Desperate Dems Faking Mailbox Bombs. "You Cannot Be Civil"

False flag

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ROFL! If they did "detonate" the device, there should be an explanation of how it's done somewhere on the internet. What you are admitting is that you can't find any explanation of what you claim is done.

Thanks for playing.

BTW, dumbfuck, the police often blow up harmless packages with explosives because they don't know whether the packages are harmless or not. Blowing them up is the low risk option. What do you imagine they do with suspicious packages, poke them with a stick?

Another point, moron, the police admitted they didn't know whether the package was actually a bomb. They said it "had the components of a bomb." They never said it was a bomb. If they "detonated" the package using only the mechanism in the package, then why don't they know whether it's a bomb?

You are a special kind of stupid. Ya know it?
”If they did "detonate" the device, there should be an explanation of how it's done somewhere on the internet.”


Says you, the forum’s fucking moron, with nothing to back that up either. And you’re such a fucking moron, it totally escapes you that had they blown up a harmless envelope with “other explosives,” as you idiotically claim with no proof, you’d be able to post a link proving that.

That you can’t post such a link proves you made it up.

Once again, the moron fails to explain how the bomb techs "detonated" the "bomb" without killing themselves. You also failed to explain why the didn't know whether it was a bomb if they were able to "detonate" it. You think you can cover your ignorance with bluster an personal attacks, but everyone reading this thread knows you're an idiot.
I don’t need to. I’ve already proven you lied and made up that bullshit about police blowing up a harmless envelope with other explosives.

It's hilarious that you believe that. When you can explain how they "detonated" it without blowing themselves up, perhaps then we might stop laughing at you.

Of course I proved it. I posted many links corroborating my claim; whereas you can’t find one single link that corroborates yours.

You posted links to fake news that said nothing more than that they "detonated" it, without any explanation of what that meant.

You're responses are getting shorter and shorter, which is a sure sign that you know you're wrong. The more you blather, the more I can pick it apart.
”If they did "detonate" the device, there should be an explanation of how it's done somewhere on the internet.”


Says you, the forum’s fucking moron, with nothing to back that up either. And you’re such a fucking moron, it totally escapes you that had they blown up a harmless envelope with “other explosives,” as you idiotically claim with no proof, you’d be able to post a link proving that.

That you can’t post such a link proves you made it up.

Once again, the moron fails to explain how the bomb techs "detonated" the "bomb" without killing themselves. You also failed to explain why the didn't know whether it was a bomb if they were able to "detonate" it. You think you can cover your ignorance with bluster an personal attacks, but everyone reading this thread knows you're an idiot.
I don’t need to. I’ve already proven you lied and made up that bullshit about police blowing up a harmless envelope with other explosives.

It's hilarious that you believe that. When you can explain how they "detonated" it without blowing themselves up, perhaps then we might stop laughing at you.

Of course I proved it. I posted many links corroborating my claim; whereas you can’t find one single link that corroborates yours.

You posted links to fake news that said nothing more than that they "detonated" it, without any explanation of what that meant.

You're responses are getting shorter and shorter, which is a sure sign that you know you're wrong. The more you blather, the more I can pick it apart.

According to the fucking moron, FoxNews, Reuters, Time, NYTimes, BBC, ABC, Fortune, etc..., are ALL fake news and are ALL lying about the police detonating the bomb.


Meanwhile, the fucking moron can’t find a single source that corroborates his made up bullshit.

Once again, the moron fails to explain how the bomb techs "detonated" the "bomb" without killing themselves. You also failed to explain why the didn't know whether it was a bomb if they were able to "detonate" it. You think you can cover your ignorance with bluster an personal attacks, but everyone reading this thread knows you're an idiot.
I don’t need to. I’ve already proven you lied and made up that bullshit about police blowing up a harmless envelope with other explosives.

It's hilarious that you believe that. When you can explain how they "detonated" it without blowing themselves up, perhaps then we might stop laughing at you.

Of course I proved it. I posted many links corroborating my claim; whereas you can’t find one single link that corroborates yours.

