Desperate Dems Faking Mailbox Bombs. "You Cannot Be Civil"

False flag

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Fucking moron, what are you doing? You’re making me feel bad like I’m clubbing a baby seal.

Agents trace bomb found in mailbox at Soros' N.Y. home | Reuters

Bomb squad technicians detonated it in a nearby wooded area, police said

Police reported to the press that they detonated it. Prove they lied to to the press or prove the press misrepresented what they were told.... and prove it with links to verifiable websites; your baseless opinion is worth less than what I pay to post here.
Blowing it up isn't the same thing as detonating it.
Oh? What happens to explosive material when it’s detonated, rightwingnut?
They can't detonate it because there is no trigger.

They blew it up using their own explosives to determine the approximate damage and radius of the potential blast.
At George Soros’s Home, Pipe Bomb Was Likely Hand-Delivered, Officials Say

Mr. Soros was not home when the device was discovered by a caretaker, another one of the officials said. It was rigged with a detonator, and it could have maimed or possibly killed someone had it exploded near them.
It had a fucking clock, moron.

That is not a detonator.
It had a clock attached to a detonator...

What we know about the pipe bomb scare and suspect Cesar Sayoc's arrest

The bombs were made from PVC pipe with a digital timer attached to set off the detonator and contained powder from either a low explosive or pyrotechnic, as in fireworks, law enforcement officials told NBC News on Wednesday. X-rays of the devices showed there could be pieces of shrapnel inside the pipes.

According to the fucking moron, FoxNews, Reuters, Time, NYTimes, BBC, ABC, Fortune, etc..., are ALL fake news and are ALL lying about the police detonating the bomb.


Meanwhile, the fucking moron can’t find a single source that corroborates his made up bullshit.

They aren't lying. You simply don't understand the meaning of the words being used, and neither do the journalists who repeated them. You have yet to explain how the police "detonated" the fake bomb, so what is there to "corroborate?" You also haven't explained why the police didn't know whether the device was a bomb if they knew how to "detonate" it. You can post all the links to fake news you want, but that doesn't prove a thing other than that fake news outlets will imitate each other.

Holyfuckingshit! :lmao:

The fucking moron thinks he knows better than the police and every news organization reporting on this.


Fucking moron, I think the police know what they’re talking about better than you.

I think the entirety of the press is more capable of reporting what law officials report to them better than you.


You're obviously wrong about the press. They specialize in getting things wrong, especially the fake news press.

I haven't disagreed with what the police said. What a disagree with is your imbecile interpretation of it. You still have yet to explain how the bomb squad demonstrated the bomb was functional by "detonating" it. What would mean the fuse mechanism built into the bomb caused it to explode. Just how would that work? How would the bomb squad cause the fuse mechanism to perform its designated function? For that matter, when was the fuse mechanism? Why would the police say they didn't know whether the device was a bomb if they knew how to "detonate" it?

You keep weaseling around answers to these questions.

No one is fooled.

Fucking moron, what are you doing? You’re making me feel bad like I’m clubbing a baby seal.

Agents trace bomb found in mailbox at Soros' N.Y. home | Reuters

Bomb squad technicians detonated it in a nearby wooded area, police said

Police reported to the press that they detonated it. Prove they lied to to the press or prove the press misrepresented what they were told.... and prove it with links to verifiable websites; your baseless opinion is worth less than what I pay to post here.
You're repeating the same idiocies with different insults.

Who do you think you're fooling?

Funcking moron... where’s the link corroborating your idiotic claims?

And why are you too big of a pussy to answer....

Prove either the police lied to the press about detonating the bomb or prove the press misrepresented what the police said.

You can do that, right? That’s your idiotic claim. Can’t you support it?

Listening to you people on this board only reinforce my beliefs that this county is in deep S#$% even if the border is closed and all illegal aliens are deported.
So explain to us, moron, how did the police set it off without killing themselves? The douche bag fake news journalists are using the term "detonate" to deliberately mislead. bomb technicians never "detonate" a bomb in the fashion you mean. They either diffuse it or use explosives to blow it up.

So tell us, moron, how did they "detonate" the "bomb," which didn't even have a functional fusing mechanism?

The forum’s fucking moron is still making claims and sourcing no one but himself — but he’s a fucking moron.

Fucking moron — either you can link to a verifiable source corroborating your bullshit or you’re making it up.

And anyone reading this already knows which one it is.
Did you believe we didn't notice that you can't explain how the bomb technicians "detonated" the "bomb" without killing themselves?"
Fucking moron... you’re asking me to describe an event I didn’t attend.

Oh wait, neither did you, but here you are, idiotically claiming police blew up a harmless package with no explosives. Why the fuck would they do that, ya fucking moron?

