Destroying Your Party's Frontrunner For Personal Gain Only Helps Your Opposition


Last night's debate was a disgrace. It's clear that the only reason Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz were making personal attacks on Donald Trump was because they want to be president so bad, they are willing to compromise their principles.

Mitt Romney is another example. Mitt's feelings were hurt, so he was willing to sacrifice his decency to get even for the sour grapes he's still tasting from his own failed campaign. I get the feeling that any outsider would receive this treatment, but when it comes to debates, this is what can be expected in every case. Not just this one. They want everyone to think they're earnest when they attack Trump, but to be clear, if it was Cruz, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Rubio, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Ben Carson, he would be accused of sexual-assault, knifing classmates, being a psychopath. That's just the way these people play the game.

Here's the danger. When you go through this mess, it peels off votes. Small groups of people who have core principles are peeled off and will not vote for the Republican nominee even if it means giving a shitforbrains scumbag like Obama the White House. Democrat voters aren't so principled. They are on record stating very clearly that they'll vote for a rapist if he's a Democrat. They have no core principles other than winning.

The only thing positive that can come from this is that Republicans are using every bit of opposition research Hillary has early, rather than later, and when the general election starts, she won't have anything new. It will be old news. Still, the risk of alienating large swaths of potential voters is high. Many people have said that they would rather let Hillary win than vote for Trump, because the public trashing of his reputation has reached lows that I personally cannot remember ever happening before. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

It's clear that the establishment is in a panic. Ask Karl Rove about Trump and he turns into a red faced madman. Glenn Beck is just as bad. These people are really pissed that their hand-picked pushover isn't winning the hearts and minds of the public anymore.


We're tired of being told who to vote for and then losing our asses to dishonest and incompetent Democrats.
So if you want Amnesty, vote for the establishment guy _____________. And when Hillary brings up their flaws, and sweeps them in the election, you'll only have yourself to blame.
There are many in the party who would rather lose than put that man in the White House. They think it's not only bad for their party, but for the country.

I remember Republicans saying they wouldn't vote for McCain & Romney and let Obama win because they weren't conservative enough.

This party really needs to calm down a bit and start thinking rationally before it's nothing more than regional.

The thing that makes him look like a four year old is his incessant whining about being insulted. Grow a pair, Nancy, or at least stop dishing it out if you don't like it. What a thumb sucking baby he is
Not really. He doesn't come off like Obama, who whines about Fox News at every opportunity, or blames Bush for everything bad that happened during his watch.

Trump is simply pointing out the outright hostility coming from people that are supposed to be looking out for America. Fux Noise is the worst offender, primarily because Rodgers Ailes has a hard-on for Trump due to prior business deals. The establishment has it in for him because they agreed to support him and instead are stabbing him in the back. The press keeps asking him about it and he keeps answering them.

I'm referring to his banter with other candidates, primarily Cruz and Rubio. He constantly personally insults them, then whines like a little bitch when they insult him back. They're meanies, wwwhhhaaaaaaaaa
They constantly insult him.
Do you expect him to pull a John McCain or Mitt Romney, puss out, and just take it?

Last night's debate was a disgrace. It's clear that the only reason Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz were making personal attacks on Donald Trump was because they want to be president so bad, they are willing to compromise their principles.

Mitt Romney is another example. Mitt's feelings were hurt, so he was willing to sacrifice his decency to get even for the sour grapes he's still tasting from his own failed campaign. I get the feeling that any outsider would receive this treatment, but when it comes to debates, this is what can be expected in every case. Not just this one. They want everyone to think they're earnest when they attack Trump, but to be clear, if it was Cruz, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Rubio, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Ben Carson, he would be accused of sexual-assault, knifing classmates, being a psychopath. That's just the way these people play the game.

Here's the danger. When you go through this mess, it peels off votes. Small groups of people who have core principles are peeled off and will not vote for the Republican nominee even if it means giving a shitforbrains scumbag like Obama the White House. Democrat voters aren't so principled. They are on record stating very clearly that they'll vote for a rapist if he's a Democrat. They have no core principles other than winning.

The only thing positive that can come from this is that Republicans are using every bit of opposition research Hillary has early, rather than later, and when the general election starts, she won't have anything new. It will be old news. Still, the risk of alienating large swaths of potential voters is high. Many people have said that they would rather let Hillary win than vote for Trump, because the public trashing of his reputation has reached lows that I personally cannot remember ever happening before. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

It's clear that the establishment is in a panic. Ask Karl Rove about Trump and he turns into a red faced madman. Glenn Beck is just as bad. These people are really pissed that their hand-picked pushover isn't winning the hearts and minds of the public anymore.


We're tired of being told who to vote for and then losing our asses to dishonest and incompetent Democrats.
So if you want Amnesty, vote for the establishment guy _____________. And when Hillary brings up their flaws, and sweeps them in the election, you'll only have yourself to blame.
You guys should have thought about that when you pouted & refused to vote when Romney & McCain won.

You all brought us to this point

Last night's debate was a disgrace. It's clear that the only reason Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz were making personal attacks on Donald Trump was because they want to be president so bad, they are willing to compromise their principles.

Mitt Romney is another example. Mitt's feelings were hurt, so he was willing to sacrifice his decency to get even for the sour grapes he's still tasting from his own failed campaign. I get the feeling that any outsider would receive this treatment, but when it comes to debates, this is what can be expected in every case. Not just this one. They want everyone to think they're earnest when they attack Trump, but to be clear, if it was Cruz, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Rubio, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Ben Carson, he would be accused of sexual-assault, knifing classmates, being a psychopath. That's just the way these people play the game.

Here's the danger. When you go through this mess, it peels off votes. Small groups of people who have core principles are peeled off and will not vote for the Republican nominee even if it means giving a shitforbrains scumbag like Obama the White House. Democrat voters aren't so principled. They are on record stating very clearly that they'll vote for a rapist if he's a Democrat. They have no core principles other than winning.

