DHS Vans Taking Antifa Away

Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.

No...the gestapo tactics are what obama did to General Flynn and the other Trump associates.....using the FBI, CIA, DOJ and State Department to get illegal FISA warrants to spy on them and as we saw in the FBI notes, knowing that Flynn was innocent, going after him anyway....those are gestapo tactics..using the IRS to deny conservative groups their tax free status before an election is gestapo tactics....

Arresting violent rioters, who are attacking a federal building is called enforcing the law.
Well that's a lie. Too much Faux Newz rots yer brain.

Just think Obama started these tactics.
Another lie.
View attachment 364701
The lie is, he was a good president.

Big fckn eared fag.

At least his big ears had a use for something... demoquack so called males know
Please, leave the greatest president in modern times out of your homoerotic fantasies.

Go fck yerself, Creepitorious.

The mullato was and is a scam. Disaster at economics, foreign affairs and set race relations back 50 years

Yer a fckn nuthin, shit for brains. Cease thinking yer anything more
Oooh look! Racism! From a tRumpling!

Never see that around here, do we?

Lol dude, you are a complete dumbass.
She should ask Mary Trump about her uncle's racism. The stories she could tell. Lol!
Will you ask the same from Obama's brother that said the same? Or the one that lives in a tent? I mean a hundred bucks a year would let him live like a king. Didn't obama quote, aren't we our brother's keeper? Okay, another obama lie.
You see, this is exactly what I am talking about. So, you can't dispute what Mary Trump is saying, so let me hide under an Obama argument. Dude, you officially are a coward.
I pointed out your stupidity, but you're used to it. Obama told us we our brothers keeper. Then his own brother and came out and said HELP! Of course your man turned him down, a hundred a year would make his life great! But nothing happened, now a relative of Trump's we knew nothing about comes out and we all need to listen. Tell me, how much did you give obamas brother? If you gave nothing, then shut up.
Would the authoritarian leftist idiots in this thread please list their addresses for those of us who wish to indulge in arson, vandalism, physical assault and looting? As people of principle, I'm sure they would support this happening to themselves, right?

Heaven forbid that these worthless pieces of shit would be such monumental hypocrites as to support actions against others that they would not be willing to accept, themselves.

Again, BLM asked nicely for 8 years to reform the cops, and people like you told them to pound sand.

Now they have your undivided attention, don't they.
Why didn't obama give them attention? I mean by your time line, he had 5 years?
Yea not like having a leader say people do what they do as they rear down the county.

ya fuck.

So the actions of tin pot dictatorships are fine so long as they go after people you don’t like. Quick question, and only one question. What happens when they come after you?
Did you ever think if you obey the law, you actually don't have anything to worry about? What a novel idea.

I believe the British said the same thing. I am sure the Chinese said it.
Just think if the democrsts leaders of seattle took care of this problem months ago. This wouldn't be happening. But we know liberals don't think.

I am betting you are a fan of Star Wars. The classic Good versus Evil story. A quote from the movie comes to mind. You say you think. The quote is the tighter you squeeze your hand, the more systems will slip between your fingers.

What made America great, what made it work was that we did not have that tight fist of control. We had a few laws that were enforced, but mostly we allowed people to be as free as possible. A Republic means that we have laws that prevent the Government from subjugating the people. A Democracy is literally defined as, properly defined as, mob rule. Which is why we have a Republic. We have certain things that we do not allow the Government to do. That keeps that hand from squeezing so hard that things slip between the fingers.

Those rules are outlined in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Things like Travel, the requirements for searches, the right to keep and bear arms. We have strayed from that. We have strayed from those rules, and the fist is tightening. It has been doing so for decades, but especially since 9-11. More rights eroded, and more polarizing of the population. Anyone who disagrees is a traitor, or an enemy. Part of the problem. No Compromise is available when dealing with the enemies. Only victory. The hand tightens

The leaders of those cities realized a truth, and it is a truth you have yet to figure out. Despite believing that you are smarter, you aren't learning from History, and you aren't able to plot out the next moves. But let's help you out there. Let's say you get your fondest wish and the Police and Military opens up with live ammo on the crowd. Yes, they disperse. Yes they run home. Problem solved. But is it? A week later when a cop is driving through the neighborhood alone in his car, he is killed in an ambush. See Northern Ireland in the 1970's and 1980's.

