Destroying Your Party's Frontrunner For Personal Gain Only Helps Your Opposition

I can't believe what has become of the Republican Party

These debates get huge ratings, a chance to shine and show America what Republican values are all about
Republicans are pushing that after eight years of Obama's leadership, they are the best option

And they give us THIS as an example of leadership?

Petty bickering, name calling , funny faces, bragging about penis size

Do they really want to win in November?
Yep, better to have the nomination process rigged before the first vote is cast.

Republicans did try to rig the primary process in favor of the early frontrunner

After Romney, they wanted more conservative states early in the primaries so the leader could lock up the nomination and move on

With Trump, it means they will not have time to generate a way to defeat him

Republicans were bit in the ass
Trump's the man. He's dismissing the petty haters and movin on. I urge people to check out his great speech he gave in Maine yesterday. It's probably on YouTube now. The career politicians have run this country into the ground.

He really got into Romney's 'Free Trade' tirade. We're running so many massive trade deficits and businesses are fleeing the country. The career politicians like Romney have completely screwed the country. I am now convinced it is Trump's time. He has my support.
you do realize that Mr Trump is no different, and outsourced his merchandise to be made in China and Mexico...

And Mr. Trump also stated the USA worker can not compete on the world stage of manufacturing because our wages are too high...suggesting they need lowering or removing the minimum wage....

And that once we deport all illegals, it's fine with him to rebring them back in on legal visas to work here...

AND in his country club in Florida he brought from foreign countries and hired 200 or so on HB1 visas, while hiring only 17 American workers....having his workforce enslaved to him, because those hb1 visa workers can NOT seek work elsewhere or threaten to walk off the job without being deported....

please don't let yourself be a con man....and let yourself hear only the parts you want to hear, of what he's actually been saying and doing.
I can't believe what has become of the Republican Party

These debates get huge ratings, a chance to shine and show America what Republican values are all about
Republicans are pushing that after eight years of Obama's leadership, they are the best option

And they give us THIS as an example of leadership?

Petty bickering, name calling , funny faces, bragging about penis size

Do they really want to win in November?

apparently not with Donald trump... and I think they know that won't happen either and they're worried about the down ticket races.

They need to start worrying

Moderate and traditional Republicans will not come out for Trump. The Bush, Rubio and Cruz republicans will not jump ship for Trump....too many hard feelings

If Republicans sit home it will cost them the Senate. The House is too far gerrymandered to make a difference but it can impact other offices
Trump's the man. He's dismissing the petty haters and movin on. I urge people to check out his great speech he gave in Maine yesterday. It's probably on YouTube now. The career politicians have run this country into the ground.

He really got into Romney's 'Free Trade' tirade. We're running so many massive trade deficits and businesses are fleeing the country. The career politicians like Romney have completely screwed the country. I am now convinced it is Trump's time. He has my support.
you do realize that Mr Trump is no different, and outsourced his merchandise to be made in China and Mexico...

And Mr. Trump also stated the USA worker can not compete on the world stage of manufacturing because our wages are too high...suggesting they need lowering or removing the minimum wage....

And that once we deport all illegals, it's fine with him to rebring them back in on legal visas to work here...

AND in his country club in Florida he brought from foreign countries and hired 200 or so on HB1 visas, while hiring only 17 American workers....having his workforce enslaved to him, because those hb1 visa workers can NOT seek work elsewhere or threaten to walk off the job without being deported....

please don't let yourself be a con man....and let yourself hear only the parts you want to hear, of what he's actually been saying and doing.

I'm done with the career politicians. Time for something different.
Many Republicans do not consider Trump to be part of their party, and rightfully so. He is not a Republican, he is just using them because he would get nowhere with the Democrats.
He would destroy Hillary as a Democrat candidate.
Trump's the man. He's dismissing the petty haters and movin on. I urge people to check out his great speech he gave in Maine yesterday. It's probably on YouTube now. The career politicians have run this country into the ground.

He really got into Romney's 'Free Trade' tirade. We're running so many massive trade deficits and businesses are fleeing the country. The career politicians like Romney have completely screwed the country. I am now convinced it is Trump's time. He has my support.
you do realize that Mr Trump is no different, and outsourced his merchandise to be made in China and Mexico...

And Mr. Trump also stated the USA worker can not compete on the world stage of manufacturing because our wages are too high...suggesting they need lowering or removing the minimum wage....

And that once we deport all illegals, it's fine with him to rebring them back in on legal visas to work here...

AND in his country club in Florida he brought from foreign countries and hired 200 or so on HB1 visas, while hiring only 17 American workers....having his workforce enslaved to him, because those hb1 visa workers can NOT seek work elsewhere or threaten to walk off the job without being deported....

please don't let yourself be a con man....and let yourself hear only the parts you want to hear, of what he's actually been saying and doing.

I'm done with the career politicians. Time for something different.
He may not have been the politician, but he was even worse and was the mega LTD corporation donating to politicians so to lure them in to fulfilling his business needs...he said as much last night on stage when he was questioned about his political donations....and why he made them.

I do understand about you not wanting a career politician, but this man is NOT squeeky clean and IS the establishment trying to buy them off.... and if you don't get rid of the established senators and congress critters that you are sick of, your problem with establishment, doesn't go away....and NONE of those established senators or congress critters are being primaried to give any citizen a choice.
It's my distinct impression that Trump supporters are behind him based on attitude rather than ideology.