And link a source or expose the real truth which is you’re just making this up.
ROFL! If they did "detonate" the device, there should be an explanation of how it's done somewhere on the internet. What you are admitting is that you can't find any explanation of what you claim is done.

Thanks for playing.

BTW, dumbfuck, the police often blow up harmless packages with explosives because they don't know whether the packages are harmless or not. Blowing them up is the low risk option. What do you imagine they do with suspicious packages, poke them with a stick?

Another point, moron, the police admitted they didn't know whether the package was actually a bomb. They said it "had the components of a bomb." They never said it was a bomb. If they "detonated" the package using only the mechanism in the package, then why don't they know whether it's a bomb?

You are a special kind of stupid. Ya know it?
”If they did "detonate" the device, there should be an explanation of how it's done somewhere on the internet.”


Says you, the forum’s fucking moron, with nothing to back that up either. And you’re such a fucking moron, it totally escapes you that had they blown up a harmless envelope with “other explosives,” as you idiotically claim with no proof, you’d be able to post a link proving that.

That you can’t post such a link proves you made it up.

I have never claimed I am 100% certain that the so-called "bomb" was fake, but since all the other "bombs" were fake, why should we believe this one was any different. The reason the police blew it up is the fact that they didn't know one way or the other. They admitted as much. How could they claim they didn't know whether the "bomb" was fake and then make it go off without adding any additional explosives? I know you hate discussing that issue because something deep down in your limbic system tells you that your understanding of reality isn't quite right.
And this is what the demoncrats stand for? Attack-attack-attack your opponents. Not a very civilized way of doing things. They attack innocent people who are just trying to have a quiet meal in a restaurant with their family just because they work for Trump? Communists do things like this. Demoncrats are starting to look like a bunch of communists. Just saying.
Oh the irony of hearing you attack innocent people for attacking innocent people. Thanks for the laugh!

The globalist democratic party cannot be seen as innocent. They have done nothing but attacked Trump from day one to attack him every day on anything he says or does. It's a constant attack by the fake leftist liberal media to try and run and bring Trump down. So far it has not worked for the stupid loser dummies. Those so called reporters in the leftist liberal press are nothing more than a bunch of actors and activists straight out of Hollywood.

I am starting to ROFL at some of the stunned silly things who keep bringing up here. Why would you want to attack a man like Trump who has said that he wanted to "drain the swamp"? What a noble person for wanting to drain corruption out of your life. That should be good enough for people like you to at least want to give Trump a shot at it? Did you ever here one demoncrat ever say that they were going to drain the swamp? NOPE.

On the contrary, they wanted to keep the swamp alive and well and you want to support such a party? Where is your head, fella? Up you butt? Get real for a change.
I don’t put much weight on what people say, especially Trump who is full of hot air. He has brought more corruption to washington than he has rooted out. Don’t be fooled by the tag lines.

So, you are now going to have to show me and others here the proof that you have in your possession as to what kind of corruption has Trump brought to Washington? This I need you to point out to me. If you cannot then it well be obvious that you are only here for one purpose only? To mock and attack Trump and on that leftist liberal Antifa bandwagon that is trying to get him impeached. So, go ahead, make your day, punk. :5_1_12024:
I could point to the multitude of hyperbolic inaccuracies he spews from the whitehouse on a daily basis through his interviews and public statements but since we are talking about the swamp and corruption perhaps we can just look at the cast of characters he appointed to cabinet positions who have abused their power, misused government funds and have been forced to resign. Do I need to list them or do you know who I’m talking about?

Yup, please do list them all for me. I need to see the facts, mac. :banana: And as if a multitude of hyperbolic inaccuracies never left the White House when your dear leaders Obama and Hillary ran to show. C'mon fella. Think before you speak.
Do you honestly believe that at this time with two weeks to go where the republicans want a chance at winning are going to do something stupid like this? If they got caught they would be toast. Only the demoncrats are the capable ones at this time of committing this kind of terror. This is their final last false flag of trying to save their useless lives. Trump is on a roll and the globalists demoncrats know it and are scared shitless if Trump winning the midterms.

I disagree that using the word nationalism is going to do any harm to Trump. His supporters loved it when he said that he was a nationalist. Only fools like yourself and Scar feel that it was a bad word to use. Why Scar said anything about it is beyond me. Has he now become a demoncrat? It is certainly looking so. If he were a supporter of the president than your job is to make him look good, not bad, and defend him. But I must agree that some things Scar said did make some sense.
Well there you go again, speculating without facts. Didn’t you say exactly the opposite when Kavanaugh was being accused?

The mooch is on tv defending Trump all the time. He is far from a dem. But he also calls out trumps mistakes. I dont accept the fact that if you support trump you need to defend him at all costs. Trump does a lot of things that he should be checked on. His supporters are the most influential and effective in checking him.

