Deutsche Bank receives subpoena from Mueller on Trump accounts

If this is true, then it would be accurate going forward to say we have a President under investigation.
Now they are checking to see if the GERMANS, were the middle men between the Russians and Trump?

This looks more like the investigation is desperately fishing for something, ANYTHING to justify their expense.

I believe that Mueller is following the money..attempting see if Trump has/had a financial stake in Russia. If so,, how much and who might be pulling the strings. The logic is simple..if the President has a lot of obligations to Russian interests...could that fact sway his decision making..and of legal are/were these holdings...should they have been disclosed? Did the President lie about any of them, if they exist? And not just the President..but all the other players under suspicion...Kushner, Trump JR, Manafort, Flynn..etc.

This isn't like Tony Rezko lending Obama money and giving him land, this is a real commercial transaction where the $300MM loan is secured by $600MM in assets

OK then...Trump has nothing to fear. Crusader Frank says so--and if anyone should know, it's him, right. Because he has seen everything--all the records....viewed the paperwork. Knows Trump's dealings intimately.
Damn, if Mueller had talked to you first..we sure could have saved a lot of money.

DB made the loan in Putins, right?

graphic1-jpg.105299's all fun, until the rabbit gets the gun:
OMG! How can anybody answer a meme!?
Mueller subpoenas Trump Deutsche Bank records - Hot Air

Follow the money Mister Mueller. The Comrade is deeply indebted to Putin and his buddies. He won't admit it because he is a Professional Liar....but he is.

Deutsche bank was the only bank in the world that would lend to Trump. And even then, it took his good buddy being installed as an executive there. Oh, and they were recently hit by huge fines for laundering Russian criminal money.
Mueller subpoenas Trump Deutsche Bank records - Hot Air

Follow the money Mister Mueller. The Comrade is deeply indebted to Putin and his buddies. He won't admit it because he is a Professional Liar....but he is.

Deutsche bank was the only bank in the world that would lend to Trump. And even then, it took his good buddy being installed as an executive there. Oh, and they were recently hit by huge fines for laundering Russian criminal money.
Trump's campaign manager, Paul Manafort, used bank loans to launder money he received from Putin's puppet in the Ukraine.

Maybe he was taught by Trump, or vice versa.
I believe that Mueller is following the money..attempting see if Trump has/had a financial stake in Russia. If so,, how much and who might be pulling the strings. The logic is simple..if the President has a lot of obligations to Russian interests...could that fact sway his decision making..and of legal are/were these holdings...should they have been disclosed? Did the President lie about any of them, if they exist? And not just the President..but all the other players under suspicion...Kushner, Trump JR, Manafort, Flynn..etc.

This isn't like Tony Rezko lending Obama money and giving him land, this is a real commercial transaction where the $300MM loan is secured by $600MM in assets

OK then...Trump has nothing to fear. Crusader Frank says so--and if anyone should know, it's him, right. Because he has seen everything--all the records....viewed the paperwork. Knows Trump's dealings intimately.
Damn, if Mueller had talked to you first..we sure could have saved a lot of money.

DB made the loan in Putins, right?

graphic1-jpg.105299's all fun, until the rabbit gets the gun:
OMG! How can anybody answer a meme!?
Just laugh and move on, I guess. The 'paid in Putins' thing was a I responded in kind.
Mueller Subpoenas Trump Deutsche Bank Records

"Special prosecutor Robert Mueller zeroed in on President Donald Trump’s business dealings with Deutsche Bank AG as his investigation into alleged Russian meddling in U.S. elections widens.

Mueller issued a subpoena to Germany’s largest lender several weeks ago, forcing the bank to submit documents on its relationship with Trump and his family, according to a person briefed on the matter, who asked not to be identified because the action has not been announced.

“Deutsche Bank always cooperates with investigating authorities in all countries,” the lender said in a statement to Bloomberg Tuesday, declining to provide additional information.

Deutsche Bank for months has rebuffed calls by Democratic lawmakers to provide more transparency over the roughly $300 million Trump owed to the bank for his real estate dealings prior to becoming president. Representative Maxine Waters of California and other Democrats have asked whether the bank’s loans to Trump, made years before he ran for president, were in any way connected to Russia. The bank previously rejected those demands, saying sharing client data would be illegal unless it received a formal request to do so. Trump has denied any wrongdoing."

It's like Mueller's TRYING to get fired.
The indictment, unsealed this morning, found that Manafort laundered “more than $18 million” through offshore accounts, money earned while working for corrupt former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych. Manafort and Gates concealed this overseas work in Ukraine and used the offshore accounts to “purchase multi-million dollar properties in the United States,” according to the indictment. Manafort then “borrowed millions of dollars in loans using these properties as collateral, thereby obtaining cash in the United States without reporting and paying taxes on the income.”