Now, you can't patrol those neighborhoods with a single cop, or even a pair. You have to go in Fire team or squad strength. Probably in Armored Vehicles. You have just created a true insurrection. And if your answer is more hostility, more violence, and more shows of strength, then the violence against those forces continues to grow asymmetrical, or unconventional if you prefer.

See Afghanistan today if you need an example.

So you keep sending larger groups of police and national guard and military in, and they continue to suffer casualties. Their responses drive more people to oppose them, see Afghanistan, and eventually you're in a quagmire of no escape.

Or you can lose a little now, let the anger dissipate, and then work to effect real change. Expose the lies that have been told by the Police, and we know they are lying don't we? It's why one of Trump's first actions was to end the investigations into Police Departments that had exposed thousands of policies and procedures that were unconstitutional.

The leaders we elect swear an oath to support and defend that Constitution. That means the whole document. Because if Biden wins in November, you are going to be the malcontent that needs to have his head cracked open by the cops. You are going to be the lawless insurgent who threatens public safety. And I will still be arguing in favor of the civil rights YOU are being denied.

Because if we don't defend the Constitution in every single case of an abuse, that right is eroded. If like those who hate Trump we argue that the Brady Rule Violations are routine and irrelevant and we should lock Flynn up anyway, then you are not defending the Constitution. You are not serving the Country, you are enabling a totalitarian regime that for the moment, is on your side. That moment passes quickly, and eventually you'll be calling for a Civil War to overthrow an abusive and totalitarian Government. When the only thing that really changed, was the targets of the abuses.
Nice rant....But is there any evidence to show that the people being rounded up don't have warrants issued?

If they're just being indiscriminately grabbed and thrown in jail, then I'm with you...But I see no real evidence either way.

BTW, the ole Patriot Act. that the leftbat bedwetters said nothing about while Barry Oboingo was renewing it, provides for indefinite detention with no access to council or even family....Totally unconstitutional, but who is going to file the lawsuit?

Guys like me warned y'all about this shit back in '02, and nearly nobody listened.

Some information that they are grabbing indiscriminately.

And for the record I have never been in favor of the Patriot act.
Of course they will report only what they want. They want the rioters to cause as much
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.

No...the gestapo tactics are what obama did to General Flynn and the other Trump associates.....using the FBI, CIA, DOJ and State Department to get illegal FISA warrants to spy on them and as we saw in the FBI notes, knowing that Flynn was innocent, going after him anyway....those are gestapo tactics..using the IRS to deny conservative groups their tax free status before an election is gestapo tactics....

Arresting violent rioters, who are attacking a federal building is called enforcing the law.
Well that's a lie. Too much Faux Newz rots yer brain.

Just think Obama started these tactics.
Another lie.
View attachment 364701
The lie is, he was a good president.

Big fckn eared fag.

At least his big ears had a use for something... demoquack so called males know
Please, leave the greatest president in modern times out of your homoerotic fantasies.
Greatest president, lol. Carter will die a happy man knowing he isn't the worst president ever.
Fur sure.

tRump's got that shit locked up!

He'll hold that title as long as there is a United States.
From an Obama worshipper. That's funny.
Lol, I don't worship politicians, I'm not some bloody tRumpling, after all.
You still have Obama's sperm in your throat. Lol
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.

No...the gestapo tactics are what obama did to General Flynn and the other Trump associates.....using the FBI, CIA, DOJ and State Department to get illegal FISA warrants to spy on them and as we saw in the FBI notes, knowing that Flynn was innocent, going after him anyway....those are gestapo tactics..using the IRS to deny conservative groups their tax free status before an election is gestapo tactics....

