DHS Vans Taking Antifa Away

Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
You need to get educated Karen. You commit a crime you get arrested whether the police find you then or days later. Kidnapped? Overreact and deflect much?
These people have zero authority over the protesters. These Trump thugs with weapons are committing crimes. That's the education you need.
Trump supporters causing billions of dollars worth of damage, and the democrat leadership is letting them?
Protesting has been largely peaceful, while Trumps thugocracy is stoking the violence for political purposes. I would tell you to keep trying, but you never had an argument.
HAhahaah! Trump supporters rioting in DIM run cities and allowed to do so? Epic fail. Perhaps most epic ever. Don’t bother trying anymore, you’re now a confirmed joke.
Another made up argument out of thin air folks. They make up arguments to have feel good feelings, because nothing they say can be documented as fact or the truth in other arguments. They are like the chicken with the head cut off pedaling in make believe.
The Seattle mayor changed her mind after the protestors came to her house.
And can you imagine now, with all these unauthorized Trump goons wandering the streets hiding their faces harassing peaceful protesters. That's even worse.
They aren't peaceful protestors. They are criminals and should get ample jail time.
No kidding? Then let the police do the arresting. They don't need Trumps hit squads of redneck face hiding pussy patrols getting in everyone's business.
The problem is, the democrats in charge wouldn't do anything. So once again Trump had to take care of a democrat caused problem.
Trump hasn't taken care of anything but to incite violence with peaceful protests. Look what he did in front of the WH by pushing protesters out of the way; Peaceful Protesters Tear-Gassed To Clear Way For Trump Church Photo-Op He isn't protecting shit.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
You need to get educated Karen. You commit a crime you get arrested whether the police find you then or days later. Kidnapped? Overreact and deflect much?
These people have zero authority over the protesters. These Trump thugs with weapons are committing crimes. That's the education you need.
Trump supporters causing billions of dollars worth of damage, and the democrat leadership is letting them?
Protesting has been largely peaceful, while Trumps thugocracy is stoking the violence for political purposes. I would tell you to keep trying, but you never had an argument.
Taking over a city and killing each other is peaceful? You think that, if you loons keep it up. The back lash is going to have unicorns farting bullets your way. Lol
A stupid argument floating in nothing. Lol!
So you agree that Minnesota should get no federal funding after those peaceful protest? I agree!
You weren't smart enough before, what makes you think you are smarter now? You are talking about the initial protests in Minnesota right? Not the peaceful protests of today that Trump wants to incite violence towards.
Like I said, no federal help. A buddy of mine seen a commercial asking for help for Minnesota. No help should go there at all, you should live in the filth you created.
Oh, so in order to get help for a pandemic, they have to let these Trump pigs roam the streets pretending they care about their civil and constitutional rights. You people are nothing but a bunch of blackmailing fascists. You folks are truly disgusting.
Put the crack pipe down. My tax dollars has supplied enough for you tonight!
My dollars were well spent in kicking your ass on all fronts. Couldn't prove ANTIFA. Can't explain how ordinary people in these areas are communists. You got your ass blistered with the the truth and exposing your lies. So take a hike. You were TKO'd from the beginning.
Lol, you're an idiot is the only thing that was proven, and liberal run shitholes won't get a cent of my money to rebuild!
Yep, you're done. No argument, and attack the messenger because he kicked your ass. See you later.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.

No...the gestapo tactics are what obama did to General Flynn and the other Trump associates.....using the FBI, CIA, DOJ and State Department to get illegal FISA warrants to spy on them and as we saw in the FBI notes, knowing that Flynn was innocent, going after him anyway....those are gestapo tactics..using the IRS to deny conservative groups their tax free status before an election is gestapo tactics....

Arresting violent rioters, who are attacking a federal building is called enforcing the law.
Well that's a lie. Too much Faux Newz rots yer brain.

Just think Obama started these tactics.
Another lie.
View attachment 364701
The lie is, he was a good president.

Big fckn eared fag.

At least his big ears had a use for something... demoquack so called males know
Please, leave the greatest president in modern times out of your homoerotic fantasies.

Go fck yerself, Creepitorious.

The mullato was and is a scam. Disaster at economics, foreign affairs and set race relations back 50 years

Yer a fckn nuthin, shit for brains. Cease thinking yer anything more
Problem with these Trump thugs, is they can't prove anything. They are driven by hate, lies, emotions, and ignorance. They are so pitiful.
And dumb as rocks, too.
I mean seriously. They couldn't shit out the truth or a fact if they had to. All they do on here is rant and show just how ignorant and hateful they are. This country is totally screwed with this amount of ignorance and hate.
Maybe you will reread that post in a couple of years, and realize how wrong you are.
With unfettered dominance over this debate, minus any factual evidence produced by the Right, other than what their magical thinking tells them to believe, you could carve my quotes in stone, and historians will never lay a blemish on it. The Right has been absent of facts, documents, education, honesty, etc. for many decades now. They are a montage of individualistic criminals, racists, homophobes, imperialists, false Christians, self serving bigots, you name it.

