DHS Vans Taking Antifa Away

well that's one way to get them off the streets.

hey man, y'all see freddy???
nah man, he got "van-go'd" the other night at the riots...
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Lol, I think you diaper needs to be changed. This lawlessness has been going on for month's and the democrats in charge did nothing. Once again Trump is cleaning up your mess.
So another tRumpling goes on record as supportive of a police state.

Not a surprise. As previously mentioned tRumplings have always been fascists.

Just more confirmation.

Why do you think you will be taken seriously, when you talk like a retarded baby?
Babies know words like "police state", "fascists", and "supportive"?

Or is it just that you don't so you assume they are not real words?

Said the retarded baby.
Your capitulation has been noted.

See ya, Loser.

You are the one talking like a retarded baby. You know that. So your pretense that you don't, is you being a liar.
You lost. Live with it.

So that would be false. Nice try to simply pretend saying it, makes it true.
What would be false? That he lost? Sorry, but that's true.

You have the right to be wrong.
That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.
Are you under the impression that people can only be arrested while committing a crime that exact moment?
That is pretty stupid of you.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
Start a thread about it. Stop hijacking the threads of others, speaking of crimes.

Yeah, I'd like to see Dragonlady apply that logic to rape.

Officer: "It was pulled out when I showed up, so I can't do anything to him."

Man, schizophrenic left-winger are such a hoot.

well that's one way to get them off the streets.

hey man, y'all see freddy???
nah man, he got "van-go'd" the other night at the riots...
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Lol, I think you diaper needs to be changed. This lawlessness has been going on for month's and the democrats in charge did nothing. Once again Trump is cleaning up your mess.
So another tRumpling goes on record as supportive of a police state.

Not a surprise. As previously mentioned tRumplings have always been fascists.

Just more confirmation.

Why do you think you will be taken seriously, when you talk like a retarded baby?
Babies know words like "police state", "fascists", and "supportive"?

Or is it just that you don't so you assume they are not real words?

Said the retarded baby.
Your capitulation has been noted.

See ya, Loser.

You are the one talking like a retarded baby. You know that. So your pretense that you don't, is you being a liar.
You lost. Live with it.

So that would be false. Nice try to simply pretend saying it, makes it true.
What would be false? That he lost? Sorry, but that's true.

You have the right to be wrong.
That's nice. I'll remember that if I ever need it.

well that's one way to get them off the streets.

hey man, y'all see freddy???
nah man, he got "van-go'd" the other night at the riots...
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Lol, I think you diaper needs to be changed. This lawlessness has been going on for month's and the democrats in charge did nothing. Once again Trump is cleaning up your mess.
So another tRumpling goes on record as supportive of a police state.

Not a surprise. As previously mentioned tRumplings have always been fascists.

Just more confirmation.

Why do you think you will be taken seriously, when you talk like a retarded baby?
Babies know words like "police state", "fascists", and "supportive"?

Or is it just that you don't so you assume they are not real words?

Said the retarded baby.
Your capitulation has been noted.

See ya, Loser.

You are the one talking like a retarded baby. You know that. So your pretense that you don't, is you being a liar.
You lost. Live with it.

So that would be false. Nice try to simply pretend saying it, makes it true.
What would be false? That he lost? Sorry, but that's true.

You have the right to be wrong.
That's nice. I'll remember that if I ever need it.
That would be all the time.
Not to anyone who wants this shit to stop. and when they throw bricks at others and go out Rioting how is that legal?

do illegal shit, bad shit NEEDS to happen to you. stop being a terminal victim.

Bad shit was happening. Cops were murdering people in the street. You really think that the way to stop people from protesting abuse by police is to have more egregious police abuse?

This is a plan by you?

Here's how you stop the rioting. You make a serious effort to address their concerns.
I'm sorry what was your plan to deal with said, police?

And list facts this, 8s,a problem to begin with. Your side says EVERYTHING THEY DO T LIKE MUST HE CHANGED.

to be blunt, fuck that.
Liberals are having differences of opinion about defunding the police right now. They also have difference of opinion about Medicare for all.

Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
You need to get educated Karen. You commit a crime you get arrested whether the police find you then or days later. Kidnapped? Overreact and deflect much?
These people have zero authority over the protesters. These Trump thugs with weapons are committing crimes. That's the education you need.
Trump supporters causing billions of dollars worth of damage, and the democrat leadership is letting them?
Protesting has been largely peaceful, while Trumps thugocracy is stoking the violence for political purposes. I would tell you to keep trying, but you never had an argument.
HAhahaah! Trump supporters rioting in DIM run cities and allowed to do so? Epic fail. Perhaps most epic ever. Don’t bother trying anymore, you’re now a confirmed joke.
Another made up argument out of thin air folks. They make up arguments to have feel good feelings, because nothing they say can be documented as fact or the truth in other arguments. They are like the chicken with the head cut off pedaling in make believe.
The Seattle mayor changed her mind after the protestors came to her house.
And can you imagine now, with all these unauthorized Trump goons wandering the streets hiding their faces harassing peaceful protesters. That's even worse.
They aren't peaceful protestors. They are criminals and should get ample jail time.
No kidding? Then let the police do the arresting. They don't need Trumps hit squads of redneck face hiding pussy patrols getting in everyone's business.
The problem is, the democrats in charge wouldn't do anything. So once again Trump had to take care of a democrat caused problem.
Trump hasn't taken care of anything but to incite violence with peaceful protests. Look what he did in front of the WH by pushing protesters out of the way; Peaceful Protesters Tear-Gassed To Clear Way For Trump Church Photo-Op He isn't protecting shit.
Those peaceful protestors tried to burn a historic church down. Try again.

Those peaceful protestors who were tear gassed did not commit any crime.
They tried to burn the church down.

No they did not. The arson occurred DAYS before Trump gassed the protestors.
When’s the last time you and anyone in your Liberal crowd had a different of opinion?

So now that your lie has been debunked, you’re shifting the goal posts.

Liberals disagree about lots of things. Lots of liberals oppose abortion but let’s others make their own choices. It’s called being “pro-choice”. Unlike conservatives who refuse to allow women to make their own choices and seek to inflict their radical beliefs on others.

There is disagreement on defunding the police, on MediCare for all, and on corporate bailouts, just for starters.

What liberals don’t do is turn on one another like weasels in a barrel. The most damaging anti-Trump ads are coming from the RIGHT.

Every day Trump tweets hate at Bolton, Sessions, Pelosi, and others and every day his cult comes here to amplify his message.

The claims that America will turn into a post-apocalyptic hellhole using actual video of the hell hole Trump has already turned the nation into.

Trump has managed to unleash the 1918 pandemic, the economic collapse and unemployment of the Great Depression, and the race riots of the 1960’s, on the nation all at the same time. And he’s blaming others for all of it.

Every day the Trump cult comes here and bleats out their chorus of hate and CB blame.
Liberals are having differences of opinion about defunding the police right now. They also have difference of opinion about Medicare for all.

Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
You need to get educated Karen. You commit a crime you get arrested whether the police find you then or days later. Kidnapped? Overreact and deflect much?
These people have zero authority over the protesters. These Trump thugs with weapons are committing crimes. That's the education you need.
Trump supporters causing billions of dollars worth of damage, and the democrat leadership is letting them?
Protesting has been largely peaceful, while Trumps thugocracy is stoking the violence for political purposes. I would tell you to keep trying, but you never had an argument.
HAhahaah! Trump supporters rioting in DIM run cities and allowed to do so? Epic fail. Perhaps most epic ever. Don’t bother trying anymore, you’re now a confirmed joke.
Another made up argument out of thin air folks. They make up arguments to have feel good feelings, because nothing they say can be documented as fact or the truth in other arguments. They are like the chicken with the head cut off pedaling in make believe.
The Seattle mayor changed her mind after the protestors came to her house.
And can you imagine now, with all these unauthorized Trump goons wandering the streets hiding their faces harassing peaceful protesters. That's even worse.
They aren't peaceful protestors. They are criminals and should get ample jail time.
No kidding? Then let the police do the arresting. They don't need Trumps hit squads of redneck face hiding pussy patrols getting in everyone's business.
The problem is, the democrats in charge wouldn't do anything. So once again Trump had to take care of a democrat caused problem.
Trump hasn't taken care of anything but to incite violence with peaceful protests. Look what he did in front of the WH by pushing protesters out of the way; Peaceful Protesters Tear-Gassed To Clear Way For Trump Church Photo-Op He isn't protecting shit.
Those peaceful protestors tried to burn a historic church down. Try again.

