DHS Vans Taking Antifa Away

Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.

No...the gestapo tactics are what obama did to General Flynn and the other Trump associates.....using the FBI, CIA, DOJ and State Department to get illegal FISA warrants to spy on them and as we saw in the FBI notes, knowing that Flynn was innocent, going after him anyway....those are gestapo tactics..using the IRS to deny conservative groups their tax free status before an election is gestapo tactics....

Arresting violent rioters, who are attacking a federal building is called enforcing the law.
Well that's a lie. Too much Faux Newz rots yer brain.

Just think Obama started these tactics.
Another lie.
View attachment 364701
The lie is, he was a good president.

Big fckn eared fag.

At least his big ears had a use for something... demoquack so called males know
Please, leave the greatest president in modern times out of your homoerotic fantasies.

Go fck yerself, Creepitorious.

The mullato was and is a scam. Disaster at economics, foreign affairs and set race relations back 50 years

Yer a fckn nuthin, shit for brains. Cease thinking yer anything more
Problem with these Trump thugs, is they can't prove anything. They are driven by hate, lies, emotions, and ignorance. They are so pitiful.
And dumb as rocks, too.
I mean seriously. They couldn't shit out the truth or a fact if they had to. All they do on here is rant and show just how ignorant and hateful they are. This country is totally screwed with this amount of ignorance and hate.
Maybe you will reread that post in a couple of years, and realize how wrong you are.
With unfettered dominance over this debate, minus any factual evidence produced by the Right, other than what their magical thinking tells them to believe, you could carve my quotes in stone, and historians will never lay a blemish on it. The Right has been absent of facts, documents, education, honesty, etc. for many decades now. They are a montage of individualistic criminals, racists, homophobes, imperialists, false Christians, self serving bigots, you name it.

No, I'm not wrong. Because my comments, facts, and honesty, always win out with the absence of any challenge.
Blm is your new kkk. Prove me wrong.
Lynching Photos and Premium High Res Pictures - Getty Images Show us the same photos of blacks hanging whites. And yes, I proved you wrong.
I didn't look, because I find those disgusting. But you know if they are lynching pictures. They are from the democrates in your past?
Besides the point. Everyone knows the parties switched positions after WWII.
Senator byrd would disagree.
Oh and Biden your guy would disagree. When he said he didn't want his kids going to a racial jungle.
Look at this coward go. Every post is a distraction from an argument he will never have.
I'm not going anywhere, biden said it. You gonna defend it?
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.

No...the gestapo tactics are what obama did to General Flynn and the other Trump associates.....using the FBI, CIA, DOJ and State Department to get illegal FISA warrants to spy on them and as we saw in the FBI notes, knowing that Flynn was innocent, going after him anyway....those are gestapo tactics..using the IRS to deny conservative groups their tax free status before an election is gestapo tactics....

Arresting violent rioters, who are attacking a federal building is called enforcing the law.
Well that's a lie. Too much Faux Newz rots yer brain.

Just think Obama started these tactics.
Another lie.
View attachment 364701
The lie is, he was a good president.

Big fckn eared fag.

At least his big ears had a use for something... demoquack so called males know
Please, leave the greatest president in modern times out of your homoerotic fantasies.

Go fck yerself, Creepitorious.

The mullato was and is a scam. Disaster at economics, foreign affairs and set race relations back 50 years

Yer a fckn nuthin, shit for brains. Cease thinking yer anything more
Problem with these Trump thugs, is they can't prove anything. They are driven by hate, lies, emotions, and ignorance. They are so pitiful.
And dumb as rocks, too.
I mean seriously. They couldn't shit out the truth or a fact if they had to. All they do on here is rant and show just how ignorant and hateful they are. This country is totally screwed with this amount of ignorance and hate.
Maybe you will reread that post in a couple of years, and realize how wrong you are.
With unfettered dominance over this debate, minus any factual evidence produced by the Right, other than what their magical thinking tells them to believe, you could carve my quotes in stone, and historians will never lay a blemish on it. The Right has been absent of facts, documents, education, honesty, etc. for many decades now. They are a montage of individualistic criminals, racists, homophobes, imperialists, false Christians, self serving bigots, you name it.