No, I'm not wrong. Because my comments, facts, and honesty, always win out with the absence of any challenge.
Blm is your new kkk. Prove me wrong.
Lynching Photos and Premium High Res Pictures - Getty Images Show us the same photos of blacks hanging whites. And yes, I proved you wrong.
I didn't look, because I find those disgusting. But you know if they are lynching pictures. They are from the democrates in your past?
Once again your failure to debate or follow along with the facts while you inject another distraction, by way of your cowardice, seems to be your MO. You are a total failure chief. And a bore. You can't stay on topic. What a loser.

By the way, you don't find the pics disgusting. You just found what you cannot debate, because you lost.
Because I'm disgusted about your party starting the kkk all over by calling it blm? You know they are mostly destroying black communities? And are mostly are white? Go ahead and defend that.
It's called section 8 housing. Something the Right won't deal with and admit to. That's what destroys the black community. It's a perpetual starve the beast policy that the Left is trying to change. But the Right does not. How do we know? They gutted the voting rights act, and closed down 868 polling places in the south in minority areas.

You are disgusted at your own failed argument, or the absence of one.

Your argument, also cannot attach itself to any documentation. Hence, you are lying. You again, totally failed.

The Voting Rights Act had to do with federal control over state elections, which was unconstitutional at best.

well that's one way to get them off the streets.

hey man, y'all see freddy???
nah man, he got "van-go'd" the other night at the riots...
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Bullshit! And you know it's bullshit or you're as stupid as a fence post.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
You need to get educated Karen. You commit a crime you get arrested whether the police find you then or days later. Kidnapped? Overreact and deflect much?
These people have zero authority over the protesters. These Trump thugs with weapons are committing crimes. That's the education you need.
Trump supporters causing billions of dollars worth of damage, and the democrat leadership is letting them?
Protesting has been largely peaceful, while Trumps thugocracy is stoking the violence for political purposes. I would tell you to keep trying, but you never had an argument.
Taking over a city and killing each other is peaceful? You think that, if you loons keep it up. The back lash is going to have unicorns farting bullets your way. Lol
A stupid argument floating in nothing. Lol!
So you agree that Minnesota should get no federal funding after those peaceful protest? I agree!
You weren't smart enough before, what makes you think you are smarter now? You are talking about the initial protests in Minnesota right? Not the peaceful protests of today that Trump wants to incite violence towards.
Like I said, no federal help. A buddy of mine seen a commercial asking for help for Minnesota. No help should go there at all, you should live in the filth you created.
No, he didn't "seen" it. Learn to write! He may have "saw" it!
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
You need to get educated Karen. You commit a crime you get arrested whether the police find you then or days later. Kidnapped? Overreact and deflect much?
These people have zero authority over the protesters. These Trump thugs with weapons are committing crimes. That's the education you need.
Trump supporters causing billions of dollars worth of damage, and the democrat leadership is letting them?
Protesting has been largely peaceful, while Trumps thugocracy is stoking the violence for political purposes. I would tell you to keep trying, but you never had an argument.
HAhahaah! Trump supporters rioting in DIM run cities and allowed to do so? Epic fail. Perhaps most epic ever. Don’t bother trying anymore, you’re now a confirmed joke.
Another made up argument out of thin air folks. They make up arguments to have feel good feelings, because nothing they say can be documented as fact or the truth in other arguments. They are like the chicken with the head cut off pedaling in make believe.
The Seattle mayor changed her mind after the protestors came to her house.
And can you imagine now, with all these unauthorized Trump goons wandering the streets hiding their faces harassing peaceful protesters. That's even worse.
They aren't peaceful protestors. They are criminals and should get ample jail time.
No kidding? Then let the police do the arresting. They don't need Trumps hit squads of redneck face hiding pussy patrols getting in everyone's business.
The problem is, the democrats in charge wouldn't do anything. So once again Trump had to take care of a democrat caused problem.
Trump hasn't taken care of anything but to incite violence with peaceful protests. Look what he did in front of the WH by pushing protesters out of the way; Peaceful Protesters Tear-Gassed To Clear Way For Trump Church Photo-Op He isn't protecting shit.
Those peaceful protestors tried to burn a historic church down. Try again.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
You need to get educated Karen. You commit a crime you get arrested whether the police find you then or days later. Kidnapped? Overreact and deflect much?
These people have zero authority over the protesters. These Trump thugs with weapons are committing crimes. That's the education you need.
Trump supporters causing billions of dollars worth of damage, and the democrat leadership is letting them?
Protesting has been largely peaceful, while Trumps thugocracy is stoking the violence for political purposes. I would tell you to keep trying, but you never had an argument.
Taking over a city and killing each other is peaceful? You think that, if you loons keep it up. The back lash is going to have unicorns farting bullets your way. Lol
A stupid argument floating in nothing. Lol!
So you agree that Minnesota should get no federal funding after those peaceful protest? I agree!
You weren't smart enough before, what makes you think you are smarter now? You are talking about the initial protests in Minnesota right? Not the peaceful protests of today that Trump wants to incite violence towards.
Like I said, no federal help. A buddy of mine seen a commercial asking for help for Minnesota. No help should go there at all, you should live in the filth you created.
Oh, so in order to get help for a pandemic, they have to let these Trump pigs roam the streets pretending they care about their civil and constitutional rights. You people are nothing but a bunch of blackmailing fascists. You folks are truly disgusting.
Put the crack pipe down. My tax dollars has supplied enough for you tonight!
My dollars were well spent in kicking your ass on all fronts. Couldn't prove ANTIFA. Can't explain how ordinary people in these areas are communists. You got your ass blistered with the the truth and exposing your lies. So take a hike. You were TKO'd from the beginning.
Lol, you're an idiot is the only thing that was proven, and liberal run shitholes won't get a cent of my money to rebuild!
Yep, you're done. No argument, and attack the messenger because he kicked your ass. See you later.
Saying you're an idiot is no attack, just brutally honest.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.