Those ideologues on the Right should be more than satisfied with Ted Cruz as their standard bearer. But Trump's attitude, his boorish, strutting, vulgar attitude seems to be the flame some Right Wing moths are drawn to. Trump's political ideology seems to be all over the map. If he did not present himself with such an overbearing, thuggish, brutal attitude, would the political firebrands who waved the banner of hard core Conservatism be attracted to him? They surely would have branded him a flip flopper and raced to Ted Cruz' side.

But it's attitude than brings them in. Are they really committed to a far Right political agenda, or die they seek an angry fighter no matter his policies?
That makes no sense.

What about Trump is far-right?
Nothing but his attitude. Trump has no Conservative x Conservatism to hang his hat upon.

What he has is an ability to tap into anger. Is that enough to elect him?

And what does it say abo
It's my distinct impression that Trump supporters are behind him based on attitude rather than ideology.

Those ideologues on the Right should be more than satisfied with Ted Cruz as their standard bearer. But Trump's attitude, his boorish, strutting, vulgar attitude seems to be the flame some Right Wing moths are drawn to. Trump's political ideology seems to be all over the map. If he did not present himself with such an overbearing, thuggish, brutal attitude, would the political firebrands who waved the banner of hard core Conservatism be attracted to him? They surely would have branded him a flip flopper and raced to Ted Cruz' side.

But it's attitude than brings them in. Are they really committed to a far Right political agenda, or die they seek an angry fighter no matter his policies?
That makes no sense.

What about Trump is far-right?
Nothing but his attitude. He has no record of orthodox Conservatism to speak of. He has no consistent policy record.

What he does have is a preternatural ability to ta into anger and frustration.

Is this enough to vote for him? To elect him?

And what does that say for his supporters? Are they true Conservative ideologues or are they more willing to follow a strutting, boorish leader than be true to their ideology?

And what are the consequences for the GOP? With Ted Cruz as a dyed in the wool Conservative lurking in second place while Trump makes a mockery of political discourse, can the GOP survive?
The only people that Trump angers is people who are all talk and no action. Bullshit artists. Non-hackers and posers. Slick Willies. Empty suits that are along for the ride.

The anger comes from watching an incompetent boob screw up everything he comes in contact with. Watching the corruption on full display. The evil monevolence and in your face attitude of a government that breaks our laws and dares us to stop them.
So, there it is. Your support for Trump is grounded in attitude, not ideology.

Is your grasp on ideology that tenuous, or can you abandon it for electability and swagger?
Trump's the man. He's dismissing the petty haters and movin on. I urge people to check out his great speech he gave in Maine yesterday. It's probably on YouTube now. The career politicians have run this country into the ground.

He really got into Romney's 'Free Trade' tirade. We're running so many massive trade deficits and businesses are fleeing the country. The career politicians like Romney have completely screwed the country. I am now convinced it is Trump's time. He has my support.
you do realize that Mr Trump is no different, and outsourced his merchandise to be made in China and Mexico...

And Mr. Trump also stated the USA worker can not compete on the world stage of manufacturing because our wages are too high...suggesting they need lowering or removing the minimum wage....

And that once we deport all illegals, it's fine with him to rebring them back in on legal visas to work here...

AND in his country club in Florida he brought from foreign countries and hired 200 or so on HB1 visas, while hiring only 17 American workers....having his workforce enslaved to him, because those hb1 visa workers can NOT seek work elsewhere or threaten to walk off the job without being deported....

please don't let yourself be a con man....and let yourself hear only the parts you want to hear, of what he's actually been saying and doing.

I'm done with the career politicians. Time for something different.

You'll be waiting until 2020 or beyond.

Last night's debate was a disgrace. It's clear that the only reason Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz were making personal attacks on Donald Trump was because they want to be president so bad, they are willing to compromise their principles.

Mitt Romney is another example. Mitt's feelings were hurt, so he was willing to sacrifice his decency to get even for the sour grapes he's still tasting from his own failed campaign. I get the feeling that any outsider would receive this treatment, but when it comes to debates, this is what can be expected in every case. Not just this one. They want everyone to think they're earnest when they attack Trump, but to be clear, if it was Cruz, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Rubio, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Ben Carson, he would be accused of sexual-assault, knifing classmates, being a psychopath. That's just the way these people play the game.

Here's the danger. When you go through this mess, it peels off votes. Small groups of people who have core principles are peeled off and will not vote for the Republican nominee even if it means giving a shitforbrains scumbag like Obama the White House. Democrat voters aren't so principled. They are on record stating very clearly that they'll vote for a rapist if he's a Democrat. They have no core principles other than winning.

The only thing positive that can come from this is that Republicans are using every bit of opposition research Hillary has early, rather than later, and when the general election starts, she won't have anything new. It will be old news. Still, the risk of alienating large swaths of potential voters is high. Many people have said that they would rather let Hillary win than vote for Trump, because the public trashing of his reputation has reached lows that I personally cannot remember ever happening before. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

It's clear that the establishment is in a panic. Ask Karl Rove about Trump and he turns into a red faced madman. Glenn Beck is just as bad. These people are really pissed that their hand-picked pushover isn't winning the hearts and minds of the public anymore.


We're tired of being told who to vote for and then losing our asses to dishonest and incompetent Democrats.
So if you want Amnesty, vote for the establishment guy _____________. And when Hillary brings up their flaws, and sweeps them in the election, you'll only have yourself to blame.
There are many in the party who would rather lose than put that man in the White House. They think it's not only bad for their party, but for the country.

