DHS Fast and Furious OIG report fed to Los Angeles Times, not to public


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
By David Codrea
22 March, 2013

The Department of Homeland Security's long-awaited Office of Inspector General report on Operation Fast and Furious “gunwalking” has been obtained by The Los Angeles Times, Richard Serrano reported Thursday.

“ATF agents asked their Border Patrol counterparts not to pursue criminal leads or track gun smuggling in southern Arizona so they could follow the firearms themselves, and senior Homeland Security agents ‘complied and the leads were not investigated,’” Serrano writes.

“The report … also said that a Homeland Security special agent on the border was collaborating with the ATF in Fast and Furious, but his ‘senior leaders’ in Arizona never read his updates about fundamental flaws with the failed gun tracking operation,” The Times story continues. “Had they done so, Homeland Security officials could have tried to close down the operation before one of their Border Patrol agents, Brian Terry, was killed not far from Tucson.”

In other words, per their narrative, it was all local and never made it up the operational command chain through Arizona, let alone to Washington. But all the public has to go on to verify that, at this point, is The Times report. And while finding a copy of the OIG report, which is not included with his story, should be of import -- not just for wider public scrutiny, but also for legislative oversight -- it appears to be something that hasn’t registered on anyone else’s radar yet.

That should be surprising and a cause for concern, as opposed to something most aren’t even aware of, let alone seriously looking into. Last November, this column was a lone voice following up and expressing concern about where the DHS OIG report was, especially since it had been reported several months earlier that DHS had told Congressional staffers to expect the report in October.


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DHS Fast and Furious OIG report fed to Los Angeles Times, not to public - National gun rights | Examiner.com
In other words, per their narrative, it was all local and never made it up the operational command chain through Arizona, let alone to Washington.
Why is that so hard to believe?

Ollie North Conducted Iran/Contra by himself.
Those Army Soldiers tortured the Iraqi Prisoners by themselves.

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