You will have to point out to me as to where I am being quite contrary to myself on Kavanaugh?
Kavanaugh was accused of sexual assault but he is to be treated as innocent until there is proof that he is guilty. A bunch of democrat leaders get pipe bombs in the mail and you ascribe blame to the democrats with no evidence. You don’t see the irony?

So is Keith Elison of Minnesota and Senator Booker are being accused of the same thing that Kavanaugh was suppose to have done. And they both are being treated innocent until proven guilty. So, what the hell is your point anyway? FYI, we do not hear very much from the leftist liberal fake media press about these charges nor from the likes of Schumer and Pelosi or Waters gang about these accusations? Why? Not important enough for the people to know or need to hear about?

Thanks to FOX News we would have not heard about these accusations and what appears to be truths. They appear to be quite guilty. Kavanaugh was found not guilty. Live with it, liberal.
My point is simple, if you believe in “innocent until proven guilty” then be consistent about it. Saying the Dems are responsible for the pipe bombs without evidence is not following that principle so it makes you a hypocrite.

(X)The latest fake news is that they have found a suspect in the pipe bomb gate. Apparently this accused was said to have never been interested in politics until Trump became President. Sure he did. LOL. Then he said that he became an avid supporter of Trump. And so now the leftist liberal actors and activists in the fake and phony American media are now trying to blame it all on Trump. They say that if it were not for the Trump presidency this incident would never have happened. Such utter nonsense.

So, the guy that shot Congressman Scalise awhile back was said to have been a Bernie Sanders supporter. So, should we all blame Sanders for what that idiot did to Scalise? It's all about getting Trump and nothing more by the lame duck media and the democrats. They will never stop trying to get Trump impeached no matter what it takes. It ain't going to happen, pardner.
Oh the irony of hearing you attack innocent people for attacking innocent people. Thanks for the laugh!

The globalist democratic party cannot be seen as innocent. They have done nothing but attacked Trump from day one to attack him every day on anything he says or does. It's a constant attack by the fake leftist liberal media to try and run and bring Trump down. So far it has not worked for the stupid loser dummies. Those so called reporters in the leftist liberal press are nothing more than a bunch of actors and activists straight out of Hollywood.

I am starting to ROFL at some of the stunned silly things who keep bringing up here. Why would you want to attack a man like Trump who has said that he wanted to "drain the swamp"? What a noble person for wanting to drain corruption out of your life. That should be good enough for people like you to at least want to give Trump a shot at it? Did you ever here one demoncrat ever say that they were going to drain the swamp? NOPE.

On the contrary, they wanted to keep the swamp alive and well and you want to support such a party? Where is your head, fella? Up you butt? Get real for a change.
I don’t put much weight on what people say, especially Trump who is full of hot air. He has brought more corruption to washington than he has rooted out. Don’t be fooled by the tag lines.

So, you are now going to have to show me and others here the proof that you have in your possession as to what kind of corruption has Trump brought to Washington? This I need you to point out to me. If you cannot then it well be obvious that you are only here for one purpose only? To mock and attack Trump and on that leftist liberal Antifa bandwagon that is trying to get him impeached. So, go ahead, make your day, punk. :5_1_12024:
I could point to the multitude of hyperbolic inaccuracies he spews from the whitehouse on a daily basis through his interviews and public statements but since we are talking about the swamp and corruption perhaps we can just look at the cast of characters he appointed to cabinet positions who have abused their power, misused government funds and have been forced to resign. Do I need to list them or do you know who I’m talking about?

Yup, please do list them all for me. I need to see the facts, mac. :banana: And as if a multitude of hyperbolic inaccuracies never left the White House when your dear leaders Obama and Hillary ran to show. C'mon fella. Think before you speak.
The “whatabout” deflection doesn’t work for me. Obama should have been called out for broken promises and false statements. So should Trump. Saying that Obama did it so we should ignore when Trump does it just doesn’t fly.

Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

Analysis | President Trump has made 4,229 false or misleading claims in 558 days
Oh the irony of hearing you attack innocent people for attacking innocent people. Thanks for the laugh!

The globalist democratic party cannot be seen as innocent. They have done nothing but attacked Trump from day one to attack him every day on anything he says or does. It's a constant attack by the fake leftist liberal media to try and run and bring Trump down. So far it has not worked for the stupid loser dummies. Those so called reporters in the leftist liberal press are nothing more than a bunch of actors and activists straight out of Hollywood.

I am starting to ROFL at some of the stunned silly things who keep bringing up here. Why would you want to attack a man like Trump who has said that he wanted to "drain the swamp"? What a noble person for wanting to drain corruption out of your life. That should be good enough for people like you to at least want to give Trump a shot at it? Did you ever here one demoncrat ever say that they were going to drain the swamp? NOPE.

