Desperation Setting In: Democrats Start Petition To Ban Trump Rallies


Platinum Member
Jan 24, 2019
As well as reality! They don't want people to see how much support he has and they can't even come close to competing with him.


Comical: Democrats Start Petition To Ban Trump Rallies
People think this is funny but when non-whites are the majority this will be commonplace and carried out.

They don't hate you because you are a Repubublicrat....they hate you because you are White.
I is a violation of free speech. Now, if a private company doesn’t sell the space to the rally, then they are within their rights.
They've been shutting down speech for years, why not the president. Typical fucking commies.
(Chuckle) Can you provide an example of Democrats shutting down speech? BTW, I do not know if this petitioner is a Democrat or not.
OTOH Here's an example you may have missed:
Pete Buttigieg Interview with Country Radio Host Stopped from Airing
ps..Dudmuck stole my thunder in that my first thought at reading this thread is that Trump is famous for not paying his rents for venues among other reneges to pay.
I is a violation of free speech. Now, if a private company doesn’t sell the space to the rally, then they are within their rights.
Since Trump owes so many cities for his rally's, eventually you have to come the conclusion that you're just gonna get screwed when his rally comes to town.

Why would any city want a racist convention, and then foot the bill for it.

Owing money would be a reason, the rest of your post is pure nonsense.
They've been shutting down speech for years, why not the president. Typical fucking commies.
(Chuckle) Can you provide an example of Democrats shutting down speech? BTW, I do not know if this petitioner is a Democrat or not.
OTOH Here's an example you may have missed:
Pete Buttigieg Interview with Country Radio Host Stopped from Airing
ps..Dudmuck stole my thunder in that my first thought at reading this thread is that Trump is famous for not paying his rents for venues among other reneges to pay.

I could post hundreds, here's a couple.

'Disinvitations' for college speakers are on the rise — here's a list of people turned away this year

As for Garner, he was a country music DJ/Host, he didn't do a talk format, the syndication company probably didn't think the interview would be received well by his audience. That's just a guess, you'd have to ask them.

They get envious as usual. Americans having a total blast, while they get triggered by Trump's tweets.
I is a violation of free speech. Now, if a private company doesn’t sell the space to the rally, then they are within their rights.
Since Trump owes so many cities for his rally's, eventually you have to come the conclusion that you're just gonna get screwed when his rally comes to town.

Why would any city want a racist convention, and then foot the bill for it.
Trump is going to have 2 rallies a week. Should the taxpayers foot the bill?
They've been shutting down speech for years, why not the president. Typical fucking commies.
(Chuckle) Can you provide an example of Democrats shutting down speech? BTW, I do not know if this petitioner is a Democrat or not.
OTOH Here's an example you may have missed:
Pete Buttigieg Interview with Country Radio Host Stopped from Airing
ps..Dudmuck stole my thunder in that my first thought at reading this thread is that Trump is famous for not paying his rents for venues among other reneges to pay.

It happens on college campuses all over the country.
I is a violation of free speech. Now, if a private company doesn’t sell the space to the rally, then they are within their rights.
Since Trump owes so many cities for his rally's, eventually you have to come the conclusion that you're just gonna get screwed when his rally comes to town.

Why would any city want a racist convention, and then foot the bill for it.
Trump is going to have 2 rallies a week. Should the taxpayers foot the bill?

Liberals want open borders.
Should the taxpayer foot the bill?
As well as reality! They don't want people to see how much support he has and they can't even come close to competing with him.


Comical: Democrats Start Petition To Ban Trump Rallies

How much more evidence do snowflakes / people need that the Democratic Party is a THREAT to this country, the Constitution, and the American people?

Barak Obama did not hesitate to ignore American's Constitutional Rights by ILLEGALLY SPYING on American citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC JUSTICES...and a Presidential candidate / President...

Obama did not hesitate to violate Anericans' Constitutional Rights / the Rule of Law by weaponizing the IRS and using it against American citizens who were legally opposing his re-election...

Obama and the Democrats Committed Obstruction by protecting Hillary from indictment / prison.

They attempted a failed coup against the President of the United States.

Democrats publicly stated they believe American citizens' 1st Amendment Rights should be stripped / eliminated

-- 'Democrat Declared Making Fun Of / Insulting (Democrat) Politicians Should Be ILLEGAL'

-- Democrats Declared Americans Exercising 1st Amendment Right of Free Speech - rebuking a terrorist-supporting anti-Semitic Democrat who committed Immigration Fraud to come to the US - is 'racist', condemned it

NOW they publicly declare they want to make the Constitutional Right to assemble ILLEGAL!

These are NOT The actions of anyone who believe in and / or support the Constitution and Rule of Law...they are the actions of Socialist governments...of dictatorial Venezuela, Cuba, Iran, China, Russia...OF TRAITORS / DOMESTIC ENEMIES!

The Democrats have completely abandoned the Constitution that CREATED this nation to begin with and now seek to DESTROY it by abandoning / violating US law & Constitution, by attempting to erase this nations borders / sovereignty...

Obama & his criminal Cabinet / Intel and Law Enforcement Directors DID, everything the Democrats are embracing / calling for was / is against everything the US Constitution and Rule of Law was ever / is about!

and they claim Republicans / Conservatives are 'Nazis'....


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As well as reality! They don't want people to see how much support he has and they can't even come close to competing with him.


Comical: Democrats Start Petition To Ban Trump Rallies

How much more evidence do snowflakes / people need that the Democratic Party is a THREAT to this country, the Constitution, and the American people?

Barak Obama did not hesitate to ignore American's Constitutional Rights by ILLEGALLY SPYING on American citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC JUSTICES...and a Presidential candidate / President...

