DeSantis says, if elected president, he'd consider pardons for Jan. 6 offenders

what's amazing is politicizing the presidents pardon power. It's almost like selling pardons.
When the popes tried to do that they called them " indulgences " and they saved your soul from hell no matter what you did in life. That was one of the factors that lead to the Reformation and the creation of the Protestant branch of Christianity.
How does arresting him in a deserted hallway do any of that? How would anyone have known he was arrested?
If they don't actually see it happen, they'll just believe it's another conspiracy theory. They love those.
And then pardoned by liberal DA's or bailed out by celebs
That would depend on the jurisdiction it occurred in. Most of these weren't federal crimes. All of these were in relation to hatred and injustice directed at them. They weren't trying to take over the country, that's a big difference from Jan. 6th. perpetrators and it was on federal property with most of them crossing state lines to do so. Thus stronger federal charges involved for all of them.
LOL, right and absolutely no real proof to back that up. Even the Republican election heads said it was the best run, most conscientious, honest election ever
The few bits of fraud were mostly from overzealous republicans voting for trump twice which happens to be illegal.
There are mountains of proof, but it is suppressed by the media who was in on the steal. Only individuals with curious minds and independent thinking are able to appreciate that.

The rest of the US electorate are credulous, believing anything the TV tells them.
There are mountains of proof, but it is suppressed by the media who was in on the steal. Only individuals with curious minds and independent thinking are able to appreciate that.

The rest of the US electorate are credulous, believing anything the TV tells them.
And you believe conspiracy theories. Good luck with that. No REAL proof there.
And you believe conspiracy theories. Good luck with that. No REAL proof there.
You believe only government approved and created conspiracy theories Mr. Stann. You submit to the idiocy and falsehoods of government stories.
You believe only government approved and created conspiracy theories Mr. Stann. You submit to the idiocy and falsehoods of government stories.
I believe in common sense and Occam's Razor. When faced with two possibilities, the simplest explanation is often the correct answer. Now, about the last election are you going to believe one person's accusations or what EVERYONE else says. I'm m going out on a limb here according to you but I'll put my money on
EVERYONE else. Let's see how far your lie gets you. So far the only thing it's done for trump is made him look like the loser he is, and a very poor one at that, and a lot of people think he's lost it altogether. Again, good luck with that, it's not going to get you far.
I believe in common sense and Occam's Razor. When faced with two possibilities, the simplest explanation is often the correct answer. Now, about the last election are you going to believe one person's accusations or what EVERYONE else says. I'm m going out on a limb here according to you but I'll put my money on
EVERYONE else. Let's see how far your lie gets you. So far the only thing it's done for trump is made him look like the loser he is, and a very poor one at that, and a lot of people think he's lost it altogether. Again, good luck with that, it's not going to get you far.
From the start that is a false statement sir. You believe in neither common sense nor Occam's Razor.

Here's why: common sense (assuming one is not in denial) shows that politicians and government bureaucrats have long been known liars. Common sense regarding the election of 2020 shows that at least hundreds of ordinary citizens involved in the election process signed affidavits and made other statements about the 'irregularities' they observed, yet the media and the judiciary ignored it all. The judiciary dismissed cases with NO evidentiary hearing. Common sense shows that the work done by True The Vote in 2000 Mules is well documented. Common sense recognizes that 2 years later the USPS has declared that the contract driver between Pennsylvania and other northeastern states was correct--he DID carry illegitimate ballots on his truck.

There is much more, but to address Occam's Law. Given that we are faced with the question behavior and malfeasance from public officials, and because all the facts suggest that the malfeasance was widespread, it looks like the election was stolen BECAUSE the election very much WAS stolen, with many dishonest public officials playing the major role.
From the start that is a false statement sir. You believe in neither common sense nor Occam's Razor.

Here's why: common sense (assuming one is not in denial) shows that politicians and government bureaucrats have long been known liars. Common sense regarding the election of 2020 shows that at least hundreds of ordinary citizens involved in the election process signed affidavits and made other statements about the 'irregularities' they observed, yet the media and the judiciary ignored it all. The judiciary dismissed cases with NO evidentiary hearing. Common sense shows that the work done by True The Vote in 2000 Mules is well documented. Common sense recognizes that 2 years later the USPS has declared that the contract driver between Pennsylvania and other northeastern states was correct--he DID carry illegitimate ballots on his truck.

