DHS Vans Taking Antifa Away

Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
You need to get educated Karen. You commit a crime you get arrested whether the police find you then or days later. Kidnapped? Overreact and deflect much?
These people have zero authority over the protesters. These Trump thugs with weapons are committing crimes. That's the education you need.
You have zero clue moron. Police have no authority? And can’t use unmarked cars? Yeah, you are dumber than what my dog left in the yard earlier. Maybe a rioter with a 2x4 can give you a lesson in reality.
They aren't police, and the city has given them no authority to be there. Oregon Gov. Kate Brown Says President Trump Is Invading Portland as an Election Stunt

Too bad she can’t do anything about it. She has ZERO say to anybody who cares. The public is sick of her bullshit and they want law and order restored. Maybe Trump supporters SHOULD make her life hell the way she has allowed her rioter pals to do to everybody else.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
You need to get educated Karen. You commit a crime you get arrested whether the police find you then or days later. Kidnapped? Overreact and deflect much?
These people have zero authority over the protesters. These Trump thugs with weapons are committing crimes. That's the education you need.
Trump supporters causing billions of dollars worth of damage, and the democrat leadership is letting them?
Protesting has been largely peaceful, while Trumps thugocracy is stoking the violence for political purposes. I would tell you to keep trying, but you never had an argument.
HAhahaah! Trump supporters rioting in DIM run cities and allowed to do so? Epic fail. Perhaps most epic ever. Don’t bother trying anymore, you’re now a confirmed joke.
Another made up argument out of thin air folks. They make up arguments to have feel good feelings, because nothing they say can be documented as fact or the truth in other arguments. They are like the chicken with the head cut off pedaling in make believe.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
You need to get educated Karen. You commit a crime you get arrested whether the police find you then or days later. Kidnapped? Overreact and deflect much?
These people have zero authority over the protesters. These Trump thugs with weapons are committing crimes. That's the education you need.
Trump supporters causing billions of dollars worth of damage, and the democrat leadership is letting them?
Protesting has been largely peaceful, while Trumps thugocracy is stoking the violence for political purposes. I would tell you to keep trying, but you never had an argument.
Taking over a city and killing each other is peaceful? You think that, if you loons keep it up. The back lash is going to have unicorns farting bullets your way. Lol
A stupid argument floating in nothing. Lol!
So you agree that Minnesota should get no federal funding after those peaceful protest? I agree!
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
You need to get educated Karen. You commit a crime you get arrested whether the police find you then or days later. Kidnapped? Overreact and deflect much?
These people have zero authority over the protesters. These Trump thugs with weapons are committing crimes. That's the education you need.
You have zero clue moron. Police have no authority? And can’t use unmarked cars? Yeah, you are dumber than what my dog left in the yard earlier. Maybe a rioter with a 2x4 can give you a lesson in reality.
They aren't police, and the city has given them no authority to be there. Oregon Gov. Kate Brown Says President Trump Is Invading Portland as an Election Stunt

Too bad she can’t do anything about it. She has ZERO say to anybody who cares. The public is sick of her bullshit and they want law and order restored. Maybe Trump supporters SHOULD make her life hell the way she has allowed her rioter pals to do to everybody else.
The only law and order needing restoring is Trump's thugery with these unauthorized douche bags pretending to be the law. .
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
You need to get educated Karen. You commit a crime you get arrested whether the police find you then or days later. Kidnapped? Overreact and deflect much?
These people have zero authority over the protesters. These Trump thugs with weapons are committing crimes. That's the education you need.
Trump supporters causing billions of dollars worth of damage, and the democrat leadership is letting them?
Protesting has been largely peaceful, while Trumps thugocracy is stoking the violence for political purposes. I would tell you to keep trying, but you never had an argument.
HAhahaah! Trump supporters rioting in DIM run cities and allowed to do so? Epic fail. Perhaps most epic ever. Don’t bother trying anymore, you’re now a confirmed joke.
Another made up argument out of thin air folks. They make up arguments to have feel good feelings, because nothing they say can be documented as fact or the truth in other arguments. They are like the chicken with the head cut off pedaling in make believe.
The Seattle mayor changed her mind after the protestors came to her house.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
You need to get educated Karen. You commit a crime you get arrested whether the police find you then or days later. Kidnapped? Overreact and deflect much?
These people have zero authority over the protesters. These Trump thugs with weapons are committing crimes. That's the education you need.
Trump supporters causing billions of dollars worth of damage, and the democrat leadership is letting them?
Protesting has been largely peaceful, while Trumps thugocracy is stoking the violence for political purposes. I would tell you to keep trying, but you never had an argument.
Taking over a city and killing each other is peaceful? You think that, if you loons keep it up. The back lash is going to have unicorns farting bullets your way. Lol
A stupid argument floating in nothing. Lol!
So you agree that Minnesota should get no federal funding after those peaceful protest? I agree!
You weren't smart enough before, what makes you think you are smarter now? You are talking about the initial protests in Minnesota right? Not the peaceful protests of today that Trump wants to incite violence towards.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
You need to get educated Karen. You commit a crime you get arrested whether the police find you then or days later. Kidnapped? Overreact and deflect much?
These people have zero authority over the protesters. These Trump thugs with weapons are committing crimes. That's the education you need.
You have zero clue moron. Police have no authority? And can’t use unmarked cars? Yeah, you are dumber than what my dog left in the yard earlier. Maybe a rioter with a 2x4 can give you a lesson in reality.
They aren't police, and the city has given them no authority to be there. Oregon Gov. Kate Brown Says President Trump Is Invading Portland as an Election Stunt