Arresting violent rioters, who are attacking a federal building is called enforcing the law.
Well that's a lie. Too much Faux Newz rots yer brain.

Just think Obama started these tactics.
Another lie.
View attachment 364701
The lie is, he was a good president.

Big fckn eared fag.

At least his big ears had a use for something... demoquack so called males know
Please, leave the greatest president in modern times out of your homoerotic fantasies.

Go fck yerself, Creepitorious.

The mullato was and is a scam. Disaster at economics, foreign affairs and set race relations back 50 years

Yer a fckn nuthin, shit for brains. Cease thinking yer anything more
Problem with these Trump thugs, is they can't prove anything. They are driven by hate, lies, emotions, and ignorance. They are so pitiful.
And dumb as rocks, too.
I mean seriously. They couldn't shit out the truth or a fact if they had to. All they do on here is rant and show just how ignorant and hateful they are. This country is totally screwed with this amount of ignorance and hate.
Maybe you will reread that post in a couple of years, and realize how wrong you are.
Lol, that would require him to actually be wrong now.

He's not.
Actually he is on my side, I read it wrong. But you're the smart one?
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.

No...the gestapo tactics are what obama did to General Flynn and the other Trump associates.....using the FBI, CIA, DOJ and State Department to get illegal FISA warrants to spy on them and as we saw in the FBI notes, knowing that Flynn was innocent, going after him anyway....those are gestapo tactics..using the IRS to deny conservative groups their tax free status before an election is gestapo tactics....

Arresting violent rioters, who are attacking a federal building is called enforcing the law.
Well that's a lie. Too much Faux Newz rots yer brain.

Just think Obama started these tactics.
Another lie.
View attachment 364701
The lie is, he was a good president.

Big fckn eared fag.

At least his big ears had a use for something... demoquack so called males know
Please, leave the greatest president in modern times out of your homoerotic fantasies.

Go fck yerself, Creepitorious.

The mullato was and is a scam. Disaster at economics, foreign affairs and set race relations back 50 years

Yer a fckn nuthin, shit for brains. Cease thinking yer anything more
Oooh look! Racism! From a tRumpling!

Never see that around here, do we?

Lol dude, you are a complete dumbass.
She should ask Mary Trump about her uncle's racism. The stories she could tell. Lol!
Will you ask the same from Obama's brother that said the same? Or the one that lives in a tent? I mean a hundred bucks a year would let him live like a king. Didn't obama quote, aren't we our brother's keeper? Okay, another obama lie.
Which tRump lives in a tent?
They don't, only Obama's relatives live in poverty. While he lives it up. That's his way.
Why didn't obama give them attention? I mean by your time line, he had 5 years?

Actually, he did. He said "Trayvon could have been my son", and you guys screamed bloody murder. he criticized the police after a number of shootings, and you guys screamed bloody murder. He got his justice department to work with cities on reform, and Trump scrapped all those reforms the minute he got in.

Could he have done more? Absolutely. I don't put all the blame on any one person or any one party. But right now, It's Trump taking this test, and he's failing badly.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.

No...the gestapo tactics are what obama did to General Flynn and the other Trump associates.....using the FBI, CIA, DOJ and State Department to get illegal FISA warrants to spy on them and as we saw in the FBI notes, knowing that Flynn was innocent, going after him anyway....those are gestapo tactics..using the IRS to deny conservative groups their tax free status before an election is gestapo tactics....

Arresting violent rioters, who are attacking a federal building is called enforcing the law.
Well that's a lie. Too much Faux Newz rots yer brain.

Just think Obama started these tactics.
Another lie.
View attachment 364701
The lie is, he was a good president.

Big fckn eared fag.

At least his big ears had a use for something... demoquack so called males know
Please, leave the greatest president in modern times out of your homoerotic fantasies.

Go fck yerself, Creepitorious.