The only thing positive that can come from this is that Republicans are using every bit of opposition research Hillary has early, rather than later, and when the general election starts, she won't have anything new. It will be old news. Still, the risk of alienating large swaths of potential voters is high. Many people have said that they would rather let Hillary win than vote for Trump, because the public trashing of his reputation has reached lows that I personally cannot remember ever happening before. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

It's clear that the establishment is in a panic. Ask Karl Rove about Trump and he turns into a red faced madman. Glenn Beck is just as bad. These people are really pissed that their hand-picked pushover isn't winning the hearts and minds of the public anymore.


We're tired of being told who to vote for and then losing our asses to dishonest and incompetent Democrats.
So if you want Amnesty, vote for the establishment guy _____________. And when Hillary brings up their flaws, and sweeps them in the election, you'll only have yourself to blame.
The butthurt is deep with this one

He's leading by double-digits.

If anything you're butthurt, dude.
This is YOUR whiney thread.

Trump is getting the McCain treatment. The treatment you all prescribed. I fail to see the problem.

Last night's debate was a disgrace. It's clear that the only reason Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz were making personal attacks on Donald Trump was because they want to be president so bad, they are willing to compromise their principles.

Mitt Romney is another example. Mitt's feelings were hurt, so he was willing to sacrifice his decency to get even for the sour grapes he's still tasting from his own failed campaign. I get the feeling that any outsider would receive this treatment, but when it comes to debates, this is what can be expected in every case. Not just this one. They want everyone to think they're earnest when they attack Trump, but to be clear, if it was Cruz, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Rubio, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Ben Carson, he would be accused of sexual-assault, knifing classmates, being a psychopath. That's just the way these people play the game.

Here's the danger. When you go through this mess, it peels off votes. Small groups of people who have core principles are peeled off and will not vote for the Republican nominee even if it means giving a shitforbrains scumbag like Obama the White House. Democrat voters aren't so principled. They are on record stating very clearly that they'll vote for a rapist if he's a Democrat. They have no core principles other than winning.

The only thing positive that can come from this is that Republicans are using every bit of opposition research Hillary has early, rather than later, and when the general election starts, she won't have anything new. It will be old news. Still, the risk of alienating large swaths of potential voters is high. Many people have said that they would rather let Hillary win than vote for Trump, because the public trashing of his reputation has reached lows that I personally cannot remember ever happening before. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

It's clear that the establishment is in a panic. Ask Karl Rove about Trump and he turns into a red faced madman. Glenn Beck is just as bad. These people are really pissed that their hand-picked pushover isn't winning the hearts and minds of the public anymore.


We're tired of being told who to vote for and then losing our asses to dishonest and incompetent Democrats.
So if you want Amnesty, vote for the establishment guy _____________. And when Hillary brings up their flaws, and sweeps them in the election, you'll only have yourself to blame.
There are many in the party who would rather lose than put that man in the White House. They think it's not only bad for their party, but for the country.

I remember Republicans saying they wouldn't vote for McCain & Romney and let Obama win because they weren't conservative enough.

This party really needs to calm down a bit and start thinking rationally before it's nothing more than regional.

The thing that makes him look like a four year old is his incessant whining about being insulted. Grow a pair, Nancy, or at least stop dishing it out if you don't like it. What a thumb sucking baby he is
Not really. He doesn't come off like Obama, who whines about Fox News at every opportunity, or blames Bush for everything bad that happened during his watch.

Trump is simply pointing out the outright hostility coming from people that are supposed to be looking out for America. Fux Noise is the worst offender, primarily because Rodgers Ailes has a hard-on for Trump due to prior business deals. The establishment has it in for him because they agreed to support him and instead are stabbing him in the back. The press keeps asking him about it and he keeps answering them.

I'm referring to his banter with other candidates, primarily Cruz and Rubio. He constantly personally insults them, then whines like a little bitch when they insult him back. They're meanies, wwwhhhaaaaaaaaa
They constantly insult him.
Do you expect him to pull a John McCain or Mitt Romney, puss out, and just take it?

Um ... I didn't criticize him for criticizing them, I criticized him for insulting them then whining when they insult him back that they're meanies for insulting him. I never said he can't criticize them back, I said don't whine about what you dish out.

How did you not get that? I mean that seriously, how?

Last night's debate was a disgrace. It's clear that the only reason Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz were making personal attacks on Donald Trump was because they want to be president so bad, they are willing to compromise their principles.

Mitt Romney is another example. Mitt's feelings were hurt, so he was willing to sacrifice his decency to get even for the sour grapes he's still tasting from his own failed campaign. I get the feeling that any outsider would receive this treatment, but when it comes to debates, this is what can be expected in every case. Not just this one. They want everyone to think they're earnest when they attack Trump, but to be clear, if it was Cruz, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Rubio, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Ben Carson, he would be accused of sexual-assault, knifing classmates, being a psychopath. That's just the way these people play the game.

Here's the danger. When you go through this mess, it peels off votes. Small groups of people who have core principles are peeled off and will not vote for the Republican nominee even if it means giving a shitforbrains scumbag like Obama the White House. Democrat voters aren't so principled. They are on record stating very clearly that they'll vote for a rapist if he's a Democrat. They have no core principles other than winning.

The only thing positive that can come from this is that Republicans are using every bit of opposition research Hillary has early, rather than later, and when the general election starts, she won't have anything new. It will be old news. Still, the risk of alienating large swaths of potential voters is high. Many people have said that they would rather let Hillary win than vote for Trump, because the public trashing of his reputation has reached lows that I personally cannot remember ever happening before. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

It's clear that the establishment is in a panic. Ask Karl Rove about Trump and he turns into a red faced madman. Glenn Beck is just as bad. These people are really pissed that their hand-picked pushover isn't winning the hearts and minds of the public anymore.


We're tired of being told who to vote for and then losing our asses to dishonest and incompetent Democrats.
So if you want Amnesty, vote for the establishment guy _____________. And when Hillary brings up their flaws, and sweeps them in the election, you'll only have yourself to blame.