Too bad she can’t do anything about it. She has ZERO say to anybody who cares. The public is sick of her bullshit and they want law and order restored. Maybe Trump supporters SHOULD make her life hell the way she has allowed her rioter pals to do to everybody else.
The only law and order needing restoring is Trump's thugery with these unauthorized douche bags pretending to be the law. .
I agree, it's liberal cities getting destroyed by liberals. Go for it,but don't ask for help when you are done.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
You need to get educated Karen. You commit a crime you get arrested whether the police find you then or days later. Kidnapped? Overreact and deflect much?
These people have zero authority over the protesters. These Trump thugs with weapons are committing crimes. That's the education you need.
Trump supporters causing billions of dollars worth of damage, and the democrat leadership is letting them?
Protesting has been largely peaceful, while Trumps thugocracy is stoking the violence for political purposes. I would tell you to keep trying, but you never had an argument.
HAhahaah! Trump supporters rioting in DIM run cities and allowed to do so? Epic fail. Perhaps most epic ever. Don’t bother trying anymore, you’re now a confirmed joke.
Another made up argument out of thin air folks. They make up arguments to have feel good feelings, because nothing they say can be documented as fact or the truth in other arguments. They are like the chicken with the head cut off pedaling in make believe.
The Seattle mayor changed her mind after the protestors came to her house.
And can you imagine now, with all these unauthorized Trump goons wandering the streets hiding their faces harassing peaceful protesters. That's even worse.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
You need to get educated Karen. You commit a crime you get arrested whether the police find you then or days later. Kidnapped? Overreact and deflect much?
These people have zero authority over the protesters. These Trump thugs with weapons are committing crimes. That's the education you need.
Trump supporters causing billions of dollars worth of damage, and the democrat leadership is letting them?
Protesting has been largely peaceful, while Trumps thugocracy is stoking the violence for political purposes. I would tell you to keep trying, but you never had an argument.
Taking over a city and killing each other is peaceful? You think that, if you loons keep it up. The back lash is going to have unicorns farting bullets your way. Lol
A stupid argument floating in nothing. Lol!
So you agree that Minnesota should get no federal funding after those peaceful protest? I agree!
You weren't smart enough before, what makes you think you are smarter now? You are talking about the initial protests in Minnesota right? Not the peaceful protests of today that Trump wants to incite violence towards.
Like I said, no federal help. A buddy of mine seen a commercial asking for help for Minnesota. No help should go there at all, you should live in the filth you created.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
You need to get educated Karen. You commit a crime you get arrested whether the police find you then or days later. Kidnapped? Overreact and deflect much?
These people have zero authority over the protesters. These Trump thugs with weapons are committing crimes. That's the education you need.
You have zero clue moron. Police have no authority? And can’t use unmarked cars? Yeah, you are dumber than what my dog left in the yard earlier. Maybe a rioter with a 2x4 can give you a lesson in reality.
They aren't police, and the city has given them no authority to be there. Oregon Gov. Kate Brown Says President Trump Is Invading Portland as an Election Stunt

