Destroying Your Party's Frontrunner For Personal Gain Only Helps Your Opposition

Trump's the man. He's dismissing the petty haters and movin on. I urge people to check out his great speech he gave in Maine yesterday. It's probably on YouTube now. The career politicians have run this country into the ground.

He really got into Romney's 'Free Trade' tirade. We're running so many massive trade deficits and businesses are fleeing the country. The career politicians like Romney have completely screwed the country. I am now convinced it is Trump's time. He has my support.
you do realize that Mr Trump is no different, and outsourced his merchandise to be made in China and Mexico...

And Mr. Trump also stated the USA worker can not compete on the world stage of manufacturing because our wages are too high...suggesting they need lowering or removing the minimum wage....

And that once we deport all illegals, it's fine with him to rebring them back in on legal visas to work here...

AND in his country club in Florida he brought from foreign countries and hired 200 or so on HB1 visas, while hiring only 17 American workers....having his workforce enslaved to him, because those hb1 visa workers can NOT seek work elsewhere or threaten to walk off the job without being deported....

please don't let yourself be a con man....and let yourself hear only the parts you want to hear, of what he's actually been saying and doing.

He flailed and faltered when he was asked about his making shit in China and Mexico. For a guy who makes deals....great deals.....fantastic deals....he sure hasn't been able to make a deal with American textile manufacturers.

And....let's clear something up. China IS NO LONGER DEVALUING ITS CURRENCY.

That line is now a lie.

Our massive Trade Deficits and more & more businesses fleeing our country, is truly embarrassing. The career politicians have decimated decent-paying American jobs. Trump is Spot On for pointing that out. Career hack politicians are killing us, especially on trade.

Whatever. Nutbags and deregulation focused assholes did that. Clinton fucked up with NAFTA and Obama is fucking up with TPP. But....if not for the extreme influence that the Cahmberbof Commerce and multinationals have.....neither would have come to fruition.

Liberals want regulated capitalism. Nutbags want unregulated capitalism. Simple stuff.

Awful trade deals negotiated by career hack politicians. Look at the results. It's time to dump the career politicians. It's Trump's time.

That, right there, is the most hilarious, outrageous, and ironic thing to come out of this election cycle.

Libertartians, or is it libertarians, supporting Herr Trumpf - the guy who represents everything they don't. What a bunch of uneducated morons!
Trump's the man. He's dismissing the petty haters and movin on. I urge people to check out his great speech he gave in Maine yesterday. It's probably on YouTube now. The career politicians have run this country into the ground.

He really got into Romney's 'Free Trade' tirade. We're running so many massive trade deficits and businesses are fleeing the country. The career politicians like Romney have completely screwed the country. I am now convinced it is Trump's time. He has my support.
you do realize that Mr Trump is no different, and outsourced his merchandise to be made in China and Mexico...

And Mr. Trump also stated the USA worker can not compete on the world stage of manufacturing because our wages are too high...suggesting they need lowering or removing the minimum wage....

And that once we deport all illegals, it's fine with him to rebring them back in on legal visas to work here...

AND in his country club in Florida he brought from foreign countries and hired 200 or so on HB1 visas, while hiring only 17 American workers....having his workforce enslaved to him, because those hb1 visa workers can NOT seek work elsewhere or threaten to walk off the job without being deported....

please don't let yourself be a con man....and let yourself hear only the parts you want to hear, of what he's actually been saying and doing.
Where's the con?
He spelled all of that out last night. We all heard it. Seasonal jobs only work for students and immigrants from 3rd world countries. You can't live in this economy off of those jobs, and raising wages will destroy the food service and hotel industry.

Taxes and regulations have rendered our country unable to compete in manufacturing. No thanks to Obama. To be able to produce an affordable product you have to move offshore, or reduce wages. Minimum -wage screws that up. China and Mexico pay slave wages and devalue their currency, but Trump is the evil bastard in all of this. Anyone who knows business knows this. Marco Rubio knows to, but he's too dishonest to admit it.
I'm done with the career politicians. Time for something different.
He may not have been the politician, but he was even worse and was the mega LTD corporation donating to politicians so to lure them in to fulfilling his business needs...he said as much last night on stage when he was questioned about his political donations....and why he made them.