Paul Manafort’s Alleged Money-Laundering Scheme Was Exposed Months Ago
The Comrade is deeply indebted to Putin and his buddies.

I'm sure then you can prove that statement.

Which was money both stolen from Ukraine and Russian criminal money.

With Sleuths like you guys on the job, we could save a lot of money; we don't need Mueller, all we need to do is ask you folks! Now, when do we start investigating how the same people in the FBI that sought/forced this phony investigation, were Hillary Sycophants who worked overtime to help keep her out of federal prison for treason?

Now I know why Hillary always had that smug grin on her face.
Trump's kids should hire a PI to dig up dirt on Mueller's kids and if there is none make it up to destroy his kids lives for revenge
Mueller Subpoenas Trump Deutsche Bank Records

"Special prosecutor Robert Mueller zeroed in on President Donald Trump’s business dealings with Deutsche Bank AG as his investigation into alleged Russian meddling in U.S. elections widens.

Mueller issued a subpoena to Germany’s largest lender several weeks ago, forcing the bank to submit documents on its relationship with Trump and his family, according to a person briefed on the matter, who asked not to be identified because the action has not been announced.

“Deutsche Bank always cooperates with investigating authorities in all countries,” the lender said in a statement to Bloomberg Tuesday, declining to provide additional information.

Deutsche Bank for months has rebuffed calls by Democratic lawmakers to provide more transparency over the roughly $300 million Trump owed to the bank for his real estate dealings prior to becoming president. Representative Maxine Waters of California and other Democrats have asked whether the bank’s loans to Trump, made years before he ran for president, were in any way connected to Russia. The bank previously rejected those demands, saying sharing client data would be illegal unless it received a formal request to do so. Trump has denied any wrongdoing."

Now they are checking to see if the GERMANS, were the middle men between the Russians and Trump?

This looks more like the investigation is desperately fishing for something, ANYTHING to justify their expense.

I believe that Mueller is following the money..attempting see if Trump has/had a financial stake in Russia. If so,, how much and who might be pulling the strings. The logic is simple..if the President has a lot of obligations to Russian interests...could that fact sway his decision making..and of legal are/were these holdings...should they have been disclosed? Did the President lie about any of them, if they exist? And not just the President..but all the other players under suspicion...Kushner, Trump JR, Manafort, Flynn..etc.

Yep. sounds exactly like a fishing expedition by a man who has nothing so far.

Hmmm...I guess you might be the context of direct evidence against might be wrong as well...we shall see.
But..there are a number of ways this can play out--what happens if Kushner gets arrested..or Trump Jr.?
Trump is thin-skinned and prone to rash decisions--the real danger..for you Trumpista' that Trump does something monumentally stupid--like fire Mueller..or, if Kushner or Trump Jr. are pardoned.

This is far from played out..and from what I have seen...under-estimating Mueller...Conservative Republican that he is...would be worse than foolish.
The Comrade is deeply indebted to Putin and his buddies.

I'm sure then you can prove that statement.

Which was money both stolen from Ukraine and Russian criminal money.

With Sleuths like you guys on the job, we could save a lot of money; we don't need Mueller, all we need to do is ask you folks! Now, when do we start investigating how the same people in the FBI that sought/forced this phony investigation, were Hillary Sycophants who worked overtime to help keep her out of federal prison for treason?

Now I know why Hillary always had that smug grin on her face.

What dumb ass? That is all info released by the actual "sleuths". When you find yourself running around wondering how everyone seems to magically know info that you do not, you might want to consider the idea that maybe you are just an ignorant jerkoff who doesn't read enough.
Haven't you figured out yet that it's not about collusion but impeachment. It has been since before the man even took his oath....
The Comrade is deeply indebted to Putin and his buddies.

I'm sure then you can prove that statement.

Which was money both stolen from Ukraine and Russian criminal money.

With Sleuths like you guys on the job, we could save a lot of money; we don't need Mueller, all we need to do is ask you folks! Now, when do we start investigating how the same people in the FBI that sought/forced this phony investigation, were Hillary Sycophants who worked overtime to help keep her out of federal prison for treason?

Now I know why Hillary always had that smug grin on her face.

What dumb ass? That is all info released by the actual "sleuths". When you find yourself running around wondering how everyone seems to magically know info that you do not, you might want to consider the idea that maybe you are just an ignorant jerkoff who doesn't read enough.

And still the guy offers no proof. I see you still run around reading Leftist news sites happy to feed you all of the fake news you can swallow from their top sleuths like Peter Strzok. Do me a favor and wake me up when Trump is actually arrested, charged, convicted and impeached from office.
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