DeSantis Tests the Antiwar Waters for Support.

DeSantis is doing what Nixon did in 1968 and what Eisenhower did in 1952 re: foreign wars that incumbent Democratic Admins oversaw (even if no U.S. troops are or will be sent to Ukraine). If Nixon ran on what he ended up doing in Vietnam after taking office, he wouldn’t have won.
We are doing exactly what FDR did with the Lend-Lease Act. Helping Britian fight Hitler.

YOU and the DEMOCRATS and the ZIONIST FASCIST "BIDEN REPUBLICANS" and UKRAINE are the FASCISTS we are burdened with today...
It's too bad that Biden isn't willing to fight for our homeland. How about our national sovereignty?

What about it? I guess I don't see a bunch of gardeners and toilet cleaners as a threat to our national sovereignty.

If the Mexican Army was invading Texas and California with the intent of returning them to Mexico THEN you would have a real complaint.
It's good to know that not only does Trump & now DeSantis has tatooed on their asses- "Do Not Touch- Property of Vladamir Putin".

Remeber that come 2024.

Still doing the Putin thingy?
It has failed. Let it go.
The Senate is investigating the East Palestine derailment, getting ready to look into the Silicon Valley Bank collapse, both with a view to replacing the regulations the Trump Administration legislated out of existence.

The House is investigating covid relief funds going to Drag Queen Story Hour, Hunter's laptop, House reps being banned from Twitter, and the White House censorship/interference which resulted in Hunter's dick picks being taken down. All issues the American people don't give a rat's ass about.

The American people don’t give a rats ass about a Canadian cow pathetically posting on an American message board. Especially one that voted for and defends PM Blackface and calls those who disagree with its leftist insanity racist.
First, it's the right thing to do.

Second, the Ukraine is a major food source for the world. We cannot allow a mass murdering genocidal dictator to control the world's food supply. Russia has been suffering droughts which have reduced their own wheat production.

Third, this enables the West to see the military capabilities, tactics, and logistics of Russia. This is an invaluable strategic opportunity. We are learning our greatest enemy's strengths and weaknesses at a very cheap price!

The more we hurt Putin, the less saber rattling he will do in the future. He is a paper tiger and now the whole world knows it.

Putin invaded Ukraine because Chinas Puppet *Joe is a weak, limp wristed leftist and the whole world knows it.
What about it? I guess I don't see a bunch of gardeners and toilet cleaners as a threat to our national sovereignty.

If the Mexican Army was invading Texas and California with the intent of returning them to Mexico THEN you would have a real complaint.
How about all the rapists and drug dealers flooding into our country?
Putin invaded Ukraine because Chinas Puppet *Joe is a weak, limp wristed leftist and the whole world knows it.
You say this in the face of people like yourself and DeSantis and Trump showing weakness with no self-awareness whatsoever.

Biden is standing up to Putin. You want to cower, appease, and run away.

You aren't fooling anyone but yourself. You are exactly the kind of people Putin is relying on to win.
You say this in the face of people like yourself and DeSantis and Trump showing weakness with no self-awareness whatsoever.

Biden is standing up to Putin. You want to cower, appease, and run away.

You aren't fooling anyone but yourself. You are exactly the kind of people Putin is relying on to win.

Hahahahahaha sure he is!
Any republican in favor of continuing to fund this war can not win...
we have our own problems and its way past the time that we fix them...
The surrender monkeys in the GOP, eager to grovel before Putin, are slithering out of the sewers, but Ronbo, despite his mamby-pamby rhetoric, is not one of them - unless he has become an isolationist wimp to further his political ambition.

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"We in the Congress have been urging the president, I've been, to provide arms to Ukraine.
They want to fight their good fight. They're not asking us to fight it for them. And the president
has steadfastly refused. And I think that that's a mistake,"
DeSantis said in a 2015 radio interview.
DeSantis actually parrots the President when he says he worries about escalation risks and the possibility of direct conflict between the U.S. and Russia.

As recently as March 2022, DeSantis said at a news conference: "When I was in Congress under President Trump, we funded a lot of weapons for Ukraine to be able to defend themselves."
The surrender monkeys in the GOP, eager to grovel before Putin, are slithering out of the sewers, but Ronbo, despite his mamby-pamby rhetoric, is not one of them - unless he has become an isolationist wimp to further his political ambition.

DeSantis actually parrots the President when he says he worries about escalation risks and the possibility of direct conflict between the U.S. and Russia.
As recently as March 2022, DeSantis said at a news conference: "When I was in Congress under President Trump, we funded a lot of weapons for Ukraine to be able to defend themselves."
Surrender to whom?....
Trump has already taken a stand on Ukraine... he said it should have never started... remember Biden almost welcoming Putin to invade?... Trump will stop all payments and weapons sent to Ukraine and he will make a deal with Putin he can not refuse... we just today got the news that US weapons are turning up in Iran so the Iranians can copy and reverse engineer them... not very smart...
It doesn't really matter, Trump is much too close to Hannity, and Hannity is non-stop beating the war drums.

He always has Neo-cons on, like Lindsey Graham and company.

No one should trust Trump's anti-war bona-fides with the company he keeps on this issue. Hell, Trump had his last cabinet packed with neo-cons, how do folks forget this shit?



Politicians, lie, cheat, and steal about the reality of what is going on.

IMO? Folks should not trust either DeSantis or Trump, if they want peace in Europe.
It doesn't really matter, Trump is much too close to Hannity, and Hannity is non-stop beating the war drums.

He always has Neo-cons on, like Lindsey Graham and company.

No one should trust Trump's anti-war bona-fides with the company he keeps on this issue. Hell, Trump had his last cabinet packed with neo-cons, how do folks forget this shit?



Politicians, lie, cheat, and steal about the reality of what is going on.

IMO? Folks should not trust either DeSantis or Trump, if they want peace in Europe.
Maybe... but Hannity has sold his soul to the swamp... Trump knows this... Graham fucked Trump and led him astray with bad advise...
I don't think Trump will fall for that again...
I quit on Hannity and his show way back when Rush Limbaugh did...
He thinks having elected officials as guests equals ratings but he is wrong... now Tucker kicks his butt every night...
How about all the rapists and drug dealers flooding into our country?

You mean the people dealing drugs to Americans who want them?

Why are we still having a "War on Drugs" anyway?

As for rapists, undocumented immigrants are LESS likely to commit crimes when they are here, because they know even minor infractions can get them deported.

DeSantis desperately needs a big boost right about now, as Trump goes on a mission to destory him.

Has DeSantis grabbed the attention of Americans with this gambit that will put the bone in his teeth first?

Or will Trump turn to supporting America's war and roll over DeSantis in a hurry?

He had previously spoke in terms of strong support for Ukraine.

He flip-flopped as a matter of political expediency.

So much for backbone.

He had previously spoke in terms of strong support for Ukraine.

He flip-flopped as a matter of political expediency.

So much for backbone.
Support for Ukraine is dwindling among most Americans.

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