Destructionism, the only path to American Socialism


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
So-called trusted, learned contemporary American scholars, pundits and Democratic Party candidates have been bloviating like a cat-4 hurricane the merits and pleasures of socialism as if it were some final cure for all the woes of American society and alone capable of soothing all the defects of human civilization, to be rolled out as one achievable Utopian paradise on Earth. Countless threads have appeared on this message board declaring how no one, least of all the American Conservative or Classical Liberal, could possibly, fully comprehend or grasp the complex finer qualities and nuances of socialism. Combined, this two pronged attack on the minds of sentient American voters is among the easiest of composite lies to debunk. The issue of debunking the worth or benevolence of socialism then becomes the problem of getting word out of the opposite truth, that socialism is the end of individual freedom, while cutting through the mass indoctrination of our youth and weaker minded fellow citizens, who have been brainwashed into believing socialism is the ultimate high-five feel good for all folks everywhere; for America in particular.

Truth incoming . . .

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In order to implement any form of socialist economy, government, society or culture every aspect of the long standing same institutions of the example nation must first be pillaged and eventually destroyed. This proof of concept is known as Destructionism as coined by Ludwig Von Mises. In every nation which has converted to socialism, this process—that of the destruction of all traditional institutions—has always held true. Our America is no different.

In order to achieve a socialist economy in America, our treasury; indeed all the wealth accumulated by our nation, will have to be depleted but not depleted for the commonwealth, rather for the accumulation of power by the new socialist party. The same will be the case for our individual accumulation of wealth. Every last one of us previously private citizens would, under a socialist economy, be taxed into a state of zero dollars in our bank accounts. But what the hell, right . . . at least we'd all be equal . . . in poverty.

In order to achieve a socialist government every last empowerment to freedom and constitutional right of the individual American Citizen will have to be diminished, reduced, stamped out. No democratic process such as the right to suffrage or even free physical movement between geographical regions or cities can be permitted without special permission by the state on a highly selective basis. Those who refuse to submit to the authoritarian "all power" of the socialist party will find themselves greatly lacking in all forms of personal freedom and in many cases, the right to even exist.

In order to achieve a socialist society and culture, all traces of Christianity and any other traditional world religion, and all of the moral tenets/foundations of those religions, must be extinguished. A socialist state enforced culture cannot exist if the people it hopes to dictate to, worship any sovereign deity other than the leaders of the state; the heads of the socialist party. This aspect of the conversion of America to socialism is perhaps the most concerning of all others discussed in this post.

For America as we have always known it to become a socialist communist state (there's just no difference between the two), all moral, religious, ethical and cultural taboos and perversions prohibited from practice in public and private places must be made to be the new norm. In other words, ancient (by American standards) institutions such as marriage, the nuclear family, belief in God, protection of children, personal responsibility, respect for the rule of law and concepts of absolute right and wrong must be turned on their heads, upside down.

Proof is in seeing with one's own eyes; proof is the relentless assault on all traditional American institutions and beliefs these past several decades which have intensified since about 2008. But ours is not the only nation in history where the Cultural Marxists have roosted and attempted to set up their shops from which to sell the populous at large into believing wrong is right and the sky is never blue. For kicks and more truths, please read all about a man named György Lukacs, and the cultural horrors he attempted to mass implement in Hungary in order to prepare his nation for a more molten brand of socialism.

I leave you with this question, my fellow posters: who among you are willing to volunteer away your individual rights, modest savings, deepest held beliefs and personal freedoms as sacrifice to an American conversion to a socialist state? Is hatred and the removal of one man from public office, the current POTUS, really reward enough in trade for losing all it means on the most personal of levels to be an American? Is hatred of some other racial or economic demographic enough? What is your personal price for selling our America out to the socialists? And if no price is high enough, why take the risk of flirting with the cancerous force of socialism even knowing it can only come to power here through the destruction of all we know and love as free people?
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