Deutsche Bank receives subpoena from Mueller on Trump accounts

Two posts in a invokes Obama..the other Clinton.

What do either have to do with a supeana being served on Deutsche Bank?
Gotta love Mueller.

Deutsche Bank receives subpoena from Mueller on Trump accounts: source

FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Special Counsel Robert Mueller has asked Deutsche Bank (DBKGn.DE) to share data on accounts held by U.S. President Donald Trump and his family, a person close to the matter said on Tuesday.

Yeah, gotta love Mueller...

He is completely IGNORING the KNOWN millions from the KGB Bank taken by Hillary

He is completely IGNORING the KNOWN half a million per speech from the KGB Bank taken by Bill

He is completely IGNORING the KNOWN thousands of unreported Russian stock taken by her campaign manager

He is completely IGNORING the KNOWN salary Fat Tony Podesta was taking from the KGB Bank and the Russian SPY agency who he worked for...

...of course, Mueller proved in 2009 that one of the things he does best is ignore crimes, especially Russian crimes...

Instead of investigating the 'Money' EVERYONE knows about, Mueller prefers to go 'FISHING' in HOPES of finding something ON Trump.
Instead of investigating the 'Money' EVERYONE knows about, Mueller prefers to go 'FISHING' in HOPES of finding something ON Trump.
There is fish in them there waters dude
Subpoena for Trump Financial Records Confirmed
December 6, 2017 at 8:24 am EST

Though President Trump’s lawyers deny a subpoena had been issued to Deutsche Bank for the president’s financial records, the Wall Street Journal confirms earlier reports that one had been given.

Dan Stein, former chief of the criminal division at the Manhattan U.S. attorney’s office, said the special counsel’s subpoena signals one of two possible directions for the broader investigation: “Either it means they’re going beyond the narrow question of election interference. Or, it means the question of election interference may now somehow involve the transfer of funds to the president or his family or inner circle.”
There is fish in them there waters dude
Subpoena for Trump Financial Records Confirmed
December 6, 2017 at 8:24 am EST

Though President Trump’s lawyers deny a subpoena had been issued to Deutsche Bank for the president’s financial records, the Wall Street Journal confirms earlier reports that one had been given.

Dan Stein, former chief of the criminal division at the Manhattan U.S. attorney’s office, said the special counsel’s subpoena signals one of two possible directions for the broader investigation: “Either it means they’re going beyond the narrow question of election interference. Or, it means the question of election interference may now somehow involve the transfer of funds to the president or his family or inner circle.”
Despite your use of huge font, which you idiotically believe makes your BS more believable, your post PROVES MY POINT. Despite there being plenty of evidence of ACTUAL MONEY PAID TO HILLARY AND HER TEAM BY THE RUSSIAN KGB ND RUSSIAN SPY AGENCY, Mueller has chosen to GO FISHING for evidence against Trump.

That is all you need to know to understand Mueller's entire investigation is a desperate witch hunt
There is fish in them there waters dude
Subpoena for Trump Financial Records Confirmed
December 6, 2017 at 8:24 am EST

Though President Trump’s lawyers deny a subpoena had been issued to Deutsche Bank for the president’s financial records, the Wall Street Journal confirms earlier reports that one had been given.

Dan Stein, former chief of the criminal division at the Manhattan U.S. attorney’s office, said the special counsel’s subpoena signals one of two possible directions for the broader investigation: “Either it means they’re going beyond the narrow question of election interference. Or, it means the question of election interference may now somehow involve the transfer of funds to the president or his family or inner circle.”
Despite your use of huge font, which you idiotically believe makes your BS more believable, your post PROVES MY POINT. Despite there being plenty of evidence of ACTUAL MONEY PAID TO HILLARY AND HER TEAM BY THE RUSSIAN KGB ND RUSSIAN SPY AGENCY, Mueller has chosen to GO FISHING for evidence against Trump.

That is all you need to know to understand Mueller's entire investigation is a desperate witch hunt
Gotta love Mueller.

Deutsche Bank receives subpoena from Mueller on Trump accounts: source

FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Special Counsel Robert Mueller has asked Deutsche Bank (DBKGn.DE) to share data on accounts held by U.S. President Donald Trump and his family, a person close to the matter said on Tuesday.

Yeah, gotta love Mueller...

He is completely IGNORING the KNOWN millions from the KGB Bank taken by Hillary

He is completely IGNORING the KNOWN half a million per speech from the KGB Bank taken by Bill

He is completely IGNORING the KNOWN thousands of unreported Russian stock taken by her campaign manager

He is completely IGNORING the KNOWN salary Fat Tony Podesta was taking from the KGB Bank and the Russian SPY agency who he worked for...