No, I'm not wrong. Because my comments, facts, and honesty, always win out with the absence of any challenge.
Blm is your new kkk. Prove me wrong.
Lynching Photos and Premium High Res Pictures - Getty Images Show us the same photos of blacks hanging whites. And yes, I proved you wrong.
I didn't look, because I find those disgusting. But you know if they are lynching pictures. They are from the democrates in your past?
Once again your failure to debate or follow along with the facts while you inject another distraction, by way of your cowardice, seems to be your MO. You are a total failure chief. And a bore. You can't stay on topic. What a loser.

By the way, you don't find the pics disgusting. You just found what you cannot debate, because you lost.
Because I'm disgusted about your party starting the kkk all over by calling it blm? You know they are mostly destroying black communities? And are mostly are white? Go ahead and defend that.
It's called section 8 housing. Something the Right won't deal with and admit to. That's what destroys the black community. It's a perpetual starve the beast policy that the Left is trying to change. But the Right does not. How do we know? They gutted the voting rights act, and closed down 868 polling places in the south in minority areas.

You are disgusted at your own failed argument, or the absence of one.

Your argument, also cannot attach itself to any documentation. Hence, you are lying. You again, totally failed.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
You need to get educated Karen. You commit a crime you get arrested whether the police find you then or days later. Kidnapped? Overreact and deflect much?
So you don't know. Folks, the Right does not understand their own argument out of ignorance and lies. They can't tell us what Communism is, because it has no relationship to anything they say. This character thinks he can explain Communism through BLM. :auiqs.jpg: These folks are just straight fucking ignorant.
Stupid fuck ...

Everyone knows what the Communist agenda is ...

It's stupid fucks like you who keep parroting the Fake News MSM talking points as a rebuttal for what ALL OF US ALREADY know to be the Truth ...

Fucking Leftist Sheeple ...

Go Figure ...
Stupid fuck ...

Everyone knows what the Communist agenda is ...

It's stupid fucks like you who keep parroting the Fake News MSM talking points as a rebuttal for what ALL OF US ALREADY know to be the Truth ...

Fucking Leftist Sheeple ...

Go Figure ...
There we have it folks. John T. Ford is so uneducated/ muzzled, he cannot produce the argument he thinks he has. And here's the beauty of this argument of his. The argument doesn't exist, and he just proved it by way of his cry baby rant attacking me. He's a coward, a loser, and a failure. And the biggest reason of them all, is that no Communists exist where he says they exist. Did he explain Communism? No! Did he give us examples of it existing with these protesters? No! Because he can't. He's a liar who hides a made up argument. Lol!

well that's one way to get them off the streets.

hey man, y'all see freddy???
nah man, he got "van-go'd" the other night at the riots...
These Communist must be hung ...
Who are the communists, and how are they communists? Do you know what the word means? If you do, explain it to us, then explain how those folks fit the profile.
Go read BLM's website ....their mission statement is quite clear ..
So you don't know. Folks, the Right does not understand their own argument out of ignorance and lies. They can't tell us what Communism is, because it has no relationship to anything they say. This character thinks he can explain Communism through BLM. :auiqs.jpg: These folks are just straight fucking ignorant.
Communist Manifesto was published in 1848 and based in large part on Sir Thomas Moore and his book Utopia. It advocates a command economy where the state controls the means of production and supply and demand levels. No private ownership of anything. Business, property or home. Marx advocated that democracy, free speech, and free press cannot be allowed because when people feel the pressure of the transition from socialism to communism, that people will vote the Marxist out of office. Therefore in order to create the new "communist man" you need an authoritarian state controlled regime. If people have to die so be it. That's why millions died under communist regimes. That's just off the top of my head. I can go deeper if you like.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
You need to get educated Karen. You commit a crime you get arrested whether the police find you then or days later. Kidnapped? Overreact and deflect much?
These people have zero authority over the protesters. These Trump thugs with weapons are committing crimes. That's the education you need.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.

