Deviant LA teacher fed students semen laced cookies

Where the fuck do you see "liberals" in this story?

Have you seen a shrink yet?
Child molesting teachers were bounced around LAUSD until they ended up at Miramonte which became a veritable child brothel. The whole school was closed for a year because of the number of child molesters.
I was just reading an article where some eggheads decided to pull a book off the library shelves and discovered it was laced with coke and herpes virus..

Totally a lib phenomenon:

Herpes Virus Found on Library Copies of 'Fifty Shades of Grey'

But the real case of life imitating art was revealed when the scientists discovered traces of the herpes virus in the pages of the erotic tale Fifty Shades of Grey. "

Liberal porn bible.
Nice jobs liberals! Don't judge! We need to tolerate every sexual deviant

Miramonte teacher Mark Berndt fed blindfolded students semen cookies | Mail Online

Disgusting. I'm still shocked Los Angeles School System chose to PAY HIM 40 Grand to make him go away when he appealed his firing! WTF????? Keep him away from kids by not allowing him in the flippin school!

Berndt was fired and the Los Angeles Unified School District then paid him $40,000 to drop his appeal, which officials said was the most immediate way to ensure he wouldn't be a threat to other children. The move still brought heavy criticism.

Read more: Miramonte teacher Mark Berndt fed blindfolded students semen cookies | Mail Online
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How is he not a deviant? He splooges into food and fed it to kids . He's a complete freak if nature deviant
Who told the students they ate semen? Wouldn't it better for them not to know?

I wondered the same. They were 3rd graders. But it would not surprise me if the older students were not harassing the class about it, unfortunately news travels fast and school yard rumors do as well. I sure hope the parents did not tell them. Of course the children would probably need to be tested for disease but that could have happened without their knowledge. On the other hand how long had he been doing this to children. Gag!
In 10th grade during bachelors living class my friend and I made waffles with pencil shavings and fed them to the jocks.

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