...of course, Mueller proved in 2009 that one of the things he does best is ignore crimes, especially Russian crimes...

Instead of investigating the 'Money' EVERYONE knows about, Mueller prefers to go 'FISHING' in HOPES of finding something ON Trump.

Mueller is not investigating Hillary..or anyone else..except Trump and his gang. His mandate does not extend past that. You would not want him to break the law, would you?
There is fish in them there waters dude
Subpoena for Trump Financial Records Confirmed
December 6, 2017 at 8:24 am EST

Though President Trump’s lawyers deny a subpoena had been issued to Deutsche Bank for the president’s financial records, the Wall Street Journal confirms earlier reports that one had been given.

Dan Stein, former chief of the criminal division at the Manhattan U.S. attorney’s office, said the special counsel’s subpoena signals one of two possible directions for the broader investigation: “Either it means they’re going beyond the narrow question of election interference. Or, it means the question of election interference may now somehow involve the transfer of funds to the president or his family or inner circle.”
Despite your use of huge font, which you idiotically believe makes your BS more believable, your post PROVES MY POINT. Despite there being plenty of evidence of ACTUAL MONEY PAID TO HILLARY AND HER TEAM BY THE RUSSIAN KGB ND RUSSIAN SPY AGENCY, Mueller has chosen to GO FISHING for evidence against Trump.

That is all you need to know to understand Mueller's entire investigation is a desperate witch hunt
Hillary again? It is not Mueller's job to investigate is it? He has not 'chosen' anything...he is fulfilling his mandate.
Two posts in a invokes Obama..the other Clinton.

What do either have to do with a supeana being served on Deutsche Bank?
What does a German bank have to do with the LIB wet-dream of Trump/Russian 'collusion?
Dunno...not my job to Mueller's job..and I'm sure he'll explain..sooner or later.

Speaking for myself..I don't think there is any Russian collusion ..involving Trump. Kushner and Trump Jr.--are another story. Then there is the possibility of uncovering financial the course of the investigation..that's what Trump is worried about, IMO.
Mueller is not investigating Hillary..or anyone else..except Trump and his gang. His mandate does not extend past that. You would not want him to break the law, would you?

Snowflakes have argued...until it no longer suited them...that Mueller had broad investigatory authority to investigate 'Russian Interference', no matter where it took him.

Rather than 'take the highway, 'paved' by millions of dollars in bribes paid to the Clintons and their associates / campaign managers, etc....Mueller has repeatedly opted to take the 'back roads', that have gotten him no where so far. This is the point where 'Russian Interference' no longer suited them and they decided to try to justify and defend anything Mueller did.

'His mandate does not extend...' - Mueller began investigating 'ISRAEL' and 'TURKEY'. WTF do they have to do with Russian Interference? NOT A DAMN THING!

Mueller and his team have already potentially broken the law but certainly have destroyed the credibility and delusion of their objectivity in this case!
Hillary again? It is not Mueller's job to investigate is it? He has not 'chosen' anything...he is fulfilling his mandate.
His job is to investigate 'Russian Interference', and - unlike with Trump - all the evidence is there regarding Hillary and her KGB-Funded team.
Hillary again? It is not Mueller's job to investigate is it? He has not 'chosen' anything...he is fulfilling his mandate.
His job is to investigate 'Russian Interference', and - unlike with Trump - all the evidence is there regarding Hillary and her KGB-Funded team.

like Kenny boy Starr's job was to investigation whitewater?

quiet, Sergei
Yep. sounds exactly like a fishing expedition by a man who has nothing so far.

Hmmm...I guess you might be the context of direct evidence against might be wrong as well...we shall see.
But..there are a number of ways this can play out--what happens if Kushner gets arrested..or Trump Jr.?
Trump is thin-skinned and prone to rash decisions--the real danger..for you Trumpista' that Trump does something monumentally stupid--like fire Mueller..or, if Kushner or Trump Jr. are pardoned.

This is far from played out..and from what I have seen...under-estimating Mueller...Conservative Republican that he is...would be worse than foolish.

You keep operating on the assumption that Trump is prone to rash decisions,

and I will operate on my conclusion that he is a brilliant operator that will NOT.

Let's see which of us has to use more Confirmation Bias to maintain our world views.
Lol..fair enough. Given his propensity to fly off the handle via Twitter..go off message during speeches...I'll stick to my views..of course..I guess you could believe that Trump has thought all his tweets through..and they just appear random and kneejerk--time will tell, I guess.

Kind of telling that you felt a need to move the goal posts from decisions and actions to tweets, there.

Just the type of effect confirmation bias would have on a person.
Uh..OK...I get the feeling that you may be having this convo with some sort of script..not I. I would point out that a tweet IS an action--with real world consequences. Don't really know about goal posts..was not playing a game. I'm guessing that confirmation bias is the theme for the day?