I remember Republicans saying they wouldn't vote for McCain & Romney and let Obama win because they weren't conservative enough.

This party really needs to calm down a bit and start thinking rationally before it's nothing more than regional.
Trump has this funny way of being totally frank to people who are incompetent. If he feels you aren't doing your job he tells you to your face, but by that time he's telling "You're Fired!!!"

So people don't like his frankness. I don't see him being obsene about it. That is simply a political tactic. Trump is bold and honest to a fault. But he is loyal and he expects loyalty. He's not the type to throw anyone under the bus like Obama or Hillary.

This is why support for him is so strong and uncompromising.


Last night's debate was a disgrace. It's clear that the only reason Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz were making personal attacks on Donald Trump was because they want to be president so bad, they are willing to compromise their principles.

Mitt Romney is another example. Mitt's feelings were hurt, so he was willing to sacrifice his decency to get even for the sour grapes he's still tasting from his own failed campaign. I get the feeling that any outsider would receive this treatment, but when it comes to debates, this is what can be expected in every case. Not just this one. They want everyone to think they're earnest when they attack Trump, but to be clear, if it was Cruz, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Rubio, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Ben Carson, he would be accused of sexual-assault, knifing classmates, being a psychopath. That's just the way these people play the game.

Here's the danger. When you go through this mess, it peels off votes. Small groups of people who have core principles are peeled off and will not vote for the Republican nominee even if it means giving a shitforbrains scumbag like Obama the White House. Democrat voters aren't so principled. They are on record stating very clearly that they'll vote for a rapist if he's a Democrat. They have no core principles other than winning.

The only thing positive that can come from this is that Republicans are using every bit of opposition research Hillary has early, rather than later, and when the general election starts, she won't have anything new. It will be old news. Still, the risk of alienating large swaths of potential voters is high. Many people have said that they would rather let Hillary win than vote for Trump, because the public trashing of his reputation has reached lows that I personally cannot remember ever happening before. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

It's clear that the establishment is in a panic. Ask Karl Rove about Trump and he turns into a red faced madman. Glenn Beck is just as bad. These people are really pissed that their hand-picked pushover isn't winning the hearts and minds of the public anymore.


We're tired of being told who to vote for and then losing our asses to dishonest and incompetent Democrats.
So if you want Amnesty, vote for the establishment guy _____________. And when Hillary brings up their flaws, and sweeps them in the election, you'll only have yourself to blame.
There are many in the party who would rather lose than put that man in the White House. They think it's not only bad for their party, but for the country.

I remember Republicans saying they wouldn't vote for McCain & Romney and let Obama win because they weren't conservative enough.

This party really needs to calm down a bit and start thinking rationally before it's nothing more than regional.

The thing that makes him look like a four year old is his incessant whining about being insulted. Grow a pair, Nancy, or at least stop dishing it out if you don't like it. What a thumb sucking baby he is


Last night's debate was a disgrace. It's clear that the only reason Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz were making personal attacks on Donald Trump was because they want to be president so bad, they are willing to compromise their principles.

Mitt Romney is another example. Mitt's feelings were hurt, so he was willing to sacrifice his decency to get even for the sour grapes he's still tasting from his own failed campaign. I get the feeling that any outsider would receive this treatment, but when it comes to debates, this is what can be expected in every case. Not just this one. They want everyone to think they're earnest when they attack Trump, but to be clear, if it was Cruz, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Rubio, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Ben Carson, he would be accused of sexual-assault, knifing classmates, being a psychopath. That's just the way these people play the game.

Here's the danger. When you go through this mess, it peels off votes. Small groups of people who have core principles are peeled off and will not vote for the Republican nominee even if it means giving a shitforbrains scumbag like Obama the White House. Democrat voters aren't so principled. They are on record stating very clearly that they'll vote for a rapist if he's a Democrat. They have no core principles other than winning.

The only thing positive that can come from this is that Republicans are using every bit of opposition research Hillary has early, rather than later, and when the general election starts, she won't have anything new. It will be old news. Still, the risk of alienating large swaths of potential voters is high. Many people have said that they would rather let Hillary win than vote for Trump, because the public trashing of his reputation has reached lows that I personally cannot remember ever happening before. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

It's clear that the establishment is in a panic. Ask Karl Rove about Trump and he turns into a red faced madman. Glenn Beck is just as bad. These people are really pissed that their hand-picked pushover isn't winning the hearts and minds of the public anymore.


We're tired of being told who to vote for and then losing our asses to dishonest and incompetent Democrats.
So if you want Amnesty, vote for the establishment guy _____________. And when Hillary brings up their flaws, and sweeps them in the election, you'll only have yourself to blame.
There are many in the party who would rather lose than put that man in the White House. They think it's not only bad for their party, but for the country.

I remember Republicans saying they wouldn't vote for McCain & Romney and let Obama win because they weren't conservative enough.

This party really needs to calm down a bit and start thinking rationally before it's nothing more than regional.
Trump has this funny way of being totally frank to people who are incompetent. If he feels you aren't doing your job he tells you to your face, but by that time he's telling "You're Fired!!!"

So people don't like his frankness. I don't see him being obsene about it. That is simply a political tactic. Trump is bold and honest to a fault. But he is loyal and he expects loyalty. He's not the type to throw anyone under the bus like Obama or Hillary.

