DeVos out smarts protesters

Gee. I wonder where all the politicians kids go to school?:eusa_think: Well hell, they send them to PRIVATE schools where the teachers aren't unionized. Hmmm. I wonder why?:eusa_whistle:

Public Servants and Private Schools: Where Top Politicians Send Their Kids

What is it about teacher's unions that cause your underwear to wedge in your ass crack?

They tend to protect, and reward the incompetent, ignore the needs of the children, blame the parents for the failures of the school system, and generally not require competent teaching anymore. Of course there are exceptions to the rule, but here in Nevada they fired a Teacher of the Year because he had low seniority, but kept an incompetent teacher because she had been around a long time.

Protection is what unions do. Why is that foreign concept for so many of you education bashers?

How do they ignore the needs of the children? That's bumper sticker depth. Surely you can do better.

The parents do not raise their children to value education and to behave long enough to actually learn what they are supposed to do.

How do YOU know that teacher was incompetent? If she truly was, she would have been removed from the classroom by a competent administrator.

I will give you a grade of "F" on this assignment. You failed to provide any valid reasons for your bashing. Most teachers give students a second chance to get it right. Want to try again?
I agree about many parents not doing their part. I also know we have some teachers who shouldn't be teaching.

Unions shouldn't be protecting those who are doing more harm than good.

Just exactly how are they "protecting " them? What does that mean? Ensuring that the charges against them are true? Making sure that any deficiencies were documented and training offered to remediate those deficiencies?

Why can't anyone get me down to the brass tacks of what you think or is your ignorance about education just that overwhelming?
Fighting to keep someone who should have been fired years ago is what happens with unions.

Am I wrong about that?
What is it about teacher's unions that cause your underwear to wedge in your ass crack?

They tend to protect, and reward the incompetent, ignore the needs of the children, blame the parents for the failures of the school system, and generally not require competent teaching anymore. Of course there are exceptions to the rule, but here in Nevada they fired a Teacher of the Year because he had low seniority, but kept an incompetent teacher because she had been around a long time.

Protection is what unions do. Why is that foreign concept for so many of you education bashers?

How do they ignore the needs of the children? That's bumper sticker depth. Surely you can do better.

The parents do not raise their children to value education and to behave long enough to actually learn what they are supposed to do.

How do YOU know that teacher was incompetent? If she truly was, she would have been removed from the classroom by a competent administrator.

I will give you a grade of "F" on this assignment. You failed to provide any valid reasons for your bashing. Most teachers give students a second chance to get it right. Want to try again?

Protecting criminal behavior when it involves children is a non starter. I hate to break it to you but if a teacher violates a child that teacher should be forced out of the school system. In many places they are not. In New York they have rooms where "teachers" while away their days, collecting a nice paycheck because they can't be allowed near children. That takes protection to a whole new level, don't you think?

I don't care what grade you give me because you are not the father of my child. Your opinion simply doesn't matter to me. What matters to me is my child's welfare. Thus, I send her to a private school.

How is a union ensuring due process protecting criminal behavior? What does "in many places" mean? Do you have any facts or just more anecdotal evidence?

I was once accused of calling a student "retarded". I was called into the principal's office telling me that I was being investigated because a parent of another student had called the school board and complained. They would not even tell me which student I allegedly called "retarded" or which student's parent had complained. After racking my brain, I came up with both students names and then they let me explain what happened. The student whose parent complained had overheard me telling my other student that she was a little "slow" getting her computer logged on. That was it. The student's parents were recent immigrants to this country and somehow had instilled in their child that "slow" meant "retarded". When I called the other student's grandmother to explain myself, she claimed that it was the first that she had heard of it and that her granddaughter loved my class and would have never said anything against me. Now, to you this might be meaningless, but that is why teachers have unions and require due process. That principal could have fired me at any time, with no investigation, or even allowing me to explain, and I would not have a leg to stand on legally, even though I was 100% innocent.

That is only one example and I have several others, but I won't try to bore you to death.

You did good. Now tell me what the Union did for you. It is missing in your story.

In that instance, I fixed the problem myself. Had I not been able to do so, as a probationary employee, I would have been shit out of luck. My union was powerless to help me, which further supports all of those horror stories people like to whine about are mostly just exaggerations by the media.

If you want others where they did help, I have those too.

