DHS To Purchase MORE Firearms As Arms Build-Up Intensifies...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
An astounding arms build-up at a time when they're attempting to disarm the People. Pretty spooky stuff.

Just days after announcing a 5-year, $4.5 million contract with Heckler & Koch, the Department of Homeland Security has released details of an identical agreement with weapons manufacturer Sig Sauer, as Forbes publishes an article calling for a “national conversation” about the DHS arms build-up that has been dismissed by the media as a conspiracy theory.

A solicitation for a no bid contract posted on the Federal Business Opportunities website contains details of a DHS agreement with Sig Sauer to provide weapons parts under the remit of a $900,000 dollar a year contract set to run for five years.

The PDF document accompanying the solicitation is virtually identical to an agreement announced last week for Heckler & Koch to provide firearms replacement parts for the exact same fee and time period.

Despite our article drawing attention to the fact that the supposedly “redacted” figure of $4.5 million on the original agreement with Heckler & Koch was in fact visible, the same error appears in the Sig Sauer agreement, suggesting that only the name has been changed.

Although controversy surrounding the DHS’ purchase of some 2 billion rounds of ammunition has dominated concerns about the federal government’s apparent arms build up, the DHS also purchased 7,000 fully automatic assault rifles last September.

Despite the fact that some mainstream media outlets and leftist websites have tried to downplay concerns about the arms build up as paranoid conspiracy theories, the influential Forbes Magazine today features an article by Ralph Benko asking if the issue should become a “national conversation.”

“At the height of the Iraq War the Army was expending less than 6 million rounds a month. 1.6 billion rounds, therefore, would be enough to sustain a hot war for 20+ years. In America,” states the article.

“Why, indeed, should the federal government not be deploying armored personnel carriers and stockpiling enough ammo for a 20-year war in the homeland? Because it’s wrong in every way,” writes Benko...

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DHS To Purchase MORE Firearms As Arms Build - Up Intensifies | Peace . Gold . Liberty
Perhaps if the government wasn't gearing up to monopolize all the ammunition in the USA, they'd have the money to allow the school children of the USA tour the White House.
Perhaps if the government wasn't gearing up to monopolize all the ammunition in the USA, they'd have the money to allow the school children of the USA tour the White House.

Yeah, this President has routinely exploited children to advance his agendas. And that's so despicable. It's eerily reminiscent of how the Nazis used their children for propaganda.
Perhaps if the government wasn't gearing up to monopolize all the ammunition in the USA, they'd have the money to allow the school children of the USA tour the White House.

Yeah, this President has routinely exploited children to advance his agendas. And that's so despicable. It's eerily reminiscent of how the Nazis used their children for propaganda.

What vile lies you tell.
An astounding arms build-up at a time when they're attempting to disarm the People...

Perhaps if the government wasn't gearing up to monopolize all the ammunition in the USA...

I know you numbnuts aren't all that big on facts but would you mind posting WTF you're basing this sky-is-falling crap on?

I also know you won't but at least I asked.
A government agency with tens of thousands of cops is buying weapons. Imagine that.

Wouldn't it be nice to see cops as well armed as the bad guys?

According to the nutters, that's downright unAmerican but still, I hate seeing the drug cartels and now the gun cartels out-gunning our own law enforcement.
A government agency with tens of thousands of cops is buying weapons. Imagine that.

I can't imagine that, as Homeland Security is supposed to be streamlining and coordinating the efforts of the agencies and departments that are responsible for maintaining the safety of the nation and our citizens. They don't have tens of thousands of cops.

So, thank you for attempting to participate, but you obviously had no idea what you're talking about in this thread.
An astounding arms build-up at a time when they're attempting to disarm the People...

Perhaps if the government wasn't gearing up to monopolize all the ammunition in the USA...

I know you numbnuts aren't all that big on facts but would you mind posting WTF you're basing this sky-is-falling crap on?

I also know you won't but at least I asked.

We're just priorities illustrated by the fact that a 180,000 person federal department are contracted to purchase 1.6 BILLION bullets plus 2,700 light armored tanks while canceling the White House tours for US school children.
A government agency with tens of thousands of cops is buying weapons. Imagine that.

Wouldn't it be nice to see cops as well armed as the bad guys?