This is why support for him is so strong and uncompromising.
It's not just frankness. He will say anything, at any time, no matter how repugnant or childish or undignified.

He inferred he has a big dick in a nationally-televised, major party debate last night.

Does that concern you in any way?


Last night's debate was a disgrace. It's clear that the only reason Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz were making personal attacks on Donald Trump was because they want to be president so bad, they are willing to compromise their principles.

Mitt Romney is another example. Mitt's feelings were hurt, so he was willing to sacrifice his decency to get even for the sour grapes he's still tasting from his own failed campaign. I get the feeling that any outsider would receive this treatment, but when it comes to debates, this is what can be expected in every case. Not just this one. They want everyone to think they're earnest when they attack Trump, but to be clear, if it was Cruz, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Rubio, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Ben Carson, he would be accused of sexual-assault, knifing classmates, being a psychopath. That's just the way these people play the game.

Here's the danger. When you go through this mess, it peels off votes. Small groups of people who have core principles are peeled off and will not vote for the Republican nominee even if it means giving a shitforbrains scumbag like Obama the White House. Democrat voters aren't so principled. They are on record stating very clearly that they'll vote for a rapist if he's a Democrat. They have no core principles other than winning.

The only thing positive that can come from this is that Republicans are using every bit of opposition research Hillary has early, rather than later, and when the general election starts, she won't have anything new. It will be old news. Still, the risk of alienating large swaths of potential voters is high. Many people have said that they would rather let Hillary win than vote for Trump, because the public trashing of his reputation has reached lows that I personally cannot remember ever happening before. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

It's clear that the establishment is in a panic. Ask Karl Rove about Trump and he turns into a red faced madman. Glenn Beck is just as bad. These people are really pissed that their hand-picked pushover isn't winning the hearts and minds of the public anymore.


We're tired of being told who to vote for and then losing our asses to dishonest and incompetent Democrats.
So if you want Amnesty, vote for the establishment guy _____________. And when Hillary brings up their flaws, and sweeps them in the election, you'll only have yourself to blame.
There are many in the party who would rather lose than put that man in the White House. They think it's not only bad for their party, but for the country.

I remember Republicans saying they wouldn't vote for McCain & Romney and let Obama win because they weren't conservative enough.

This party really needs to calm down a bit and start thinking rationally before it's nothing more than regional.
Too late

It is all so ridiculous indeed, with that I agree. But I have to ask a few questions--------->

1. Are we to believe that in this GOP race, we have 2 crazies like the establishment puts forth, so skip the number 1 and 2 guy, and elevate Rubio? How many people find this establishment rhetoric true? To believe that this is plausible by any stretch of the imagination, means you are just listening to a narrative, and not using your own mind.

2. Who do you believe.....the Gop, or the Democrats? Do you believe the GOP that only Trump can't win, or do you believe the Democrats that none of them can win, no way, forget about it?

So then, why wouldn't the political operatives on the Democratic side be pushing for Trump? If Cruz is in 2nd place, why wouldn't the GOP be pushing for Cruz? Hmmmmmm!

How about I give you another take on it!!!!!! The GOP knows the odds are very good indeed they are going to win. They don't want Trump or Cruz, because Washington gets a shake up either way. Same for the Democrats, so they will push the narrative of who CAN win (eventhough all of them can) so if/when they lose, their precious DEPARTMENTS where all the Washington lefties reside, stay intact.

People are NOT following the bouncing ball very well in my opinion. How many of you have seen network news this morning showing all the UNION protesters outside the GOP convention FOR TRUMP? How many of you heard on the news this morning, that union officials are making poopy that their members are going to jump the Democratic slave ship, and jump on Trumps S.S. Freedom America?

This has been foretold by many of us that have watched the internal issues polls, and now it is coming to fruition. Why do you believe that it is uneducated voters pushing him? It is NOT uneducated perse', it is blue collar that have less college degrees. (now if the left wants to call blue collar workers dumb, be my everlasting guest!)

From where we sit, the GOP anti-establishment people should be downright giddy, as long as you do not use tunnel vision. Rubio is probably DOA after Florida, leaving the 2 anti-establishment candidates, Trump/Cruz in the drivers seats. Either one changes the Republican party more to your liking. One carries many more Democrats screwing Hilly, the other carries many more GOP and Independents, also screwing Hilly............who has no enthusiasm anywhere, shown by Democratic voter turnout in her defense.

And all you have to do...............ONE MORE TIME...............all you have to do, is quit hating each others camp, coalesce around whichever wins the nomination since they are anti-establishment, vote, and you will push whomever the nominee is into the White House. If 2016 is really about retaking the country from the SOCIALISTS, and slapping the GOP establishment in the face for screwing you over with promises they didn't even try and keep, it will be EASY PEEZY, if you just understand that either of these people, is a victory for us, and the country; and that if your guy loses the nomination legally, and morally, it is NOT the end of the world. When you are hungry
Last night's debate was a disgrace. It's clear that the only reason Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz were making personal attacks on Donald Trump was because they want to be president so bad, they are willing to compromise their principles.

Mitt Romney is another example. Mitt's feelings were hurt, so he was willing to sacrifice his decency to get even for the sour grapes he's still tasting from his own failed campaign. I get the feeling that any outsider would receive this treatment, but when it comes to debates, this is what can be expected in every case. Not just this one. They want everyone to think they're earnest when they attack Trump, but to be clear, if it was Cruz, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Rubio, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Ben Carson, he would be accused of sexual-assault, knifing classmates, being a psychopath. That's just the way these people play the game.