No...the gestapo tactics are what obama did to General Flynn and the other Trump associates.....using the FBI, CIA, DOJ and State Department to get illegal FISA warrants to spy on them and as we saw in the FBI notes, knowing that Flynn was innocent, going after him anyway....those are gestapo tactics..using the IRS to deny conservative groups their tax free status before an election is gestapo tactics....

Arresting violent rioters, who are attacking a federal building is called enforcing the law.
Well that's a lie. Too much Faux Newz rots yer brain.

Just think Obama started these tactics.
Another lie.
View attachment 364701
The lie is, he was a good president.

Big fckn eared fag.

At least his big ears had a use for something... demoquack so called males know
Please, leave the greatest president in modern times out of your homoerotic fantasies.

Go fck yerself, Creepitorious.

The mullato was and is a scam. Disaster at economics, foreign affairs and set race relations back 50 years

Yer a fckn nuthin, shit for brains. Cease thinking yer anything more
Problem with these Trump thugs, is they can't prove anything. They are driven by hate, lies, emotions, and ignorance. They are so pitiful.
And dumb as rocks, too.
I mean seriously. They couldn't shit out the truth or a fact if they had to. All they do on here is rant and show just how ignorant and hateful they are. This country is totally screwed with this amount of ignorance and hate.
Maybe you will reread that post in a couple of years, and realize how wrong you are.
With unfettered dominance over this debate, minus any factual evidence produced by the Right, other than what their magical thinking tells them to believe, you could carve my quotes in stone, and historians will never lay a blemish on it. The Right has been absent of facts, documents, education, honesty, etc. for many decades now. They are a montage of individualistic criminals, racists, homophobes, imperialists, false Christians, self serving bigots, you name it.

No, I'm not wrong. Because my comments, facts, and honesty, always win out with the absence of any challenge.
Blm is your new kkk. Prove me wrong.
Lynching Photos and Premium High Res Pictures - Getty Images Show us the same photos of blacks hanging whites. And yes, I proved you wrong.
I didn't look, because I find those disgusting. But you know if they are lynching pictures. They are from the democrates in your past?
Once again your failure to debate or follow along with the facts while you inject another distraction, by way of your cowardice, seems to be your MO. You are a total failure chief. And a bore. You can't stay on topic. What a loser.

By the way, you don't find the pics disgusting. You just found what you cannot debate, because you lost.
Because I'm disgusted about your party starting the kkk all over by calling it blm? You know they are mostly destroying black communities? And are mostly are white? Go ahead and defend that.
It's called section 8 housing. Something the Right won't deal with and admit to. That's what destroys the black community. It's a perpetual starve the beast policy that the Left is trying to change. But the Right does not. How do we know? They gutted the voting rights act, and closed down 868 polling places in the south in minority areas.

You are disgusted at your own failed argument, or the absence of one.