No...the gestapo tactics are what obama did to General Flynn and the other Trump associates.....using the FBI, CIA, DOJ and State Department to get illegal FISA warrants to spy on them and as we saw in the FBI notes, knowing that Flynn was innocent, going after him anyway....those are gestapo tactics..using the IRS to deny conservative groups their tax free status before an election is gestapo tactics....

Arresting violent rioters, who are attacking a federal building is called enforcing the law.
Well that's a lie. Too much Faux Newz rots yer brain.

Just think Obama started these tactics.
Another lie.
View attachment 364701
The lie is, he was a good president.

Big fckn eared fag.

At least his big ears had a use for something... demoquack so called males know
Please, leave the greatest president in modern times out of your homoerotic fantasies.

Go fck yerself, Creepitorious.

The mullato was and is a scam. Disaster at economics, foreign affairs and set race relations back 50 years

Yer a fckn nuthin, shit for brains. Cease thinking yer anything more
Problem with these Trump thugs, is they can't prove anything. They are driven by hate, lies, emotions, and ignorance. They are so pitiful.
And dumb as rocks, too.
I mean seriously. They couldn't shit out the truth or a fact if they had to. All they do on here is rant and show just how ignorant and hateful they are. This country is totally screwed with this amount of ignorance and hate.
Maybe you will reread that post in a couple of years, and realize how wrong you are.
With unfettered dominance over this debate, minus any factual evidence produced by the Right, other than what their magical thinking tells them to believe, you could carve my quotes in stone, and historians will never lay a blemish on it. The Right has been absent of facts, documents, education, honesty, etc. for many decades now. They are a montage of individualistic criminals, racists, homophobes, imperialists, false Christians, self serving bigots, you name it.

No, I'm not wrong. Because my comments, facts, and honesty, always win out with the absence of any challenge.
Blm is your new kkk. Prove me wrong.
Lynching Photos and Premium High Res Pictures - Getty Images Show us the same photos of blacks hanging whites. And yes, I proved you wrong.
I didn't look, because I find those disgusting. But you know if they are lynching pictures. They are from the democrates in your past?
Once again your failure to debate or follow along with the facts while you inject another distraction, by way of your cowardice, seems to be your MO. You are a total failure chief. And a bore. You can't stay on topic. What a loser.

By the way, you don't find the pics disgusting. You just found what you cannot debate, because you lost.
Because I'm disgusted about your party starting the kkk all over by calling it blm? You know they are mostly destroying black communities? And are mostly are white? Go ahead and defend that.
It's called section 8 housing. Something the Right won't deal with and admit to. That's what destroys the black community. It's a perpetual starve the beast policy that the Left is trying to change. But the Right does not. How do we know? They gutted the voting rights act, and closed down 868 polling places in the south in minority areas.

You are disgusted at your own failed argument, or the absence of one.

Your argument, also cannot attach itself to any documentation. Hence, you are lying. You again, totally failed.
So you are telling me Republicans started section 8 housing? Yes or no? Please answer this one!
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
You need to get educated Karen. You commit a crime you get arrested whether the police find you then or days later. Kidnapped? Overreact and deflect much?
These people have zero authority over the protesters. These Trump thugs with weapons are committing crimes. That's the education you need.
Trump supporters causing billions of dollars worth of damage, and the democrat leadership is letting them?
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
You need to get educated Karen. You commit a crime you get arrested whether the police find you then or days later. Kidnapped? Overreact and deflect much?
These people have zero authority over the protesters. These Trump thugs with weapons are committing crimes. That's the education you need.
You have zero clue moron. Police have no authority? And can’t use unmarked cars? Yeah, you are dumber than what my dog left in the yard earlier. Maybe a rioter with a 2x4 can give you a lesson in reality.