Too bad she can’t do anything about it. She has ZERO say to anybody who cares. The public is sick of her bullshit and they want law and order restored. Maybe Trump supporters SHOULD make her life hell the way she has allowed her rioter pals to do to everybody else.
The only law and order needing restoring is Trump's thugery with these unauthorized douche bags pretending to be the law. .
I agree, it's liberal cities getting destroyed by liberals. Go for it,but don't ask for help when you are done.
No one asked for these redneck pussies with covered masks to show up to begin with. Scram! Take your manufactured political bs some place else.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
You need to get educated Karen. You commit a crime you get arrested whether the police find you then or days later. Kidnapped? Overreact and deflect much?
These people have zero authority over the protesters. These Trump thugs with weapons are committing crimes. That's the education you need.
Trump supporters causing billions of dollars worth of damage, and the democrat leadership is letting them?
Protesting has been largely peaceful, while Trumps thugocracy is stoking the violence for political purposes. I would tell you to keep trying, but you never had an argument.
HAhahaah! Trump supporters rioting in DIM run cities and allowed to do so? Epic fail. Perhaps most epic ever. Don’t bother trying anymore, you’re now a confirmed joke.
Another made up argument out of thin air folks. They make up arguments to have feel good feelings, because nothing they say can be documented as fact or the truth in other arguments. They are like the chicken with the head cut off pedaling in make believe.
The Seattle mayor changed her mind after the protestors came to her house.
And can you imagine now, with all these unauthorized Trump goons wandering the streets hiding their faces harassing peaceful protesters. That's even worse.
They aren't peaceful protestors. They are criminals and should get ample jail time.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
You need to get educated Karen. You commit a crime you get arrested whether the police find you then or days later. Kidnapped? Overreact and deflect much?
These people have zero authority over the protesters. These Trump thugs with weapons are committing crimes. That's the education you need.
Trump supporters causing billions of dollars worth of damage, and the democrat leadership is letting them?
Protesting has been largely peaceful, while Trumps thugocracy is stoking the violence for political purposes. I would tell you to keep trying, but you never had an argument.
Taking over a city and killing each other is peaceful? You think that, if you loons keep it up. The back lash is going to have unicorns farting bullets your way. Lol
A stupid argument floating in nothing. Lol!
So you agree that Minnesota should get no federal funding after those peaceful protest? I agree!
You weren't smart enough before, what makes you think you are smarter now? You are talking about the initial protests in Minnesota right? Not the peaceful protests of today that Trump wants to incite violence towards.
Like I said, no federal help. A buddy of mine seen a commercial asking for help for Minnesota. No help should go there at all, you should live in the filth you created.
Oh, so in order to get help for a pandemic, they have to let these Trump pigs roam the streets pretending they care about their civil and constitutional rights. You people are nothing but a bunch of blackmailing fascists. You folks are truly disgusting.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
You need to get educated Karen. You commit a crime you get arrested whether the police find you then or days later. Kidnapped? Overreact and deflect much?
These people have zero authority over the protesters. These Trump thugs with weapons are committing crimes. That's the education you need.
You have zero clue moron. Police have no authority? And can’t use unmarked cars? Yeah, you are dumber than what my dog left in the yard earlier. Maybe a rioter with a 2x4 can give you a lesson in reality.
They aren't police, and the city has given them no authority to be there. Oregon Gov. Kate Brown Says President Trump Is Invading Portland as an Election Stunt