On the contrary, they wanted to keep the swamp alive and well and you want to support such a party? Where is your head, fella? Up you butt? Get real for a change.
I don’t put much weight on what people say, especially Trump who is full of hot air. He has brought more corruption to washington than he has rooted out. Don’t be fooled by the tag lines.

So, you are now going to have to show me and others here the proof that you have in your possession as to what kind of corruption has Trump brought to Washington? This I need you to point out to me. If you cannot then it well be obvious that you are only here for one purpose only? To mock and attack Trump and on that leftist liberal Antifa bandwagon that is trying to get him impeached. So, go ahead, make your day, punk. :5_1_12024:
I could point to the multitude of hyperbolic inaccuracies he spews from the whitehouse on a daily basis through his interviews and public statements but since we are talking about the swamp and corruption perhaps we can just look at the cast of characters he appointed to cabinet positions who have abused their power, misused government funds and have been forced to resign. Do I need to list them or do you know who I’m talking about?

Yup, please do list them all for me. I need to see the facts, mac. :banana: And as if a multitude of hyperbolic inaccuracies never left the White House when your dear leaders Obama and Hillary ran to show. C'mon fella. Think before you speak.
The “whatabout” deflection doesn’t work for me. Obama should have been called out for broken promises and false statements. So should Trump. Saying that Obama did it so we should ignore when Trump does it just doesn’t fly.

Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

Analysis | President Trump has made 4,229 false or misleading claims in 558 days
Oh the irony of hearing you attack innocent people for attacking innocent people. Thanks for the laugh!

The globalist democratic party cannot be seen as innocent. They have done nothing but attacked Trump from day one to attack him every day on anything he says or does. It's a constant attack by the fake leftist liberal media to try and run and bring Trump down. So far it has not worked for the stupid loser dummies. Those so called reporters in the leftist liberal press are nothing more than a bunch of actors and activists straight out of Hollywood.

I am starting to ROFL at some of the stunned silly things who keep bringing up here. Why would you want to attack a man like Trump who has said that he wanted to "drain the swamp"? What a noble person for wanting to drain corruption out of your life. That should be good enough for people like you to at least want to give Trump a shot at it? Did you ever here one demoncrat ever say that they were going to drain the swamp? NOPE.

On the contrary, they wanted to keep the swamp alive and well and you want to support such a party? Where is your head, fella? Up you butt? Get real for a change.
I don’t put much weight on what people say, especially Trump who is full of hot air. He has brought more corruption to washington than he has rooted out. Don’t be fooled by the tag lines.

So, you are now going to have to show me and others here the proof that you have in your possession as to what kind of corruption has Trump brought to Washington? This I need you to point out to me. If you cannot then it well be obvious that you are only here for one purpose only? To mock and attack Trump and on that leftist liberal Antifa bandwagon that is trying to get him impeached. So, go ahead, make your day, punk. :5_1_12024:
I could point to the multitude of hyperbolic inaccuracies he spews from the whitehouse on a daily basis through his interviews and public statements but since we are talking about the swamp and corruption perhaps we can just look at the cast of characters he appointed to cabinet positions who have abused their power, misused government funds and have been forced to resign. Do I need to list them or do you know who I’m talking about?

Yup, please do list them all for me. I need to see the facts, mac. :banana: And as if a multitude of hyperbolic inaccuracies never left the White House when your dear leaders Obama and Hillary ran to show. C'mon fella. Think before you speak.
The “whatabout” deflection doesn’t work for me. Obama should have been called out for broken promises and false statements. So should Trump. Saying that Obama did it so we should ignore when Trump does it just doesn’t fly.

Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

Analysis | President Trump has made 4,229 false or misleading claims in 558 days
Well there you go again, speculating without facts. Didn’t you say exactly the opposite when Kavanaugh was being accused?

The mooch is on tv defending Trump all the time. He is far from a dem. But he also calls out trumps mistakes. I dont accept the fact that if you support trump you need to defend him at all costs. Trump does a lot of things that he should be checked on. His supporters are the most influential and effective in checking him.

You will have to point out to me as to where I am being quite contrary to myself on Kavanaugh?
Kavanaugh was accused of sexual assault but he is to be treated as innocent until there is proof that he is guilty. A bunch of democrat leaders get pipe bombs in the mail and you ascribe blame to the democrats with no evidence. You don’t see the irony?

So is Keith Elison of Minnesota and Senator Booker are being accused of the same thing that Kavanaugh was suppose to have done. And they both are being treated innocent until proven guilty. So, what the hell is your point anyway? FYI, we do not hear very much from the leftist liberal fake media press about these charges nor from the likes of Schumer and Pelosi or Waters gang about these accusations? Why? Not important enough for the people to know or need to hear about?

Thanks to FOX News we would have not heard about these accusations and what appears to be truths. They appear to be quite guilty. Kavanaugh was found not guilty. Live with it, liberal.
My point is simple, if you believe in “innocent until proven guilty” then be consistent about it. Saying the Dems are responsible for the pipe bombs without evidence is not following that principle so it makes you a hypocrite.