Your argument, also cannot attach itself to any documentation. Hence, you are lying. You again, totally failed.

The Voting Rights Act had to do with federal control over state elections, which was unconstitutional at best.
And look what the states in the south did to hijack the federal election as a result of the ruling. They closed down 868 polling places in the south in minority areas. We are right back where we started with, depriving minorities the right to vote. Republicans know they have to cheat to win. It's their only chance.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
You need to get educated Karen. You commit a crime you get arrested whether the police find you then or days later. Kidnapped? Overreact and deflect much?
These people have zero authority over the protesters. These Trump thugs with weapons are committing crimes. That's the education you need.
Trump supporters causing billions of dollars worth of damage, and the democrat leadership is letting them?
Protesting has been largely peaceful, while Trumps thugocracy is stoking the violence for political purposes. I would tell you to keep trying, but you never had an argument.
HAhahaah! Trump supporters rioting in DIM run cities and allowed to do so? Epic fail. Perhaps most epic ever. Don’t bother trying anymore, you’re now a confirmed joke.
Another made up argument out of thin air folks. They make up arguments to have feel good feelings, because nothing they say can be documented as fact or the truth in other arguments. They are like the chicken with the head cut off pedaling in make believe.
The Seattle mayor changed her mind after the protestors came to her house.
And can you imagine now, with all these unauthorized Trump goons wandering the streets hiding their faces harassing peaceful protesters. That's even worse.
They aren't peaceful protestors. They are criminals and should get ample jail time.
No kidding? Then let the police do the arresting. They don't need Trumps hit squads of redneck face hiding pussy patrols getting in everyone's business.
The problem is, the democrats in charge wouldn't do anything. So once again Trump had to take care of a democrat caused problem.
Trump hasn't taken care of anything but to incite violence with peaceful protests. Look what he did in front of the WH by pushing protesters out of the way; Peaceful Protesters Tear-Gassed To Clear Way For Trump Church Photo-Op He isn't protecting shit.
Those peaceful protestors tried to burn a historic church down. Try again.
Go to bed. You're embarrassing.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.

No...the gestapo tactics are what obama did to General Flynn and the other Trump associates.....using the FBI, CIA, DOJ and State Department to get illegal FISA warrants to spy on them and as we saw in the FBI notes, knowing that Flynn was innocent, going after him anyway....those are gestapo tactics..using the IRS to deny conservative groups their tax free status before an election is gestapo tactics....

Arresting violent rioters, who are attacking a federal building is called enforcing the law.
Well that's a lie. Too much Faux Newz rots yer brain.

Just think Obama started these tactics.
Another lie.
View attachment 364701
The lie is, he was a good president.

Big fckn eared fag.

At least his big ears had a use for something... demoquack so called males know
Please, leave the greatest president in modern times out of your homoerotic fantasies.

Go fck yerself, Creepitorious.

The mullato was and is a scam. Disaster at economics, foreign affairs and set race relations back 50 years

Yer a fckn nuthin, shit for brains. Cease thinking yer anything more
Problem with these Trump thugs, is they can't prove anything. They are driven by hate, lies, emotions, and ignorance. They are so pitiful.
And dumb as rocks, too.
I mean seriously. They couldn't shit out the truth or a fact if they had to. All they do on here is rant and show just how ignorant and hateful they are. This country is totally screwed with this amount of ignorance and hate.
Maybe you will reread that post in a couple of years, and realize how wrong you are.
With unfettered dominance over this debate, minus any factual evidence produced by the Right, other than what their magical thinking tells them to believe, you could carve my quotes in stone, and historians will never lay a blemish on it. The Right has been absent of facts, documents, education, honesty, etc. for many decades now. They are a montage of individualistic criminals, racists, homophobes, imperialists, false Christians, self serving bigots, you name it.

No, I'm not wrong. Because my comments, facts, and honesty, always win out with the absence of any challenge.
Blm is your new kkk. Prove me wrong.
Lynching Photos and Premium High Res Pictures - Getty Images Show us the same photos of blacks hanging whites. And yes, I proved you wrong.
I didn't look, because I find those disgusting. But you know if they are lynching pictures. They are from the democrates in your past?
Once again your failure to debate or follow along with the facts while you inject another distraction, by way of your cowardice, seems to be your MO. You are a total failure chief. And a bore. You can't stay on topic. What a loser.

By the way, you don't find the pics disgusting. You just found what you cannot debate, because you lost.
Because I'm disgusted about your party starting the kkk all over by calling it blm? You know they are mostly destroying black communities? And are mostly are white? Go ahead and defend that.
It's called section 8 housing. Something the Right won't deal with and admit to. That's what destroys the black community. It's a perpetual starve the beast policy that the Left is trying to change. But the Right does not. How do we know? They gutted the voting rights act, and closed down 868 polling places in the south in minority areas.