I once had a principal threaten to fire me because he claimed I was not doing my required paperwork for a report that he needed to submit. He at least took the high road and contacted the union about his intentions. The union sent a representative for me to sit down with him and answer his claims. Unfortunately for my principal, being ex-military, I document the hell out of everything I do. His main concern was that I ignored his request for certain information and that was insubordination. I proved to the principal in front of the union rep, that he had not ever informed me of the request for the information, but had instead informed my team leader via e-mail, who never bothered to inform me of the requirement. I even had a statement from my team leader admitting that he never told me. I was saved by the fact that my name was not on the e-mail he sent out. I also showed that I had provided him the information within minutes of him letting me know that I did not submit it. Insubordination? No. His mistake? Big time! The union rep was trying hard to keep from laughing as my principal tried to dig his way out of the accusation, but couldn't. He also never apologized. He did not renew my contract at the end of the year and I didn't want to stay anyway. He was fired two years later.

Without a union rep being called, the principal could have said, "Hand me your keys, ID card and get out!" I would have had no recourse.
What is it about teacher's unions that cause your underwear to wedge in your ass crack?

They tend to protect, and reward the incompetent, ignore the needs of the children, blame the parents for the failures of the school system, and generally not require competent teaching anymore. Of course there are exceptions to the rule, but here in Nevada they fired a Teacher of the Year because he had low seniority, but kept an incompetent teacher because she had been around a long time.

Protection is what unions do. Why is that foreign concept for so many of you education bashers?

How do they ignore the needs of the children? That's bumper sticker depth. Surely you can do better.

The parents do not raise their children to value education and to behave long enough to actually learn what they are supposed to do.

How do YOU know that teacher was incompetent? If she truly was, she would have been removed from the classroom by a competent administrator.

I will give you a grade of "F" on this assignment. You failed to provide any valid reasons for your bashing. Most teachers give students a second chance to get it right. Want to try again?
I agree about many parents not doing their part. I also know we have some teachers who shouldn't be teaching.

Unions shouldn't be protecting those who are doing more harm than good.

Just exactly how are they "protecting " them? What does that mean? Ensuring that the charges against them are true? Making sure that any deficiencies were documented and training offered to remediate those deficiencies?

Why can't anyone get me down to the brass tacks of what you think or is your ignorance about education just that overwhelming?
Fighting to keep someone who should have been fired years ago is what happens with unions.

Am I wrong about that?

Yes, Dead wrong.
They tend to protect, and reward the incompetent, ignore the needs of the children, blame the parents for the failures of the school system, and generally not require competent teaching anymore. Of course there are exceptions to the rule, but here in Nevada they fired a Teacher of the Year because he had low seniority, but kept an incompetent teacher because she had been around a long time.

Protection is what unions do. Why is that foreign concept for so many of you education bashers?

How do they ignore the needs of the children? That's bumper sticker depth. Surely you can do better.

The parents do not raise their children to value education and to behave long enough to actually learn what they are supposed to do.

How do YOU know that teacher was incompetent? If she truly was, she would have been removed from the classroom by a competent administrator.

I will give you a grade of "F" on this assignment. You failed to provide any valid reasons for your bashing. Most teachers give students a second chance to get it right. Want to try again?
I agree about many parents not doing their part. I also know we have some teachers who shouldn't be teaching.

Unions shouldn't be protecting those who are doing more harm than good.

Just exactly how are they "protecting " them? What does that mean? Ensuring that the charges against them are true? Making sure that any deficiencies were documented and training offered to remediate those deficiencies?

Why can't anyone get me down to the brass tacks of what you think or is your ignorance about education just that overwhelming?
Fighting to keep someone who should have been fired years ago is what happens with unions.

Am I wrong about that?

Yes, Dead wrong.

How many times have we heard about people keeping their job because of a union. People who should've been fired.
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  • #65
By walking in another door.

Yesterday social media was going crazy over how the protestors at a school she was visiting blocked her from entering. Then hours later they were shocked to find out she still held the meeting with school officials in the building because she went around to another door.

I kid you not. I saw the posts on facebook celebrating this great victory only to see them confused that they didn't actually win anything. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so ridiculous

How exactly does blocking her from meetings make the country better anyway?
Good for her. But seriously how much would it take to out smart people who are the real life version of Wile E. Coyote?

Valid point. I just find it amusing that people who don't realize that they need to block all doors to stop another person from entering a building think we should listen to their views on education
They tend to protect, and reward the incompetent, ignore the needs of the children, blame the parents for the failures of the school system, and generally not require competent teaching anymore. Of course there are exceptions to the rule, but here in Nevada they fired a Teacher of the Year because he had low seniority, but kept an incompetent teacher because she had been around a long time.

Protection is what unions do. Why is that foreign concept for so many of you education bashers?

How do they ignore the needs of the children? That's bumper sticker depth. Surely you can do better.

The parents do not raise their children to value education and to behave long enough to actually learn what they are supposed to do.

How do YOU know that teacher was incompetent? If she truly was, she would have been removed from the classroom by a competent administrator.

I will give you a grade of "F" on this assignment. You failed to provide any valid reasons for your bashing. Most teachers give students a second chance to get it right. Want to try again?
I agree about many parents not doing their part. I also know we have some teachers who shouldn't be teaching.