Those peaceful protestors who were tear gassed did not commit any crime.
They tried to burn the church down.

No they did not. The arson occurred DAYS before Trump gassed the protestors.
When’s the last time you and anyone in your Liberal crowd had a different of opinion?

So now that your lie has been debunked, you’re shifting the goal posts.

Liberals disagree about lots of things. Lots of liberals oppose abortion but let’s others make their own choices. It’s called being “pro-choice”. Unlike conservatives who refuse to allow women to make their own choices and seek to inflict their radical beliefs on others.

There is disagreement on defunding the police, on MediCare for all, and on corporate bailouts, just for starters.

What liberals don’t do is turn on one another like weasels in a barrel. The most damaging anti-Trump ads are coming from the RIGHT.

Every day Trump tweets hate at Bolton, Sessions, Pelosi, and others and every day his cult comes here to amplify his message.

The claims that America will turn into a post-apocalyptic hellhole using actual video of the hell hole Trump has already turned the nation into.

Trump has managed to unleash the 1918 pandemic, the economic collapse and unemployment of the Great Depression, and the race riots of the 1960’s, on the nation all at the same time. And he’s blaming others for all of it.

Every day the Trump cult comes here and bleats out their chorus of hate and CB blame.
Yeah you lost me on abortion. Your leaders are out there saying your not welcome if you do not support abortion. Heck even Biden said if you don't vote for me, you ain't black. Nice try, though. Liberals are the most closed minded people around.
The guy locked himself out of his house and was trying to break in. The cops were called, and they went to investigate it. The guy showed his but instead of reasoning with the cops and tell them it was his house. Then of course obama had to prove how stupid he is. After that he had to embarrass of with a beer summit.

Um. No.

The cops were called and had established his identity as the home owner. Then when he got upset that they were treating him as a criminal BECAUSE he was black, they decided to arrest him for "Contempt of Cop". The higher ups realized what a fuckup this was and let him go immediately, but not before the whole country got to see that this cop acted stupidly.

Trayvon attacked an innocent man. He was in the wrong. No question about it.

Trayvon was walking home and was being stalked by a bully with a gun. Given the fact that Zimmerman has subsequently beaten up two girlfriends and has been in trouble for other things, anyone with a lick of sense could tell you who was in the wrong there.
I'm sorry what was your plan to deal with said, police?

And list facts this, 8s,a problem to begin with. Your side says EVERYTHING THEY DO T LIKE MUST HE CHANGED.

to be blunt, fuck that.

Again, if they want to tear down some statues of old racists, awesome. They're going to get torn down anyway.

The smarter thing to so would be to make a good faith effort to pass real reforms at all levels, to show that the issue is being addressed. Don't attack peaceful protesters. Then people will calm down.

Trump and the cops are just escalating the situation, which is why this has gone on for 52 days now.
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The guy locked himself out of his house and was trying to break in. The cops were called, and they went to investigate it. The guy showed his but instead of reasoning with the cops and tell them it was his house. Then of course obama had to prove how stupid he is. After that he had to embarrass of with a beer summit.

Um. No.

The cops were called and had established his identity as the home owner. Then when he got upset that they were treating him as a criminal BECAUSE he was black, they decided to arrest him for "Contempt of Cop". The higher ups realized what a fuckup this was and let him go immediately, but not before the whole country got to see that this cop acted stupidly.