(X)The latest fake news is that they have found a suspect in the pipe bomb gate. Apparently this accused was said to have never been interested in politics until Trump became President. Sure he did. LOL. Then he said that he became an avid supporter of Trump. And so now the leftist liberal actors and activists in the fake and phony American media are now trying to blame it all on Trump. They say that if it were not for the Trump presidency this incident would never have happened. Such utter nonsense.

So, the guy that shot Congressman Scalise awhile back was said to have been a Bernie Sanders supporter. So, should we all blame Sanders for what that idiot did to Scalise? It's all about getting Trump and nothing more by the lame duck media and the democrats. They will never stop trying to get Trump impeached no matter what it takes. It ain't going to happen, pardner.
I don’t think Trump should be impeached unless he does something illegal. He will be voted out in 2020 if the American people reject his presidency. Now as for dialing down the divisive rhetoric, that is something that he could and should do. He is president. I seriously doubt that he will do anything responsible as his base and people like you feed of that shit.

The forum’s fucking moron is still making claims and sourcing no one but himself — but he’s a fucking moron.

Fucking moron — either you can link to a verifiable source corroborating your bullshit or you’re making it up.

And anyone reading this already knows which one it is.
Did you believe we didn't notice that you can't explain how the bomb technicians "detonated" the "bomb" without killing themselves?"
Fucking moron... you’re asking me to describe an event I didn’t attend.

Oh wait, neither did you, but here you are, idiotically claiming police blew up a harmless package with no explosives. Why the fuck would they do that, ya fucking moron?

And link a source or expose the real truth which is you’re just making this up.
ROFL! If they did "detonate" the device, there should be an explanation of how it's done somewhere on the internet. What you are admitting is that you can't find any explanation of what you claim is done.

Thanks for playing.

BTW, dumbfuck, the police often blow up harmless packages with explosives because they don't know whether the packages are harmless or not. Blowing them up is the low risk option. What do you imagine they do with suspicious packages, poke them with a stick?

Another point, moron, the police admitted they didn't know whether the package was actually a bomb. They said it "had the components of a bomb." They never said it was a bomb. If they "detonated" the package using only the mechanism in the package, then why don't they know whether it's a bomb?

You are a special kind of stupid. Ya know it?
”If they did "detonate" the device, there should be an explanation of how it's done somewhere on the internet.”


Says you, the forum’s fucking moron, with nothing to back that up either. And you’re such a fucking moron, it totally escapes you that had they blown up a harmless envelope with “other explosives,” as you idiotically claim with no proof, you’d be able to post a link proving that.

That you can’t post such a link proves you made it up.

I have never claimed I am 100% certain that the so-called "bomb" was fake, but since all the other "bombs" were fake, why should we believe this one was any different. The reason the police blew it up is the fact that they didn't know one way or the other. They admitted as much. How could they claim they didn't know whether the "bomb" was fake and then make it go off without adding any additional explosives? I know you hate discussing that issue because something deep down in your limbic system tells you that your understanding of reality isn't quite right.

I pointed out the bomb was detonated by police and posted corroborating evidence.

You’re still running around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to deflect from the stark reality that you can’t find one single verifiable source to corroborate your nonsensical idiocy that the police blew up a harmless envelope with other explosives.

Did you believe we didn't notice that you can't explain how the bomb technicians "detonated" the "bomb" without killing themselves?"
Fucking moron... you’re asking me to describe an event I didn’t attend.

Oh wait, neither did you, but here you are, idiotically claiming police blew up a harmless package with no explosives. Why the fuck would they do that, ya fucking moron?

And link a source or expose the real truth which is you’re just making this up.
ROFL! If they did "detonate" the device, there should be an explanation of how it's done somewhere on the internet. What you are admitting is that you can't find any explanation of what you claim is done.

Thanks for playing.

BTW, dumbfuck, the police often blow up harmless packages with explosives because they don't know whether the packages are harmless or not. Blowing them up is the low risk option. What do you imagine they do with suspicious packages, poke them with a stick?

Another point, moron, the police admitted they didn't know whether the package was actually a bomb. They said it "had the components of a bomb." They never said it was a bomb. If they "detonated" the package using only the mechanism in the package, then why don't they know whether it's a bomb?

You are a special kind of stupid. Ya know it?
”If they did "detonate" the device, there should be an explanation of how it's done somewhere on the internet.”


Says you, the forum’s fucking moron, with nothing to back that up either. And you’re such a fucking moron, it totally escapes you that had they blown up a harmless envelope with “other explosives,” as you idiotically claim with no proof, you’d be able to post a link proving that.

That you can’t post such a link proves you made it up.