You posted links to fake news that said nothing more than that they "detonated" it, without any explanation of what that meant.

You're responses are getting shorter and shorter, which is a sure sign that you know you're wrong. The more you blather, the more I can pick it apart.

According to the fucking moron, FoxNews, Reuters, Time, NYTimes, BBC, ABC, Fortune, etc..., are ALL fake news and are ALL lying about the police detonating the bomb.


Meanwhile, the fucking moron can’t find a single source that corroborates his made up bullshit.

They aren't lying. You simply don't understand the meaning of the words being used, and neither do the journalists who repeated them. You have yet to explain how the police "detonated" the fake bomb, so what is there to "corroborate?" You also haven't explained why the police didn't know whether the device was a bomb if they knew how to "detonate" it. You can post all the links to fake news you want, but that doesn't prove a thing other than that fake news outlets will imitate each other.
So who fanned the fires of discontent, prompted their followers to usurp the administration and systematically destroy the reputation of innocent lives that prompted this person to descend down the road of perdition as their only hope? Whom does the ultimate responsibility rest with? The ghost and teaching of Saul Alinsky continue to rear its ugly head, and for that we pay the price, from a party that refuses to relinquish absolute power and control.
I don’t need to. I’ve already proven you lied and made up that bullshit about police blowing up a harmless envelope with other explosives.

It's hilarious that you believe that. When you can explain how they "detonated" it without blowing themselves up, perhaps then we might stop laughing at you.

Of course I proved it. I posted many links corroborating my claim; whereas you can’t find one single link that corroborates yours.

You posted links to fake news that said nothing more than that they "detonated" it, without any explanation of what that meant.

You're responses are getting shorter and shorter, which is a sure sign that you know you're wrong. The more you blather, the more I can pick it apart.

According to the fucking moron, FoxNews, Reuters, Time, NYTimes, BBC, ABC, Fortune, etc..., are ALL fake news and are ALL lying about the police detonating the bomb.


Meanwhile, the fucking moron can’t find a single source that corroborates his made up bullshit.

They aren't lying. You simply don't understand the meaning of the words being used, and neither do the journalists who repeated them. You have yet to explain how the police "detonated" the fake bomb, so what is there to "corroborate?" You also haven't explained why the police didn't know whether the device was a bomb if they knew how to "detonate" it. You can post all the links to fake news you want, but that doesn't prove a thing other than that fake news outlets will imitate each other.

Holyfuckingshit! :lmao:

The fucking moron thinks he knows better than the police and every news organization reporting on this.


Fucking moron, I think the police know what they’re talking about better than you.

I think the entirety of the press is more capable of reporting what law officials report to them better than you.

It takes an entire network of intelligent and sane people to deliver that many bombs to that many different distant locations at one time.

People of such intelligence and sanity would not target these people before midterms to begin with, since:

1: Clintons, Obamas and CNN not running for office, nor will they ever run again.
2: It makes conservatives look really bad
3: It's guaranteed to generate many Democrat votes in the midterms to tip the balance in swing districts.

There is no clear motive or objective that such an attack could ensure for any group/network of sane and intelligent conservatives.

When people get captured for this, they better get a full public trial so we can hear what their goals were (although something tells me they'll never catch them, since the Dems themselves did it, notice how conveniently no one got hurt, even a though a supposed network of sane and intelligent people successfully coordinated to accomplish every task needed except the grand finale of the bombs going off).

Nice try Dems with an "October Surprise" you're obviously getting DESPERATE.

You are assuming the person or persons responsible are of sound mind, are logical.

It is likely a lunatic right winger wanted to sand a message to the very people Trump has verbally assaulted. Based on the cheers Trump receives when he puts on his tough guy, smash mouth persona, Trump's fans love this stuff. Why wouldn't a far right wing nut case not send pipe bombs? It all fits.

So much for the false flag argument.