Trayvon attacked an innocent man. He was in the wrong. No question about it.

Trayvon was walking home and was being stalked by a bully with a gun. Given the fact that Zimmerman has subsequently beaten up two girlfriends and has been in trouble for other things, anyone with a lick of sense could tell you who was in the wrong there.
Lol, go ahead and rewrite history. He was a black professor with a chip on his soldier, and the beer summit was a laughing stock for the world.
The guy locked himself out of his house and was trying to break in. The cops were called, and they went to investigate it. The guy showed his but instead of reasoning with the cops and tell them it was his house. Then of course obama had to prove how stupid he is. After that he had to embarrass of with a beer summit.

Um. No.

The cops were called and had established his identity as the home owner. Then when he got upset that they were treating him as a criminal BECAUSE he was black, they decided to arrest him for "Contempt of Cop". The higher ups realized what a fuckup this was and let him go immediately, but not before the whole country got to see that this cop acted stupidly.

Trayvon attacked an innocent man. He was in the wrong. No question about it.

Trayvon was walking home and was being stalked by a bully with a gun. Given the fact that Zimmerman has subsequently beaten up two girlfriends and has been in trouble for other things, anyone with a lick of sense could tell you who was in the wrong there.

No, Trayvon was a criminal that attack an innocent man. The men defended himself, and the Trayvon was correctly shot and killed for attacking him.
Lol, go ahead and rewrite history. He was a black professor with a chip on his soldier, and the beer summit was a laughing stock for the world.

Uh, you work your whole life to build a professional reputation, and some thug with a badge treats you like a criminal in your own home? Um, yeah, he had a chip on his shoulder, and rightfully so.

The Cop still acted stupidly.

No, Trayvon was a criminal that attack an innocent man. The men defended himself, and the Trayvon was correctly shot and killed for attacking him.

No, he was murdered by a racist. This is why we have riots in the streets, black folks are getting tired of being murdered by racists.
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Lol, go ahead and rewrite history. He was a black professor with a chip on his soldier, and the beer summit was a laughing stock for the world.

Uh, you work your whole life to build a professional reputation, and some thug with a badge treats you like a criminal in your own home? Um, yeah, he had a chip on his shoulder, and rightfully so.

The Cop still acted stupidly.

No, Trayvon was a criminal that attack an innocent man. The men defended himself, and the Trayvon was correctly shot and killed for attacking him.

No, he was murdered by a racist. This is why we have riots in the streets, black folks are getting tired of being murdered by racists.
Lol, they are now okay getting murdered by white racist now. As long as they have a blm shirt on.
Liberals are having differences of opinion about defunding the police right now. They also have difference of opinion about Medicare for all.

Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
You need to get educated Karen. You commit a crime you get arrested whether the police find you then or days later. Kidnapped? Overreact and deflect much?
These people have zero authority over the protesters. These Trump thugs with weapons are committing crimes. That's the education you need.
Trump supporters causing billions of dollars worth of damage, and the democrat leadership is letting them?
Protesting has been largely peaceful, while Trumps thugocracy is stoking the violence for political purposes. I would tell you to keep trying, but you never had an argument.
HAhahaah! Trump supporters rioting in DIM run cities and allowed to do so? Epic fail. Perhaps most epic ever. Don’t bother trying anymore, you’re now a confirmed joke.
Another made up argument out of thin air folks. They make up arguments to have feel good feelings, because nothing they say can be documented as fact or the truth in other arguments. They are like the chicken with the head cut off pedaling in make believe.
The Seattle mayor changed her mind after the protestors came to her house.
And can you imagine now, with all these unauthorized Trump goons wandering the streets hiding their faces harassing peaceful protesters. That's even worse.
They aren't peaceful protestors. They are criminals and should get ample jail time.
No kidding? Then let the police do the arresting. They don't need Trumps hit squads of redneck face hiding pussy patrols getting in everyone's business.
The problem is, the democrats in charge wouldn't do anything. So once again Trump had to take care of a democrat caused problem.
Trump hasn't taken care of anything but to incite violence with peaceful protests. Look what he did in front of the WH by pushing protesters out of the way; Peaceful Protesters Tear-Gassed To Clear Way For Trump Church Photo-Op He isn't protecting shit.
Those peaceful protestors tried to burn a historic church down. Try again.