Too bad she can’t do anything about it. She has ZERO say to anybody who cares. The public is sick of her bullshit and they want law and order restored. Maybe Trump supporters SHOULD make her life hell the way she has allowed her rioter pals to do to everybody else.
The only law and order needing restoring is Trump's thugery with these unauthorized douche bags pretending to be the law. .
I agree, it's liberal cities getting destroyed by liberals. Go for it,but don't ask for help when you are done.
No one asked for these redneck pussies with covered masks to show up to begin with. Scram! Take your manufactured political bs some place else.
Blm protestors are white, take your wanna be kkk and shove it up your ass. Oh and antifa is a democrat group. You haven't seen the rednecks yet. When you do, it will be over. Remember that.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
You need to get educated Karen. You commit a crime you get arrested whether the police find you then or days later. Kidnapped? Overreact and deflect much?
These people have zero authority over the protesters. These Trump thugs with weapons are committing crimes. That's the education you need.
Trump supporters causing billions of dollars worth of damage, and the democrat leadership is letting them?
Protesting has been largely peaceful, while Trumps thugocracy is stoking the violence for political purposes. I would tell you to keep trying, but you never had an argument.
HAhahaah! Trump supporters rioting in DIM run cities and allowed to do so? Epic fail. Perhaps most epic ever. Don’t bother trying anymore, you’re now a confirmed joke.
Another made up argument out of thin air folks. They make up arguments to have feel good feelings, because nothing they say can be documented as fact or the truth in other arguments. They are like the chicken with the head cut off pedaling in make believe.
The Seattle mayor changed her mind after the protestors came to her house.
And can you imagine now, with all these unauthorized Trump goons wandering the streets hiding their faces harassing peaceful protesters. That's even worse.
They aren't peaceful protestors. They are criminals and should get ample jail time.
No kidding? Then let the police do the arresting. They don't need Trumps hit squads of redneck face hiding pussy patrols getting in everyone's business.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
You need to get educated Karen. You commit a crime you get arrested whether the police find you then or days later. Kidnapped? Overreact and deflect much?
These people have zero authority over the protesters. These Trump thugs with weapons are committing crimes. That's the education you need.
You have zero clue moron. Police have no authority? And can’t use unmarked cars? Yeah, you are dumber than what my dog left in the yard earlier. Maybe a rioter with a 2x4 can give you a lesson in reality.
They aren't police, and the city has given them no authority to be there. Oregon Gov. Kate Brown Says President Trump Is Invading Portland as an Election Stunt