The mullato was and is a scam. Disaster at economics, foreign affairs and set race relations back 50 years

Yer a fckn nuthin, shit for brains. Cease thinking yer anything more
Oooh look! Racism! From a tRumpling!

Never see that around here, do we?

Lol dude, you are a complete dumbass.
She should ask Mary Trump about her uncle's racism. The stories she could tell. Lol!
And has, recently.
You do remember obama's brothers coming out? Of course you don't. Lol
Coming out of what?
Trying to come out of poverty. Which didn't happen, because obama only cares about herself.
Why didn't obama give them attention? I mean by your time line, he had 5 years?

Actually, he did. He said "Trayvon could have been my son", and you guys screamed bloody murder. he criticized the police after a number of shootings, and you guys screamed bloody murder. He got his justice department to work with cities on reform, and Trump scrapped all those reforms the minute he got in.

Could he have done more? Absolutely. I don't put all the blame on any one person or any one party. But right now, It's Trump taking this test, and he's failing badly.
Lol, he also said the cops that tried to protect his racist ass friends house. Acted stupidly, which ended in a world wide embarrassment. Called a beer summit. Oh and his son treyvon, was considered in the wrong. By his own justice department. But i don't expect a dumbass like yourself to know that. Please spit the left over Michelle's spittle out of your throat!
It is something I have never understood. I am a Combat Vet. I have a lot of friends who are Vets.

Thank you for your service. I am an Army veteran from 1978 to 1983, 11B.

I think it would be a stretch to imagine them marching off to lay siege to a city.

OK, you do realize what you observe from your friends is not indicative of everybody, right?

And you talk about running out of food? Who is going to supply this miracle army of yours?

In every civil war, there is a hard core group that sees to that, and there would be a series of conflicts for each side to secure their logitical supplies, and the reds have the definite advantage here. Over timethe defensivelines would establish themselves as they did in Croatia, Yemen, and elsewhere, leaving most contiguous areas in tact, initially, a huge stand off. But the reds would have most of the couuntry and the blues will not be able to feed their own urban populations.

And while they are laying siege who is going to be protecting their lands and houses?

Trained civilians who are not fit for long term deployment away from home will likely be organized into semi-military forces, like large pools of deputized citizens, state guard units, etc. they would defend the home front, in all likelihood.

Idiots like you who clamor for war are demonstrating only how incredibly stupid you are.

I do not clamor for war, but it is better to have a Civil War than to let Marxists run the nation, that is for damned sure, and disagreeing with you hardly makes me an idiot, jack ass.

It would not be over in a couple days or a couple weeks. It would not end in a couple months. However it ended and no matter who won the Constitution would be dead. And then what? Defeat the Marxist’s to become Fascists?

A civil War to defend Constitutional government will not destroy to Constitution, moron.

if it kicks off everything is lost. America dies on that day. And you can’t wait to kill the country.

Lol, I do not want a civil war, which is why I support Trump. And if we have a civil war America wont die, so why dont you just try to calm yourself and go change you panties.

And if Biden should win this November which is a real possibility, then you and your fantasy army will be the enemy. Have you even considered that? Will you kill the cops? Attack National Guardsmen? Will you do all the things you think only the inner city folks do? Idiot.

HAHAHAHAHAH, no, I will support the duly elected president of either party.

But I do think that the eventual possibility of a civil war will go way up by orders of magnitude.

What you advocate is your own subjugation under the boot of an oppressive Government.

You are a fucking idiot. I never said any such thing, Nancy.
Would the authoritarian leftist idiots in this thread please list their addresses for those of us who wish to indulge in arson, vandalism, physical assault and looting? As people of principle, I'm sure they would support this happening to themselves, right?

Heaven forbid that these worthless pieces of shit would be such monumental hypocrites as to support actions against others that they would not be willing to accept, themselves.

Again, BLM asked nicely for 8 years to reform the cops, and people like you told them to pound sand.