Trump praised the work of law enforcement in arresting the suspect in connection with the 14 package bombs that were intercepted across the country this week. Prior to that announcement, however, Trump thought the "bombs" were fake news. Early this morning, Trump tweeted:

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Funny how lowly rated CNN, and others, can criticize me at will, even blaming me for the current spate of Bombs and ridiculously comparing this to September 11th and the Oklahoma City bombing, yet when I criticize them they go wild and scream, “it’s just not Presidential!”

12:14 AM - Oct 26, 2018

Does Trump know that one of Cesar Sayoc's targets was the CNN headquarters in New York?

Comparing the bombs to 9/11 and the Oklahoma City bombing? Once again no one, not Trump, not the White House, has the slightest idea as to what Trump is talking about. Of course, Trump never explains his lies because he can't.

Later he took the terrorist bomb threat personal with another tweet.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Republicans are doing so well in early voting, and at the polls, and now this “Bomb” stuff happens and the momentum greatly slows - news not talking politics. Very unfortunate, what is going on. Republicans, go out and vote!

7:19 AM - Oct 26, 2018

What a narcissistic sociopath. Two former Presidents, a former attorney general, a former secretary of state, a former director of the CIA, a Senator, a member of the House of Representatives were all targeted for assassination along with the headquarters of a major news outlet, and Trump thinks this is all about him. Unbelievable, this guy is unreal.

Trump has yet to name Sayoc's victims, and, of course, he has not called them, not even the two former Presidents.

Well, that wouldn't be Trump. This is all about him.
It's hilarious that you believe that. When you can explain how they "detonated" it without blowing themselves up, perhaps then we might stop laughing at you.

Of course I proved it. I posted many links corroborating my claim; whereas you can’t find one single link that corroborates yours.

You posted links to fake news that said nothing more than that they "detonated" it, without any explanation of what that meant.

You're responses are getting shorter and shorter, which is a sure sign that you know you're wrong. The more you blather, the more I can pick it apart.

According to the fucking moron, FoxNews, Reuters, Time, NYTimes, BBC, ABC, Fortune, etc..., are ALL fake news and are ALL lying about the police detonating the bomb.


Meanwhile, the fucking moron can’t find a single source that corroborates his made up bullshit.

They aren't lying. You simply don't understand the meaning of the words being used, and neither do the journalists who repeated them. You have yet to explain how the police "detonated" the fake bomb, so what is there to "corroborate?" You also haven't explained why the police didn't know whether the device was a bomb if they knew how to "detonate" it. You can post all the links to fake news you want, but that doesn't prove a thing other than that fake news outlets will imitate each other.

Holyfuckingshit! :lmao:

The fucking moron thinks he knows better than the police and every news organization reporting on this.


Fucking moron, I think the police know what they’re talking about better than you.

I think the entirety of the press is more capable of reporting what law officials report to them better than you.


You're obviously wrong about the press. They specialize in getting things wrong, especially the fake news press.

I haven't disagreed with what the police said. What a disagree with is your imbecile interpretation of it. You still have yet to explain how the bomb squad demonstrated the bomb was functional by "detonating" it. What would mean the fuse mechanism built into the bomb caused it to explode. Just how would that work? How would the bomb squad cause the fuse mechanism to perform its designated function? For that matter, when was the fuse mechanism? Why would the police say they didn't know whether the device was a bomb if they knew how to "detonate" it?

You keep weaseling around answers to these questions.

No one is fooled.

Of course I proved it. I posted many links corroborating my claim; whereas you can’t find one single link that corroborates yours.

You posted links to fake news that said nothing more than that they "detonated" it, without any explanation of what that meant.

You're responses are getting shorter and shorter, which is a sure sign that you know you're wrong. The more you blather, the more I can pick it apart.

According to the fucking moron, FoxNews, Reuters, Time, NYTimes, BBC, ABC, Fortune, etc..., are ALL fake news and are ALL lying about the police detonating the bomb.


Meanwhile, the fucking moron can’t find a single source that corroborates his made up bullshit.

