Desantis signs radioactive waste for roads bill.

OMG, they are doing a study! Run for the hills!
“Studies show….” What studies??? Where is the validated data to back it up? These are the same people that don’t want wind energy infrastructure visible from their homes. Need we mention the child labor for lithium in African Nations? Jesus, these people are fucked in the head.
“Studies show….” What studies??? Where is the validated data to back it up? These are the same people that don’t want wind energy infrastructure visible from their homes. Need we mention the child labor for lithium in African Nations? Jesus, these people are fucked in the head.
I can't make heads or tails of this incoherent babble.
Yes. A becquerel is a count, not a dose.

Radiation poisoning starts at 500 mS, or 0.5 S. And, 1 S = 100 rem, so 50 rem.

The conversion depends on the emission type. For x-rays 1 rad = 1 rem, whereas for alpha 1 rad = 20 rem.

50 rem is considered dangerous.
There are no known health effects for anyone who gets 10 REM.

Nuclear workers are limited to 5 REM per year, but most get way less.

Average dose to an average person is about 0.36 REM per year from natural sources and stuff like x-rays.

People have received over 1000 REM and lived into their 80s, but getting 1000 REM is not pleasant at the time, and there is very high probability of death.
I don't lie. Of course I have no credentials in nuclear waste. I do have the supported conclusions of experts with lots of credentials in that field. Perhap you can present credible proof that radioactivity is harmless, as has been claimed in this discussion.

Your hair is on fire because you are so far to the left you will do and say anything your Liberal leaders tell you. Governor DeSantis is doing a terrific job in Florida and that's a threat to your ilk.

Maybe you should pay more attention to the disaster you voted for in the White House and their crime family.
DeSantis doesn't do anything if it doesn't benefit him personally in some way. Is the fertilizer industry, which is where this radioactive material originates from paying him off in order to use it? That's what I'm curious about. Because what possible reason could there be? It certainly isn't to help the environment that's for certain.
Radioactivity is obviously NOT harmless.

However the kind and quantity matters.

I'm not a nuclear physicist, but I'm a biologist and know a whole lot about the physics of mutations. Generally they're a bad thing and you don't want them.
Radioactivity is harmless
Desantis just signed a bill that could allow radioactive waste to be used in road construction. Evidently there isn't enough stone, gravel, or sand in the state to use for agregate in Florida's roads. Seems Desantis thinks that would be a good place to get rid of all that radio active phosphogypsum that has been piling up since th EPA started regulating it in 1989. More than 20 environmental groups urged him to not sign the bill, but he apparantly figured his supporters were more likely to prefer to stick it to the tree huggers and not worry about all the birth defects that amount of radioactivity might cause.
Yep and this is who Republicans want as our next president...birth defects in children no big deal.

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