I have never claimed I am 100% certain that the so-called "bomb" was fake, but since all the other "bombs" were fake, why should we believe this one was any different. The reason the police blew it up is the fact that they didn't know one way or the other. They admitted as much. How could they claim they didn't know whether the "bomb" was fake and then make it go off without adding any additional explosives? I know you hate discussing that issue because something deep down in your limbic system tells you that your understanding of reality isn't quite right.

I pointed out the bomb was detonated by police and posted corroborating evidence.

You’re still running around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to deflect from the stark reality that you can’t find one single verifiable source to corroborate your nonsensical idiocy that the police blew up a harmless envelope with other explosives.

You pointed out that the police did something that can't be done? How do the police trigger the bomb to explode without killing themselves? You keep weaseling out of explaining that. You also haven't explain how the police didn't know whether it was a bomb, but the were able to activate the trigger mechanism and make it explode.

You arne't denying that the police said they didn't know if it was a bomb, are you?
Fucking moron... you’re asking me to describe an event I didn’t attend.

Oh wait, neither did you, but here you are, idiotically claiming police blew up a harmless package with no explosives. Why the fuck would they do that, ya fucking moron?

And link a source or expose the real truth which is you’re just making this up.
ROFL! If they did "detonate" the device, there should be an explanation of how it's done somewhere on the internet. What you are admitting is that you can't find any explanation of what you claim is done.

Thanks for playing.

BTW, dumbfuck, the police often blow up harmless packages with explosives because they don't know whether the packages are harmless or not. Blowing them up is the low risk option. What do you imagine they do with suspicious packages, poke them with a stick?

Another point, moron, the police admitted they didn't know whether the package was actually a bomb. They said it "had the components of a bomb." They never said it was a bomb. If they "detonated" the package using only the mechanism in the package, then why don't they know whether it's a bomb?

You are a special kind of stupid. Ya know it?
”If they did "detonate" the device, there should be an explanation of how it's done somewhere on the internet.”


Says you, the forum’s fucking moron, with nothing to back that up either. And you’re such a fucking moron, it totally escapes you that had they blown up a harmless envelope with “other explosives,” as you idiotically claim with no proof, you’d be able to post a link proving that.

That you can’t post such a link proves you made it up.

I have never claimed I am 100% certain that the so-called "bomb" was fake, but since all the other "bombs" were fake, why should we believe this one was any different. The reason the police blew it up is the fact that they didn't know one way or the other. They admitted as much. How could they claim they didn't know whether the "bomb" was fake and then make it go off without adding any additional explosives? I know you hate discussing that issue because something deep down in your limbic system tells you that your understanding of reality isn't quite right.

I pointed out the bomb was detonated by police and posted corroborating evidence.

You’re still running around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to deflect from the stark reality that you can’t find one single verifiable source to corroborate your nonsensical idiocy that the police blew up a harmless envelope with other explosives.

You pointed out that the police did something that can't be done? How do the police trigger the bomb to explode without killing themselves? You keep weaseling out of explaining that. You also haven't explain how the police didn't know whether it was a bomb, but the were able to activate the trigger mechanism and make it explode.

You arne't denying that the police said they didn't know if it was a bomb, are you?
Fucking moron, police detonated bombs all the time. They’re smarter than you. Infinitely smarter. Meaning unlike you, they know how to detonate a bomb without killing themselves.
ROFL! If they did "detonate" the device, there should be an explanation of how it's done somewhere on the internet. What you are admitting is that you can't find any explanation of what you claim is done.

Thanks for playing.

BTW, dumbfuck, the police often blow up harmless packages with explosives because they don't know whether the packages are harmless or not. Blowing them up is the low risk option. What do you imagine they do with suspicious packages, poke them with a stick?

Another point, moron, the police admitted they didn't know whether the package was actually a bomb. They said it "had the components of a bomb." They never said it was a bomb. If they "detonated" the package using only the mechanism in the package, then why don't they know whether it's a bomb?

You are a special kind of stupid. Ya know it?
”If they did "detonate" the device, there should be an explanation of how it's done somewhere on the internet.”


Says you, the forum’s fucking moron, with nothing to back that up either. And you’re such a fucking moron, it totally escapes you that had they blown up a harmless envelope with “other explosives,” as you idiotically claim with no proof, you’d be able to post a link proving that.

That you can’t post such a link proves you made it up.

I have never claimed I am 100% certain that the so-called "bomb" was fake, but since all the other "bombs" were fake, why should we believe this one was any different. The reason the police blew it up is the fact that they didn't know one way or the other. They admitted as much. How could they claim they didn't know whether the "bomb" was fake and then make it go off without adding any additional explosives? I know you hate discussing that issue because something deep down in your limbic system tells you that your understanding of reality isn't quite right.

I pointed out the bomb was detonated by police and posted corroborating evidence.