Now they have your undivided attention, don't they.
At least you recognized yourself as an authoritarian leftist idiot.

It's a start.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.

No...the gestapo tactics are what obama did to General Flynn and the other Trump associates.....using the FBI, CIA, DOJ and State Department to get illegal FISA warrants to spy on them and as we saw in the FBI notes, knowing that Flynn was innocent, going after him anyway....those are gestapo tactics..using the IRS to deny conservative groups their tax free status before an election is gestapo tactics....

Arresting violent rioters, who are attacking a federal building is called enforcing the law.
Well that's a lie. Too much Faux Newz rots yer brain.

Just think Obama started these tactics.
Another lie.
View attachment 364701
The lie is, he was a good president.

Big fckn eared fag.

At least his big ears had a use for something... demoquack so called males know
Please, leave the greatest president in modern times out of your homoerotic fantasies.

Go fck yerself, Creepitorious.

The mullato was and is a scam. Disaster at economics, foreign affairs and set race relations back 50 years

Yer a fckn nuthin, shit for brains. Cease thinking yer anything more
Problem with these Trump thugs, is they can't prove anything. They are driven by hate, lies, emotions, and ignorance. They are so pitiful.
And dumb as rocks, too.
I mean seriously. They couldn't shit out the truth or a fact if they had to. All they do on here is rant and show just how ignorant and hateful they are. This country is totally screwed with this amount of ignorance and hate.
Maybe you will reread that post in a couple of years, and realize how wrong you are.
With unfettered dominance over this debate, minus any factual evidence produced by the Right, other than what their magical thinking tells them to believe, you could carve my quotes in stone, and historians will never lay a blemish on it. The Right has been absent of facts, documents, education, honesty, etc. for many decades now. They are a montage of individualistic criminals, racists, homophobes, imperialists, false Christians, self serving bigots, you name it.

No, I'm not wrong. Because my comments, facts, and honesty, always win out with the absence of any challenge.


Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.

No...the gestapo tactics are what obama did to General Flynn and the other Trump associates.....using the FBI, CIA, DOJ and State Department to get illegal FISA warrants to spy on them and as we saw in the FBI notes, knowing that Flynn was innocent, going after him anyway....those are gestapo tactics..using the IRS to deny conservative groups their tax free status before an election is gestapo tactics....

Arresting violent rioters, who are attacking a federal building is called enforcing the law.
Well that's a lie. Too much Faux Newz rots yer brain.

Just think Obama started these tactics.
Another lie.
View attachment 364701
The lie is, he was a good president.

Big fckn eared fag.

At least his big ears had a use for something... demoquack so called males know
Please, leave the greatest president in modern times out of your homoerotic fantasies.

Go fck yerself, Creepitorious.

The mullato was and is a scam. Disaster at economics, foreign affairs and set race relations back 50 years

Yer a fckn nuthin, shit for brains. Cease thinking yer anything more
Problem with these Trump thugs, is they can't prove anything. They are driven by hate, lies, emotions, and ignorance. They are so pitiful.
And dumb as rocks, too.
I mean seriously. They couldn't shit out the truth or a fact if they had to. All they do on here is rant and show just how ignorant and hateful they are. This country is totally screwed with this amount of ignorance and hate.
Maybe you will reread that post in a couple of years, and realize how wrong you are.
With unfettered dominance over this debate, minus any factual evidence produced by the Right, other than what their magical thinking tells them to believe, you could carve my quotes in stone, and historians will never lay a blemish on it. The Right has been absent of facts, documents, education, honesty, etc. for many decades now. They are a montage of individualistic criminals, racists, homophobes, imperialists, false Christians, self serving bigots, you name it.

No, I'm not wrong. Because my comments, facts, and honesty, always win out with the absence of any challenge.
Blm is your new kkk. Prove me wrong.
Lynching Photos and Premium High Res Pictures - Getty Images Show us the same photos of blacks hanging whites. And yes, I proved you wrong.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.