According to the nutters, that's downright unAmerican but still, I hate seeing the drug cartels and now the gun cartels out-gunning our own law enforcement.

Let us know when you discover anyone who is not a member of the drug cartels who don't want the cops to be as well armed as the bad guys are.

But, thanks for dragging out some specious argument out of your imagination.
A government agency with tens of thousands of cops is buying weapons. Imagine that.

I can't imagine that, as Homeland Security is supposed to be streamlining and coordinating the efforts of the agencies and departments that are responsible for maintaining the safety of the nation and our citizens. They don't have tens of thousands of cops.
Whether you can imagine it or not you'd be incorrect saying DHS doesn't have tens of thousands of cops. Information on Customs and Border Protection here: U.S. Customs and Border Protection - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Over 45,700 Federal LE sworn officers in CBP alone, including over 20k Border Patrol agents and over 20k customs officers.

Then you've got ICE, Secret Service, Federal Protective Services, TSA, etc.

[So, thank you for attempting to participate, but you obviously had no idea what you're talking about in this thread.

We're just priorities illustrated by the fact that a 180,000 person federal department are contracted to purchase 1.6 BILLION bullets plus 2,700 light armored tanks while canceling the White House tours for US school children.
They didn't buy 2,700 light armored tanks that has already been debunked, it was an US Army contract to upgrade their MRAPs and ignorant fools who believe everything they read from fear-monger sites swallowed it up as omg DHS is getting 2,700 tanks! Sucker.
A government agency with tens of thousands of cops is buying weapons. Imagine that.

I can't imagine that, as Homeland Security is supposed to be streamlining and coordinating the efforts of the agencies and departments that are responsible for maintaining the safety of the nation and our citizens. They don't have tens of thousands of cops.

Whether you can imagine it or not you'd be incorrect saying DHS doesn't have tens of thousands of cops. Information on Customs and Border Protection here: U.S. Customs and Border Protection - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Over 45,700 Federal LE sworn officers in CBP alone, including over 20k Border Patrol agents and over 20k customs officers.

Then you've got ICE, Secret Service, Federal Protective Services, TSA, etc.

We're just discussing priorities illustrated by the fact that a 180,000 person federal department are contracted to purchase 1.6 BILLION bullets plus 2,700 light armored tanks while canceling the White House tours for US school children.

They didn't buy 2,700 light armored tanks that has already been debunked, it was an US Army contract to upgrade their MRAPs and ignorant fools who believe everything they read from fear-monger sites swallowed it up as omg DHS is getting 2,700 tanks! Sucker.

Wow, aren't you the snotty little propagandist.

The TRUTH is that the Department of Homeland Security (through the U.S. Army Forces Command) recently retrofitted 2,717 of these ‘Mine Resistant Protected’ vehicles for service on the streets of the United States. Here's a video of one at the DHS offices in El Paso.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=0pS9aw5pcJo]DHS-HSI Homeland Security Investigations El Paso SRT MRAP Armored Vehicle - YouTube[/ame]

Makes YOU the sucker!

I am surprised that you feel that Investors Business Daily is SUCH a fear-mongering site.

Why are the feds loading up on so much ammo? by Andrew Malcolm - Investors.com

Of course, you didn't post any sort of link to confirm your claim that the claim had been debunked.

So, you may go pound salt with the other trolls.
The TRUTH is that the Department of Homeland Security (through the U.S. Army Forces Command) recently retrofitted 2,717 of these ‘Mine Resistant Protected’ vehicles for service on the streets of the United States. Here's a video of one at the DHS offices in El Paso.

DHS-HSI Homeland Security Investigations El Paso SRT MRAP Armored Vehicle - YouTube
Ah congrats you have a youtube video. Nobody is disputing DHS has MRAPs, but showing a video of one doesn't prove they bought 2,700 light tanks.

I am surprised that you feel that Investors Business Daily is SUCH a fear-mongering site.

Why are the feds loading up on so much ammo? by Andrew Malcolm - Investors.com
Hah hah that is an editorial about DHS buying ammo, something else not in dispute. Well I guess it is in dispute a bit since there are some dumbasses who don't believe DHS has tens of thousands of sworn officers.