I do understand about you not wanting a career politician, but this man is NOT squeeky clean and IS the establishment trying to buy them off.... and if you don't get rid of the established senators and congress critters that you are sick of, your problem with establishment, doesn't go away....and NONE of those established senators or congress critters are being primaried to give any citizen a choice.

No one's 'squeeky clean.' For instance, the candidate you'll be supporting for President is as corrupt as they come. She should have already been arrested. So no one's 'sqeeky clean.' That goes for most people in general.
by all means, please tell me what she did that was corrupt/criminal her 8 years as Senator, and then show me what she did that was corrupt/criminal as her 4 years as Secretary of State....


she may not have been perfect as SOS and followed her boss's commands much like SOS Powell, but she was not corrupt or criminal....
Perjury, obstruction of justice, espionage, destruction of state department communications, etc.

You don't take this seriously, but anyone who signs a disclosure statement knows the seriousness of mishandling Top Secret documents. My ass would be in Leavenworth for just one of her crimes.

Yeah, its shocking she hasn't at least been arrested. This Administration absolutely lynched Petraeus. Just more awful 'Party before Country' stuff. Obama's covering for one of his own.

It's not surprising that you are so poorly informed on this subject given what your sources no doubt are. The two instances have nothing in common except the word classified. Have a read.

Conservative Media's Fact-Challenged Comparison Between David Petraeus And Hillary Clinton

Last night's debate was a disgrace. It's clear that the only reason Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz were making personal attacks on Donald Trump was because they want to be president so bad, they are willing to compromise their principles.

Mitt Romney is another example. Mitt's feelings were hurt, so he was willing to sacrifice his decency to get even for the sour grapes he's still tasting from his own failed campaign. I get the feeling that any outsider would receive this treatment, but when it comes to debates, this is what can be expected in every case. Not just this one. They want everyone to think they're earnest when they attack Trump, but to be clear, if it was Cruz, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Rubio, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Ben Carson, he would be accused of sexual-assault, knifing classmates, being a psychopath. That's just the way these people play the game.

Here's the danger. When you go through this mess, it peels off votes. Small groups of people who have core principles are peeled off and will not vote for the Republican nominee even if it means giving a shitforbrains scumbag like Obama the White House. Democrat voters aren't so principled. They are on record stating very clearly that they'll vote for a rapist if he's a Democrat. They have no core principles other than winning.

The only thing positive that can come from this is that Republicans are using every bit of opposition research Hillary has early, rather than later, and when the general election starts, she won't have anything new. It will be old news. Still, the risk of alienating large swaths of potential voters is high. Many people have said that they would rather let Hillary win than vote for Trump, because the public trashing of his reputation has reached lows that I personally cannot remember ever happening before. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

It's clear that the establishment is in a panic. Ask Karl Rove about Trump and he turns into a red faced madman. Glenn Beck is just as bad. These people are really pissed that their hand-picked pushover isn't winning the hearts and minds of the public anymore.


We're tired of being told who to vote for and then losing our asses to dishonest and incompetent Democrats.
So if you want Amnesty, vote for the establishment guy _____________. And when Hillary brings up their flaws, and sweeps them in the election, you'll only have yourself to blame.

Yes, the bitter primaries between Obama and Hillary in 08 killed his chances, I see what you're saying. The country is turning majority socialist, that's what's killing Republicans
The country is not turning majority socialist. That's not what's killing Republicans.

What's happening is the voter base for secular minorities is increasing rapidly, and the non minority evangelical voter base is flat.

The GOP's message cannot appeal to socially conservative evangelicals and secular minorities at the same time.

Secular minorities? Are you a new kind of word invention machine?
the smaller number or part, especially a number that is less than half the whole number denoting attitudes, activities, or other things that have no religious or spiritual basis.

Aaaand the definition

Last night's debate was a disgrace. It's clear that the only reason Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz were making personal attacks on Donald Trump was because they want to be president so bad, they are willing to compromise their principles.