well that's one way to get them off the streets.

hey man, y'all see freddy???
nah man, he got "van-go'd" the other night at the riots...
These Communist must be hung ...
Who are the communists, and how are they communists? Do you know what the word means? If you do, explain it to us, then explain how those folks fit the profile.
Go read BLM's website ....their mission statement is quite clear ..
So you don't know. Folks, the Right does not understand their own argument out of ignorance and lies. They can't tell us what Communism is, because it has no relationship to anything they say. This character thinks he can explain Communism through BLM. :auiqs.jpg: These folks are just straight fucking ignorant.
Communist Manifesto was published in 1848 and based in large part on Sir Thomas Moore and his book Utopia. It advocates a command economy where the state controls the means of production and supply and demand levels. No private ownership of anything. Business, property or home. Marx advocated that democracy, free speech, and free press cannot be allowed because when people feel the pressure of the transition from socialism to communism, that people will vote the Marxist out of office. Therefore in order to create the new "communist man" you need an authoritarian state controlled regime. If people have to die so be it. That's why millions died under communist regimes. That's just off the top of my head. I can go deeper if you like.
You could have saved yourself the trouble. I already am very familiar with it. The problem is, you and the rest of these liars, cannot document, label, or lay claim to any of that against any protester. That's why no one can explain Communism as it relates to these protesters. It's a made up word for a group of people who have zero association with Communism. They failed, and so did you, in defining Communism with protesting, as being synonymous. It's a manufactured argument, proven to not exist.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
You need to get educated Karen. You commit a crime you get arrested whether the police find you then or days later. Kidnapped? Overreact and deflect much?
These people have zero authority over the protesters. These Trump thugs with weapons are committing crimes. That's the education you need.
Trump supporters causing billions of dollars worth of damage, and the democrat leadership is letting them?
Protesting has been largely peaceful, while Trumps thugocracy is stoking the violence for political purposes. I would tell you to keep trying, but you never had an argument.

well that's one way to get them off the streets.

hey man, y'all see freddy???
nah man, he got "van-go'd" the other night at the riots...
These Communist must be hung ...
Who are the communists, and how are they communists? Do you know what the word means? If you do, explain it to us, then explain how those folks fit the profile.
Go read BLM's website ....their mission statement is quite clear ..
So you don't know. Folks, the Right does not understand their own argument out of ignorance and lies. They can't tell us what Communism is, because it has no relationship to anything they say. This character thinks he can explain Communism through BLM. :auiqs.jpg: These folks are just straight fucking ignorant.
Communist Manifesto was published in 1848 and based in large part on Sir Thomas Moore and his book Utopia. It advocates a command economy where the state controls the means of production and supply and demand levels. No private ownership of anything. Business, property or home. Marx advocated that democracy, free speech, and free press cannot be allowed because when people feel the pressure of the transition from socialism to communism, that people will vote the Marxist out of office. Therefore in order to create the new "communist man" you need an authoritarian state controlled regime. If people have to die so be it. That's why millions died under communist regimes. That's just off the top of my head. I can go deeper if you like.
You could have saved yourself the trouble. I already am very familiar with it. The problem is, you and the rest of these liars, cannot document, label, or lay claim to any of that against any protester. That's why no one can explain Communism as it relates to these protesters. It's a made up word for a group of people who have zero association with Communism. They failed, and so did you, in defining Communism with protesting, as being synonymous. It's a manufactured argument, proven to not exist.
Your stupid ass remarks makes communist leaders happy!
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
You need to get educated Karen. You commit a crime you get arrested whether the police find you then or days later. Kidnapped? Overreact and deflect much?
These people have zero authority over the protesters. These Trump thugs with weapons are committing crimes. That's the education you need.
Trump supporters causing billions of dollars worth of damage, and the democrat leadership is letting them?
Protesting has been largely peaceful, while Trumps thugocracy is stoking the violence for political purposes. I would tell you to keep trying, but you never had an argument.
Taking over a city and killing each other is peaceful? You think that, if you loons keep it up. The back lash is going to have unicorns farting bullets your way. Lol
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
You need to get educated Karen. You commit a crime you get arrested whether the police find you then or days later. Kidnapped? Overreact and deflect much?
These people have zero authority over the protesters. These Trump thugs with weapons are committing crimes. That's the education you need.
You have zero clue moron. Police have no authority? And can’t use unmarked cars? Yeah, you are dumber than what my dog left in the yard earlier. Maybe a rioter with a 2x4 can give you a lesson in reality.
They aren't police, and the city has given them no authority to be there. Oregon Gov. Kate Brown Says President Trump Is Invading Portland as an Election Stunt

Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
You need to get educated Karen. You commit a crime you get arrested whether the police find you then or days later. Kidnapped? Overreact and deflect much?
These people have zero authority over the protesters. These Trump thugs with weapons are committing crimes. That's the education you need.
Trump supporters causing billions of dollars worth of damage, and the democrat leadership is letting them?
Protesting has been largely peaceful, while Trumps thugocracy is stoking the violence for political purposes. I would tell you to keep trying, but you never had an argument.
Taking over a city and killing each other is peaceful? You think that, if you loons keep it up. The back lash is going to have unicorns farting bullets your way. Lol
A stupid argument floating in nothing. Lol!
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
You need to get educated Karen. You commit a crime you get arrested whether the police find you then or days later. Kidnapped? Overreact and deflect much?
These people have zero authority over the protesters. These Trump thugs with weapons are committing crimes. That's the education you need.
Trump supporters causing billions of dollars worth of damage, and the democrat leadership is letting them?
Protesting has been largely peaceful, while Trumps thugocracy is stoking the violence for political purposes. I would tell you to keep trying, but you never had an argument.
HAhahaah! Trump supporters rioting in DIM run cities and allowed to do so? Epic fail. Perhaps most epic ever. Don’t bother trying anymore, you’re now a confirmed joke.

well that's one way to get them off the streets.

hey man, y'all see freddy???
nah man, he got "van-go'd" the other night at the riots...
These Communist must be hung ...
Who are the communists, and how are they communists? Do you know what the word means? If you do, explain it to us, then explain how those folks fit the profile.
Go read BLM's website ....their mission statement is quite clear ..
So you don't know. Folks, the Right does not understand their own argument out of ignorance and lies. They can't tell us what Communism is, because it has no relationship to anything they say. This character thinks he can explain Communism through BLM. :auiqs.jpg: These folks are just straight fucking ignorant.
Communist Manifesto was published in 1848 and based in large part on Sir Thomas Moore and his book Utopia. It advocates a command economy where the state controls the means of production and supply and demand levels. No private ownership of anything. Business, property or home. Marx advocated that democracy, free speech, and free press cannot be allowed because when people feel the pressure of the transition from socialism to communism, that people will vote the Marxist out of office. Therefore in order to create the new "communist man" you need an authoritarian state controlled regime. If people have to die so be it. That's why millions died under communist regimes. That's just off the top of my head. I can go deeper if you like.
You could have saved yourself the trouble. I already am very familiar with it. The problem is, you and the rest of these liars, cannot document, label, or lay claim to any of that against any protester. That's why no one can explain Communism as it relates to these protesters. It's a made up word for a group of people who have zero association with Communism. They failed, and so did you, in defining Communism with protesting, as being synonymous. It's a manufactured argument, proven to not exist.
Your stupid ass remarks makes communist leaders happy!
Thanks for proving yet again, that your argument does not exist in the real world, because neither you nor your ilk, can link the protests to communism.
We should round up all of Antifa and BLM and dump them on Cuba where they can live their dream as Communists.
No, you can't do that, Cuba is not American jurisdiction.

However, it should be great to build prisons in Alaska, and send the worst of the worst over there, something similar to Russians sending them to Siberia.

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