They aren't lying. You simply don't understand the meaning of the words being used, and neither do the journalists who repeated them. You have yet to explain how the police "detonated" the fake bomb, so what is there to "corroborate?" You also haven't explained why the police didn't know whether the device was a bomb if they knew how to "detonate" it. You can post all the links to fake news you want, but that doesn't prove a thing other than that fake news outlets will imitate each other.

Holyfuckingshit! :lmao:

The fucking moron thinks he knows better than the police and every news organization reporting on this.


Fucking moron, I think the police know what they’re talking about better than you.

I think the entirety of the press is more capable of reporting what law officials report to them better than you.


You're obviously wrong about the press. They specialize in getting things wrong, especially the fake news press.

I haven't disagreed with what the police said. What a disagree with is your imbecile interpretation of it. You still have yet to explain how the bomb squad demonstrated the bomb was functional by "detonating" it. What would mean the fuse mechanism built into the bomb caused it to explode. Just how would that work? How would the bomb squad cause the fuse mechanism to perform its designated function? For that matter, when was the fuse mechanism? Why would the police say they didn't know whether the device was a bomb if they knew how to "detonate" it?

You keep weaseling around answers to these questions.

No one is fooled.

Fucking moron, what are you doing? You’re making me feel bad like I’m clubbing a baby seal.

Agents trace bomb found in mailbox at Soros' N.Y. home | Reuters

Bomb squad technicians detonated it in a nearby wooded area, police said

Police reported to the press that they detonated it. Prove they lied to to the press or prove the press misrepresented what they were told.... and prove it with links to verifiable websites; your baseless opinion is worth less than what I pay to post here.
You posted links to fake news that said nothing more than that they "detonated" it, without any explanation of what that meant.

You're responses are getting shorter and shorter, which is a sure sign that you know you're wrong. The more you blather, the more I can pick it apart.

According to the fucking moron, FoxNews, Reuters, Time, NYTimes, BBC, ABC, Fortune, etc..., are ALL fake news and are ALL lying about the police detonating the bomb.


Meanwhile, the fucking moron can’t find a single source that corroborates his made up bullshit.

They aren't lying. You simply don't understand the meaning of the words being used, and neither do the journalists who repeated them. You have yet to explain how the police "detonated" the fake bomb, so what is there to "corroborate?" You also haven't explained why the police didn't know whether the device was a bomb if they knew how to "detonate" it. You can post all the links to fake news you want, but that doesn't prove a thing other than that fake news outlets will imitate each other.

Holyfuckingshit! :lmao:

The fucking moron thinks he knows better than the police and every news organization reporting on this.


Fucking moron, I think the police know what they’re talking about better than you.

I think the entirety of the press is more capable of reporting what law officials report to them better than you.


You're obviously wrong about the press. They specialize in getting things wrong, especially the fake news press.

I haven't disagreed with what the police said. What a disagree with is your imbecile interpretation of it. You still have yet to explain how the bomb squad demonstrated the bomb was functional by "detonating" it. What would mean the fuse mechanism built into the bomb caused it to explode. Just how would that work? How would the bomb squad cause the fuse mechanism to perform its designated function? For that matter, when was the fuse mechanism? Why would the police say they didn't know whether the device was a bomb if they knew how to "detonate" it?

You keep weaseling around answers to these questions.

No one is fooled.

Fucking moron, what are you doing? You’re making me feel bad like I’m clubbing a baby seal.

Agents trace bomb found in mailbox at Soros' N.Y. home | Reuters

Bomb squad technicians detonated it in a nearby wooded area, police said

Police reported to the press that they detonated it. Prove they lied to to the press or prove the press misrepresented what they were told.... and prove it with links to verifiable websites; your baseless opinion is worth less than what I pay to post here.
Blowing it up isn't the same thing as detonating it.
It takes an entire network of intelligent and sane people to deliver that many bombs to that many different distant locations at one time.

People of such intelligence and sanity would not target these people before midterms to begin with, since:

1: Clintons, Obamas and CNN not running for office, nor will they ever run again.
2: It makes conservatives look really bad
3: It's guaranteed to generate many Democrat votes in the midterms to tip the balance in swing districts.