Unions shouldn't be protecting those who are doing more harm than good.

Just exactly how are they "protecting " them? What does that mean? Ensuring that the charges against them are true? Making sure that any deficiencies were documented and training offered to remediate those deficiencies?

Why can't anyone get me down to the brass tacks of what you think or is your ignorance about education just that overwhelming?
Fighting to keep someone who should have been fired years ago is what happens with unions.

Am I wrong about that?

Yes, Dead wrong.
I'll be happy to tell you about a guy I knew who works for CSX, and how he kept his job after getting caught doing something that was stupid.
By walking in another door.

Yesterday social media was going crazy over how the protestors at a school she was visiting blocked her from entering. Then hours later they were shocked to find out she still held the meeting with school officials in the building because she went around to another door.

I kid you not. I saw the posts on facebook celebrating this great victory only to see them confused that they didn't actually win anything. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so ridiculous

How exactly does blocking her from meetings make the country better anyway?
I'm not a fan of all the protesting and think we should give people a chance, but with that said I think you misunderstand the goal of the protesting. It is to draw attention to Devos and sucritinize the things that the protestors disagree with so she doesn't freely run wild with an agenda that they fear will be damaging to our schools. This goal was and is being accomplished by the left.
What are they disagreeing with?
Her politics, I assume they think her ideas will be bad for public schools and the poor. You'd have to listen to them to find out
By walking in another door.

Yesterday social media was going crazy over how the protestors at a school she was visiting blocked her from entering. Then hours later they were shocked to find out she still held the meeting with school officials in the building because she went around to another door.

I kid you not. I saw the posts on facebook celebrating this great victory only to see them confused that they didn't actually win anything. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so ridiculous

How exactly does blocking her from meetings make the country better anyway?
I'm not a fan of all the protesting and think we should give people a chance, but with that said I think you misunderstand the goal of the protesting. It is to draw attention to Devos and sucritinize the things that the protestors disagree with so she doesn't freely run wild with an agenda that they fear will be damaging to our schools. This goal was and is being accomplished by the left.
What are they disagreeing with?
Her politics, I assume they think her ideas will be bad for public schools and the poor. You'd have to listen to them to find out
I've listened to her ideas....and the protesters.
It's why I'm asking what the protesters are protesting against.
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  • #69
I'm still trying to understand what they're protesting against. lol

After watching several interviews with protesters who couldn't answer simple questions about why they were there, I can't help thinking we're seeing nothing more than some people who don't have anything better to do with their time.
These are people who can easily be dismissed.

1)she is not in the pocket of the teachers unions
2)she cares more about educating people than trapping them in the system to be brainwashed.
3) she is *gasp* Christian
  • Thread starter
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  • #70
By walking in another door.

Yesterday social media was going crazy over how the protestors at a school she was visiting blocked her from entering. Then hours later they were shocked to find out she still held the meeting with school officials in the building because she went around to another door.

I kid you not. I saw the posts on facebook celebrating this great victory only to see them confused that they didn't actually win anything. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so ridiculous

How exactly does blocking her from meetings make the country better anyway?
I'm not a fan of all the protesting and think we should give people a chance, but with that said I think you misunderstand the goal of the protesting. It is to draw attention to Devos and sucritinize the things that the protestors disagree with so she doesn't freely run wild with an agenda that they fear will be damaging to our schools. This goal was and is being accomplished by the left.
What are they disagreeing with?
Her politics, I assume they think her ideas will be bad for public schools and the poor. You'd have to listen to them to find out

Which of her ideas do they think are wrong? Cause I don't think many of them know.
Protection is what unions do. Why is that foreign concept for so many of you education bashers?

How do they ignore the needs of the children? That's bumper sticker depth. Surely you can do better.

The parents do not raise their children to value education and to behave long enough to actually learn what they are supposed to do.

How do YOU know that teacher was incompetent? If she truly was, she would have been removed from the classroom by a competent administrator.

I will give you a grade of "F" on this assignment. You failed to provide any valid reasons for your bashing. Most teachers give students a second chance to get it right. Want to try again?
I agree about many parents not doing their part. I also know we have some teachers who shouldn't be teaching.

Unions shouldn't be protecting those who are doing more harm than good.

Just exactly how are they "protecting " them? What does that mean? Ensuring that the charges against them are true? Making sure that any deficiencies were documented and training offered to remediate those deficiencies?

Why can't anyone get me down to the brass tacks of what you think or is your ignorance about education just that overwhelming?
Fighting to keep someone who should have been fired years ago is what happens with unions.

Am I wrong about that?

Yes, Dead wrong.

How many times have we heard about people keeping their job because of a union. People who should've been fired.