Here's the danger. When you go through this mess, it peels off votes. Small groups of people who have core principles are peeled off and will not vote for the Republican nominee even if it means giving a shitforbrains scumbag like Obama the White House. Democrat voters aren't so principled. They are on record stating very clearly that they'll vote for a rapist if he's a Democrat. They have no core principles other than winning.

The only thing positive that can come from this is that Republicans are using every bit of opposition research Hillary has early, rather than later, and when the general election starts, she won't have anything new. It will be old news. Still, the risk of alienating large swaths of potential voters is high. Many people have said that they would rather let Hillary win than vote for Trump, because the public trashing of his reputation has reached lows that I personally cannot remember ever happening before. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

It's clear that the establishment is in a panic. Ask Karl Rove about Trump and he turns into a red faced madman. Glenn Beck is just as bad. These people are really pissed that their hand-picked pushover isn't winning the hearts and minds of the public anymore.


We're tired of being told who to vote for and then losing our asses to dishonest and incompetent Democrats.
So if you want Amnesty, vote for the establishment guy _____________. And when Hillary brings up their flaws, and sweeps them in the election, you'll only have yourself to blame.
There are many in the party who would rather lose than put that man in the White House. They think it's not only bad for their party, but for the country.

I remember Republicans saying they wouldn't vote for McCain & Romney and let Obama win because they weren't conservative enough.

This party really needs to calm down a bit and start thinking rationally before it's nothing more than regional.
Trump has this funny way of being totally frank to people who are incompetent. If he feels you aren't doing your job he tells you to your face, but by that time he's telling "You're Fired!!!"

So people don't like his frankness. I don't see him being obscene about it. That is simply a political tactic. Trump is bold and honest to a fault. But he is loyal and he expects loyalty. He's not the type to throw anyone under the bus like Obama or Hillary.

This is why support for him is so strong and uncompromising.

Last night's debate was a disgrace. It's clear that the only reason Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz were making personal attacks on Donald Trump was because they want to be president so bad, they are willing to compromise their principles.

Mitt Romney is another example. Mitt's feelings were hurt, so he was willing to sacrifice his decency to get even for the sour grapes he's still tasting from his own failed campaign. I get the feeling that any outsider would receive this treatment, but when it comes to debates, this is what can be expected in every case. Not just this one. They want everyone to think they're earnest when they attack Trump, but to be clear, if it was Cruz, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Rubio, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Ben Carson, he would be accused of sexual-assault, knifing classmates, being a psychopath. That's just the way these people play the game.

Here's the danger. When you go through this mess, it peels off votes. Small groups of people who have core principles are peeled off and will not vote for the Republican nominee even if it means giving a shitforbrains scumbag like Obama the White House. Democrat voters aren't so principled. They are on record stating very clearly that they'll vote for a rapist if he's a Democrat. They have no core principles other than winning.

The only thing positive that can come from this is that Republicans are using every bit of opposition research Hillary has early, rather than later, and when the general election starts, she won't have anything new. It will be old news. Still, the risk of alienating large swaths of potential voters is high. Many people have said that they would rather let Hillary win than vote for Trump, because the public trashing of his reputation has reached lows that I personally cannot remember ever happening before. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

It's clear that the establishment is in a panic. Ask Karl Rove about Trump and he turns into a red faced madman. Glenn Beck is just as bad. These people are really pissed that their hand-picked pushover isn't winning the hearts and minds of the public anymore.


We're tired of being told who to vote for and then losing our asses to dishonest and incompetent Democrats.
So if you want Amnesty, vote for the establishment guy _____________. And when Hillary brings up their flaws, and sweeps them in the election, you'll only have yourself to blame.
There are many in the party who would rather lose than put that man in the White House. They think it's not only bad for their party, but for the country.

I remember Republicans saying they wouldn't vote for McCain & Romney and let Obama win because they weren't conservative enough.

This party really needs to calm down a bit and start thinking rationally before it's nothing more than regional.

The thing that makes him look like a four year old is his incessant whining about being insulted. Grow a pair, Nancy, or at least stop dishing it out if you don't like it. What a thumb sucking baby he is

There are many in the party who would rather lose than put that man in the White House. They think it's not only bad for their party, but for the country.

I remember Republicans saying they wouldn't vote for McCain & Romney and let Obama win because they weren't conservative enough.

This party really needs to calm down a bit and start thinking rationally before it's nothing more than regional.
Trump has this funny way of being totally frank to people who are incompetent. If he feels you aren't doing your job he tells you to your face, but by that time he's telling "You're Fired!!!"

So people don't like his frankness. I don't see him being obsene about it. That is simply a political tactic. Trump is bold and honest to a fault. But he is loyal and he expects loyalty. He's not the type to throw anyone under the bus like Obama or Hillary.

This is why support for him is so strong and uncompromising.
It's not just frankness. He will say anything, at any time, no matter how repugnant or childish or undignified.

He inferred he has a big dick in a nationally-televised, major party debate last night.

Does that concern you in any way?


Last night's debate was a disgrace. It's clear that the only reason Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz were making personal attacks on Donald Trump was because they want to be president so bad, they are willing to compromise their principles.