There is no clear motive or objective that such an attack could ensure for any group/network of sane and intelligent conservatives.

When people get captured for this, they better get a full public trial so we can hear what their goals were (although something tells me they'll never catch them, since the Dems themselves did it, notice how conveniently no one got hurt, even a though a supposed network of sane and intelligent people successfully coordinated to accomplish every task needed except the grand finale of the bombs going off).

Nice try Dems with an "October Surprise" you're obviously getting DESPERATE.

You are assuming the person or persons responsible are of sound mind, are logical.

It is likely a lunatic right winger wanted to sand a message to the very people Trump has verbally assaulted. Based on the cheers Trump receives when he puts on his tough guy, smash mouth persona, Trump's fans love this stuff. Why wouldn't a far right wing nut case not send pipe bombs? It all fits.

So much for the false flag argument.

Trump praised the work of law enforcement in arresting the suspect in connection with the 14 package bombs that were intercepted across the country this week. Prior to that announcement, however, Trump thought the "bombs" were fake news. Early this morning, Trump tweeted:

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Funny how lowly rated CNN, and others, can criticize me at will, even blaming me for the current spate of Bombs and ridiculously comparing this to September 11th and the Oklahoma City bombing, yet when I criticize them they go wild and scream, “it’s just not Presidential!”

12:14 AM - Oct 26, 2018

Does Trump know that one of Cesar Sayoc's targets was the CNN headquarters in New York?

Comparing the bombs to 9/11 and the Oklahoma City bombing? Once again no one, not Trump, not the White House, has the slightest idea as to what Trump is talking about. Of course, Trump never explains his lies because he can't.

Later he took the terrorist bomb threat personal with another tweet.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Republicans are doing so well in early voting, and at the polls, and now this “Bomb” stuff happens and the momentum greatly slows - news not talking politics. Very unfortunate, what is going on. Republicans, go out and vote!

7:19 AM - Oct 26, 2018

What a narcissistic sociopath. Two former Presidents, a former attorney general, a former secretary of state, a former director of the CIA, a Senator, a member of the House of Representatives were all targeted for assassination along with the headquarters of a major news outlet, and Trump thinks this is all about him. Unbelievable, this guy is unreal.

Trump has yet to name Sayoc's victims, and, of course, he has not called them, not even the two former Presidents.

Well, that wouldn't be Trump. This is all about him.
Why would he call them when they were never actually threatened in any way?

CNN's bomb was a fake btw. It never had a stamp, so it couldn't have gone through the postal service.

According to the fucking moron, FoxNews, Reuters, Time, NYTimes, BBC, ABC, Fortune, etc..., are ALL fake news and are ALL lying about the police detonating the bomb.


Meanwhile, the fucking moron can’t find a single source that corroborates his made up bullshit.

They aren't lying. You simply don't understand the meaning of the words being used, and neither do the journalists who repeated them. You have yet to explain how the police "detonated" the fake bomb, so what is there to "corroborate?" You also haven't explained why the police didn't know whether the device was a bomb if they knew how to "detonate" it. You can post all the links to fake news you want, but that doesn't prove a thing other than that fake news outlets will imitate each other.

Holyfuckingshit! :lmao:

The fucking moron thinks he knows better than the police and every news organization reporting on this.


Fucking moron, I think the police know what they’re talking about better than you.

I think the entirety of the press is more capable of reporting what law officials report to them better than you.


You're obviously wrong about the press. They specialize in getting things wrong, especially the fake news press.

I haven't disagreed with what the police said. What a disagree with is your imbecile interpretation of it. You still have yet to explain how the bomb squad demonstrated the bomb was functional by "detonating" it. What would mean the fuse mechanism built into the bomb caused it to explode. Just how would that work? How would the bomb squad cause the fuse mechanism to perform its designated function? For that matter, when was the fuse mechanism? Why would the police say they didn't know whether the device was a bomb if they knew how to "detonate" it?

