Despite it all, Obama is leaving the clown with a sound's why


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Prior to Obama taking office in 08, the news did nothing but cover the down fall of Wall Street, the high gas prices that were upon us, the massive job loses that were occuring, the escalating wars.....because as usual a GOP president was leaving the white house. There was no insiders view of how the transitioning of the families would work, no boring daily details on how the innagural event would be, nobody bother to cover out going administration workers, no coverage of Vice President tributes, nothing....the clown left and a man took over to fix shit........Today however, with the economy on solid standings, we're being overwhelmed with useless tweets from a nut, giving detail after detail about his innaugural that nobody gives a shit about but rednecks and hillbillies, stressing over why democrats aren't attending the clown meats innaugural, just useless shit after shit, to fill time to the dreaded day. The media can do this shit, because Obama has cleaned up the mess Bush left, has unemployment down, the market is thriving and despite the haters, the great divider, the racist, the spear chucker, the coon is leaving office with a approval rating of 55%.

MSM thank Obama for making your useless jobs easier this time around!!
Liberals live in a crooked reality, where their economy is raising, ISIS is contained and Obama is a great president. I have a feeling, liberals live in a different country, not where the other Americans live...

Liberals live in a crooked reality, where their economy is raising, ISIS is contained and Obama is a great president. I have a feeling, liberals live in a different country, not where the other Americans live...

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I'm not saying the shit is perfect, I'm simply saying Trump is getting a break...unlike Obama had. The only thing fucked up in my opinion is wages and you nuts are too gotdamned stupid to realize it.
19 trillion in debt is a train wreck, NOT a sound economy. Run your home that "efficiently" and you'd be living in the street within a few months.

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