Mitt Romney is another example. Mitt's feelings were hurt, so he was willing to sacrifice his decency to get even for the sour grapes he's still tasting from his own failed campaign. I get the feeling that any outsider would receive this treatment, but when it comes to debates, this is what can be expected in every case. Not just this one. They want everyone to think they're earnest when they attack Trump, but to be clear, if it was Cruz, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Rubio, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Ben Carson, he would be accused of sexual-assault, knifing classmates, being a psychopath. That's just the way these people play the game.

Here's the danger. When you go through this mess, it peels off votes. Small groups of people who have core principles are peeled off and will not vote for the Republican nominee even if it means giving a shitforbrains scumbag like Obama the White House. Democrat voters aren't so principled. They are on record stating very clearly that they'll vote for a rapist if he's a Democrat. They have no core principles other than winning.

The only thing positive that can come from this is that Republicans are using every bit of opposition research Hillary has early, rather than later, and when the general election starts, she won't have anything new. It will be old news. Still, the risk of alienating large swaths of potential voters is high. Many people have said that they would rather let Hillary win than vote for Trump, because the public trashing of his reputation has reached lows that I personally cannot remember ever happening before. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

It's clear that the establishment is in a panic. Ask Karl Rove about Trump and he turns into a red faced madman. Glenn Beck is just as bad. These people are really pissed that their hand-picked pushover isn't winning the hearts and minds of the public anymore.


We're tired of being told who to vote for and then losing our asses to dishonest and incompetent Democrats.
So if you want Amnesty, vote for the establishment guy _____________. And when Hillary brings up their flaws, and sweeps them in the election, you'll only have yourself to blame.

If destroying the frontrunner were some sort of wrong that all of the candidates refrained from,

Jeb Bush would be the nominee.
For years I've been predicting the downfall of the formerly Grand Old Party.

Now that it's finally happening thanks to a sociopathic megalomaniac with a teeny wee wee I'm truly nothing but fucking giddy!
You have to admit... Trump gets things done.

He sure as hell keeps the bankruptcy courts busy.
It's been awhile.

BTW, show me the law that states a president can't file bankruptcy. You fuckers defend Hillary, even pointed out a felon isn't disqualified. Once again you like living by double - standards.

Last night's debate was a disgrace. It's clear that the only reason Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz were making personal attacks on Donald Trump was because they want to be president so bad, they are willing to compromise their principles.

Mitt Romney is another example. Mitt's feelings were hurt, so he was willing to sacrifice his decency to get even for the sour grapes he's still tasting from his own failed campaign. I get the feeling that any outsider would receive this treatment, but when it comes to debates, this is what can be expected in every case. Not just this one. They want everyone to think they're earnest when they attack Trump, but to be clear, if it was Cruz, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Rubio, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Ben Carson, he would be accused of sexual-assault, knifing classmates, being a psychopath. That's just the way these people play the game.

Here's the danger. When you go through this mess, it peels off votes. Small groups of people who have core principles are peeled off and will not vote for the Republican nominee even if it means giving a shitforbrains scumbag like Obama the White House. Democrat voters aren't so principled. They are on record stating very clearly that they'll vote for a rapist if he's a Democrat. They have no core principles other than winning.

The only thing positive that can come from this is that Republicans are using every bit of opposition research Hillary has early, rather than later, and when the general election starts, she won't have anything new. It will be old news. Still, the risk of alienating large swaths of potential voters is high. Many people have said that they would rather let Hillary win than vote for Trump, because the public trashing of his reputation has reached lows that I personally cannot remember ever happening before. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

It's clear that the establishment is in a panic. Ask Karl Rove about Trump and he turns into a red faced madman. Glenn Beck is just as bad. These people are really pissed that their hand-picked pushover isn't winning the hearts and minds of the public anymore.


We're tired of being told who to vote for and then losing our asses to dishonest and incompetent Democrats.
So if you want Amnesty, vote for the establishment guy _____________. And when Hillary brings up their flaws, and sweeps them in the election, you'll only have yourself to blame.