You keep weaseling around answers to these questions.

No one is fooled.

Fucking moron, what are you doing? You’re making me feel bad like I’m clubbing a baby seal.

Agents trace bomb found in mailbox at Soros' N.Y. home | Reuters

Bomb squad technicians detonated it in a nearby wooded area, police said

Police reported to the press that they detonated it. Prove they lied to to the press or prove the press misrepresented what they were told.... and prove it with links to verifiable websites; your baseless opinion is worth less than what I pay to post here.
Blowing it up isn't the same thing as detonating it.
Oh? What happens to explosive material when it’s detonated, rightwingnut?
They aren't lying. You simply don't understand the meaning of the words being used, and neither do the journalists who repeated them. You have yet to explain how the police "detonated" the fake bomb, so what is there to "corroborate?" You also haven't explained why the police didn't know whether the device was a bomb if they knew how to "detonate" it. You can post all the links to fake news you want, but that doesn't prove a thing other than that fake news outlets will imitate each other.

Holyfuckingshit! :lmao:

The fucking moron thinks he knows better than the police and every news organization reporting on this.


Fucking moron, I think the police know what they’re talking about better than you.

I think the entirety of the press is more capable of reporting what law officials report to them better than you.


You're obviously wrong about the press. They specialize in getting things wrong, especially the fake news press.

I haven't disagreed with what the police said. What a disagree with is your imbecile interpretation of it. You still have yet to explain how the bomb squad demonstrated the bomb was functional by "detonating" it. What would mean the fuse mechanism built into the bomb caused it to explode. Just how would that work? How would the bomb squad cause the fuse mechanism to perform its designated function? For that matter, when was the fuse mechanism? Why would the police say they didn't know whether the device was a bomb if they knew how to "detonate" it?

You keep weaseling around answers to these questions.

No one is fooled.

Fucking moron, what are you doing? You’re making me feel bad like I’m clubbing a baby seal.

Agents trace bomb found in mailbox at Soros' N.Y. home | Reuters

Bomb squad technicians detonated it in a nearby wooded area, police said

Police reported to the press that they detonated it. Prove they lied to to the press or prove the press misrepresented what they were told.... and prove it with links to verifiable websites; your baseless opinion is worth less than what I pay to post here.
Blowing it up isn't the same thing as detonating it.
Oh? What happens to explosive material when it’s detonated, rightwingnut?
They can't detonate it because there is no trigger.

They blew it up using their own explosives to determine the approximate damage and radius of the potential blast.

Holyfuckingshit! :lmao:

The fucking moron thinks he knows better than the police and every news organization reporting on this.


Fucking moron, I think the police know what they’re talking about better than you.

I think the entirety of the press is more capable of reporting what law officials report to them better than you.


You're obviously wrong about the press. They specialize in getting things wrong, especially the fake news press.

I haven't disagreed with what the police said. What a disagree with is your imbecile interpretation of it. You still have yet to explain how the bomb squad demonstrated the bomb was functional by "detonating" it. What would mean the fuse mechanism built into the bomb caused it to explode. Just how would that work? How would the bomb squad cause the fuse mechanism to perform its designated function? For that matter, when was the fuse mechanism? Why would the police say they didn't know whether the device was a bomb if they knew how to "detonate" it?

You keep weaseling around answers to these questions.

No one is fooled.

Fucking moron, what are you doing? You’re making me feel bad like I’m clubbing a baby seal.

Agents trace bomb found in mailbox at Soros' N.Y. home | Reuters

Bomb squad technicians detonated it in a nearby wooded area, police said

Police reported to the press that they detonated it. Prove they lied to to the press or prove the press misrepresented what they were told.... and prove it with links to verifiable websites; your baseless opinion is worth less than what I pay to post here.
Blowing it up isn't the same thing as detonating it.
Oh? What happens to explosive material when it’s detonated, rightwingnut?
They can't detonate it because there is no trigger.