There is much more, but to address Occam's Law. Given that we are faced with the question behavior and malfeasance from public officials, and because all the facts suggest that the malfeasance was widespread, it looks like the election was stolen BECAUSE the election very much WAS stolen, with many dishonest public officials playing the major role.
Where have we heard this story before ? Oh, yes - trump himself. Must be paranoid he thinks everybody's out to get him. Most simply wish he had never existed to begin with. Trump is the best example of why wen should have abortions. Imagine regretting you have birth to that monster. OMG, I looked it up. The Independent | Latest news and features from US, UK and worldwide | The Independent>donald-trump's-mother-asked-"What-kind-of-son-have-I-created ? It's true ! Feel sorry for her.
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From the start that is a false statement sir. You believe in neither common sense nor Occam's Razor.
Occams' razor supports us.

The simplest theory that explains all the evidence is that you're part of a pack of kook sore-loser morons. Thus, that theory is most likely the correct theory.

Your theory posits that tens of thousands of people are in on a vast conspiracy, yet not one of them admits it, nor can any actual evidence be found to support the conspiracy.

That's so cuckoobananas, anyone putting forth such a theory can be ignored, given how out of touch with reality they are.

And that's why nobody pays any attention to your ravings. Butthurt sore-losers are a dime-a-dozen, and they're just boring.
Occams' razor supports us.

The simplest theory that explains all the evidence is that you're part of a pack of kook sore-loser morons. Thus, that theory is most likely the correct theory.

Your theory posits that tens of thousands of people are in on a vast conspiracy, yet not one of them admits it, nor can any actual evidence be found to support the conspiracy.

That's so cuckoobananas, anyone putting forth such a theory can be ignored, given how out of touch with reality they are.

And that's why nobody pays any attention to your ravings. Butthurt sore-losers are a dime-a-dozen, and they're just boring.
While I agree with you on the conspiracy bit your side believed the Russia bullshit for 4+ years so….
While I agree with you on the conspiracy bit your side believed the Russia
And we were proven correct on every count.

And we'll never stop rubbing that in your face. We were right, you were and are a cult imbecile.

I kind of pity you. You have to keep saying stupid things, or you get kicked out of your cult.
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And we were proven correct on every count.

And we'll never stop rubbing that in your face. We were right, you were and are a cult imbecile.

I kind of pity you. You have to keep saying stupid things, or you get kicked out of your cult.
LOL. ok. Wow I gave you the benefit of the doubt that you let go of that conspiracy theory. You have no room to talk about about else’s whack a doodle beliefs if you still believe the Teump Russia collusion bullshit.

Im not a Trump guy dummy. Just because someone doesn’t agree with you doesn’t make them one. I know that makes it easy for you though so you believe whatever you want I guess
LOL. ok. Wow I gave you the benefit of the doubt that you let go of that conspiracy theory. You have no room to talk about about else’s whack a doodle beliefs if you still believe the Teump Russia collusion bullshit.
Russia even said they attempted to put trump in place as president. What part of that don't you understand. They knew he would undermine the government of the U.S. , almost like he was told to.
From the start that is a false statement sir. You believe in neither common sense nor Occam's Razor.

Here's why: common sense (assuming one is not in denial) shows that politicians and government bureaucrats have long been known liars. Common sense regarding the election of 2020 shows that at least hundreds of ordinary citizens involved in the election process signed affidavits and made other statements about the 'irregularities' they observed, yet the media and the judiciary ignored it all. The judiciary dismissed cases with NO evidentiary hearing. Common sense shows that the work done by True The Vote in 2000 Mules is well documented. Common sense recognizes that 2 years later the USPS has declared that the contract driver between Pennsylvania and other northeastern states was correct--he DID carry illegitimate ballots on his truck.

There is much more, but to address Occam's Law. Given that we are faced with the question behavior and malfeasance from public officials, and because all the facts suggest that the malfeasance was widespread, it looks like the election was stolen BECAUSE the election very much WAS stolen, with many dishonest public officials playing the major role.
If Occam's razor isn't good enough for you, try Hitchens razor. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
Bring on the evidence.
Russia even said they attempted to put trump in place as president. What part of that don't you understand. They knew he would undermine the government of the U.S. , almost like he was told to.
That doesn’t mean the admin and Russia were colluding you dope. Russia thinking one candidate is better than the other means only that. I’m sure they have an opinion on every Presidential election. They likely have an opinion on most elections in the west and probably do things to effect them. JUST LIKE WE DO. Are you really so dumb or naive to think that’s not happening in every election?

Hilary didnt lose because of Russia. Hilary lost because she ran a bad campaign. She spent resources in secure states in an effort to drive up her vote count and it cost her in places like Ohio and Wisconsin. It allowed Jill Stein to siphon off just enough to swing those states to Trump.

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