Yes, the bitter primaries between Obama and Hillary in 08 killed his chances, I see what you're saying. The country is turning majority socialist, that's what's killing Republicans
The country is not turning majority socialist. That's not what's killing Republicans.

What's happening is the voter base for secular minorities is increasing rapidly, and the non minority evangelical voter base is flat.

The GOP's message cannot appeal to socially conservative evangelicals and secular minorities at the same time.

Secular minorities? Are you a new kind of word invention machine?
the smaller number or part, especially a number that is less than half the whole number denoting attitudes, activities, or other things that have no religious or spiritual basis.

Aaaand the definition

Silly nutbag.
You'd never see a thread like this from the RWnuts around here if Jeb Bush WERE still the frontrunner.

What got mostly overlooked earlier in the week is when Trump suggested that he could have gotten a blow job from Romney in exchange for his endorsement in 2012.

Yep, he basically compared Romney to a crack whore. He said he wanted his endorsement so bad, he could've told him to get on his knees and he would've. Stay classy Don.
For years I've been predicting the downfall of the formerly Grand Old Party.

Now that it's finally happening thanks to a sociopathic megalomaniac with a teeny wee wee I'm truly nothing but fucking giddy!
You have to admit... Trump gets things done.

He sure as hell keeps the bankruptcy courts busy.
It's been awhile.

BTW, show me the law that states a president can't file bankruptcy. You fuckers defend Hillary, even pointed out a felon isn't disqualified. Once again you like living by double - standards.

If Herr Trumpf can't even run a business, how the heck can he run a country?

And since when is Hillary a felon?

Last night's debate was a disgrace. It's clear that the only reason Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz were making personal attacks on Donald Trump was because they want to be president so bad, they are willing to compromise their principles.

Mitt Romney is another example. Mitt's feelings were hurt, so he was willing to sacrifice his decency to get even for the sour grapes he's still tasting from his own failed campaign. I get the feeling that any outsider would receive this treatment, but when it comes to debates, this is what can be expected in every case. Not just this one. They want everyone to think they're earnest when they attack Trump, but to be clear, if it was Cruz, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Rubio, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Ben Carson, he would be accused of sexual-assault, knifing classmates, being a psychopath. That's just the way these people play the game.

Here's the danger. When you go through this mess, it peels off votes. Small groups of people who have core principles are peeled off and will not vote for the Republican nominee even if it means giving a shitforbrains scumbag like Obama the White House. Democrat voters aren't so principled. They are on record stating very clearly that they'll vote for a rapist if he's a Democrat. They have no core principles other than winning.

The only thing positive that can come from this is that Republicans are using every bit of opposition research Hillary has early, rather than later, and when the general election starts, she won't have anything new. It will be old news. Still, the risk of alienating large swaths of potential voters is high. Many people have said that they would rather let Hillary win than vote for Trump, because the public trashing of his reputation has reached lows that I personally cannot remember ever happening before. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

It's clear that the establishment is in a panic. Ask Karl Rove about Trump and he turns into a red faced madman. Glenn Beck is just as bad. These people are really pissed that their hand-picked pushover isn't winning the hearts and minds of the public anymore.


We're tired of being told who to vote for and then losing our asses to dishonest and incompetent Democrats.
So if you want Amnesty, vote for the establishment guy _____________. And when Hillary brings up their flaws, and sweeps them in the election, you'll only have yourself to blame.
Trump is a bully and it shows.
Poor little Marco.

He can't hack it with the big-boys.

Yeah, he's all done. But Cruz isn't. I really think he still has a chance. He did very well in the Debate. He really scored big when talking about Trump supporting the Clintons in past Elections. That's a killer. Trump really can't counter that. I think Cruz could begin rolling. But i guess we'll see. Stay tuned.
Not really
He just made accusations he couldn’t prove. Trump said it was a pack of lies and Ted said count to ten.

Cheap theatrics.

And after Lying Ted told Stubby Fingers to breathe and count to ten, Little Marco told him it was a yoga class

What passes for presidential for Republicans

Last night's debate was a disgrace. It's clear that the only reason Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz were making personal attacks on Donald Trump was because they want to be president so bad, they are willing to compromise their principles.