Obama did not hesitate to violate Anericans' Constitutional Rights / the Rule of Law by weaponizing the IRS and using it against American citizens who were legally opposing his re-election...

Obama and the Democrats Committed Obstruction by protecting Hillary from indictment / prison.

They attempted a failed coup against the President of the United States.

Democrats publicly stated they believe American citizens' 1st Amendment Rights should be stripped / eliminated

-- 'Democrat Declared Making Fun Of / Insulting (Democrat) Politicians Should Be ILLEGAL'

-- Democrats Declared Americans Exercising 1st Amendment Right of Free Speech - rebuking a terrorist-supporting anti-Semitic Democrat who committed Immigration Fraud to come to the US - is 'racist', condemned it

NOW they publicly declare they want to make the Constitutional Right to assemble ILLEGAL!

These are NOT The actions of anyone who believe in and / or support the Constitution and Rule of Law...they are the actions of Socialist governments...of dictatorial Venezuela, Cuba, Iran, China, Russia...OF TRAITORS / DOMESTIC ENEMIES!

The Democrats have completely abandoned the Constitution that CREATED this nation to begin with and now seek to DESTROY it by abandoning / violating US law & Constitution, by attempting to erase this nations borders / sovereignty...

Obama & his criminal Cabinet / Intel and Law Enforcement Directors DID, everything the Democrats are embracing / calling for was / is against everything the US Constitution and Rule of Law was ever / is about!

and they claim Republicans / Conservatives are 'Nazis'....


Is anything true in that post?
Can you back any of that up?
Is anything true in that post? Can you back any of that up?
The sad thing is, if you are at least 13 years old and have not been in a coma the the whole time you KNOW it is true.

Everything I posted has been substantiated repeatedly, over and over, with links posted by dozens of Conservatives and Liberals alike. Some of it is in the media even today.

Keeping track of the news / events, seeing the 'Big Picture', and 'putting the pieces together' are not a strong suit of liberals / snowflakes...

As I pointed out, from Obama's assault on the Constitution and Anericans' Rights / freedoms (Illegal spying on EVERYONE, etc...) to the attempt a to outlaw our Constitutional freedoms of speech and assembly to the continued attempt to destroy the country founded by the passage of the Constitution through rejecting / attempting to eliminate our borders and this our sovereignty, the Democratic Party has exposed exactly who they are and what there goal is.

Their actions, again, have been and continue to be everything the Constitution is against.

Stripping Americans of their Right to privacy by illegally spying on Americans, reporters, the media, US SENATORS...USSC JUSTICES

Attempting to silence Free Speech by falsely accusing / branding people who disagree with their ideology / beliefs 'Racists'?!

Making openly criticizing / making fun of / insulting politicians - Free Speech - ILLEGAL?!

Wanting to strip Americans of their Constitutional Right to assemble?

Theses are NOT the actions of AMERICAN politicians or anyone who abides by the US Constitution and the Rule of Law. These are the actions of 'enemies of the state'...of Socialist dictators...of traitors.
I is a violation of free speech. Now, if a private company doesn’t sell the space to the rally, then they are within their rights.
Since Trump owes so many cities for his rally's, eventually you have to come the conclusion that you're just gonna get screwed when his rally comes to town.

Why would any city want a racist convention, and then foot the bill for it.

The OP says nothing about the money.

Executive Director of Guns Down America Igor Volsky introduced the petition on Twitter noting: “In light of the racist #SendHerBack chants at Trump’s rally on Wednesday, I’ve started a petition urging @AEGworldwide, which owns @USBankArena, to cancel Trump’s upcoming racist campaign rally on Aug. 1.”
Is anything true in that post? Can you back any of that up?
The sad thing is, if you are at least 13 years old and have not been in a coma the the whole time you KNOW it is true.

Everything I posted has been substantiated repeatedly, over and over, with links posted by dozens of Conservatives and Liberals alike. Some of it is in the media even today.

Keeping track of the news / events, seeing the 'Big Picture', and 'putting the pieces together' are not a strong suit of liberals / snowflakes...

As I pointed out, from Obama's assault on the Constitution and Anericans' Rights / freedoms (Illegal spying on EVERYONE, etc...) to the attempt a to outlaw our Constitutional freedoms of speech and assembly to the continued attempt to destroy the country founded by the passage of the Constitution through rejecting / attempting to eliminate our borders and this our sovereignty, the Democratic Party has exposed exactly who they are and what there goal is.

Their actions, again, have been and continue to be everything the Constitution is against.

Stripping Americans of their Right to privacy by illegally spying on Americans, reporters, the media, US SENATORS...USSC JUSTICES

Attempting to silence Free Speech by falsely accusing / branding people who disagree with their ideology / beliefs 'Racists'?!

Making openly criticizing / making fun of / insulting politicians - Free Speech - ILLEGAL?!

Wanting to strip Americans of their Constitutional Right to assemble?

Theses are NOT the actions of AMERICAN politicians or anyone who abides by the US Constitution and the Rule of Law. These are the actions of 'enemies of the state'...of Socialist dictators...of traitors.
Freedom of speech doesnt include exemption from the consequences of that speech.
If a duck quacks like a duck, it deserves to be called a duck.

You're correct about the issue of criticizing politicians. The most recent example is Trump blocking twitter critics. Also, threatening NBC's broadcast license.

The only people accusing Obama of spying are partisans like Sharyl Attkisson or Tucker Carlson. No evidence whatsoever.
Obama stripped Americans of their Right of Privacy. Obama took away the Right of Free Speech by jailing a film maker as promised. Socialist Dems are trying to strip us of the Rights of Free Speech & to assemble. I predict when openly leftist extremist ratings-tanking CNN goes under Democrats will go after Freedom of the Conservative Press...

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