Desantis signs radioactive waste for roads bill.

Excuse me, but leftards have no standing to call anyone a nut.

EVERY SINGLE THING you idiots claimed was a conspiracy, turned out to be true.

You have a miserable track record, and no one believes you anymore.
Thank you for your input. I consider the thoughts of all sides of the conversation. Even batshit crazy conspiracy theorists like you.
Seems interesting that none of the residents mentioned in that article have any credentials showing even a workng knowledge of the question at hand. They couldn't find at least one credible person to join their endevor? It's also interesting that they have no problem with windmills further from the coast. That seems to indicate they are more worried about being able to see the windmills than they are about their effect on the whales.
Seems disturbing that the Left has no answer to using child slave labor in the Congo (“black kids”) so they can force hybrids on US.

Some things never change with Democrats…
Seems disturbing that the Left has no answer to using child slave labor in the Congo (“black kids”) so they can force hybrids on US.

Some things never change with Democrats…
Slave labor in the Congo is pretty far from the subject here isn't it?
Nancy Pelosi and her husband used child labor in the Northern Marianas, for their tuna cannery.
Lebron has no problem with Asian children slaving over his shoes. An then there is this

How radioactive is it?
I love how you ask this when you obviously don’t know the answer. You think you sound clever by asking a question you hope they won’t be able answer but if you don’t actually present your own facts you aren’t pwning anyone. You’re just a useless troll. One who is much less clever than you think lol
Oooooooooo. Scary stuff right here!!

Guess what else has radio active materials in them:

"What kinds of consumer products contain radioactive materials?

A variety of consumer products contain radioactive materials. In some, the radioactive material is a working part of the product. In others, radiation is present because some component contains naturally-occurring radioactive materials."

Smoke Detectors
Clocks & Watches
Camera Lenses
Gas Lantern Mantles
Televisions and Computer Monitors
Sun Lamps & Tanning Salons
Glass & Glassware
Exit Signs

Thoriated Tungsten, used in TIG welding

Quit the fearmongering, please. It's getting old.
Yes. I did respond to one post that was off subject. My bad. ! 0ut of more than 150 isn't too bad.

You glossed over Black child slave labor in 2023. I will take fossil fuels over Black child slave labor. In fact, I won’t accept ANY slave labor in 2023. Will you?
Last edited:
I love how you ask this when you obviously don’t know the answer. You think you sound clever by asking a question you hope they won’t be able answer but if you don’t actually present your own facts you aren’t pwning anyone. You’re just a useless troll. One who is much less clever than you think lol

I love how you ask this when you obviously don’t know the answer.

I love that you aren't telling me.
Oooooooooo. Scary stuff right here!!

Guess what else has radio active materials in them:

"What kinds of consumer products contain radioactive materials?

A variety of consumer products contain radioactive materials. In some, the radioactive material is a working part of the product. In others, radiation is present because some component contains naturally-occurring radioactive materials."

Smoke Detectors
Clocks & Watches
Camera Lenses
Gas Lantern Mantles
Televisions and Computer Monitors
Sun Lamps & Tanning Salons
Glass & Glassware
Exit Signs

Thoriated Tungsten, used in TIG welding

Quit the fearmongering, please. It's getting old.
Ohhhh Bulldog? Where arrrreee yyyooouuu???
You dumb ass.

I am a retired Environmental Engineer. Before going to work for the aerospace industry I worked in the Florida Phosphate industry for a couple of years. They are the ones that produce the gypsum.

In the 1970s I worked with a research group from the University of Florida (funded by the EPA) that had a grant to determine the radioactivity of the gypsum. They did a year's research at the facility I worked at and I was their liaison.

I know a whole lot more about it than you do.

Everything is safe. Radioactivity levels minimally above background levels. No threat to humans. It would make great road building material. Not much different than the gypsum board that you probably already have in your home. That is if you have a home and are not like most Moon Bats that are homeless.

Just nothing more than mindless partisan hate against DeSantis, the best governor in the country.

You Moon Bats are hate mongers and you are scum.

I'll defer to your superior knowledge and experience with radioactivity.

I'm frankly more worried about the behavior of the politicians rather than the atoms.

In Fukushima they bumped the safe level from 50 to 250 mS, apparently without ill effect.

What are we looking at exactly, with this modified asphalt? Is there a number attached to it?
You glossed over Black child slave labor in 2023. I will take fossil fuels over Black child slave labor. In fact, I won’t accept ANY slave labor in 2023. Will you?
So far, nobody has asked my permission. What does that have to do with radioactive roads?
they are studying/testing not building roads,,,

why do you keep saying this lie??
How can they study and test a road without building a road? What about determining how it will stand up to traffic? are they going to buy a bunch of cars, and pay people to drive on their test road for a few months? Explain how you think all that will work.
How can they study and test a road without building a road? What about determining how it will stand up to traffic? are they going to buy a bunch of cars, and pay people to drive on their test road for a few months? Explain how you think all that will work.
Oooooooooo. Scary stuff right here!!

Guess what else has radio active materials in them:

"What kinds of consumer products contain radioactive materials?

A variety of consumer products contain radioactive materials. In some, the radioactive material is a working part of the product. In others, radiation is present because some component contains naturally-occurring radioactive materials."

Smoke Detectors
Clocks & Watches
Camera Lenses
Gas Lantern Mantles
Televisions and Computer Monitors
Sun Lamps & Tanning Salons
Glass & Glassware
Exit Signs

Thoriated Tungsten, used in TIG welding

Quit the fearmongering, please. It's getting old.
Just in case you missed it the first time.
How can they study and test a road without building a road? What about determining how it will stand up to traffic? are they going to buy a bunch of cars, and pay people to drive on their test road for a few months? Explain how you think all that will work.
they are called test sights,, all states have facilities for a wide range of things connected to roads and highways where they do testing,,
Desantis just signed a bill that could allow radioactive waste to be used in road construction. Evidently there isn't enough stone, gravel, or sand in the state to use for agregate in Florida's roads. Seems Desantis thinks that would be a good place to get rid of all that radio active phosphogypsum that has been piling up since th EPA started regulating it in 1989. More than 20 environmental groups urged him to not sign the bill, but he apparantly figured his supporters were more likely to prefer to stick it to the tree huggers and not worry about all the birth defects that amount of radioactivity might cause.
Lol, make sure you change your diaper tonight. All the while Biden wants coal power plants closed in a few years. Hope you can live without power. Bye, bye dumbass.

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