Two people looking at the same thing and seeing it completely differently?

I think confirmation bias is the theme of the day, at least in this thread.
There is fish in them there waters dude
Subpoena for Trump Financial Records Confirmed
December 6, 2017 at 8:24 am EST

Though President Trump’s lawyers deny a subpoena had been issued to Deutsche Bank for the president’s financial records, the Wall Street Journal confirms earlier reports that one had been given.

Dan Stein, former chief of the criminal division at the Manhattan U.S. attorney’s office, said the special counsel’s subpoena signals one of two possible directions for the broader investigation: “Either it means they’re going beyond the narrow question of election interference. Or, it means the question of election interference may now somehow involve the transfer of funds to the president or his family or inner circle.”
Despite your use of huge font, which you idiotically believe makes your BS more believable, your post PROVES MY POINT. Despite there being plenty of evidence of ACTUAL MONEY PAID TO HILLARY AND HER TEAM BY THE RUSSIAN KGB ND RUSSIAN SPY AGENCY, Mueller has chosen to GO FISHING for evidence against Trump.

That is all you need to know to understand Mueller's entire investigation is a desperate witch hunt
Hillary again? It is not Mueller's job to investigate is it? He has not 'chosen' anything...he is fulfilling his mandate.
well I honestly thought it was russia interference in the 2016 election, no?
There is fish in them there waters dude
Subpoena for Trump Financial Records Confirmed
December 6, 2017 at 8:24 am EST

Though President Trump’s lawyers deny a subpoena had been issued to Deutsche Bank for the president’s financial records, the Wall Street Journal confirms earlier reports that one had been given.

Dan Stein, former chief of the criminal division at the Manhattan U.S. attorney’s office, said the special counsel’s subpoena signals one of two possible directions for the broader investigation: “Either it means they’re going beyond the narrow question of election interference. Or, it means the question of election interference may now somehow involve the transfer of funds to the president or his family or inner circle.”
Despite your use of huge font, which you idiotically believe makes your BS more believable, your post PROVES MY POINT. Despite there being plenty of evidence of ACTUAL MONEY PAID TO HILLARY AND HER TEAM BY THE RUSSIAN KGB ND RUSSIAN SPY AGENCY, Mueller has chosen to GO FISHING for evidence against Trump.

That is all you need to know to understand Mueller's entire investigation is a desperate witch hunt
Hillary again? It is not Mueller's job to investigate is it? He has not 'chosen' anything...he is fulfilling his mandate.
well I honestly thought it was russia interference in the 2016 election, no?

The goal is to remove a duly elected POTUS by any means necessary.
There is fish in them there waters dude
Subpoena for Trump Financial Records Confirmed
December 6, 2017 at 8:24 am EST

Though President Trump’s lawyers deny a subpoena had been issued to Deutsche Bank for the president’s financial records, the Wall Street Journal confirms earlier reports that one had been given.

Dan Stein, former chief of the criminal division at the Manhattan U.S. attorney’s office, said the special counsel’s subpoena signals one of two possible directions for the broader investigation: “Either it means they’re going beyond the narrow question of election interference. Or, it means the question of election interference may now somehow involve the transfer of funds to the president or his family or inner circle.”
Despite your use of huge font, which you idiotically believe makes your BS more believable, your post PROVES MY POINT. Despite there being plenty of evidence of ACTUAL MONEY PAID TO HILLARY AND HER TEAM BY THE RUSSIAN KGB ND RUSSIAN SPY AGENCY, Mueller has chosen to GO FISHING for evidence against Trump.

That is all you need to know to understand Mueller's entire investigation is a desperate witch hunt
Hillary again? It is not Mueller's job to investigate is it? He has not 'chosen' anything...he is fulfilling his mandate.
well I honestly thought it was russia interference in the 2016 election, no?

The goal is to remove a duly elected POTUS by any means necessary.
yep, anyone that doesn't know that today is quite naive. the coup has been active since November 9, 2016
1) Get fake Dossier
2) use fake Dossier to make fake connection between Trump and Russia
3) use fake Dossier to secure warrants to spy on Trump and his associates.
4) Get same FBI agent ( Strzok) who was texting his mistress about how much he hated Trump on the Mueller team....(He also handled the HIllary e-mail investigation and interviewed Mills and Huma who lied, but of course they were not charged) He also changed Comeys speech so the language would exonerate Hillary.
5) Find anything NOT related to Trump and Putin rigging the election, to get Trump out of Office.

Remember what Pelosi said about the Clinton independent counsel,

“No one should have unlimited power and resources to investigate the President of the United States.”

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