No...the gestapo tactics are what obama did to General Flynn and the other Trump associates.....using the FBI, CIA, DOJ and State Department to get illegal FISA warrants to spy on them and as we saw in the FBI notes, knowing that Flynn was innocent, going after him anyway....those are gestapo tactics..using the IRS to deny conservative groups their tax free status before an election is gestapo tactics....

Arresting violent rioters, who are attacking a federal building is called enforcing the law.
Well that's a lie. Too much Faux Newz rots yer brain.

Just think Obama started these tactics.
Another lie.
View attachment 364701
The lie is, he was a good president.

Big fckn eared fag.

At least his big ears had a use for something... demoquack so called males know
Please, leave the greatest president in modern times out of your homoerotic fantasies.

Go fck yerself, Creepitorious.

The mullato was and is a scam. Disaster at economics, foreign affairs and set race relations back 50 years

Yer a fckn nuthin, shit for brains. Cease thinking yer anything more
Problem with these Trump thugs, is they can't prove anything. They are driven by hate, lies, emotions, and ignorance. They are so pitiful.
And dumb as rocks, too.
I mean seriously. They couldn't shit out the truth or a fact if they had to. All they do on here is rant and show just how ignorant and hateful they are. This country is totally screwed with this amount of ignorance and hate.
Maybe you will reread that post in a couple of years, and realize how wrong you are.
With unfettered dominance over this debate, minus any factual evidence produced by the Right, other than what their magical thinking tells them to believe, you could carve my quotes in stone, and historians will never lay a blemish on it. The Right has been absent of facts, documents, education, honesty, etc. for many decades now. They are a montage of individualistic criminals, racists, homophobes, imperialists, false Christians, self serving bigots, you name it.

No, I'm not wrong. Because my comments, facts, and honesty, always win out with the absence of any challenge.


View attachment 364849
See what I mean folks.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.

No...the gestapo tactics are what obama did to General Flynn and the other Trump associates.....using the FBI, CIA, DOJ and State Department to get illegal FISA warrants to spy on them and as we saw in the FBI notes, knowing that Flynn was innocent, going after him anyway....those are gestapo tactics..using the IRS to deny conservative groups their tax free status before an election is gestapo tactics....

Arresting violent rioters, who are attacking a federal building is called enforcing the law.
Well that's a lie. Too much Faux Newz rots yer brain.

Just think Obama started these tactics.
Another lie.
View attachment 364701
The lie is, he was a good president.

Big fckn eared fag.

At least his big ears had a use for something... demoquack so called males know
Please, leave the greatest president in modern times out of your homoerotic fantasies.

Go fck yerself, Creepitorious.

The mullato was and is a scam. Disaster at economics, foreign affairs and set race relations back 50 years

Yer a fckn nuthin, shit for brains. Cease thinking yer anything more
Problem with these Trump thugs, is they can't prove anything. They are driven by hate, lies, emotions, and ignorance. They are so pitiful.
And dumb as rocks, too.
I mean seriously. They couldn't shit out the truth or a fact if they had to. All they do on here is rant and show just how ignorant and hateful they are. This country is totally screwed with this amount of ignorance and hate.
Maybe you will reread that post in a couple of years, and realize how wrong you are.
With unfettered dominance over this debate, minus any factual evidence produced by the Right, other than what their magical thinking tells them to believe, you could carve my quotes in stone, and historians will never lay a blemish on it. The Right has been absent of facts, documents, education, honesty, etc. for many decades now. They are a montage of individualistic criminals, racists, homophobes, imperialists, false Christians, self serving bigots, you name it.

No, I'm not wrong. Because my comments, facts, and honesty, always win out with the absence of any challenge.


View attachment 364849
See what I mean folks.

oh......more blah blah blah

see what i mean ????
Yea not like having a leader say people do what they do as they rear down the county.

ya fuck.

