Desert Ravens


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
I'm tired of all these terrorism stories/gossip (and reflective films such as Red Dawn and The Devil's Own), so I thought I'd offer up a 'metaphysics-crusade tale' inspired by the odyssey-paranoia films Priest and The Elephant Man.


Thomas Hewitt sold his body to entertainment. Born with a hideous genetic defect which rendered him with a physical deformity, Hewitt was one of the 'freaks' working with the travelling circus The Wicked Garden (TWG). TWG was touring Eastern Europe (where they originally formed in the early 1900s) and planned to visit Budapest in June. Hewitt was known as 'the Elephant Human' because of his misshapen face-and-body deformities. He was patient and kind but harbored a secret resentment against the commercial exploitation of the soul. He did feel like a hypocrite advertising himself as a 'freak' in the 'odd-man' tent of the TWG show.

Thomas Jane was a devoted Catholic priest working in France and studying persecution of Christians during the rise of Europe as a substantial global power. Jane had an 'apocalyptic vision' that at the Biblical 'End of Days,' a deformed spirit (a downtrodden but angry man) would rise to power as an ominous and vengeful 'manslayer.' Jane hypothesized that this 'freak' would most likely be some kind of entertainer or magician or escape-artist like Harry Houdini or Charlie Chaplin who would lash out at society and give power and dominion to the AntiChrist (the adversary of Jesus Christ) who would seek to corrupt men's perspective on self-control.

Jane had heard of the TWG and was actually in Hungary when he saw street-flyers of the TWG show arriving that June in Budapest. "This is it!" Jane remarked, thinking that his envisioned 'freak-manslayer' just might be an 'odd-man' performer travelling with the TWG. He decided that he would provoke the freak-performers at the circus (with harmless but inciteful jokes) and see their exhibited reactions. "At least I can get a compass of how emotionally-challenged human beings react to anti-social stimulation" Jane concluded. He arrived at the odd-man tent of the TWG that June wearing a trench-coat with a hood. When Jane walked into the tent, he immediately noticed Thomas Hewitt ('the Elephant Human') and decided to provoke him with Quasimodo jokes.

Hewitt became very annoyed, and Jane noted how the circus-performer was scratching his face in disgust when Jane made his harmless but inciteful Quasimodo deformity jokes. Jane walked up to Hewitt and said, "I am an angel of God. If you revile your creator for making you a monster, find me in the deserts of Rajasthan (India) next June and face me like a man. I will exorcise your demon, or we can engage in a 'metaphysical battle,' if you feel that better suits any Messianic passion you secretly resent..." Hewitt accepted the offer and replied, "If I become a terror, I will find you in the desert, priest." Next summer, Jane was on a motorcycle riding towards Hewitt who was running towards him (in the desert of Rajasthan) with a terrifying chainsaw and wearing a skin-mask and suit-and-tie. As they were about to clash, Jane (the priest) remarked to himself, "God's vanity is comforted in this 'Shakespearean engagement'!"




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