DeSantis Tests the Antiwar Waters for Support.

Although Russia may have thought they would win easily they still had a reason besides that... do you know what that reason was?...
Sure, if you want my opinion.
First, Russia thought that it could be confined to a military action against the Nazi element. Russia was ready to settle for a neutral Ukraine but America stopped it from happening.

The Nazi element was killing ethnic Russians in the Donbass region. 25,000 since 08 or maybe before.

Russia has lately come to realize that America is in it for the win. Details in Nato/ US encroachment toward Russia's borders, for the whole story..............

Uncontested world domination for America or the future Russia/China alliance.

Were you asking about America's reason or Russia's reason?
Any with common sense will oppose spending trillions on a war with no species purpose and no path out. Another Democrat unwinnable war.

Well given that the Ukrainian war does have several specific purposes, including stopping the genocide of the Ukranian people, and the clear path out is to stand together and support the Ukrainian people what war are you talking about????
Although Russia may have thought they would win easily they still had a reason besides that... do you know what that reason was?... I sure don't... our pro military industrial complex media sure hasn't told us nor are they the least bit curious... and Biden hasn't told us why either... After 20 years of war funding for the Afghanistan and Iraq campaigns to ask the powers that be to go off cold turkey with weapons manufacturing is just not an easy thing to do.... too much money and power comes with funding a war....

You're not paying attention. Putin wants to rebuild the USSR. He considers the breakup of the Soviet Empire the greatest tragedy of the 21st Century. Greater than Hitler and WWII.

The military industrial complex has said this over and over - every time Putin has claimed more territory, or subjugated another FSU state.

Neither Iraq nor Afghanistan asked for your help. You invaded those countries. You were the enemy.
Weakness would be doing nothing as Russia takes Ukraine.

If we did nothing for Ukraine, why would China think we’d do anything to defend Taiwan?
For the same reason that Russia did not invade Ukraine nor align itself with China during the Trump administration.

Because we have a strategic interest in Taiwan. We would also be arming Taiwan to the teeth.
False dichotomy. Not wanting to engage in the war between Russia and Ukraine does not translate into being a puppet for someone. That's lazy and childish logic at best.

The truth is the truth no matter how you cut it. We are not engaging in a war with China. We are allowing the Ukrainian people to defend themselves. You are the one who is lazy and childish.
Russia doesn't have to be our problem... Trump was trying to repair our relationship with Russia to keep them from joining with China...
But butthurt dems that believed the Russian election hoax couldn't let go of their anger towards Putin... they piled one sanction after another on Russia and now look at the world... we are facing a potential conflict with a combined Russia Iran and China...
Only Biden could screw up this badly....

Trump had no issues with Putin murdering his political enemies. Trump even expressed admiration for this cold blooded murderer. Trump wanted to surrender to Russia.

Empty the US Treasury into Ukraine or you are a Putin puppet...



Can we AUDIT any of the money going to Ukraine???

We are doing exactly what FDR did with the Lend-Lease Act. Helping Britian fight Hitler.
For the same reason that Russia did not invade Ukraine nor align itself with China during the Trump administration.

Because we have a strategic interest in Taiwan. We would also be arming Taiwan to the teeth.
What’s our strategic interest in Taiwan?

Russia couldn’t wait any longer to invade. Ukraine’s military was getting stronger every passing year and Russia’s ability to fight gets weaker every single year.

Under Trump, Putin did not fear NATO. Why would he? Trump effectively but briefly turned the alliance into a dysfunctional mess with no real leadership.
Ukraine has lost over 250,000 lives.. they are losing... Biden supplies them enough weaponry to sustain the war but not enough to win it....
Biden is Ukraine's worst enemy aside from Russia....
This must come to an end... tables and chairs and very smart people need to bring this to an end... not more weapons....
To continue to support the current situation is evil.... civilians are dying everyday as we sit here and argue with each other....
So any politician including Trump or DeSantis who supports this continued waste of resources will never get my vote....