You are disgusted at your own failed argument, or the absence of one.

Your argument, also cannot attach itself to any documentation. Hence, you are lying. You again, totally failed.

The Voting Rights Act had to do with federal control over state elections, which was unconstitutional at best.
And look what the states in the south did to hijack the federal election as a result of the ruling. They closed down 868 polling places in the south in minority areas. We are right back where we started with, depriving minorities the right to vote. Republicans know they have to cheat to win. It's their only chance.
You got your talking points down I give you that. You still think blacks are to stupid to get an ID?
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
You need to get educated Karen. You commit a crime you get arrested whether the police find you then or days later. Kidnapped? Overreact and deflect much?
These people have zero authority over the protesters. These Trump thugs with weapons are committing crimes. That's the education you need.
Trump supporters causing billions of dollars worth of damage, and the democrat leadership is letting them?
Protesting has been largely peaceful, while Trumps thugocracy is stoking the violence for political purposes. I would tell you to keep trying, but you never had an argument.
HAhahaah! Trump supporters rioting in DIM run cities and allowed to do so? Epic fail. Perhaps most epic ever. Don’t bother trying anymore, you’re now a confirmed joke.
Another made up argument out of thin air folks. They make up arguments to have feel good feelings, because nothing they say can be documented as fact or the truth in other arguments. They are like the chicken with the head cut off pedaling in make believe.
The Seattle mayor changed her mind after the protestors came to her house.
And can you imagine now, with all these unauthorized Trump goons wandering the streets hiding their faces harassing peaceful protesters. That's even worse.
They aren't peaceful protestors. They are criminals and should get ample jail time.
No kidding? Then let the police do the arresting. They don't need Trumps hit squads of redneck face hiding pussy patrols getting in everyone's business.
The problem is, the democrats in charge wouldn't do anything. So once again Trump had to take care of a democrat caused problem.
Trump hasn't taken care of anything but to incite violence with peaceful protests. Look what he did in front of the WH by pushing protesters out of the way; Peaceful Protesters Tear-Gassed To Clear Way For Trump Church Photo-Op He isn't protecting shit.
Those peaceful protestors tried to burn a historic church down. Try again.
Go to bed. You're embarrassing.
You telling me they didn't?
It is something I have never understood. I am a Combat Vet. I have a lot of friends who are Vets.

Thank you for your service. I am an Army veteran from 1978 to 1983, 11B.

I think it would be a stretch to imagine them marching off to lay siege to a city.

OK, you do realize what you observe from your friends is not indicative of everybody, right?

And you talk about running out of food? Who is going to supply this miracle army of yours?

In every civil war, there is a hard core group that sees to that, and there would be a series of conflicts for each side to secure their logitical supplies, and the reds have the definite advantage here. Over timethe defensivelines would establish themselves as they did in Croatia, Yemen, and elsewhere, leaving most contiguous areas in tact, initially, a huge stand off. But the reds would have most of the couuntry and the blues will not be able to feed their own urban populations.

And while they are laying siege who is going to be protecting their lands and houses?

Trained civilians who are not fit for long term deployment away from home will likely be organized into semi-military forces, like large pools of deputized citizens, state guard units, etc. they would defend the home front, in all likelihood.

Idiots like you who clamor for war are demonstrating only how incredibly stupid you are.

I do not clamor for war, but it is better to have a Civil War than to let Marxists run the nation, that is for damned sure, and disagreeing with you hardly makes me an idiot, jack ass.

It would not be over in a couple days or a couple weeks. It would not end in a couple months. However it ended and no matter who won the Constitution would be dead. And then what? Defeat the Marxist’s to become Fascists?

A civil War to defend Constitutional government will not destroy to Constitution, moron.

if it kicks off everything is lost. America dies on that day. And you can’t wait to kill the country.

Lol, I do not want a civil war, which is why I support Trump. And if we have a civil war America wont die, so why dont you just try to calm yourself and go change you panties.

And if Biden should win this November which is a real possibility, then you and your fantasy army will be the enemy. Have you even considered that? Will you kill the cops? Attack National Guardsmen? Will you do all the things you think only the inner city folks do? Idiot.

HAHAHAHAHAH, no, I will support the duly elected president of either party.

But I do think that the eventual possibility of a civil war will go way up by orders of magnitude.

What you advocate is your own subjugation under the boot of an oppressive Government.