Yes, the bitter primaries between Obama and Hillary in 08 killed his chances, I see what you're saying. The country is turning majority socialist, that's what's killing Republicans
The country is not turning majority socialist. That's not what's killing Republicans.

What's happening is the voter base for secular minorities is increasing rapidly, and the non minority evangelical voter base is flat.

The GOP's message cannot appeal to socially conservative evangelicals and secular minorities at the same time.
I can't believe what has become of the Republican Party

These debates get huge ratings, a chance to shine and show America what Republican values are all about
Republicans are pushing that after eight years of Obama's leadership, they are the best option

And they give us THIS as an example of leadership?

Petty bickering, name calling , funny faces, bragging about penis size

Do they really want to win in November?

apparently not with Donald trump... and I think they know that won't happen either and they're worried about the down ticket races.

Last night's debate was a disgrace. It's clear that the only reason Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz were making personal attacks on Donald Trump was because they want to be president so bad, they are willing to compromise their principles.

Mitt Romney is another example. Mitt's feelings were hurt, so he was willing to sacrifice his decency to get even for the sour grapes he's still tasting from his own failed campaign. I get the feeling that any outsider would receive this treatment, but when it comes to debates, this is what can be expected in every case. Not just this one. They want everyone to think they're earnest when they attack Trump, but to be clear, if it was Cruz, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Rubio, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Ben Carson, he would be accused of sexual-assault, knifing classmates, being a psychopath. That's just the way these people play the game.

Here's the danger. When you go through this mess, it peels off votes. Small groups of people who have core principles are peeled off and will not vote for the Republican nominee even if it means giving a shitforbrains scumbag like Obama the White House. Democrat voters aren't so principled. They are on record stating very clearly that they'll vote for a rapist if he's a Democrat. They have no core principles other than winning.

The only thing positive that can come from this is that Republicans are using every bit of opposition research Hillary has early, rather than later, and when the general election starts, she won't have anything new. It will be old news. Still, the risk of alienating large swaths of potential voters is high. Many people have said that they would rather let Hillary win than vote for Trump, because the public trashing of his reputation has reached lows that I personally cannot remember ever happening before. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

It's clear that the establishment is in a panic. Ask Karl Rove about Trump and he turns into a red faced madman. Glenn Beck is just as bad. These people are really pissed that their hand-picked pushover isn't winning the hearts and minds of the public anymore.


We're tired of being told who to vote for and then losing our asses to dishonest and incompetent Democrats.
So if you want Amnesty, vote for the establishment guy _____________. And when Hillary brings up their flaws, and sweeps them in the election, you'll only have yourself to blame.
You guys should have thought about that when you pouted & refused to vote when Romney & McCain won.

You all brought us to this point
I voted for both of them.

You're barking up the wrong tree.

Last night's debate was a disgrace. It's clear that the only reason Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz were making personal attacks on Donald Trump was because they want to be president so bad, they are willing to compromise their principles.

Mitt Romney is another example. Mitt's feelings were hurt, so he was willing to sacrifice his decency to get even for the sour grapes he's still tasting from his own failed campaign. I get the feeling that any outsider would receive this treatment, but when it comes to debates, this is what can be expected in every case. Not just this one. They want everyone to think they're earnest when they attack Trump, but to be clear, if it was Cruz, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Rubio, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Ben Carson, he would be accused of sexual-assault, knifing classmates, being a psychopath. That's just the way these people play the game.

Here's the danger. When you go through this mess, it peels off votes. Small groups of people who have core principles are peeled off and will not vote for the Republican nominee even if it means giving a shitforbrains scumbag like Obama the White House. Democrat voters aren't so principled. They are on record stating very clearly that they'll vote for a rapist if he's a Democrat. They have no core principles other than winning.

The only thing positive that can come from this is that Republicans are using every bit of opposition research Hillary has early, rather than later, and when the general election starts, she won't have anything new. It will be old news. Still, the risk of alienating large swaths of potential voters is high. Many people have said that they would rather let Hillary win than vote for Trump, because the public trashing of his reputation has reached lows that I personally cannot remember ever happening before. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

It's clear that the establishment is in a panic. Ask Karl Rove about Trump and he turns into a red faced madman. Glenn Beck is just as bad. These people are really pissed that their hand-picked pushover isn't winning the hearts and minds of the public anymore.


We're tired of being told who to vote for and then losing our asses to dishonest and incompetent Democrats.
So if you want Amnesty, vote for the establishment guy _____________. And when Hillary brings up their flaws, and sweeps them in the election, you'll only have yourself to blame.

Yes, the bitter primaries between Obama and Hillary in 08 killed his chances, I see what you're saying. The country is turning majority socialist, that's what's killing Republicans
The country is not turning majority socialist. That's not what's killing Republicans.

What's happening is the voter base for secular minorities is increasing rapidly, and the non minority evangelical voter base is flat.

The GOP's message cannot appeal to socially conservative evangelicals and secular minorities at the same time.
Secular minorities?
Like Muslims, Catholic Hispanics, and Black churchgoers?

Last night's debate was a disgrace. It's clear that the only reason Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz were making personal attacks on Donald Trump was because they want to be president so bad, they are willing to compromise their principles.

Mitt Romney is another example. Mitt's feelings were hurt, so he was willing to sacrifice his decency to get even for the sour grapes he's still tasting from his own failed campaign. I get the feeling that any outsider would receive this treatment, but when it comes to debates, this is what can be expected in every case. Not just this one. They want everyone to think they're earnest when they attack Trump, but to be clear, if it was Cruz, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Rubio, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Ben Carson, he would be accused of sexual-assault, knifing classmates, being a psychopath. That's just the way these people play the game.

Here's the danger. When you go through this mess, it peels off votes. Small groups of people who have core principles are peeled off and will not vote for the Republican nominee even if it means giving a shitforbrains scumbag like Obama the White House. Democrat voters aren't so principled. They are on record stating very clearly that they'll vote for a rapist if he's a Democrat. They have no core principles other than winning.