Mitt Romney is another example. Mitt's feelings were hurt, so he was willing to sacrifice his decency to get even for the sour grapes he's still tasting from his own failed campaign. I get the feeling that any outsider would receive this treatment, but when it comes to debates, this is what can be expected in every case. Not just this one. They want everyone to think they're earnest when they attack Trump, but to be clear, if it was Cruz, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Rubio, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Ben Carson, he would be accused of sexual-assault, knifing classmates, being a psychopath. That's just the way these people play the game.

Here's the danger. When you go through this mess, it peels off votes. Small groups of people who have core principles are peeled off and will not vote for the Republican nominee even if it means giving a shitforbrains scumbag like Obama the White House. Democrat voters aren't so principled. They are on record stating very clearly that they'll vote for a rapist if he's a Democrat. They have no core principles other than winning.

The only thing positive that can come from this is that Republicans are using every bit of opposition research Hillary has early, rather than later, and when the general election starts, she won't have anything new. It will be old news. Still, the risk of alienating large swaths of potential voters is high. Many people have said that they would rather let Hillary win than vote for Trump, because the public trashing of his reputation has reached lows that I personally cannot remember ever happening before. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

It's clear that the establishment is in a panic. Ask Karl Rove about Trump and he turns into a red faced madman. Glenn Beck is just as bad. These people are really pissed that their hand-picked pushover isn't winning the hearts and minds of the public anymore.


We're tired of being told who to vote for and then losing our asses to dishonest and incompetent Democrats.
So if you want Amnesty, vote for the establishment guy _____________. And when Hillary brings up their flaws, and sweeps them in the election, you'll only have yourself to blame.
There are many in the party who would rather lose than put that man in the White House. They think it's not only bad for their party, but for the country.

I remember Republicans saying they wouldn't vote for McCain & Romney and let Obama win because they weren't conservative enough.

This party really needs to calm down a bit and start thinking rationally before it's nothing more than regional.
Too late

It is all so ridiculous indeed, with that I agree. But I have to ask a few questions--------->

1. Are we to believe that in this GOP race, we have 2 crazies like the establishment puts forth, so skip the number 1 and 2 guy, and elevate Rubio? How many people find this establishment rhetoric true? To believe that this is plausible by any stretch of the imagination, means you are just listening to a narrative, and not using your own mind.

2. Who do you believe.....the Gop, or the Democrats? Do you believe the GOP that only Trump can't win, or do you believe the Democrats that none of them can win, no way, forget about it?

So then, why wouldn't the political operatives on the Democratic side be pushing for Trump? If Cruz is in 2nd place, why wouldn't the GOP be pushing for Cruz? Hmmmmmm!

How about I give you another take on it!!!!!! The GOP knows the odds are very good indeed they are going to win. They don't want Trump or Cruz, because Washington gets a shake up either way. Same for the Democrats, so they will push the narrative of who CAN win (eventhough all of them can) so if/when they lose, their precious DEPARTMENTS where all the Washington lefties reside, stay intact.

People are NOT following the bouncing ball very well in my opinion. How many of you have seen network news this morning showing all the UNION protesters outside the GOP convention FOR TRUMP? How many of you heard on the news this morning, that union officials are making poopy that their members are going to jump the Democratic slave ship, and jump on Trumps S.S. Freedom America?

This has been foretold by many of us that have watched the internal issues polls, and now it is coming to fruition. Why do you believe that it is uneducated voters pushing him? It is NOT uneducated perse', it is blue collar that have less college degrees. (now if the left wants to call blue collar workers dumb, be my everlasting guest!)

From where we sit, the GOP anti-establishment people should be downright giddy, as long as you do not use tunnel vision. Rubio is probably DOA after Florida, leaving the 2 anti-establishment candidates, Trump/Cruz in the drivers seats. Either one changes the Republican party more to your liking. One carries many more Democrats screwing Hilly, the other carries many more GOP and Independents, also screwing Hilly............who has no enthusiasm anywhere, shown by Democratic voter turnout in her defense.

And all you have to do...............ONE MORE TIME...............all you have to do, is quit hating each others camp, coalesce around whichever wins the nomination since they are anti-establishment, vote, and you will push whomever the nominee is into the White House. If 2016 is really about retaking the country from the SOCIALISTS, and slapping the GOP establishment in the face for screwing you over with promises they didn't even try and keep, it will be EASY PEEZY, if you just understand that either of these people, is a victory for us, and the country; and that if your guy loses the nomination legally, and morally, it is NOT the end of the world. When you are hungry, 1/2 a loaf is better than none. Either way we all get 1/2, and the establishment gets 0-)

Its a textbook example of "a little knowledge being a dangerous thing".

If there were some sort of upheaval going on, you'd be reading headlines about Representatives and Senators getting primaried. There are no such stories because, for all of the supposed anger, people are generally happy with their representatives. Over 80% will keep their jobs and politics as usual will continue despite whoever is in the Oval office.

As for the "brilliant" deduction you made about the Democrats railing against Trump instead of basically campaigning for him in some sort of machiavellian move; the reason the Democrats are not doing so is the same reason the GOP and other non affiliated persons are doing it; there is no substance to Mr. Trump and what has been announced is xenophobic and frankly stupid. Mr. Trump will not bring back a single job with a tariff, tax reductions, or even by threatening to jail the CEOs of companies that outsource overseas. The labor market is set up to flow to where ever labor is cheaper and that isn't here. Sorry to burst your bubble. His behavior is disgusting as well as his antics on stage.


He's not Presidential material in any way shape or form.

Well then, we can agree to disagree. No problem with that in America.