You are a fucking idiot. I never said any such thing, Nancy.

I was a Combat Engineer. 12B2P by the time I left Fort Bragg. From 88 to 97.

If you think that the result of a Civil War will be a return to a Constitutional Government, than you haven't been paying attention to the Nation for the last few decades.

Congress, and that means both parties since control of Congress has flipped back and forth several times, has systematically eroded civil rights.

Take Search Warrants. Cops went to a bank and asked for information. The defendant argued all the way to the Supreme Court that they should have gotten a warrant. The Supreme Court ruled that because you gave the information willingly, that you had no expectation of privacy. Congress reacted by passing laws requiring the Banks to gather even more information, that they can get, at any time, without a warrant. Your Cell Phone, with it's great GPS apps and all that? Another law with no expectation of privacy. Congress passed the E-911 service law. It required that all Cell Phones have a GPS chip, so you can be tracked if you dial 911. Of course, for it to work, it has to be tracking your location all the time. So everyone is currently being tracked constantly.

Your Drivers License has all sorts of information available without a warrant. Now that is awesome. In Georgia it is against the law to be without identification. You are required by law to present that ID to any LEO who asks, and if you refuse you're headed to jail until the Cops identify you. Probably with criminal charges to follow for obstruction or something. Yet, again Congress passed the REAL ID act, which mandated all sorts of documents like your Birth Certificate, had to be attached to the REAL ID.

The funny thing is this. It supposedly is for our protection. The REAL ID act was to stop Terrorists from using fake ID's. But the Terrorists aren't using Fake ID's. They're using their real names, and we don't have a clue who they are. The only thing any of this is good for is tracking the people the Government is supposedly protecting.

Searches by the police without a warrant that would have been ruled unconstitutional when I swore the oath to join the Army, are now fine and dandy thanks to Supreme Court exceptions.

But take a look at anything. The FBI was breaking into houses and businesses illegally searching for information. When Congress found out they were furious. So angry after bloviating for the cameras, that they passed a law for the FBI to get secret Warrants with less information required than a regular warrant. But that wasn't enough. They then gave the FBI enhanced warrant abilities and the National Security Letter authority.

There were so many constitutional violations in the NSL's that it boggled the mind. It wasn't a search warrant but required you to comply with the search anyway. You could not contact an attorney, and you could not speak about the NSL or the FBI even being there. So First, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments were just what, gone?

These days the outrage for the FBI is that some Cell Phones and Computers are encrypted. How outrageous. The FBI wants all encryption to include a back door that they can use to access the information. They use the same scare tactics nonsense that they always use. They have to be able to do this to protect us from Terrorists and Child Predators. The boogie men that are always the scare tactics.

Now, these erosion's of our Civil Rights did not happen under one or the other parties reign. They happened with Democrats and Republicans. They had bipartisan support. Republican and Democratic Presidents have used these powers and signed re-authorizations of the various oppressive laws. So returning to a Constitutional Government at this point is pretty much impossible, no matter who wins this notional Civil War.

The only choice would be Socialist/Marxist or Fascist. And I don't want either. As for what you think you're fighting for, I can talk about that easily.

In the 1980's, a cop seized drugs after entering a house illegally. There was a hearing on if the evidence would be admissible in court. The Defense Attorney started reading the Rights of a Citizen. After a minute the Judge interrupted him and said that we all knew the Bill of Rights. The Defense Attorney told the Judge that these rights were the rights of Soviet Citizens. Only they weren't worth the paper they were printed on. Secret Police could and did enter houses at will with no warrants. People were arrested and simply vanished. And there was nothing to restrain the Soviet LEO's from violating these rights. The only difference between our rights, and the Soviets, was the Judge who said that it violated our rights.

That was the attitude when I joined the Army. The idea that we had to defend the rights, and keep the KGB, the Stasi, the CSS, and any other authoritarian secret police from taking our rights away. They did not take our rights. But we lost them anyway. We lost them in hundreds of exceptions in court rulings. When the Judge didn't want to let the bad guy get away, and found an exception out of thin air.

Conservatives like to point out that the Right for a Woman to Choose is not in the Constitution. But Conservatives also ignore all those things in the Constitution that are plainly there.

So even if you and all your former mates from the Military are willing to fight for a return to a Constitutional Government. You won't get it. We lost that a long time ago. We lost that when we started finding exceptions based upon previous exceptions to the Civil Rights that we did not like. We did so arguing this was a nation of law and order. We cheered and pounded our chests at our good fortune in eroding those rights. The bad guy would not get away with it. And along the way, we twisted the court standards from innocent until proven guilty into he must have done something to end up here.