You’re still running around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to deflect from the stark reality that you can’t find one single verifiable source to corroborate your nonsensical idiocy that the police blew up a harmless envelope with other explosives.

You pointed out that the police did something that can't be done? How do the police trigger the bomb to explode without killing themselves? You keep weaseling out of explaining that. You also haven't explain how the police didn't know whether it was a bomb, but the were able to activate the trigger mechanism and make it explode.

You arne't denying that the police said they didn't know if it was a bomb, are you?
Fucking moron, police detonated bombs all the time. They’re smarter than you. Infinitely smarter. Meaning unlike you, they know how to detonate a bomb without killing themselves.
They also blow up "suspicious" backages all the time. Using the appeal to authority is a non sequitur in this discussion, moron. No one is disputing what the police said. What were disputing is your idiotic understanding of what they said. Your pathetic straw man attacks aren't fooling anyone.
Fucking moron... you’re asking me to describe an event I didn’t attend.

Oh wait, neither did you, but here you are, idiotically claiming police blew up a harmless package with no explosives. Why the fuck would they do that, ya fucking moron?

And link a source or expose the real truth which is you’re just making this up.
ROFL! If they did "detonate" the device, there should be an explanation of how it's done somewhere on the internet. What you are admitting is that you can't find any explanation of what you claim is done.

Thanks for playing.

BTW, dumbfuck, the police often blow up harmless packages with explosives because they don't know whether the packages are harmless or not. Blowing them up is the low risk option. What do you imagine they do with suspicious packages, poke them with a stick?

Another point, moron, the police admitted they didn't know whether the package was actually a bomb. They said it "had the components of a bomb." They never said it was a bomb. If they "detonated" the package using only the mechanism in the package, then why don't they know whether it's a bomb?

You are a special kind of stupid. Ya know it?
”If they did "detonate" the device, there should be an explanation of how it's done somewhere on the internet.”


Says you, the forum’s fucking moron, with nothing to back that up either. And you’re such a fucking moron, it totally escapes you that had they blown up a harmless envelope with “other explosives,” as you idiotically claim with no proof, you’d be able to post a link proving that.

That you can’t post such a link proves you made it up.

I have never claimed I am 100% certain that the so-called "bomb" was fake, but since all the other "bombs" were fake, why should we believe this one was any different. The reason the police blew it up is the fact that they didn't know one way or the other. They admitted as much. How could they claim they didn't know whether the "bomb" was fake and then make it go off without adding any additional explosives? I know you hate discussing that issue because something deep down in your limbic system tells you that your understanding of reality isn't quite right.

I pointed out the bomb was detonated by police and posted corroborating evidence.

You’re still running around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to deflect from the stark reality that you can’t find one single verifiable source to corroborate your nonsensical idiocy that the police blew up a harmless envelope with other explosives.

You pointed out that the police did something that can't be done? How do the police trigger the bomb to explode without killing themselves? You keep weaseling out of explaining that. You also haven't explain how the police didn't know whether it was a bomb, but the were able to activate the trigger mechanism and make it explode.

You arne't denying that the police said they didn't know if it was a bomb, are you?
Do you honestly think that a bomb squad can’t detonate a bomb without killing themselves?! Come on man, you lost so many points with that one
ROFL! If they did "detonate" the device, there should be an explanation of how it's done somewhere on the internet. What you are admitting is that you can't find any explanation of what you claim is done.

Thanks for playing.

BTW, dumbfuck, the police often blow up harmless packages with explosives because they don't know whether the packages are harmless or not. Blowing them up is the low risk option. What do you imagine they do with suspicious packages, poke them with a stick?

Another point, moron, the police admitted they didn't know whether the package was actually a bomb. They said it "had the components of a bomb." They never said it was a bomb. If they "detonated" the package using only the mechanism in the package, then why don't they know whether it's a bomb?

You are a special kind of stupid. Ya know it?
”If they did "detonate" the device, there should be an explanation of how it's done somewhere on the internet.”


Says you, the forum’s fucking moron, with nothing to back that up either. And you’re such a fucking moron, it totally escapes you that had they blown up a harmless envelope with “other explosives,” as you idiotically claim with no proof, you’d be able to post a link proving that.

That you can’t post such a link proves you made it up.

I have never claimed I am 100% certain that the so-called "bomb" was fake, but since all the other "bombs" were fake, why should we believe this one was any different. The reason the police blew it up is the fact that they didn't know one way or the other. They admitted as much. How could they claim they didn't know whether the "bomb" was fake and then make it go off without adding any additional explosives? I know you hate discussing that issue because something deep down in your limbic system tells you that your understanding of reality isn't quite right.

I pointed out the bomb was detonated by police and posted corroborating evidence.

You’re still running around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to deflect from the stark reality that you can’t find one single verifiable source to corroborate your nonsensical idiocy that the police blew up a harmless envelope with other explosives.