So let me get this straight... your proof of DHS buying 2,700 light tanks is:
1) a video showing a DHS MRAP
2) an editorial about DHS buying ammo

The TRUTH is that the Department of Homeland Security (through the U.S. Army Forces Command) recently retrofitted 2,717 of these ‘Mine Resistant Protected’ vehicles for service on the streets of the United States. Here's a video of one at the DHS offices in El Paso.

DHS-HSI Homeland Security Investigations El Paso SRT MRAP Armored Vehicle - YouTube
Ah congrats you have a youtube video. Nobody is disputing DHS has MRAPs, but showing a video of one doesn't prove they bought 2,700 light tanks.

I am surprised that you feel that Investors Business Daily is SUCH a fear-mongering site.

Why are the feds loading up on so much ammo? by Andrew Malcolm - Investors.com
Hah hah that is an editorial about DHS buying ammo, something else not in dispute. Well I guess it is in dispute a bit since there are some dumbasses who don't believe DHS has tens of thousands of sworn officers.

So let me get this straight... your proof of DHS buying 2,700 light tanks is:
1) a video showing a DHS MRAP
2) an editorial about DHS buying ammo


The only thing a troll like you craves is attention so as you've offered nothing new or even anything that supported the postiion I destroyed, I deny you any further attention.
I can't imagine that, as Homeland Security is supposed to be streamlining and coordinating the efforts of the agencies and departments that are responsible for maintaining the safety of the nation and our citizens. They don't have tens of thousands of cops.

Whether you can imagine it or not you'd be incorrect saying DHS doesn't have tens of thousands of cops. Information on Customs and Border Protection here: U.S. Customs and Border Protection - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Over 45,700 Federal LE sworn officers in CBP alone, including over 20k Border Patrol agents and over 20k customs officers.

Then you've got ICE, Secret Service, Federal Protective Services, TSA, etc.

We're just discussing priorities illustrated by the fact that a 180,000 person federal department are contracted to purchase 1.6 BILLION bullets plus 2,700 light armored tanks while canceling the White House tours for US school children.

They didn't buy 2,700 light armored tanks that has already been debunked, it was an US Army contract to upgrade their MRAPs and ignorant fools who believe everything they read from fear-monger sites swallowed it up as omg DHS is getting 2,700 tanks! Sucker.

Wow, aren't you the snotty little propagandist.

The TRUTH is that the Department of Homeland Security (through the U.S. Army Forces Command) recently retrofitted 2,717 of these ‘Mine Resistant Protected’ vehicles for service on the streets of the United States. Here's a video of one at the DHS offices in El Paso.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=0pS9aw5pcJo]DHS-HSI Homeland Security Investigations El Paso SRT MRAP Armored Vehicle - YouTube[/ame]

Makes YOU the sucker!

I am surprised that you feel that Investors Business Daily is SUCH a fear-mongering site.

Why are the feds loading up on so much ammo? by Andrew Malcolm - Investors.com

Of course, you didn't post any sort of link to confirm your claim that the claim had been debunked.

So, you may go pound salt with the other trolls.
Invested Bigots Daily has always been a Right-wing Whacko site. The MRAPs are repurposed after coming back from overseas for use by the Rapid Response Teams going to disaster sites. Be sacred, be really scared! :eusa_whistle:
An astounding arms build-up at a time when they're attempting to disarm the People. Pretty spooky stuff.

Just days after announcing a 5-year, $4.5 million contract with Heckler & Koch, the Department of Homeland Security has released details of an identical agreement with weapons manufacturer Sig Sauer, as Forbes publishes an article calling for a “national conversation” about the DHS arms build-up that has been dismissed by the media as a conspiracy theory.

A solicitation for a no bid contract posted on the Federal Business Opportunities website contains details of a DHS agreement with Sig Sauer to provide weapons parts under the remit of a $900,000 dollar a year contract set to run for five years.

The PDF document accompanying the solicitation is virtually identical to an agreement announced last week for Heckler & Koch to provide firearms replacement parts for the exact same fee and time period.

Despite our article drawing attention to the fact that the supposedly “redacted” figure of $4.5 million on the original agreement with Heckler & Koch was in fact visible, the same error appears in the Sig Sauer agreement, suggesting that only the name has been changed.