Mitt Romney is another example. Mitt's feelings were hurt, so he was willing to sacrifice his decency to get even for the sour grapes he's still tasting from his own failed campaign. I get the feeling that any outsider would receive this treatment, but when it comes to debates, this is what can be expected in every case. Not just this one. They want everyone to think they're earnest when they attack Trump, but to be clear, if it was Cruz, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Rubio, he would be getting this treatment. If it was Ben Carson, he would be accused of sexual-assault, knifing classmates, being a psychopath. That's just the way these people play the game.

Here's the danger. When you go through this mess, it peels off votes. Small groups of people who have core principles are peeled off and will not vote for the Republican nominee even if it means giving a shitforbrains scumbag like Obama the White House. Democrat voters aren't so principled. They are on record stating very clearly that they'll vote for a rapist if he's a Democrat. They have no core principles other than winning.

The only thing positive that can come from this is that Republicans are using every bit of opposition research Hillary has early, rather than later, and when the general election starts, she won't have anything new. It will be old news. Still, the risk of alienating large swaths of potential voters is high. Many people have said that they would rather let Hillary win than vote for Trump, because the public trashing of his reputation has reached lows that I personally cannot remember ever happening before. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

It's clear that the establishment is in a panic. Ask Karl Rove about Trump and he turns into a red faced madman. Glenn Beck is just as bad. These people are really pissed that their hand-picked pushover isn't winning the hearts and minds of the public anymore.


We're tired of being told who to vote for and then losing our asses to dishonest and incompetent Democrats.
So if you want Amnesty, vote for the establishment guy _____________. And when Hillary brings up their flaws, and sweeps them in the election, you'll only have yourself to blame.

Yes, the bitter primaries between Obama and Hillary in 08 killed his chances, I see what you're saying. The country is turning majority socialist, that's what's killing Republicans
The country is not turning majority socialist. That's not what's killing Republicans.

What's happening is the voter base for secular minorities is increasing rapidly, and the non minority evangelical voter base is flat.

The GOP's message cannot appeal to socially conservative evangelicals and secular minorities at the same time.

Secular minorities? Are you a new kind of word invention machine?
the smaller number or part, especially a number that is less than half the whole number denoting attitudes, activities, or other things that have no religious or spiritual basis.

Aaaand the definition

Silly nutbag.
That is a sentence which consists of the combined definitions of secular and minority
Yes, the bitter primaries between Obama and Hillary in 08 killed his chances, I see what you're saying. The country is turning majority socialist, that's what's killing Republicans
The country is not turning majority socialist. That's not what's killing Republicans.

What's happening is the voter base for secular minorities is increasing rapidly, and the non minority evangelical voter base is flat.

The GOP's message cannot appeal to socially conservative evangelicals and secular minorities at the same time.

Secular minorities? Are you a new kind of word invention machine?
the smaller number or part, especially a number that is less than half the whole number denoting attitudes, activities, or other things that have no religious or spiritual basis.

Aaaand the definition

Silly nutbag.
That is a sentence which consists of the combined definitions of secular and minority

You are making up terms. It's so cool. Great job.
It's my distinct impression that Trump supporters are behind him based on attitude rather than ideology.

Those ideologues on the Right should be more than satisfied with Ted Cruz as their standard bearer. But Trump's attitude, his boorish, strutting, vulgar attitude seems to be the flame some Right Wing moths are drawn to. Trump's political ideology seems to be all over the map. If he did not present himself with such an overbearing, thuggish, brutal attitude, would the political firebrands who waved the banner of hard core Conservatism be attracted to him? They surely would have branded him a flip flopper and raced to Ted Cruz' side.

But it's attitude than brings them in. Are they really committed to a far Right political agenda, or die they seek an angry fighter no matter his policies?
That makes no sense.

What about Trump is far-right?

That's not what he said.
You'd never see a thread like this from the RWnuts around here if Jeb Bush WERE still the frontrunner.
If Jeb Bush was the frontrunner, you guys would tailor your lies to attack him instead.

It doesn't matter who the target long as they're a Republican.

They get trashed......because your candidate sucks balls.


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