The only thing positive that can come from this is that Republicans are using every bit of opposition research Hillary has early, rather than later, and when the general election starts, she won't have anything new. It will be old news. Still, the risk of alienating large swaths of potential voters is high. Many people have said that they would rather let Hillary win than vote for Trump, because the public trashing of his reputation has reached lows that I personally cannot remember ever happening before. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

It's clear that the establishment is in a panic. Ask Karl Rove about Trump and he turns into a red faced madman. Glenn Beck is just as bad. These people are really pissed that their hand-picked pushover isn't winning the hearts and minds of the public anymore.


We're tired of being told who to vote for and then losing our asses to dishonest and incompetent Democrats.
So if you want Amnesty, vote for the establishment guy _____________. And when Hillary brings up their flaws, and sweeps them in the election, you'll only have yourself to blame.

Yes, the bitter primaries between Obama and Hillary in 08 killed his chances, I see what you're saying. The country is turning majority socialist, that's what's killing Republicans
The country is not turning majority socialist. That's not what's killing Republicans.

What's happening is the voter base for secular minorities is increasing rapidly, and the non minority evangelical voter base is flat.

The GOP's message cannot appeal to socially conservative evangelicals and secular minorities at the same time.
Secular minorities?
Like Muslims, Catholic Hispanics, and Black churchgoers?
Don't know what your point might be with those specifics....

I was talking about blacks, asians, latinos, east Indians, muslims, etc....basically non white christians
Trump won the Drudge poll 70% to 17%.

Butthurt my hairy balzack.
Drudge? Where ANYONE can vote as many times as they want?

Give me a fucking break. Are you some kind of Internet noob? How many online polls did Ron Paul win?

None that I know of.

Vote as many times as they like?

Like Democrats?

Last night's debate was a disgrace. It's clear that the only reason Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz were making personal attacks on Donald Trump was because they want to be president so bad, they are willing to compromise their principles.

Mitt Romney is another example. Mitt's feelings were hurt, so he was willing to sacrifice his decency to get even for the sour grapes he's still tasting from his own failed campaign. I get the feeling that any outsider would receive this treatment, but when it comes to debates, this is what can be expected in every case. Not just this one. They want everyone to think they're earnest when they attack Trump, but to be clear, if it was Cruz, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Rubio, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Ben Carson, he would be accused of sexual-assault, knifing classmates, being a psychopath. That's just the way these people play the game.

Here's the danger. When you go through this mess, it peels off votes. Small groups of people who have core principles are peeled off and will not vote for the Republican nominee even if it means giving a shitforbrains scumbag like Obama the White House. Democrat voters aren't so principled. They are on record stating very clearly that they'll vote for a rapist if he's a Democrat. They have no core principles other than winning.

The only thing positive that can come from this is that Republicans are using every bit of opposition research Hillary has early, rather than later, and when the general election starts, she won't have anything new. It will be old news. Still, the risk of alienating large swaths of potential voters is high. Many people have said that they would rather let Hillary win than vote for Trump, because the public trashing of his reputation has reached lows that I personally cannot remember ever happening before. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

It's clear that the establishment is in a panic. Ask Karl Rove about Trump and he turns into a red faced madman. Glenn Beck is just as bad. These people are really pissed that their hand-picked pushover isn't winning the hearts and minds of the public anymore.


We're tired of being told who to vote for and then losing our asses to dishonest and incompetent Democrats.
So if you want Amnesty, vote for the establishment guy _____________. And when Hillary brings up their flaws, and sweeps them in the election, you'll only have yourself to blame.

Yes, the bitter primaries between Obama and Hillary in 08 killed his chances, I see what you're saying. The country is turning majority socialist, that's what's killing Republicans
The country is not turning majority socialist. That's not what's killing Republicans.

What's happening is the voter base for secular minorities is increasing rapidly, and the non minority evangelical voter base is flat.

The GOP's message cannot appeal to socially conservative evangelicals and secular minorities at the same time.
Secular minorities?
Like Muslims, Catholic Hispanics, and Black churchgoers?
Don't know what your point might be with those specifics....

I was talking about blacks, asians, latinos, east Indians, muslims, etc....basically non white christians
Secular usually means non-religious.
Anything Republicans do to get to a nomination will hurt them. Whoever is the nominee, the others will not be satisfied and there will still be pushback and the vote will be split. It is unstoppable now. They are screwed no matter the outcome.
I can't believe what has become of the Republican Party

These debates get huge ratings, a chance to shine and show America what Republican values are all about
Republicans are pushing that after eight years of Obama's leadership, they are the best option

And they give us THIS as an example of leadership?

Petty bickering, name calling , funny faces, bragging about penis size

Do they really want to win in November?
No. Their one and only goal is to stop Trump. They care nothing about winning and they care nothihng about their image at this point. It's all about stopping Trump.......period

Last night's debate was a disgrace. It's clear that the only reason Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz were making personal attacks on Donald Trump was because they want to be president so bad, they are willing to compromise their principles.

Mitt Romney is another example. Mitt's feelings were hurt, so he was willing to sacrifice his decency to get even for the sour grapes he's still tasting from his own failed campaign. I get the feeling that any outsider would receive this treatment, but when it comes to debates, this is what can be expected in every case. Not just this one. They want everyone to think they're earnest when they attack Trump, but to be clear, if it was Cruz, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Rubio, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Ben Carson, he would be accused of sexual-assault, knifing classmates, being a psychopath. That's just the way these people play the game.

Here's the danger. When you go through this mess, it peels off votes. Small groups of people who have core principles are peeled off and will not vote for the Republican nominee even if it means giving a shitforbrains scumbag like Obama the White House. Democrat voters aren't so principled. They are on record stating very clearly that they'll vote for a rapist if he's a Democrat. They have no core principles other than winning.