Although controversy surrounding the DHS’ purchase of some 2 billion rounds of ammunition has dominated concerns about the federal government’s apparent arms build up, the DHS also purchased 7,000 fully automatic assault rifles last September.

Despite the fact that some mainstream media outlets and leftist websites have tried to downplay concerns about the arms build up as paranoid conspiracy theories, the influential Forbes Magazine today features an article by Ralph Benko asking if the issue should become a “national conversation.”

“At the height of the Iraq War the Army was expending less than 6 million rounds a month. 1.6 billion rounds, therefore, would be enough to sustain a hot war for 20+ years. In America,” states the article.

“Why, indeed, should the federal government not be deploying armored personnel carriers and stockpiling enough ammo for a 20-year war in the homeland? Because it’s wrong in every way,” writes Benko...

Read More:
DHS To Purchase MORE Firearms As Arms Build - Up Intensifies | Peace . Gold . Liberty

Do you happen to know what contracts DHS has had with gun manufacturers previously? I ask because it would be pretty silly to get up in arms (pun intended) about this only to find out this was a routine contract renewal.

Although you probably don't want to hear this, the fact the information is coming from Alex Jones doesn't help, either.

I can see how the gun/ammo purchases might be worrisome, but I think knowing the context surrounding them is important. Especially with our government, which has long been known to overspend! :tongue:
The only thing a troll like you craves is attention so as you've offered nothing new or even anything that supported the postiion I destroyed, I deny you any further attention.
In other words you have nothing so are curling into a fetal position.

Destroyed = some tool rolling into the thread claiming DHS does not have tens of thousand of cops then trying to prove they bough 2,700 "light tanks" by posting a youtube video of one and linking (nonsensically) to an article showing they bought bullets. I'm sorry getting caught spreading misinformation and rumor-mongering made you look like such an ass, no hard feelings.

Best in long run if people do not resist, just give up now.
I'm still not clear why a giant government organization with tens of thousands of sworn officers who carry sidearms buying lots of guns is such a big event. It seems like the new tin-hatter sport, scan DHS purchase contracts for any guns or ammo they buy then immediately all the paranoid chicken little sites light up omg they going to kill us!
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An astounding arms build-up at a time when they're attempting to disarm the People. Pretty spooky stuff.

Just days after announcing a 5-year, $4.5 million contract with Heckler & Koch, the Department of Homeland Security has released details of an identical agreement with weapons manufacturer Sig Sauer, as Forbes publishes an article calling for a “national conversation” about the DHS arms build-up that has been dismissed by the media as a conspiracy theory.

A solicitation for a no bid contract posted on the Federal Business Opportunities website contains details of a DHS agreement with Sig Sauer to provide weapons parts under the remit of a $900,000 dollar a year contract set to run for five years.

The PDF document accompanying the solicitation is virtually identical to an agreement announced last week for Heckler & Koch to provide firearms replacement parts for the exact same fee and time period.

Despite our article drawing attention to the fact that the supposedly “redacted” figure of $4.5 million on the original agreement with Heckler & Koch was in fact visible, the same error appears in the Sig Sauer agreement, suggesting that only the name has been changed.

Although controversy surrounding the DHS’ purchase of some 2 billion rounds of ammunition has dominated concerns about the federal government’s apparent arms build up, the DHS also purchased 7,000 fully automatic assault rifles last September.

Despite the fact that some mainstream media outlets and leftist websites have tried to downplay concerns about the arms build up as paranoid conspiracy theories, the influential Forbes Magazine today features an article by Ralph Benko asking if the issue should become a “national conversation.”

“At the height of the Iraq War the Army was expending less than 6 million rounds a month. 1.6 billion rounds, therefore, would be enough to sustain a hot war for 20+ years. In America,” states the article.

“Why, indeed, should the federal government not be deploying armored personnel carriers and stockpiling enough ammo for a 20-year war in the homeland? Because it’s wrong in every way,” writes Benko...

Read More:
DHS To Purchase MORE Firearms As Arms Build - Up Intensifies | Peace . Gold . Liberty

Yeah and the have bought all these guns to FAKE more Sandyhooks huh you ghoul.

Pauly you distroyed all your credibility with your sandyhook lies.

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