So as you speak about this civil war. You need to be honest with yourself. It will be Germany during the 1930's. Fascists and Communists fighting for control. The Fascists won. To the detriment of everyone. It will be Russia during the First World War and just after. When the Royalists and the Communists were fighting for control. The Communists won that one. And the funny part is that the Royalists didn't have any Royalty to fight for at that point. So what were they going to return to? Not the rule of the Czars. They were all dead. Murdered by the Communists.

Whatever comes out of the ashes of the civil war. Won't be what we have now, and it won't be a return to the Constitution. It will be authoritarian. Take your pick as to which one is better, because both are terrible in History.
Conservative website Hot Air which was founded by Michelle Malkin, seems to think that this is outrageous.

Think about it, the actions cheered by the Radicals on this site are the same kinds of actions that we denounced from Tin Pot Dictatorships.

they are arresting people who attack federal property....how is that "tin pot?"

Arrest? You have nameless people dressed in paramilitary clothing grabbing people off of the street and dragging them to unmarked cars. That is what they do in tin pot dictatorships. Not in America. Their cconstitutional rights were violated in every way you can think of. This is kidnapping.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

First of all it was not a legal arrest. I suppose you have heard about reading someone their Miranda rights. There is no evidence they committed any crimes.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.

No...the gestapo tactics are what obama did to General Flynn and the other Trump associates.....using the FBI, CIA, DOJ and State Department to get illegal FISA warrants to spy on them and as we saw in the FBI notes, knowing that Flynn was innocent, going after him anyway....those are gestapo tactics..using the IRS to deny conservative groups their tax free status before an election is gestapo tactics....

Arresting violent rioters, who are attacking a federal building is called enforcing the law.
Well that's a lie. Too much Faux Newz rots yer brain.

Just think Obama started these tactics.
Another lie.
View attachment 364701
The lie is, he was a good president.

Big fckn eared fag.

At least his big ears had a use for something... demoquack so called males know
Please, leave the greatest president in modern times out of your homoerotic fantasies.

Go fck yerself, Creepitorious.

The mullato was and is a scam. Disaster at economics, foreign affairs and set race relations back 50 years

Yer a fckn nuthin, shit for brains. Cease thinking yer anything more
Problem with these Trump thugs, is they can't prove anything. They are driven by hate, lies, emotions, and ignorance. They are so pitiful.
And dumb as rocks, too.
I mean seriously. They couldn't shit out the truth or a fact if they had to. All they do on here is rant and show just how ignorant and hateful they are. This country is totally screwed with this amount of ignorance and hate.
Maybe you will reread that post in a couple of years, and realize how wrong you are.
With unfettered dominance over this debate, minus any factual evidence produced by the Right, other than what their magical thinking tells them to believe, you could carve my quotes in stone, and historians will never lay a blemish on it. The Right has been absent of facts, documents, education, honesty, etc. for many decades now. They are a montage of individualistic criminals, racists, homophobes, imperialists, false Christians, self serving bigots, you name it.

No, I'm not wrong. Because my comments, facts, and honesty, always win out with the absence of any challenge.
Blm is your new kkk. Prove me wrong.
Lynching Photos and Premium High Res Pictures - Getty Images Show us the same photos of blacks hanging whites. And yes, I proved you wrong.
I didn't look, because I find those disgusting. But you know if they are lynching pictures. They are from the democrates in your past?
Once again your failure to debate or follow along with the facts while you inject another distraction, by way of your cowardice, seems to be your MO. You are a total failure chief. And a bore. You can't stay on topic. What a loser.

By the way, you don't find the pics disgusting. You just found what you cannot debate, because you lost.
Because I'm disgusted about your party starting the kkk all over by calling it blm? You know they are mostly destroying black communities? And are mostly are white? Go ahead and defend that.
It's called section 8 housing. Something the Right won't deal with and admit to. That's what destroys the black community. It's a perpetual starve the beast policy that the Left is trying to change. But the Right does not. How do we know? They gutted the voting rights act, and closed down 868 polling places in the south in minority areas.

You are disgusted at your own failed argument, or the absence of one.

Your argument, also cannot attach itself to any documentation. Hence, you are lying. You again, totally failed.

The Voting Rights Act had to do with federal control over state elections, which was unconstitutional at best.