The only thing positive that can come from this is that Republicans are using every bit of opposition research Hillary has early, rather than later, and when the general election starts, she won't have anything new. It will be old news. Still, the risk of alienating large swaths of potential voters is high. Many people have said that they would rather let Hillary win than vote for Trump, because the public trashing of his reputation has reached lows that I personally cannot remember ever happening before. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

It's clear that the establishment is in a panic. Ask Karl Rove about Trump and he turns into a red faced madman. Glenn Beck is just as bad. These people are really pissed that their hand-picked pushover isn't winning the hearts and minds of the public anymore.


We're tired of being told who to vote for and then losing our asses to dishonest and incompetent Democrats.
So if you want Amnesty, vote for the establishment guy _____________. And when Hillary brings up their flaws, and sweeps them in the election, you'll only have yourself to blame.
There are many in the party who would rather lose than put that man in the White House. They think it's not only bad for their party, but for the country.

I remember Republicans saying they wouldn't vote for McCain & Romney and let Obama win because they weren't conservative enough.

This party really needs to calm down a bit and start thinking rationally before it's nothing more than regional.
Trump has this funny way of being totally frank to people who are incompetent. If he feels you aren't doing your job he tells you to your face, but by that time he's telling "You're Fired!!!"

So people don't like his frankness. I don't see him being obsene about it. That is simply a political tactic. Trump is bold and honest to a fault. But he is loyal and he expects loyalty. He's not the type to throw anyone under the bus like Obama or Hillary.

This is why support for him is so strong and uncompromising.


Last night's debate was a disgrace. It's clear that the only reason Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz were making personal attacks on Donald Trump was because they want to be president so bad, they are willing to compromise their principles.

Mitt Romney is another example. Mitt's feelings were hurt, so he was willing to sacrifice his decency to get even for the sour grapes he's still tasting from his own failed campaign. I get the feeling that any outsider would receive this treatment, but when it comes to debates, this is what can be expected in every case. Not just this one. They want everyone to think they're earnest when they attack Trump, but to be clear, if it was Cruz, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Rubio, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Ben Carson, he would be accused of sexual-assault, knifing classmates, being a psychopath. That's just the way these people play the game.

Here's the danger. When you go through this mess, it peels off votes. Small groups of people who have core principles are peeled off and will not vote for the Republican nominee even if it means giving a shitforbrains scumbag like Obama the White House. Democrat voters aren't so principled. They are on record stating very clearly that they'll vote for a rapist if he's a Democrat. They have no core principles other than winning.

The only thing positive that can come from this is that Republicans are using every bit of opposition research Hillary has early, rather than later, and when the general election starts, she won't have anything new. It will be old news. Still, the risk of alienating large swaths of potential voters is high. Many people have said that they would rather let Hillary win than vote for Trump, because the public trashing of his reputation has reached lows that I personally cannot remember ever happening before. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

It's clear that the establishment is in a panic. Ask Karl Rove about Trump and he turns into a red faced madman. Glenn Beck is just as bad. These people are really pissed that their hand-picked pushover isn't winning the hearts and minds of the public anymore.


We're tired of being told who to vote for and then losing our asses to dishonest and incompetent Democrats.
So if you want Amnesty, vote for the establishment guy _____________. And when Hillary brings up their flaws, and sweeps them in the election, you'll only have yourself to blame.
There are many in the party who would rather lose than put that man in the White House. They think it's not only bad for their party, but for the country.

I remember Republicans saying they wouldn't vote for McCain & Romney and let Obama win because they weren't conservative enough.

This party really needs to calm down a bit and start thinking rationally before it's nothing more than regional.

The thing that makes him look like a four year old is his incessant whining about being insulted. Grow a pair, Nancy, or at least stop dishing it out if you don't like it. What a thumb sucking baby he is


Last night's debate was a disgrace. It's clear that the only reason Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz were making personal attacks on Donald Trump was because they want to be president so bad, they are willing to compromise their principles.

Mitt Romney is another example. Mitt's feelings were hurt, so he was willing to sacrifice his decency to get even for the sour grapes he's still tasting from his own failed campaign. I get the feeling that any outsider would receive this treatment, but when it comes to debates, this is what can be expected in every case. Not just this one. They want everyone to think they're earnest when they attack Trump, but to be clear, if it was Cruz, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Rubio, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Ben Carson, he would be accused of sexual-assault, knifing classmates, being a psychopath. That's just the way these people play the game.

Here's the danger. When you go through this mess, it peels off votes. Small groups of people who have core principles are peeled off and will not vote for the Republican nominee even if it means giving a shitforbrains scumbag like Obama the White House. Democrat voters aren't so principled. They are on record stating very clearly that they'll vote for a rapist if he's a Democrat. They have no core principles other than winning.

The only thing positive that can come from this is that Republicans are using every bit of opposition research Hillary has early, rather than later, and when the general election starts, she won't have anything new. It will be old news. Still, the risk of alienating large swaths of potential voters is high. Many people have said that they would rather let Hillary win than vote for Trump, because the public trashing of his reputation has reached lows that I personally cannot remember ever happening before. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

It's clear that the establishment is in a panic. Ask Karl Rove about Trump and he turns into a red faced madman. Glenn Beck is just as bad. These people are really pissed that their hand-picked pushover isn't winning the hearts and minds of the public anymore.


We're tired of being told who to vote for and then losing our asses to dishonest and incompetent Democrats.
So if you want Amnesty, vote for the establishment guy _____________. And when Hillary brings up their flaws, and sweeps them in the election, you'll only have yourself to blame.
There are many in the party who would rather lose than put that man in the White House. They think it's not only bad for their party, but for the country.

I remember Republicans saying they wouldn't vote for McCain & Romney and let Obama win because they weren't conservative enough.

This party really needs to calm down a bit and start thinking rationally before it's nothing more than regional.
Trump has this funny way of being totally frank to people who are incompetent. If he feels you aren't doing your job he tells you to your face, but by that time he's telling "You're Fired!!!"