But for those old enough to remember, while he wasn't as "crude" as Trump, what was said about Perot by the establishment of both party's? Look on youtube if you don't remember, or are to young to posses the knowledge.

You see, a politicians job is to 1. get elected, then re-elected, and 2. to spin or propagandize everything so much, you end up not knowing who/whom is actually telling the truth, so fall back on your original position of who you believe.

Perot told the truth! Even many Democrats today admit this. So do Republicans, and yet, he wasn't a politician, he was a businessman they buried. Virtually ALL the reasons to NOT vote Perot, are today used again against Trump, with a few more added in. See if you can find those debates, and hear what he said! Listen to what Bush said, then listen to Clinton. Who was correct, and who was not.

In the end, a politicians job is to LIE, then call it a fib, a misunderstanding, or a quote taken out of context. Normal people do not think like that. He is up there fighting 2 very good politicians, who spin, and spin, and spin. So was Perot, but he didn't lie; meanwhile, both party's said he was wrong.........dead wrong, and he wasn't.

So maybe you are correct Candy, maybe Trump isn't the correct guy for the job. Thing is, voters have discovered that politicians lie to much, so it is their own fault that the voters have decided to listen to Trump. It is NOT the Trump brilliance that draws them, it is the political classes bullshit that drives them away. That is what is driving the election of 2016, and like it or not, it shows in the primaries of both party's.

So, how do you convince voters to give the LIARS another chance? I dunno, maybe the GOP should ask the DNC, they seem to have pretty good luck pulling that one off.

The only ones left on either side I'd consider crazies are Trump and Bernie. Though I don't know enough about Carson to have a real opinion. Hilliary is a Leona Helmsley, Marie Antoinette type elitist snob who thinks the rules that apply to everyone else don't apply to her. I'd consider the other three Republicans, but not willing to commit to them. Kasich is a really nice guy, but he scares me as a W type who gives the left whatever they want and gets nothing in return, he'd have to convince me he'd stand up to them. I'd probably vote for Rubio or Cruz, but I'm a soft commit on that. It does depend where they go to get the nomination
I can't believe what has become of the Republican Party

These debates get huge ratings, a chance to shine and show America what Republican values are all about
Republicans are pushing that after eight years of Obama's leadership, they are the best option

And they give us THIS as an example of leadership?

Petty bickering, name calling , funny faces, bragging about penis size

Do they really want to win in November?
You guys do realize the party front runner always gets attacked in debates after the Iowa vote when Rubio did way better than expected he got hit from all sides in the New Hampshire debate and he wasn't even the front runner. If you don't want what comes with being the front runner give up the title and drop out.
Trump's the man. He's dismissing the petty haters and movin on. I urge people to check out his great speech he gave in Maine yesterday. It's probably on YouTube now. The career politicians have run this country into the ground.

He really got into Romney's 'Free Trade' tirade. We're running so many massive trade deficits and businesses are fleeing the country. The career politicians like Romney have completely screwed the country. I am now convinced it is Trump's time. He has my support.
you do realize that Mr Trump is no different, and outsourced his merchandise to be made in China and Mexico...

And Mr. Trump also stated the USA worker can not compete on the world stage of manufacturing because our wages are too high...suggesting they need lowering or removing the minimum wage....

And that once we deport all illegals, it's fine with him to rebring them back in on legal visas to work here...

AND in his country club in Florida he brought from foreign countries and hired 200 or so on HB1 visas, while hiring only 17 American workers....having his workforce enslaved to him, because those hb1 visa workers can NOT seek work elsewhere or threaten to walk off the job without being deported....

please don't let yourself be a con man....and let yourself hear only the parts you want to hear, of what he's actually been saying and doing.
Where's the con?
He spelled all of that out last night. We all heard it. Seasonal jobs only work for students and immigrants from 3rd world countries. You can't live in this economy off of those jobs, and raising wages will destroy the food service and hotel industry.

Taxes and regulations have rendered our country unable to compete in manufacturing. No thanks to Obama. To be able to produce an affordable product you have to move offshore, or reduce wages. Minimum -wage screws that up. China and Mexico pay slave wages and devalue their currency, but Trump is the evil bastard in all of this. Anyone who knows business knows this. Marco Rubio knows to, but he's too dishonest to admit it.
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For years I've been predicting the downfall of the formerly Grand Old Party.

Now that it's finally happening thanks to a sociopathic megalomaniac with a teeny wee wee I'm truly nothing but fucking giddy!
Trump's the man. He's dismissing the petty haters and movin on. I urge people to check out his great speech he gave in Maine yesterday. It's probably on YouTube now. The career politicians have run this country into the ground.

He really got into Romney's 'Free Trade' tirade. We're running so many massive trade deficits and businesses are fleeing the country. The career politicians like Romney have completely screwed the country. I am now convinced it is Trump's time. He has my support.
you do realize that Mr Trump is no different, and outsourced his merchandise to be made in China and Mexico...

And Mr. Trump also stated the USA worker can not compete on the world stage of manufacturing because our wages are too high...suggesting they need lowering or removing the minimum wage....

And that once we deport all illegals, it's fine with him to rebring them back in on legal visas to work here...