You pointed out that the police did something that can't be done? How do the police trigger the bomb to explode without killing themselves? You keep weaseling out of explaining that. You also haven't explain how the police didn't know whether it was a bomb, but the were able to activate the trigger mechanism and make it explode.

You arne't denying that the police said they didn't know if it was a bomb, are you?
Do you honestly think that a bomb squad can’t detonate a bomb without killing themselves?! Come on man, you lost so many points with that one
They use explosives to blow it up. You don't actually believe they flip some switch or cut some wire to make the bomb go off, do you? You're as dumb as that idiot Faux.
”If they did "detonate" the device, there should be an explanation of how it's done somewhere on the internet.”


Says you, the forum’s fucking moron, with nothing to back that up either. And you’re such a fucking moron, it totally escapes you that had they blown up a harmless envelope with “other explosives,” as you idiotically claim with no proof, you’d be able to post a link proving that.

That you can’t post such a link proves you made it up.

I have never claimed I am 100% certain that the so-called "bomb" was fake, but since all the other "bombs" were fake, why should we believe this one was any different. The reason the police blew it up is the fact that they didn't know one way or the other. They admitted as much. How could they claim they didn't know whether the "bomb" was fake and then make it go off without adding any additional explosives? I know you hate discussing that issue because something deep down in your limbic system tells you that your understanding of reality isn't quite right.

I pointed out the bomb was detonated by police and posted corroborating evidence.

You’re still running around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to deflect from the stark reality that you can’t find one single verifiable source to corroborate your nonsensical idiocy that the police blew up a harmless envelope with other explosives.

You pointed out that the police did something that can't be done? How do the police trigger the bomb to explode without killing themselves? You keep weaseling out of explaining that. You also haven't explain how the police didn't know whether it was a bomb, but the were able to activate the trigger mechanism and make it explode.

You arne't denying that the police said they didn't know if it was a bomb, are you?
Do you honestly think that a bomb squad can’t detonate a bomb without killing themselves?! Come on man, you lost so many points with that one
They use explosives to blow it up. You don't actually believe they flip some switch or cut some wire to make the bomb go off, do you? You're as dumb as that idiot Faux.
No man, you’re proving to take the idiot award all on your own. You honestly think the FBI got a harmless arrangement of pipes and wires, deemed a few of the bombs unstable and too risky to transport for no reason and then detonated them?!

You are so deep in LaLa land I don’t even think you realize it. Just imagine if it was a left winger making your ridiculous argument. You’d be going nuts on them. Instead you are just going nuts.
ROFL! If they did "detonate" the device, there should be an explanation of how it's done somewhere on the internet. What you are admitting is that you can't find any explanation of what you claim is done.

Thanks for playing.

BTW, dumbfuck, the police often blow up harmless packages with explosives because they don't know whether the packages are harmless or not. Blowing them up is the low risk option. What do you imagine they do with suspicious packages, poke them with a stick?

Another point, moron, the police admitted they didn't know whether the package was actually a bomb. They said it "had the components of a bomb." They never said it was a bomb. If they "detonated" the package using only the mechanism in the package, then why don't they know whether it's a bomb?

You are a special kind of stupid. Ya know it?
”If they did "detonate" the device, there should be an explanation of how it's done somewhere on the internet.”


Says you, the forum’s fucking moron, with nothing to back that up either. And you’re such a fucking moron, it totally escapes you that had they blown up a harmless envelope with “other explosives,” as you idiotically claim with no proof, you’d be able to post a link proving that.

That you can’t post such a link proves you made it up.

I have never claimed I am 100% certain that the so-called "bomb" was fake, but since all the other "bombs" were fake, why should we believe this one was any different. The reason the police blew it up is the fact that they didn't know one way or the other. They admitted as much. How could they claim they didn't know whether the "bomb" was fake and then make it go off without adding any additional explosives? I know you hate discussing that issue because something deep down in your limbic system tells you that your understanding of reality isn't quite right.

I pointed out the bomb was detonated by police and posted corroborating evidence.

You’re still running around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to deflect from the stark reality that you can’t find one single verifiable source to corroborate your nonsensical idiocy that the police blew up a harmless envelope with other explosives.

You pointed out that the police did something that can't be done? How do the police trigger the bomb to explode without killing themselves? You keep weaseling out of explaining that. You also haven't explain how the police didn't know whether it was a bomb, but the were able to activate the trigger mechanism and make it explode.

You arne't denying that the police said they didn't know if it was a bomb, are you?
Do you honestly think that a bomb squad can’t detonate a bomb without killing themselves?! Come on man, you lost so many points with that one

Do you ever wonder what mass psychosis event befell the right wing losers on this board? With a few exceptions…some very large exceptions…this has got to be the dumbest group of people assembled on one message board ever.

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