So people don't like his frankness. I don't see him being obsene about it. That is simply a political tactic. Trump is bold and honest to a fault. But he is loyal and he expects loyalty. He's not the type to throw anyone under the bus like Obama or Hillary.

This is why support for him is so strong and uncompromising.
It's not just frankness. He will say anything, at any time, no matter how repugnant or childish or undignified.

He inferred he has a big dick in a nationally-televised, major party debate last night.

Does that concern you in any way?


Last night's debate was a disgrace. It's clear that the only reason Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz were making personal attacks on Donald Trump was because they want to be president so bad, they are willing to compromise their principles.

Mitt Romney is another example. Mitt's feelings were hurt, so he was willing to sacrifice his decency to get even for the sour grapes he's still tasting from his own failed campaign. I get the feeling that any outsider would receive this treatment, but when it comes to debates, this is what can be expected in every case. Not just this one. They want everyone to think they're earnest when they attack Trump, but to be clear, if it was Cruz, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Rubio, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Ben Carson, he would be accused of sexual-assault, knifing classmates, being a psychopath. That's just the way these people play the game.

Here's the danger. When you go through this mess, it peels off votes. Small groups of people who have core principles are peeled off and will not vote for the Republican nominee even if it means giving a shitforbrains scumbag like Obama the White House. Democrat voters aren't so principled. They are on record stating very clearly that they'll vote for a rapist if he's a Democrat. They have no core principles other than winning.

The only thing positive that can come from this is that Republicans are using every bit of opposition research Hillary has early, rather than later, and when the general election starts, she won't have anything new. It will be old news. Still, the risk of alienating large swaths of potential voters is high. Many people have said that they would rather let Hillary win than vote for Trump, because the public trashing of his reputation has reached lows that I personally cannot remember ever happening before. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

It's clear that the establishment is in a panic. Ask Karl Rove about Trump and he turns into a red faced madman. Glenn Beck is just as bad. These people are really pissed that their hand-picked pushover isn't winning the hearts and minds of the public anymore.


We're tired of being told who to vote for and then losing our asses to dishonest and incompetent Democrats.
So if you want Amnesty, vote for the establishment guy _____________. And when Hillary brings up their flaws, and sweeps them in the election, you'll only have yourself to blame.
There are many in the party who would rather lose than put that man in the White House. They think it's not only bad for their party, but for the country.

I remember Republicans saying they wouldn't vote for McCain & Romney and let Obama win because they weren't conservative enough.

This party really needs to calm down a bit and start thinking rationally before it's nothing more than regional.
Too late

It is all so ridiculous indeed, with that I agree. But I have to ask a few questions--------->

1. Are we to believe that in this GOP race, we have 2 crazies like the establishment puts forth, so skip the number 1 and 2 guy, and elevate Rubio? How many people find this establishment rhetoric true? To believe that this is plausible by any stretch of the imagination, means you are just listening to a narrative, and not using your own mind.

2. Who do you believe.....the Gop, or the Democrats? Do you believe the GOP that only Trump can't win, or do you believe the Democrats that none of them can win, no way, forget about it?

So then, why wouldn't the political operatives on the Democratic side be pushing for Trump? If Cruz is in 2nd place, why wouldn't the GOP be pushing for Cruz? Hmmmmmm!

How about I give you another take on it!!!!!! The GOP knows the odds are very good indeed they are going to win. They don't want Trump or Cruz, because Washington gets a shake up either way. Same for the Democrats, so they will push the narrative of who CAN win (eventhough all of them can) so if/when they lose, their precious DEPARTMENTS where all the Washington lefties reside, stay intact.

People are NOT following the bouncing ball very well in my opinion. How many of you have seen network news this morning showing all the UNION protesters outside the GOP convention FOR TRUMP? How many of you heard on the news this morning, that union officials are making poopy that their members are going to jump the Democratic slave ship, and jump on Trumps S.S. Freedom America?

This has been foretold by many of us that have watched the internal issues polls, and now it is coming to fruition. Why do you believe that it is uneducated voters pushing him? It is NOT uneducated perse', it is blue collar that have less college degrees. (now if the left wants to call blue collar workers dumb, be my everlasting guest!)

From where we sit, the GOP anti-establishment people should be downright giddy, as long as you do not use tunnel vision. Rubio is probably DOA after Florida, leaving the 2 anti-establishment candidates, Trump/Cruz in the drivers seats. Either one changes the Republican party more to your liking. One carries many more Democrats screwing Hilly, the other carries many more GOP and Independents, also screwing Hilly............who has no enthusiasm anywhere, shown by Democratic voter turnout in her defense.

And all you have to do...............ONE MORE TIME...............all you have to do, is quit hating each others camp, coalesce around whichever wins the nomination since they are anti-establishment, vote, and you will push whomever the nominee is into the White House. If 2016 is really about retaking the country from the SOCIALISTS, and slapping the GOP establishment in the face for screwing you over with promises they didn't even try and keep, it will be EASY PEEZY, if you just understand that either of these people, is a victory for us, and the country; and that if your guy loses the nomination legally, and morally, it is NOT the end of the world. When you are hungry, 1/2 a loaf is better than none. Either way we all get 1/2, and the establishment gets 0-)
Destroying Your Party's Frontrunner For Personal Gain Only Helps Your Opposition

Well we'll have to see just who that is after the Rust Belt and California primaries are over..
I think the powers-that-be of the Republican Party would much rather see Hillary Clinton in the White House than Trump. At least with Hillary they know nothing will change and their Wall Street cronies will still get taken care of and their pockets will continue getting lined.

Last night's debate was a disgrace. It's clear that the only reason Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz were making personal attacks on Donald Trump was because they want to be president so bad, they are willing to compromise their principles.