If they kept their job, that means they couldn't prove why they should have been fired.

If they cannot prove someone committed a crime, do they just go ahead and convict them anyway?
Protection is what unions do. Why is that foreign concept for so many of you education bashers?

How do they ignore the needs of the children? That's bumper sticker depth. Surely you can do better.

The parents do not raise their children to value education and to behave long enough to actually learn what they are supposed to do.

How do YOU know that teacher was incompetent? If she truly was, she would have been removed from the classroom by a competent administrator.

I will give you a grade of "F" on this assignment. You failed to provide any valid reasons for your bashing. Most teachers give students a second chance to get it right. Want to try again?
I agree about many parents not doing their part. I also know we have some teachers who shouldn't be teaching.

Unions shouldn't be protecting those who are doing more harm than good.

Just exactly how are they "protecting " them? What does that mean? Ensuring that the charges against them are true? Making sure that any deficiencies were documented and training offered to remediate those deficiencies?

Why can't anyone get me down to the brass tacks of what you think or is your ignorance about education just that overwhelming?
Fighting to keep someone who should have been fired years ago is what happens with unions.

Am I wrong about that?

Yes, Dead wrong.
I'll be happy to tell you about a guy I knew who works for CSX, and how he kept his job after getting caught doing something that was stupid.

I thought we were talking about education.
I agree about many parents not doing their part. I also know we have some teachers who shouldn't be teaching.

Unions shouldn't be protecting those who are doing more harm than good.

Just exactly how are they "protecting " them? What does that mean? Ensuring that the charges against them are true? Making sure that any deficiencies were documented and training offered to remediate those deficiencies?

Why can't anyone get me down to the brass tacks of what you think or is your ignorance about education just that overwhelming?
Fighting to keep someone who should have been fired years ago is what happens with unions.

Am I wrong about that?

Yes, Dead wrong.
I'll be happy to tell you about a guy I knew who works for CSX, and how he kept his job after getting caught doing something that was stupid.

I thought we were talking about education.
And unions.
Just exactly how are they "protecting " them? What does that mean? Ensuring that the charges against them are true? Making sure that any deficiencies were documented and training offered to remediate those deficiencies?

Why can't anyone get me down to the brass tacks of what you think or is your ignorance about education just that overwhelming?
Fighting to keep someone who should have been fired years ago is what happens with unions.

Am I wrong about that?

Yes, Dead wrong.
I'll be happy to tell you about a guy I knew who works for CSX, and how he kept his job after getting caught doing something that was stupid.

I thought we were talking about education.
And unions.

What does CSX have to do with it?
By walking in another door.

Yesterday social media was going crazy over how the protestors at a school she was visiting blocked her from entering. Then hours later they were shocked to find out she still held the meeting with school officials in the building because she went around to another door.

I kid you not. I saw the posts on facebook celebrating this great victory only to see them confused that they didn't actually win anything. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so ridiculous

How exactly does blocking her from meetings make the country better anyway?
The look on her face as she fled to the SUV was victory enough

I make a similar face when I'm surrounded by liberal morons.
All scared and snowflakey?
By walking in another door.

Yesterday social media was going crazy over how the protestors at a school she was visiting blocked her from entering. Then hours later they were shocked to find out she still held the meeting with school officials in the building because she went around to another door.

I kid you not. I saw the posts on facebook celebrating this great victory only to see them confused that they didn't actually win anything. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so ridiculous

How exactly does blocking her from meetings make the country better anyway?
The look on her face as she fled to the SUV was victory enough

I make a similar face when I'm surrounded by liberal morons.
All scared and snowflakey?

Afraid their moron cooties will get on me......
Fighting to keep someone who should have been fired years ago is what happens with unions.

Am I wrong about that?

Yes, Dead wrong.
I'll be happy to tell you about a guy I knew who works for CSX, and how he kept his job after getting caught doing something that was stupid.

I thought we were talking about education.
And unions.

What does CSX have to do with it?
Again; I was speaking to the downfalls unions can have.

Am I posting too fast for you?
By walking in another door.

Yesterday social media was going crazy over how the protestors at a school she was visiting blocked her from entering. Then hours later they were shocked to find out she still held the meeting with school officials in the building because she went around to another door.

I kid you not. I saw the posts on facebook celebrating this great victory only to see them confused that they didn't actually win anything. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so ridiculous

How exactly does blocking her from meetings make the country better anyway?
She's going to rape the public school system and give the money to her billionaire friends.
Youre kidding ?
The new education secretary is a union buster. That's why they treat her like a waste of human skin. And deservedly so.

Unions are on board with Trump. They are tired of being fucked over and their votes taken for granted.
I'm looking forward to seeing what she can do to help our education system. It's been broken for years.

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