DHS Adding Millions of 'New Americans' to Vote Democrat in 2016

For the love of God someone stop these legal residents from becoming legal citizens by legal means!!! Noooooo!!!!!!!
Entering the US illegally does not a legal citizen make. Your pretense that such is the case simply demonstrates you to be among those who must be held accountable for this treasonous invasion of indigents advocating foreign ideas hostile to American principle.

You did get the part where they are green card holders, right? They are in the country legally. Do you ever even read the silly drivel that you write?

Having a green card does not mean that they entered the country legally ass-hat.... the Left has been driving at giving illegals green cards for YEARS... what's more having a green card does NOT provide for any means to vote... and not by ANY stretch of your perverse imagination.
For the love of God someone stop these legal residents from becoming legal citizens by legal means!!! Noooooo!!!!!!!

Most did not enter legally or go through the process. Many illegals have been given welfare and some states handed them driver's licenses and Obama wanted them all to have green cards to make them legitimate even though they broke immigration laws. Obama has been encouraging more illegal immigration by offering more benefits for breaking the law. As soon as they entered they asked border guards where to get welfare and other benefits. They were handed pamphlets telling them what to say to authorities and a card showing they are eligible for Obama's program. The left, despite a judge declaring the move unconstitutional, continued with their program at great cost to tax payers. The liberals had ulterior motives for doing this. Now the left wants to get repaid for the favors. Of course, many illegals will vote Dem because they were okay with them breaking laws and didn't deport people even when they committed more serious crimes.
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Hey btw republicans... I guess you're thinking it was pretty stupid to create the DHS now huh?
We thought it was pretty stupid at the time it was created.

But that was based upon the certainty that at some point, the US Federal Government would go Left and putting that kind of power in the hands of the Left is the perfect formula for Civil War.
For the love of God someone stop these legal residents from becoming legal citizens by legal means!!! Noooooo!!!!!!!

Most did not enter legally or go through the process. Obama has been encouraging more illegal immigration by offering more benefits for breaking the law. Now the left wants to get repaid for the favors.
So their green cards are imaginary then?
Hey btw republicans... I guess you're thinking it was pretty stupid to create the DHS now huh?
We thought it was pretty stupid at the time it was created.

But that was based upon the certainty that at some point, the US Federal Government would go Left and putting that kind of power in the hands of the Left is the perfect formula for Civil War.
You thought it was stupid? Are you sure? Because I seem to remember having my patriotism questioned by other dumb fucking republicans when I argued against the DHS and the Patriot Act. Do you have a selective memory? Or were you in a coma between 2000 and 2008?
Perfect example of the ridiculous crap fox uses to scare their crazy viewers and keep them riled up. No wonder fox viewers are dying off so fast. Their blood pressure has to be through the roof.
fox infromed.jpg
This belongs in the conspiracy theory forum.

Let me show you how secure our border is:

Is that actual footage of Christopher Columbus?!

We came to America to escape "Single/Individual Class" issues against us. People were using violence against us, so we needed to find a peaceful place. We got to America and had to kill some Indians to take the land and enslave some Blacks to ensure we would not have to work hard.

Crazy how we turned into who/what we were running from..............................:oops:
Well, when you're afraid you don't have enough support from citizens, you give away goodies to non-citizens in hopes that you can fast track them to citizenship and vote for your party. This is who the Democrats really are, people who put their own political careers above all else, even the well being of the country.

"There are millions of green card holders in the United States, and sources inside the Department of Homeland Security say a new program is urging them to become citizens in time to vote in the 2016 election.

Of the 20 states with the highest green card population, 14 are holding Senate races in 2016, so millions of new voters could dramatically impact the election.

J. Christian Adams said on "Fox and Friends Weekend" that this is a case of Democrats using the levers of power to preserve power.

"What they're doing is doing a full-court press on getting these aliens - 9,000,000 of them - registered as citizens in time for the 2016 election," Adams said. "They're redirecting resources of DHS to this effort, this campaign." "


I submit that each and every person who advocates for giving any illegal the means to vote is committing treason and should be executed.

As should be the case for any individual that entered the US illegally and is known to have voted in any local, state or federal election.

Weeeeeeeeee! It's an internet badass who hates the government but wants the government to execute green card holders who become citizens........and anyone who "advocates for them" as well! Weeeeeee!
more on this. Watching this administration SELL us out right in front of eyes. and not a peep from any LEGAL citizens . How sad. and you are getting to PAY FOR IT
Homeland Security Working Overtime to Add ‘New Americans’ by 2016 Election
Sources at the Department of Homeland Security report to PJ Media that the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services is reallocating significant resources to sending letters to all 9,000,000 green card holders urging them to naturalize prior to the 2016 election.
by J. Christian Adams
April 23, 2015 - 6:19 pm

President Obama’s amnesty by edict has always been about adding new Democrats to the voter rolls, and recent action by the Department of Homeland Security provides further proof. Sources at the Department of Homeland Security report to PJ Media that the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services is reallocating significant resources away from a computer system — the “Electronic Immigration System” — to sending letters to all 9,000,000 green card holders urging them to naturalize prior to the 2016 election.

This effort is part of the DHS “Task Force on New Americans.”

PJ Media has obtained an internal “Dear Colleague” letter written by Leon Rodriguez, the “director and co-chair of the Task Force on New Americans.” The letter refers to a White House report called “Strengthening Communities by Welcoming All Residents.”

Leon Rodriguez has a tainted history — not only was he a central player in the radicalization of Eric Holder’s Civil Rights Division, he also “undertook a purportedly illegal search” of a government employee’s computer in Montgomery County, Maryland. (Messy details are at the Washington Post.)

The Rodriguez letter states:

This report outlines an immigrant integration plan that will advance our nation’s global competitiveness and ensure that the people who live in this country can fully participate in their communities.

“Full participation” is a term commonly used to include voting rights. To that end, resources within DHS have been redirected toward pushing as many as aliens and non-citizens as possible to full citizenship status so they may “fully participate” in the 2016 presidential election. For example, the internal DHS letter states one aim is to “strengthen existing pathways to naturalization and promote civic engagement.”

Leon Rodriguez

Naturalization plus mobilization is the explicit aim of the DHS “Task Force on New Americans.” Multiple sources at DHS confirm that political appointees are prioritizing naturalization ahead of the 2016 presidential election.

all of it here:

What is the Task Force on New Americans Rule of Law

One comment with the article:
Just think. Your vote is going to be cancelled out by someone who snuck into the country and can't even speak English!!!
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