Mitt Romney is another example. Mitt's feelings were hurt, so he was willing to sacrifice his decency to get even for the sour grapes he's still tasting from his own failed campaign. I get the feeling that any outsider would receive this treatment, but when it comes to debates, this is what can be expected in every case. Not just this one. They want everyone to think they're earnest when they attack Trump, but to be clear, if it was Cruz, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Rubio, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Ben Carson, he would be accused of sexual-assault, knifing classmates, being a psychopath. That's just the way these people play the game.

Here's the danger. When you go through this mess, it peels off votes. Small groups of people who have core principles are peeled off and will not vote for the Republican nominee even if it means giving a shitforbrains scumbag like Obama the White House. Democrat voters aren't so principled. They are on record stating very clearly that they'll vote for a rapist if he's a Democrat. They have no core principles other than winning.

The only thing positive that can come from this is that Republicans are using every bit of opposition research Hillary has early, rather than later, and when the general election starts, she won't have anything new. It will be old news. Still, the risk of alienating large swaths of potential voters is high. Many people have said that they would rather let Hillary win than vote for Trump, because the public trashing of his reputation has reached lows that I personally cannot remember ever happening before. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

It's clear that the establishment is in a panic. Ask Karl Rove about Trump and he turns into a red faced madman. Glenn Beck is just as bad. These people are really pissed that their hand-picked pushover isn't winning the hearts and minds of the public anymore.


We're tired of being told who to vote for and then losing our asses to dishonest and incompetent Democrats.
So if you want Amnesty, vote for the establishment guy _____________. And when Hillary brings up their flaws, and sweeps them in the election, you'll only have yourself to blame.
There are many in the party who would rather lose than put that man in the White House. They think it's not only bad for their party, but for the country.

I remember Republicans saying they wouldn't vote for McCain & Romney and let Obama win because they weren't conservative enough.

This party really needs to calm down a bit and start thinking rationally before it's nothing more than regional.
Trump has this funny way of being totally frank to people who are incompetent. If he feels you aren't doing your job he tells you to your face, but by that time he's telling "You're Fired!!!"

So people don't like his frankness. I don't see him being obsene about it. That is simply a political tactic. Trump is bold and honest to a fault. But he is loyal and he expects loyalty. He's not the type to throw anyone under the bus like Obama or Hillary.

This is why support for him is so strong and uncompromising.


Last night's debate was a disgrace. It's clear that the only reason Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz were making personal attacks on Donald Trump was because they want to be president so bad, they are willing to compromise their principles.

Mitt Romney is another example. Mitt's feelings were hurt, so he was willing to sacrifice his decency to get even for the sour grapes he's still tasting from his own failed campaign. I get the feeling that any outsider would receive this treatment, but when it comes to debates, this is what can be expected in every case. Not just this one. They want everyone to think they're earnest when they attack Trump, but to be clear, if it was Cruz, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Rubio, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Ben Carson, he would be accused of sexual-assault, knifing classmates, being a psychopath. That's just the way these people play the game.

Here's the danger. When you go through this mess, it peels off votes. Small groups of people who have core principles are peeled off and will not vote for the Republican nominee even if it means giving a shitforbrains scumbag like Obama the White House. Democrat voters aren't so principled. They are on record stating very clearly that they'll vote for a rapist if he's a Democrat. They have no core principles other than winning.

The only thing positive that can come from this is that Republicans are using every bit of opposition research Hillary has early, rather than later, and when the general election starts, she won't have anything new. It will be old news. Still, the risk of alienating large swaths of potential voters is high. Many people have said that they would rather let Hillary win than vote for Trump, because the public trashing of his reputation has reached lows that I personally cannot remember ever happening before. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

It's clear that the establishment is in a panic. Ask Karl Rove about Trump and he turns into a red faced madman. Glenn Beck is just as bad. These people are really pissed that their hand-picked pushover isn't winning the hearts and minds of the public anymore.


We're tired of being told who to vote for and then losing our asses to dishonest and incompetent Democrats.
So if you want Amnesty, vote for the establishment guy _____________. And when Hillary brings up their flaws, and sweeps them in the election, you'll only have yourself to blame.
There are many in the party who would rather lose than put that man in the White House. They think it's not only bad for their party, but for the country.

I remember Republicans saying they wouldn't vote for McCain & Romney and let Obama win because they weren't conservative enough.

This party really needs to calm down a bit and start thinking rationally before it's nothing more than regional.

The thing that makes him look like a four year old is his incessant whining about being insulted. Grow a pair, Nancy, or at least stop dishing it out if you don't like it. What a thumb sucking baby he is


Last night's debate was a disgrace. It's clear that the only reason Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz were making personal attacks on Donald Trump was because they want to be president so bad, they are willing to compromise their principles.

Mitt Romney is another example. Mitt's feelings were hurt, so he was willing to sacrifice his decency to get even for the sour grapes he's still tasting from his own failed campaign. I get the feeling that any outsider would receive this treatment, but when it comes to debates, this is what can be expected in every case. Not just this one. They want everyone to think they're earnest when they attack Trump, but to be clear, if it was Cruz, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Rubio, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Ben Carson, he would be accused of sexual-assault, knifing classmates, being a psychopath. That's just the way these people play the game.

Here's the danger. When you go through this mess, it peels off votes. Small groups of people who have core principles are peeled off and will not vote for the Republican nominee even if it means giving a shitforbrains scumbag like Obama the White House. Democrat voters aren't so principled. They are on record stating very clearly that they'll vote for a rapist if he's a Democrat. They have no core principles other than winning.

The only thing positive that can come from this is that Republicans are using every bit of opposition research Hillary has early, rather than later, and when the general election starts, she won't have anything new. It will be old news. Still, the risk of alienating large swaths of potential voters is high. Many people have said that they would rather let Hillary win than vote for Trump, because the public trashing of his reputation has reached lows that I personally cannot remember ever happening before. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

It's clear that the establishment is in a panic. Ask Karl Rove about Trump and he turns into a red faced madman. Glenn Beck is just as bad. These people are really pissed that their hand-picked pushover isn't winning the hearts and minds of the public anymore.