AND in his country club in Florida he brought from foreign countries and hired 200 or so on HB1 visas, while hiring only 17 American workers....having his workforce enslaved to him, because those hb1 visa workers can NOT seek work elsewhere or threaten to walk off the job without being deported....

please don't let yourself be a con man....and let yourself hear only the parts you want to hear, of what he's actually been saying and doing.
Where's the con?
He spelled all of that out last night. We all heard it. Seasonal jobs only work for students and immigrants from 3rd world countries. You can't live in this economy off of those jobs, and raising wages will destroy the food service and hotel industry.

Taxes and regulations have rendered our country unable to compete in manufacturing. No thanks to Obama.

Trump failed to explain the hundreds of Americans turned down for those jobs

Rubio explained it best...if an immigrant on a work visa quits, he has to go home. It forces workers to stay with the employer who sponsored them...regardless of how they are treated
Trump's the man. He's dismissing the petty haters and movin on. I urge people to check out his great speech he gave in Maine yesterday. It's probably on YouTube now. The career politicians have run this country into the ground.

He really got into Romney's 'Free Trade' tirade. We're running so many massive trade deficits and businesses are fleeing the country. The career politicians like Romney have completely screwed the country. I am now convinced it is Trump's time. He has my support.
you do realize that Mr Trump is no different, and outsourced his merchandise to be made in China and Mexico...

And Mr. Trump also stated the USA worker can not compete on the world stage of manufacturing because our wages are too high...suggesting they need lowering or removing the minimum wage....

And that once we deport all illegals, it's fine with him to rebring them back in on legal visas to work here...

AND in his country club in Florida he brought from foreign countries and hired 200 or so on HB1 visas, while hiring only 17 American workers....having his workforce enslaved to him, because those hb1 visa workers can NOT seek work elsewhere or threaten to walk off the job without being deported....

please don't let yourself be a con man....and let yourself hear only the parts you want to hear, of what he's actually been saying and doing.

I'm done with the career politicians. Time for something different.
He may not have been the politician, but he was even worse and was the mega LTD corporation donating to politicians so to lure them in to fulfilling his business needs...he said as much last night on stage when he was questioned about his political donations....and why he made them.

I do understand about you not wanting a career politician, but this man is NOT squeeky clean and IS the establishment trying to buy them off.... and if you don't get rid of the established senators and congress critters that you are sick of, your problem with establishment, doesn't go away....and NONE of those established senators or congress critters are being primaried to give any citizen a choice.

No one's 'squeeky clean.' For instance, the candidate you'll be supporting for President is as corrupt as they come. She should have already been arrested. So no one's 'sqeeky clean.' That goes for most people in general.
For years I've been predicting the downfall of the formerly Grand Old Party.

Now that it's finally happening thanks to a sociopathic megalomaniac with a teeny wee wee I'm truly nothing but fucking giddy!

Don't celebrate too early. Don't forget your Party is running a corrupt criminal for President. Your Party could actually be the one in trouble.

Last night's debate was a disgrace. It's clear that the only reason Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz were making personal attacks on Donald Trump was because they want to be president so bad, they are willing to compromise their principles.

Mitt Romney is another example. Mitt's feelings were hurt, so he was willing to sacrifice his decency to get even for the sour grapes he's still tasting from his own failed campaign. I get the feeling that any outsider would receive this treatment, but when it comes to debates, this is what can be expected in every case. Not just this one. They want everyone to think they're earnest when they attack Trump, but to be clear, if it was Cruz, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Rubio, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Ben Carson, he would be accused of sexual-assault, knifing classmates, being a psychopath. That's just the way these people play the game.

Here's the danger. When you go through this mess, it peels off votes. Small groups of people who have core principles are peeled off and will not vote for the Republican nominee even if it means giving a shitforbrains scumbag like Obama the White House. Democrat voters aren't so principled. They are on record stating very clearly that they'll vote for a rapist if he's a Democrat. They have no core principles other than winning.

The only thing positive that can come from this is that Republicans are using every bit of opposition research Hillary has early, rather than later, and when the general election starts, she won't have anything new. It will be old news. Still, the risk of alienating large swaths of potential voters is high. Many people have said that they would rather let Hillary win than vote for Trump, because the public trashing of his reputation has reached lows that I personally cannot remember ever happening before. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

It's clear that the establishment is in a panic. Ask Karl Rove about Trump and he turns into a red faced madman. Glenn Beck is just as bad. These people are really pissed that their hand-picked pushover isn't winning the hearts and minds of the public anymore.


We're tired of being told who to vote for and then losing our asses to dishonest and incompetent Democrats.
So if you want Amnesty, vote for the establishment guy _____________. And when Hillary brings up their flaws, and sweeps them in the election, you'll only have yourself to blame.

"when the general election starts, she won't have anything new. It will be oldnews."

If trump wins the nomination, then every hour he will tweet something new and boneheaded. And when he gets angry he loses his cool and says even more things that will be new to use against him.

He displays a total lack of leadership and style. You would want this man as your boss?

He reminds me of Geoffrey from game of thrones, that will say "I AM THE KING" When confronted with opposition. And he pretty much said that when he said he leads and the military will listen to him, because he is a leader, to commit war crimes. "A KING DOESNT ASK, HE COMMANDS". Only there won't be a Tywin Lannister there to send him to bed without his supper.

I am amazed anybody supports this guy.
I really don't understand the Trump we saw last night

After his big win on Super Tuesday it is time to start transitioning for the general election. Show you are responsible, show you have presidential qualities, show you can handle the pressure

Instead, we got taunts, bullying, funny faces and boasts about his penis

He seems unwilling to put away his clown suit

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