No they are not losing. We need to send the deadliest weapons we have. Anyone who supports Putin does not get my support.
This war is costing a lot on both sides... Russia didn't start this war for the fun of it... they have grievances... and those grievances can be worked out if we try... Biden won't even try he just keeps sending them weapons that are ending up in our enemies hands all over the world... and enriching the military industrial complex...

Russia has no grievances. The goal is to restore the old Soviet Union. You have no clue what you are talking about.
Specifically what strategic interest is Ukraine to the United States?

President Biden's policies are pushing China and Russia together as allies. That is terrible for our country and an alliance we cannot beat.

This proxy war with Russia is rapidly depleting our weapons stock and our weakness has encouraged China to take Taiwan.

You'll whine and stomp your feet but these are the facts.

You have stated no facts. You don't get to make them up.
Sure, if you want my opinion.
First, Russia thought that it could be confined to a military action against the Nazi element. Russia was ready to settle for a neutral Ukraine but America stopped it from happening.

The Nazi element was killing ethnic Russians in the Donbass region. 25,000 since 08 or maybe before.

Russia has lately come to realize that America is in it for the win. Details in Nato/ US encroachment toward Russia's borders, for the whole story..............

Uncontested world domination for America or the future Russia/China alliance.

Were you asking about America's reason or Russia's reason?

You are a lying weasel who is distributing Putin's talking points and trying to turn Putin into a victim. Russia has been threatening eastern Europe for some time. That is what led Ukraine to ask for membership in NATO. Even Finland and Sweden are concerned enough about Russian aggression to change their traditional stance of neutrality and apply for membership in NATO. A signal of weakness would send a message to China that it is okay to take Taiwan.
Several top Senate Republicans have since criticized the governor for his flippant response. In a Tuesday interview with right-wing radio host Hugh Hewitt, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) distanced himself from the fellow Florida Republican’s stance.

“Obviously, he doesn’t deal with foreign policy every day as governor,” Rubio said when asked about DeSantis’s aim with the comments. “[…] But I will say to you that in terms of my view of the overall issue is I think there’s nuance, because foreign policy is about nuance.”

Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) told Politico on Tuesday that he was “disturbed” by the governor’s position.

“I’m disturbed by it. I think he’s a smart guy,” the Houston Republican said. “I want to find out more about it, but I hope he feels like he doesn’t need to take that Tucker Carlson line to be competitive in the primary. It’s important for us to continue to support Ukrainians for our own security.”

And on Tuesday afternoon, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) posted several tweets stressing his support for Ukraine—and shading DeSantis in the process.

“To those who believe that Russia’s unprovoked and barbaric invasion of Ukraine is not a priority for the United

The article also points out that at one time DeSantis did support the aid. However he will do anything it takes to win. We do not need dishonest politicians who stick their finger into the air to see what they should support.
Only warmongers support our involvement in the Ukraine war. I support peace candidates.
That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard... do you know how deeply in debt we are?... you cared about that under Trump but under Biden everything is fine?????
You are a class A hypocrite....
When Comrade DeSantis was in the HOR he called out Obama to provide more aid to Ukraine to defend themselves against Russia. Now COMRADE RON is running his big mouth about the U.S. giving the same aid he whined about a few years ago. So, what's the story? How come COMRADE RON is changing his tune?

When Comrade DeSantis was in the HOR he called out Obama to provide more aid to Ukraine to defend themselves against Russia. Now COMRADE RON is running his big mouth about the U.S. giving the same aid he whined about a few years ago. So, what's the story? How come COMRADE RON is changing his tune?

Who gives a damn about Putin or Ukraine?
Start calling him "Chamberlain-lite"?

Actually, that would be an insult to Chamberlain.

Chamberlain realized that 70% of the population of "Czechoslovakia" were Germans, Hungarians, and Slovaks who had no interest in fighting for a Czech nation.

The Ukrainians are willing to fight for their homeland. We should support the position of national sovereignty.
The Ukrainians are willing to fight for their homeland. We should support the position of national sovereignty.
It's too bad that Biden isn't willing to fight for our homeland. How about our national sovereignty?

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