They blew it up using their own explosives to determine the approximate damage and radius of the potential blast.
At George Soros’s Home, Pipe Bomb Was Likely Hand-Delivered, Officials Say

Mr. Soros was not home when the device was discovered by a caretaker, another one of the officials said. It was rigged with a detonator, and it could have maimed or possibly killed someone had it exploded near them.
You're obviously wrong about the press. They specialize in getting things wrong, especially the fake news press.

I haven't disagreed with what the police said. What a disagree with is your imbecile interpretation of it. You still have yet to explain how the bomb squad demonstrated the bomb was functional by "detonating" it. What would mean the fuse mechanism built into the bomb caused it to explode. Just how would that work? How would the bomb squad cause the fuse mechanism to perform its designated function? For that matter, when was the fuse mechanism? Why would the police say they didn't know whether the device was a bomb if they knew how to "detonate" it?

You keep weaseling around answers to these questions.

No one is fooled.

Fucking moron, what are you doing? You’re making me feel bad like I’m clubbing a baby seal.

Agents trace bomb found in mailbox at Soros' N.Y. home | Reuters

Bomb squad technicians detonated it in a nearby wooded area, police said

Police reported to the press that they detonated it. Prove they lied to to the press or prove the press misrepresented what they were told.... and prove it with links to verifiable websites; your baseless opinion is worth less than what I pay to post here.
Blowing it up isn't the same thing as detonating it.
Oh? What happens to explosive material when it’s detonated, rightwingnut?
They can't detonate it because there is no trigger.

They blew it up using their own explosives to determine the approximate damage and radius of the potential blast.
At George Soros’s Home, Pipe Bomb Was Likely Hand-Delivered, Officials Say

Mr. Soros was not home when the device was discovered by a caretaker, another one of the officials said. It was rigged with a detonator, and it could have maimed or possibly killed someone had it exploded near them.
It had a fucking clock, moron.

That is not a detonator.
You posted links to fake news that said nothing more than that they "detonated" it, without any explanation of what that meant.

You're responses are getting shorter and shorter, which is a sure sign that you know you're wrong. The more you blather, the more I can pick it apart.

According to the fucking moron, FoxNews, Reuters, Time, NYTimes, BBC, ABC, Fortune, etc..., are ALL fake news and are ALL lying about the police detonating the bomb.


Meanwhile, the fucking moron can’t find a single source that corroborates his made up bullshit.

They aren't lying. You simply don't understand the meaning of the words being used, and neither do the journalists who repeated them. You have yet to explain how the police "detonated" the fake bomb, so what is there to "corroborate?" You also haven't explained why the police didn't know whether the device was a bomb if they knew how to "detonate" it. You can post all the links to fake news you want, but that doesn't prove a thing other than that fake news outlets will imitate each other.

Holyfuckingshit! :lmao:

The fucking moron thinks he knows better than the police and every news organization reporting on this.


Fucking moron, I think the police know what they’re talking about better than you.

I think the entirety of the press is more capable of reporting what law officials report to them better than you.


You're obviously wrong about the press. They specialize in getting things wrong, especially the fake news press.

I haven't disagreed with what the police said. What a disagree with is your imbecile interpretation of it. You still have yet to explain how the bomb squad demonstrated the bomb was functional by "detonating" it. What would mean the fuse mechanism built into the bomb caused it to explode. Just how would that work? How would the bomb squad cause the fuse mechanism to perform its designated function? For that matter, when was the fuse mechanism? Why would the police say they didn't know whether the device was a bomb if they knew how to "detonate" it?

You keep weaseling around answers to these questions.

No one is fooled.

Fucking moron, what are you doing? You’re making me feel bad like I’m clubbing a baby seal.

Agents trace bomb found in mailbox at Soros' N.Y. home | Reuters

Bomb squad technicians detonated it in a nearby wooded area, police said

Police reported to the press that they detonated it. Prove they lied to to the press or prove the press misrepresented what they were told.... and prove it with links to verifiable websites; your baseless opinion is worth less than what I pay to post here.
You're repeating the same idiocies with different insults.

Who do you think you're fooling?

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