Actually the federal government can regulate federal elections if they so desire.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
You need to get educated Karen. You commit a crime you get arrested whether the police find you then or days later. Kidnapped? Overreact and deflect much?
These people have zero authority over the protesters. These Trump thugs with weapons are committing crimes. That's the education you need.
Trump supporters causing billions of dollars worth of damage, and the democrat leadership is letting them?
Protesting has been largely peaceful, while Trumps thugocracy is stoking the violence for political purposes. I would tell you to keep trying, but you never had an argument.
HAhahaah! Trump supporters rioting in DIM run cities and allowed to do so? Epic fail. Perhaps most epic ever. Don’t bother trying anymore, you’re now a confirmed joke.
Another made up argument out of thin air folks. They make up arguments to have feel good feelings, because nothing they say can be documented as fact or the truth in other arguments. They are like the chicken with the head cut off pedaling in make believe.
The Seattle mayor changed her mind after the protestors came to her house.
And can you imagine now, with all these unauthorized Trump goons wandering the streets hiding their faces harassing peaceful protesters. That's even worse.
They aren't peaceful protestors. They are criminals and should get ample jail time.
No kidding? Then let the police do the arresting. They don't need Trumps hit squads of redneck face hiding pussy patrols getting in everyone's business.
The problem is, the democrats in charge wouldn't do anything. So once again Trump had to take care of a democrat caused problem.
Trump hasn't taken care of anything but to incite violence with peaceful protests. Look what he did in front of the WH by pushing protesters out of the way; Peaceful Protesters Tear-Gassed To Clear Way For Trump Church Photo-Op He isn't protecting shit.
Those peaceful protestors tried to burn a historic church down. Try again.

Those peaceful protestors who were tear gassed did not commit any crime.
Whatever comes out of the ashes of the civil war. Won't be what we have now, and it won't be a return to the Constitution. It will be authoritarian. Take your pick as to which one is better, because both are terrible in History.
I agree with almost all of that, except that the future is not predictable. Past Events do not prove future events/performance.

I sure as hell do not want a civil war, but I like to wargame different situations.

i probably would not survive a civil war just because I wouldnt be able to get my meds, for a long time, and that means I would probably have a long painful degeneration of my health.

I do not want a civil war, but, again, I would rather have a civil war and take my chances than live under a Marxist government.

Back in 1979, while driving/RTO for my CO, we went to the Fulda Gap region of Germany, and I saw the East German frontier. It was a prison camp from horizon to horizon. I will never for get it. All thought of a moral equivalence between us and them was gone from my mind permanently. We have it so much better, and I am not talking about consumer economics.

I knew I guiy in atomic demolitions, and he told me that the effective distance that they could trigger an explosion was limited due to the resistance in the wire. It was about half the distance of lethal radiation from the nuke itself.

He was on a suicide mission and everybody else in their unit.

Like him, I would rather die than live under communism. And millions agree with me on that.
Whatever comes out of the ashes of the civil war. Won't be what we have now, and it won't be a return to the Constitution. It will be authoritarian. Take your pick as to which one is better, because both are terrible in History.
I agree with almost all of that, except that the future is not predictable. Past Events do not prove future events/performance.

I sure as hell do not want a civil war, but I like to wargame different situations.

i probably would not survive a civil war just because I wouldnt be able to get my meds, for a long time, and that means I would probably have a long painful degeneration of my health.

I do not want a civil war, but, again, I would rather have a civil war and take my chances than live under a Marxist government.

Back in 1979, while driving/RTO for my CO, we went to the Fulda Gap region of Germany, and I saw the East German frontier. It was a prison camp from horizon to horizon. I will never for get it. All thought of a moral equivalence between us and them was gone from my mind permanently. We have it so much better, and I am not talking about consumer economics.

I knew I guiy in atomic demolitions, and he told me that the effective distance that they could trigger an explosion was limited due to the resistance in the wire. It was about half the distance of lethal radiation from the nuke itself.

He was on a suicide mission and everybody else in their unit.

Like him, I would rather die than live under communism. And millions agree with me on that.

Actually history tends to repeat. Look at Afghanistan again. Through history they have never been successfully invaded. Everyone who goes there thinks it will be different this time. It hasn’t been different yet. We are slower to learn the lesson than most. But we will learn too. Eventually.

Compare and contrast the American Revolution to the French. One big difference was that the goals and reasons were outlined in the Declaration of Independence. The French just wanted to put the 1% against the proverbial wall.

The Constitution took eleven years to negotiate. The French have gone through several.

And that is what the big problem is with this notional Civil War. There is no unifying set of principles. There is only hatred. While you and your friends may well believe you are fighting for the constitution. The eventual winners won’t care about it.

Like Hitler the first thing they will do is make their enemies illegal. If the left wins the first thing will be conservative ideals will be banned. If the Right wins the first thing will be the banning of liberal thought. It will be Starship Troopers. Book or movie. Take your pick.

Censorship will be the rule. Think about that.

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