DHS Adding Millions of 'New Americans' to Vote Democrat in 2016

Well, when you're afraid you don't have enough support from citizens, you give away goodies to non-citizens in hopes that you can fast track them to citizenship and vote for your party. This is who the Democrats really are, people who put their own political careers above all else, even the well being of the country.

"There are millions of green card holders in the United States, and sources inside the Department of Homeland Security say a new program is urging them to become citizens in time to vote in the 2016 election.

Of the 20 states with the highest green card population, 14 are holding Senate races in 2016, so millions of new voters could dramatically impact the election.

J. Christian Adams said on "Fox and Friends Weekend" that this is a case of Democrats using the levers of power to preserve power.

"What they're doing is doing a full-court press on getting these aliens - 9,000,000 of them - registered as citizens in time for the 2016 election," Adams said. "They're redirecting resources of DHS to this effort, this campaign." "


I know what you are saying but it is like gerrymandering which is just another way for politicians to manipulate the system to stay in power. No matter how much citizens complain it won't stop it because this is how some people stay in power. First generation immigrants should not be able to vote. That is the only way to stop this.
It takes a lot longer than a year to get citizenship.
It takes a lot longer than a year to get citizenship.

That is true if people follow the laws in place. That isn't happening right now and some are cutting to the head of the line and getting licenses and green cards much quicker than before. They don't even have to wait for citizenship to get a Social Security card even though the law states that they can only have a tax ID number if they are not citizens. And they aren't supposed to get anything if they are here illegally. The process we have is there to ensure that immigrants come legally, learn the language and prove they can support themselves. The way Obama does it, by completely ignoring laws, is to have them come illegally, not assimilate and get things handed to them. Since the law is not being followed with Obama's so-called immigration reform, I wouldn't expect that the administration would make them wait to vote. The reform he has in mind is simply trampling every law regarding immigration and doing as he pleases.
Hey btw republicans... I guess you're thinking it was pretty stupid to create the DHS now huh?
We thought it was pretty stupid at the time it was created.

But that was based upon the certainty that at some point, the US Federal Government would go Left and putting that kind of power in the hands of the Left is the perfect formula for Civil War.
You thought it was stupid? Are you sure? Because I seem to remember having my patriotism questioned by other dumb fucking republicans when I argued against the DHS and the Patriot Act. Do you have a selective memory? Or were you in a coma between 2000 and 2008?
Oh I am absolutely sure.

Of course you were against the patriot act because you're not a patriot. Thus you feared that your were the legitimate target of those policies.

I was against it because those policies would eventually be turned against Patriots, which is to say AMERICANS, once the ideological Left found power.

Of course, you were wrong and I was right as nature requires must be the case.
Hey btw republicans... I guess you're thinking it was pretty stupid to create the DHS now huh?
We thought it was pretty stupid at the time it was created.

But that was based upon the certainty that at some point, the US Federal Government would go Left and putting that kind of power in the hands of the Left is the perfect formula for Civil War.
You thought it was stupid? Are you sure? Because I seem to remember having my patriotism questioned by other dumb fucking republicans when I argued against the DHS and the Patriot Act. Do you have a selective memory? Or were you in a coma between 2000 and 2008?
Oh I am absolutely sure.

Of course you were against the patriot act because you're not a patriot. Thus you feared that your were the legitimate target of those policies.

I was against it because those policies would eventually be turned against Patriots, which is to say AMERICANS, once the ideological Left found power.

Of course, you were wrong and I was right as nature requires must be the case.
You were against the patriot act? You must want our soldiers to die and hate America.

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