Devin Nunes Intends To Obstruct Justice


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes called a press conference a little while ago to announce that he intended to commit a blatant act of criminal obstruction of justice with respect to the FBIā€™s counterintelligence investigation of Trump and Trump associatesā€™ connections to the Russiansā€™ interference in our presidential election. Nunes began by declaring that President-Elect Trumpā€™s personal communications may have been intercepted during the Transition due to ā€œincidental collectionā€ during an unrelated, completely legal and FISA-approved investigation.

He then said that the potential surveillance was not related to Russia, that it wasnā€™t clear that it was collected at Trump Tower and that he was ā€œalarmed by it.ā€

He further stated that he had advised House Speaker Paul Ryan of his findings and that he was traveling to the White House this afternoon to share with them information that had been provided to him by the FBI in a classified setting for the purposes of advancing a congressional investigation into potential crimes committed by the people he will be meeting in the White House.

Nunes also revealed that said ā€œhe discovered the potential surveillance of Trump himself while reviewing intelligence reports,ā€ but he did not divulge that he kept his discovery from the Democrats on the committee who ā€œappeared blindsided by Nunesā€™ announcement.ā€

[Democrat] Rep. Jim Himes [of Connecticut] said he spoke with ranking Democratic member Adam Schiff, and that neither of them are familiar with the evidence Nunes is citing.

To be clear, ā€œNunes said the collection included Trump transition officials and that it happened after the election. He said he could not say whether it meant that Trump was ā€˜spied on.'ā€

ā€œIā€™m not going to get into legal definitions.ā€ he said.

When Nunes arrives at the White House and begins sharing information about which Transition officials were captured on ā€œincidental surveillance,ā€ he will be committing what appears to be an obvious crime.

He claims that the surveillance is unrelated to Russia, and that may be his only criminal defense. He better hope that it will stand up in court. His press conference performance was a dishonest attempt to suggest that perhaps Trump wasnā€™t completely wrong when he said that Trump Tower was wiretapped at the behest of President Obama. He couldnā€™t assert either of those things but he made it seem like he had evidence pointing in that direction.

And his failure to share this information with the Democrats or notify them that he would be holding the press conference shows just how disingenuous his ā€œalarmā€ really is.

But itā€™s his intent to share classified investigatory information with the subjects of a counterintelligence (and potentially criminal) probe that constitutes a crime. He must not be very bright. And heā€™s just destroyed his own committeeā€™s investigation.

Devin Nunes intends to obstruct the FBI investigation
OMG Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

This investigation sure is laughable and a waste of time.
Top Dem calls for investigation into House Intelligence chairman

Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) on Thursday called for an investigation into House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), who bypassed the panel to brief President Trump on information related to U.S. surveillance of his transition team.

During an interview on CNN's "New Day," Cummings, the top Democrat on the House Oversight Committee, called the Intelligence panel a "very special committee."

"They are privileged to information that most members of Congress may never see and so you expect them to be extremely confidential," he added.

"What he did was basically to go to the president, who's being investigated, by the FBI and others and by the intelligence committee, to give them information."
These morons make Bush Derangement syndrome look sane..........Trump Derangement syndrome has driven too many of them to actual violence...and it isn't going to get better before he leaves office in 8 years....

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