Despite ISIS Plan For World Domination, Global Warming Still World's #1 Threat


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
ISIS plot for world domination revealed in chilling detail with plans for education and industry
LINK: Chilling document reveals detailed ISIS plans for world domination

ISIS wants World Domination
Obama wants Assad out of power

ISIS wants to attack the US like they did to France
Obama wants to 'contain' ISIS...and says he has

ISIS wants to add to the list of successful terrorist attacks on US soil under Obama (4)
Obama wants to strip Americans of their Right to Bear Arms

ISIS wants to silence / kill anyone who refuses to convert to Islam
Obama wants to silence / jail any American who exercises their Constitutional Right to Free Speech

ISIS considers the US one of it's biggest enemies
Obama thinks Global Warming is our biggest threat

ISIS vows to infiltrate the refugees Obama is bringing her
Obama demands background checks on gun owners be more strict
- The Pakistani terrorist passed Obama's background check
- The Obama administration hired 72 individuals on the Terrorist Watch List to work for Homeland Security
- Obama vows his background check on Syrians coming here, despite no available background to check, is fool-proof

Obama declares he wants to end illegal purchasing of guns
- The Ca terrorists purchased their guns legally
- Obama GAVE Mexican Drug Cartels thousands of guns
- Obama armed Al Qaeida in Libya
- Obama armed the Muslim Brotherhood
- Obama armed ISIS

Obama said ISIS is 'Contained'
ISIS is now in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Algeria, Belgium, France, the United States and several other countries...

Obama has been lying about ISIS and terrorism since 2010....

It's pretty bad when you can believe TERRORIST before you can believe a word your own President is saying...

ISIS plot for world domination revealed in chilling detail with plans for education and industry
LINK: Chilling document reveals detailed ISIS plans for world domination

ISIS wants World Domination
Obama wants Assad out of power

ISIS wants to attack the US like they did to France
Obama wants to 'contain' ISIS...and says he has

ISIS wants to add to the list of successful terrorist attacks on US soil under Obama (4)
Obama wants to strip Americans of their Right to Bear Arms

ISIS wants to silence / kill anyone who refuses to convert to Islam
Obama wants to silence / jail any American who exercises their Constitutional Right to Free Speech

ISIS considers the US one of it's biggest enemies
Obama thinks Global Warming is our biggest threat

ISIS vows to infiltrate the refugees Obama is bringing her
Obama demands background checks on gun owners be more strict
- The Pakistani terrorist passed Obama's background check
- The Obama administration hired 72 individuals on the Terrorist Watch List to work for Homeland Security
- Obama vows his background check on Syrians coming here, despite no available background to check, is fool-proof

Obama declares he wants to end illegal purchasing of guns
- The Ca terrorists purchased their guns legally
- Obama GAVE Mexican Drug Cartels thousands of guns
- Obama armed Al Qaeida in Libya
- Obama armed the Muslim Brotherhood
- Obama armed ISIS

Obama said ISIS is 'Contained'
ISIS is now in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Algeria, Belgium, France, the United States and several other countries...

Obama has been lying about ISIS and terrorism since 2010....

It's pretty bad when you can believe TERRORIST before you can believe a word your own President is saying...


Passing a law that uses the No-Fly list to prevent someone from buying a gun would have not stopped any of the mass shooters. The reality is terrorists do not care about laws, lists or wishes by our President and the sooner he learns this the better.

I actually do believe that President Obama want that law so it can be abused. Anyone can be put on the No-Fly list and it is hard to get off of it.

Hell Ted Kennedy was on it, so why on Earth should a faulty list be used to tell the government that someone on it should not buy a gun?

For me it is weird that the President focused on this one list to ask Congress for a law because the list is too faulty and can be abused.

The President supporters will utter that it is absurd to even fathom that our Government would ever abuse a list but the reality is it would and for political reason to boot.

So I do not trust the President when he makes calls for laws like he wants because the reality is none of the mass shooters would have been stopped had a law been in place and all it will do is make it harder for some citizens that should not be on the list in the first place.
15,000 murders in America every year, half by someone known to the victim, and one quarter of the murderers related to the victim, and the pants shitters are running around screaming their heads off about a one-in-20 million chance of being killed by a terrorist.

Go figure.

"If three or more darkies gather at your darky neighbor's house, alert DHS!"

"Uncle Bob, put down that turkey leg or I will MAKE you put it down."
15,000 murders in America every year, half by someone known to the victim, and one quarter of the murderers related to the victim, and the pants shitters are running around screaming their heads off about a one-in-20 million chance of being killed by a terrorist.

Go figure.

"If three or more darkies gather at your neighbor's house, alert DHS!"

"Uncle Bob, this is quite a gun collection you have."
More 'widows and orphans' bullshite from Liberals...

Yes, and we live in a uncivilized society and passing more laws will not prevent the killings nor will it make our society anymore civilized.
The point went a mile over your head.
Global warming ?

yet another topic that's not on the voting public important concern list .

This thread brought to you by Irrelevant Inc.

Yes, and we live in a uncivilized society and passing more laws will not prevent the killings nor will it make our society anymore civilized.
The point went a mile over your head.

No, you're mocking everyone because certain posters fear Muslims, and I am pointing out the fact that we live in a Uncivilized society and can be killed easily and passing more laws will not bring this society to being civilized.

So mock all you want and prove my point we are a uncivilized society beyond a doubt!

Yes, and we live in a uncivilized society and passing more laws will not prevent the killings nor will it make our society anymore civilized.
The point went a mile over your head.

No, you're mocking everyone because certain posters fear Muslims

I am not mocking everyone. Just the pants shitters who have no sense of persective or signs of intelligence.
I am not mocking everyone. Just the pants shitters who have no sense of persective or signs of intelligence.'re mocking Liberals...

( was just a JOKE. Not really meant...)

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