So the actions of tin pot dictatorships are fine so long as they go after people you don’t like. Quick question, and only one question. What happens when they come after you?
democrats already did but they used the IRS ... Antifa is a terrorist organization who should I fear more?...
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.

No...the gestapo tactics are what obama did to General Flynn and the other Trump associates.....using the FBI, CIA, DOJ and State Department to get illegal FISA warrants to spy on them and as we saw in the FBI notes, knowing that Flynn was innocent, going after him anyway....those are gestapo tactics..using the IRS to deny conservative groups their tax free status before an election is gestapo tactics....

Arresting violent rioters, who are attacking a federal building is called enforcing the law.
Well that's a lie. Too much Faux Newz rots yer brain.

Just think Obama started these tactics.
Another lie.
View attachment 364701
The lie is, he was a good president.

Big fckn eared fag.

At least his big ears had a use for something... demoquack so called males know
Please, leave the greatest president in modern times out of your homoerotic fantasies.

Go fck yerself, Creepitorious.

The mullato was and is a scam. Disaster at economics, foreign affairs and set race relations back 50 years

Yer a fckn nuthin, shit for brains. Cease thinking yer anything more
Problem with these Trump thugs, is they can't prove anything. They are driven by hate, lies, emotions, and ignorance. They are so pitiful.
And dumb as rocks, too.
I mean seriously. They couldn't shit out the truth or a fact if they had to. All they do on here is rant and show just how ignorant and hateful they are. This country is totally screwed with this amount of ignorance and hate.
Maybe you will reread that post in a couple of years, and realize how wrong you are.
With unfettered dominance over this debate, minus any factual evidence produced by the Right, other than what their magical thinking tells them to believe, you could carve my quotes in stone, and historians will never lay a blemish on it. The Right has been absent of facts, documents, education, honesty, etc. for many decades now. They are a montage of individualistic criminals, racists, homophobes, imperialists, false Christians, self serving bigots, you name it.

No, I'm not wrong. Because my comments, facts, and honesty, always win out with the absence of any challenge.


View attachment 364849
See what I mean folks.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.

No...the gestapo tactics are what obama did to General Flynn and the other Trump associates.....using the FBI, CIA, DOJ and State Department to get illegal FISA warrants to spy on them and as we saw in the FBI notes, knowing that Flynn was innocent, going after him anyway....those are gestapo tactics..using the IRS to deny conservative groups their tax free status before an election is gestapo tactics....

Arresting violent rioters, who are attacking a federal building is called enforcing the law.
Well that's a lie. Too much Faux Newz rots yer brain.

Just think Obama started these tactics.
Another lie.
View attachment 364701
The lie is, he was a good president.

Big fckn eared fag.

At least his big ears had a use for something... demoquack so called males know
Please, leave the greatest president in modern times out of your homoerotic fantasies.

Go fck yerself, Creepitorious.

The mullato was and is a scam. Disaster at economics, foreign affairs and set race relations back 50 years

Yer a fckn nuthin, shit for brains. Cease thinking yer anything more
Problem with these Trump thugs, is they can't prove anything. They are driven by hate, lies, emotions, and ignorance. They are so pitiful.
And dumb as rocks, too.
I mean seriously. They couldn't shit out the truth or a fact if they had to. All they do on here is rant and show just how ignorant and hateful they are. This country is totally screwed with this amount of ignorance and hate.
Maybe you will reread that post in a couple of years, and realize how wrong you are.
With unfettered dominance over this debate, minus any factual evidence produced by the Right, other than what their magical thinking tells them to believe, you could carve my quotes in stone, and historians will never lay a blemish on it. The Right has been absent of facts, documents, education, honesty, etc. for many decades now. They are a montage of individualistic criminals, racists, homophobes, imperialists, false Christians, self serving bigots, you name it.

No, I'm not wrong. Because my comments, facts, and honesty, always win out with the absence of any challenge.


View attachment 364849
See what I mean folks.

oh......more blah blah blah

see what i mean ????
Nobody can see what you mean. You never make any sense.

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