.
enforceable or not many followed it as if it were. i posted the links and now you are simply ignoring what biden has done as "unenforceable" despite the fact i've shown you many did in fact follow these.

at this point you're saying we can safely ignore any EO we wish.

Any EO that the courts have put a top to, you can. Personally I wish all EO's would be ignored because if it isn't something that you can get passed as a law, it probably shouldn't be done.

let the mayhem begin.

and you're being very obtuse and simply going "not there" doesn't change the fact biden did in fact try to pass on mandates. you said he wasn't doing it, i proved beyond a shadow of a doubt he was, now you simply say no one has to follow them.

no point in discussing things with you if you're going to take such questionable actions.

I've said many times over he tried. Again, rinse, repeat.
Mine are question's, so give me answers not religious text that don't get to the heart of the matter. I have no problem with helping anyone, but created illegal crisis need to be dealt with. So you are willing to overlook the perpetrators in the crisis eh ?? Yeah that same text can be applied to the Biden administration also. Just so you know.

"Created legal crises". I have no idea what that is supposed to mean. These people have come here by the legal means to get here.
Any EO that the courts have put a top to, you can. Personally I wish all EO's would be ignored because if it isn't something that you can get passed as a law, it probably shouldn't be done.

I've said many times over he tried. Again, rinse, repeat.
frankly you've not said shit but rather, have talked in circles.

the EO was put out and the courts never immediately rule. you are ignoring the in between time where people used this EO as law and implying that the EO had zero basis for companies having a vaccine mandate yet i've shown where hospitals and others used this EO to require vaccine mandates and as soon as the courts said NO, they stopped.

yet you see no correlation and it's all on the businesses for making their own decisions in a manner in which you disagree of. you put zero responsibility on biden for this bullshit but all on the people who followed through on a mandate you've at this point said don't exist and do exist, depending on the question at the time from me.

you've argued in circles and basically said nothing at all.

rinse and repeat that. im done.
frankly you've not said shit but rather, have talked in circles.

the EO was put out and the courts never immediately rule. you are ignoring the in between time where people used this EO as law and implying that the EO had zero basis for companies having a vaccine mandate yet i've shown where hospitals and others used this EO to require vaccine mandates and as soon as the courts said NO, they stopped.

yet you see no correlation and it's all on the businesses for making their own decisions in a manner in which you disagree of. you put zero responsibility on biden for this bullshit but all on the people who followed through on a mandate you've at this point said don't exist and do exist, depending on the question at the time from me.

you've argued in circles and basically said nothing at all.

rinse and repeat that. im done.

The courts ruled pretty darn quickly. You keep on repeating things I have addressed more than once. Some quickly moved to get ahead of the order, some put on the brakes and some did it because they believed it was in their best interest. It may be hard for you to believe but there are many in the medical community that simply think this is the right thing to do.
How good can people be if they support and are housing, those who are being trafficked illegally by Biden and company ? Is there a political element to the shelters, otherwise have they turned the shelter's into political asylum's in which are then over run, therefore causing the poor American's to suffer who might depend on the shelter's, yet they suffer because of the illegal situation going on at them now ??

You support that really ??
Look at their website and see how good they can be. See what kind of services they provide to the community, look at the people who volunteer and get involved. I know you won’t do this because you want to support this political agenda that has nothing to do with what this orgs day to day involves. What info do you have that show these shelters being over run by illegals?
The courts ruled pretty darn quickly. You keep on repeating things I have addressed more than once. Some quickly moved to get ahead of the order, some put on the brakes and some did it because they believed it was in their best interest. It may be hard for you to believe but there are many in the medical community that simply think this is the right thing to do.
because in this thread alone you've said biden isn't doing mandates but he is doing mandates.

stop being confusing and i'll stop asking for clarification.

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