Too bad she can’t do anything about it. She has ZERO say to anybody who cares. The public is sick of her bullshit and they want law and order restored. Maybe Trump supporters SHOULD make her life hell the way she has allowed her rioter pals to do to everybody else.
The only law and order needing restoring is Trump's thugery with these unauthorized douche bags pretending to be the law. .
I agree, it's liberal cities getting destroyed by liberals. Go for it,but don't ask for help when you are done.
No one asked for these redneck pussies with covered masks to show up to begin with. Scram! Take your manufactured political bs some place else.
Blm protestors are white, take your wanna be kkk and shove it up your ass. Oh and antifa is a democrat group. You haven't seen the rednecks yet. When you do, it will be over. Remember that.
You don't know what ANTIFA is because it doesn't exist. Remember? None of you liars could prove it.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
You need to get educated Karen. You commit a crime you get arrested whether the police find you then or days later. Kidnapped? Overreact and deflect much?
These people have zero authority over the protesters. These Trump thugs with weapons are committing crimes. That's the education you need.
Trump supporters causing billions of dollars worth of damage, and the democrat leadership is letting them?
Protesting has been largely peaceful, while Trumps thugocracy is stoking the violence for political purposes. I would tell you to keep trying, but you never had an argument.
Taking over a city and killing each other is peaceful? You think that, if you loons keep it up. The back lash is going to have unicorns farting bullets your way. Lol
A stupid argument floating in nothing. Lol!
So you agree that Minnesota should get no federal funding after those peaceful protest? I agree!
You weren't smart enough before, what makes you think you are smarter now? You are talking about the initial protests in Minnesota right? Not the peaceful protests of today that Trump wants to incite violence towards.
Like I said, no federal help. A buddy of mine seen a commercial asking for help for Minnesota. No help should go there at all, you should live in the filth you created.
Oh, so in order to get help for a pandemic, they have to let these Trump pigs roam the streets pretending they care about their civil and constitutional rights. You people are nothing but a bunch of blackmailing fascists. You folks are truly disgusting.
Put the crack pipe down. My tax dollars has supplied enough for you tonight!
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
You need to get educated Karen. You commit a crime you get arrested whether the police find you then or days later. Kidnapped? Overreact and deflect much?
These people have zero authority over the protesters. These Trump thugs with weapons are committing crimes. That's the education you need.
Trump supporters causing billions of dollars worth of damage, and the democrat leadership is letting them?
Protesting has been largely peaceful, while Trumps thugocracy is stoking the violence for political purposes. I would tell you to keep trying, but you never had an argument.
HAhahaah! Trump supporters rioting in DIM run cities and allowed to do so? Epic fail. Perhaps most epic ever. Don’t bother trying anymore, you’re now a confirmed joke.
Another made up argument out of thin air folks. They make up arguments to have feel good feelings, because nothing they say can be documented as fact or the truth in other arguments. They are like the chicken with the head cut off pedaling in make believe.
The Seattle mayor changed her mind after the protestors came to her house.
And can you imagine now, with all these unauthorized Trump goons wandering the streets hiding their faces harassing peaceful protesters. That's even worse.
They aren't peaceful protestors. They are criminals and should get ample jail time.
No kidding? Then let the police do the arresting. They don't need Trumps hit squads of redneck face hiding pussy patrols getting in everyone's business.
The problem is, the democrats in charge wouldn't do anything. So once again Trump had to take care of a democrat caused problem.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
You need to get educated Karen. You commit a crime you get arrested whether the police find you then or days later. Kidnapped? Overreact and deflect much?
These people have zero authority over the protesters. These Trump thugs with weapons are committing crimes. That's the education you need.
Trump supporters causing billions of dollars worth of damage, and the democrat leadership is letting them?
Protesting has been largely peaceful, while Trumps thugocracy is stoking the violence for political purposes. I would tell you to keep trying, but you never had an argument.
Taking over a city and killing each other is peaceful? You think that, if you loons keep it up. The back lash is going to have unicorns farting bullets your way. Lol
A stupid argument floating in nothing. Lol!
So you agree that Minnesota should get no federal funding after those peaceful protest? I agree!
You weren't smart enough before, what makes you think you are smarter now? You are talking about the initial protests in Minnesota right? Not the peaceful protests of today that Trump wants to incite violence towards.
Like I said, no federal help. A buddy of mine seen a commercial asking for help for Minnesota. No help should go there at all, you should live in the filth you created.
Oh, so in order to get help for a pandemic, they have to let these Trump pigs roam the streets pretending they care about their civil and constitutional rights. You people are nothing but a bunch of blackmailing fascists. You folks are truly disgusting.
Put the crack pipe down. My tax dollars has supplied enough for you tonight!
My dollars were well spent in kicking your ass on all fronts. Couldn't prove ANTIFA. Can't explain how ordinary people in these areas are communists. You got your ass blistered with the the truth and exposing your lies. So take a hike. You were TKO'd from the beginning.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
You need to get educated Karen. You commit a crime you get arrested whether the police find you then or days later. Kidnapped? Overreact and deflect much?
These people have zero authority over the protesters. These Trump thugs with weapons are committing crimes. That's the education you need.
Trump supporters causing billions of dollars worth of damage, and the democrat leadership is letting them?
Protesting has been largely peaceful, while Trumps thugocracy is stoking the violence for political purposes. I would tell you to keep trying, but you never had an argument.
Taking over a city and killing each other is peaceful? You think that, if you loons keep it up. The back lash is going to have unicorns farting bullets your way. Lol
A stupid argument floating in nothing. Lol!
So you agree that Minnesota should get no federal funding after those peaceful protest? I agree!
You weren't smart enough before, what makes you think you are smarter now? You are talking about the initial protests in Minnesota right? Not the peaceful protests of today that Trump wants to incite violence towards.
Like I said, no federal help. A buddy of mine seen a commercial asking for help for Minnesota. No help should go there at all, you should live in the filth you created.
Oh, so in order to get help for a pandemic, they have to let these Trump pigs roam the streets pretending they care about their civil and constitutional rights. You people are nothing but a bunch of blackmailing fascists. You folks are truly disgusting.
Put the crack pipe down. My tax dollars has supplied enough for you tonight!
My dollars were well spent in kicking your ass on all fronts. Couldn't prove ANTIFA. Can't explain how ordinary people in these areas are communists. You got your ass blistered with the the truth and exposing your lies. So take a hike. You were TKO'd from the beginning.
Lol, you're an idiot is the only thing that was proven, and liberal run shitholes won't get a cent of my money to rebuild!
We should round up all of Antifa and BLM and dump them on Cuba where they can live their dream as Communists.
No, you can't do that, Cuba is not American jurisdiction.

However, it should be great to build prisons in Alaska, and send the worst of the worst over there, something similar to Russians sending them to Siberia.
Hey I'm flexible. Dumping them in Alaska with a backpack works for me.

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