We're tired of being told who to vote for and then losing our asses to dishonest and incompetent Democrats.
So if you want Amnesty, vote for the establishment guy _____________. And when Hillary brings up their flaws, and sweeps them in the election, you'll only have yourself to blame.
There are many in the party who would rather lose than put that man in the White House. They think it's not only bad for their party, but for the country.

I remember Republicans saying they wouldn't vote for McCain & Romney and let Obama win because they weren't conservative enough.

This party really needs to calm down a bit and start thinking rationally before it's nothing more than regional.
Trump has this funny way of being totally frank to people who are incompetent. If he feels you aren't doing your job he tells you to your face, but by that time he's telling "You're Fired!!!"

So people don't like his frankness. I don't see him being obsene about it. That is simply a political tactic. Trump is bold and honest to a fault. But he is loyal and he expects loyalty. He's not the type to throw anyone under the bus like Obama or Hillary.

This is why support for him is so strong and uncompromising.
It's not just frankness. He will say anything, at any time, no matter how repugnant or childish or undignified.

He inferred he has a big dick in a nationally-televised, major party debate last night.

Does that concern you in any way?


Last night's debate was a disgrace. It's clear that the only reason Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz were making personal attacks on Donald Trump was because they want to be president so bad, they are willing to compromise their principles.

Mitt Romney is another example. Mitt's feelings were hurt, so he was willing to sacrifice his decency to get even for the sour grapes he's still tasting from his own failed campaign. I get the feeling that any outsider would receive this treatment, but when it comes to debates, this is what can be expected in every case. Not just this one. They want everyone to think they're earnest when they attack Trump, but to be clear, if it was Cruz, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Rubio, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Ben Carson, he would be accused of sexual-assault, knifing classmates, being a psychopath. That's just the way these people play the game.

Here's the danger. When you go through this mess, it peels off votes. Small groups of people who have core principles are peeled off and will not vote for the Republican nominee even if it means giving a shitforbrains scumbag like Obama the White House. Democrat voters aren't so principled. They are on record stating very clearly that they'll vote for a rapist if he's a Democrat. They have no core principles other than winning.

The only thing positive that can come from this is that Republicans are using every bit of opposition research Hillary has early, rather than later, and when the general election starts, she won't have anything new. It will be old news. Still, the risk of alienating large swaths of potential voters is high. Many people have said that they would rather let Hillary win than vote for Trump, because the public trashing of his reputation has reached lows that I personally cannot remember ever happening before. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

It's clear that the establishment is in a panic. Ask Karl Rove about Trump and he turns into a red faced madman. Glenn Beck is just as bad. These people are really pissed that their hand-picked pushover isn't winning the hearts and minds of the public anymore.


We're tired of being told who to vote for and then losing our asses to dishonest and incompetent Democrats.
So if you want Amnesty, vote for the establishment guy _____________. And when Hillary brings up their flaws, and sweeps them in the election, you'll only have yourself to blame.
There are many in the party who would rather lose than put that man in the White House. They think it's not only bad for their party, but for the country.

I remember Republicans saying they wouldn't vote for McCain & Romney and let Obama win because they weren't conservative enough.

This party really needs to calm down a bit and start thinking rationally before it's nothing more than regional.
Too late

It is all so ridiculous indeed, with that I agree. But I have to ask a few questions--------->

1. Are we to believe that in this GOP race, we have 2 crazies like the establishment puts forth, so skip the number 1 and 2 guy, and elevate Rubio? How many people find this establishment rhetoric true? To believe that this is plausible by any stretch of the imagination, means you are just listening to a narrative, and not using your own mind.

2. Who do you believe.....the Gop, or the Democrats? Do you believe the GOP that only Trump can't win, or do you believe the Democrats that none of them can win, no way, forget about it?

So then, why wouldn't the political operatives on the Democratic side be pushing for Trump? If Cruz is in 2nd place, why wouldn't the GOP be pushing for Cruz? Hmmmmmm!

How about I give you another take on it!!!!!! The GOP knows the odds are very good indeed they are going to win. They don't want Trump or Cruz, because Washington gets a shake up either way. Same for the Democrats, so they will push the narrative of who CAN win (eventhough all of them can) so if/when they lose, their precious DEPARTMENTS where all the Washington lefties reside, stay intact.

People are NOT following the bouncing ball very well in my opinion. How many of you have seen network news this morning showing all the UNION protesters outside the GOP convention FOR TRUMP? How many of you heard on the news this morning, that union officials are making poopy that their members are going to jump the Democratic slave ship, and jump on Trumps S.S. Freedom America?

This has been foretold by many of us that have watched the internal issues polls, and now it is coming to fruition. Why do you believe that it is uneducated voters pushing him? It is NOT uneducated perse', it is blue collar that have less college degrees. (now if the left wants to call blue collar workers dumb, be my everlasting guest!)

From where we sit, the GOP anti-establishment people should be downright giddy, as long as you do not use tunnel vision. Rubio is probably DOA after Florida, leaving the 2 anti-establishment candidates, Trump/Cruz in the drivers seats. Either one changes the Republican party more to your liking. One carries many more Democrats screwing Hilly, the other carries many more GOP and Independents, also screwing Hilly............who has no enthusiasm anywhere, shown by Democratic voter turnout in her defense.

And all you have to do...............ONE MORE TIME...............all you have to do, is quit hating each others camp, coalesce around whichever wins the nomination since they are anti-establishment, vote, and you will push whomever the nominee is into the White House. If 2016 is really about retaking the country from the SOCIALISTS, and slapping the GOP establishment in the face for screwing you over with promises they didn't even try and keep, it will be EASY PEEZY, if you just understand that either of these people, is a victory for us, and the country; and that if your guy loses the nomination legally, and morally, it is NOT the end of the world. When you are hungry, 1/2 a loaf is better than none. Either way we all get 1/2, and the establishment gets 0-)
Where's number 3?

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