Desperation: Former DNC Official Partnered With Bomb Maker To Investigate Trump


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"A former official with the Democratic National Committee has worked in recent months with a convicted domestic terrorist-turned-activist known as the “Speedway Bomber” to gather information on Donald Trump.

That work culminated in a Washington, D.C. meeting in December between the ex-DNC operative, Alexandra Chalupa, the convicted bomber, Brett Kimberlin, and a South Africa-born Israeli man named Yoni Ariel.

Ariel, whose real name is Jonathan Schwartz, traveled to Washington, D.C. to brief Chalupa and Kimberlin on his knowledge of Russia’s activities during the campaign.

Chalupa, an activist of Ukrainian heritage who is strongly opposed to Trump, also directed Ariel to the Justice Department, sources told TheDC.

Ariel’s connection to Kimberlin was first
reported by BuzzFeed News last week, though Chalupa’s involvement with the bomber-activist is a new revelation.

According to BuzzFeed, Ariel flew to Rome on the third week of January to purchase a set of documents purporting to show that ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson paid Trump’s company more than $1.5 billion in June, seemingly to secure the position of secretary of state in a Trump administration.

Ariel, 60, paid $9,000 for the documents, which included copies of wire transfers and bank documents laying out a transactions involving ExxonMobil and a Chinese mining company.

Ariel, believing that the papers were legitimate, informed Kimberlin about the documents, and the convict agreed to pay for the Israeli’s three flights to Rome to procure them. Kimberlin also paid the $9,000 asking price.

Ariel gave the documents to Kimberlin, and, according to BuzzFeed, they were pitched to numerous outlets, including Bloomberg, The Washington Post and The New York Times, by an unidentified associate of Kimberlin’s."

Democrats / Snowflakes have been so DESPERATE to bring down Trump they have engaged in rioting, looting, arson, fire-bombings, violence, calls for Impeachment / military coups / assassinations, have paid thousands of dollars for fake documents, have committed crimes of ESPIONAGE, and - as this shows - even worked with domestic terrorists.

The snowflakes have seditiously, treasonously lost their minds!

Former DNC Official Partnered With Convicted Bomb Maker To Investigate Trump

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