Those peaceful protestors who were tear gassed did not commit any crime.
They tried to burn the church down.

No they did not. The arson occurred DAYS before Trump gassed the protestors.
When’s the last time you and anyone in your Liberal crowd had a different of opinion?

So now that your lie has been debunked, you’re shifting the goal posts.

Liberals disagree about lots of things. Lots of liberals oppose abortion but let’s others make their own choices. It’s called being “pro-choice”. Unlike conservatives who refuse to allow women to make their own choices and seek to inflict their radical beliefs on others.

There is disagreement on defunding the police, on MediCare for all, and on corporate bailouts, just for starters.

What liberals don’t do is turn on one another like weasels in a barrel. The most damaging anti-Trump ads are coming from the RIGHT.

Every day Trump tweets hate at Bolton, Sessions, Pelosi, and others and every day his cult comes here to amplify his message.

The claims that America will turn into a post-apocalyptic hellhole using actual video of the hell hole Trump has already turned the nation into.

Trump has managed to unleash the 1918 pandemic, the economic collapse and unemployment of the Great Depression, and the race riots of the 1960’s, on the nation all at the same time. And he’s blaming others for all of it.

Every day the Trump cult comes here and bleats out their chorus of hate and CB blame.
Yeah you lost me on abortion. Your leaders are out there saying your not welcome if you do not support abortion. Heck even Biden said if you don't vote for me, you ain't black. Nice try, though. Liberals are the most closed minded people around.

Denial is not just a river in Egypt. Liberals are “closed minded“ and nothing can convince you otherwise.

Unintentional irony always backfires on the cultists.

The leaders are saying you’re not one of us if you don’t support CHOICE. No one is “pro-abortion” and the right is NOT “pro-life”. To actually be “pro-life” you have to oppose the death penalty, and war, both of which conservatives have never opposed.
Lol, go ahead and rewrite history. He was a black professor with a chip on his soldier, and the beer summit was a laughing stock for the world.

Uh, you work your whole life to build a professional reputation, and some thug with a badge treats you like a criminal in your own home? Um, yeah, he had a chip on his shoulder, and rightfully so.

The Cop still acted stupidly.

No, Trayvon was a criminal that attack an innocent man. The men defended himself, and the Trayvon was correctly shot and killed for attacking him.

No, he was murdered by a racist. This is why we have riots in the streets, black folks are getting tired of being murdered by racists.

No, he was shot because he attacked a private citizen. There is nothing racists about being shot when you attack someone.
Liberals are having differences of opinion about defunding the police right now. They also have difference of opinion about Medicare for all.

Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
You need to get educated Karen. You commit a crime you get arrested whether the police find you then or days later. Kidnapped? Overreact and deflect much?
These people have zero authority over the protesters. These Trump thugs with weapons are committing crimes. That's the education you need.
Trump supporters causing billions of dollars worth of damage, and the democrat leadership is letting them?
Protesting has been largely peaceful, while Trumps thugocracy is stoking the violence for political purposes. I would tell you to keep trying, but you never had an argument.
HAhahaah! Trump supporters rioting in DIM run cities and allowed to do so? Epic fail. Perhaps most epic ever. Don’t bother trying anymore, you’re now a confirmed joke.
Another made up argument out of thin air folks. They make up arguments to have feel good feelings, because nothing they say can be documented as fact or the truth in other arguments. They are like the chicken with the head cut off pedaling in make believe.
The Seattle mayor changed her mind after the protestors came to her house.
And can you imagine now, with all these unauthorized Trump goons wandering the streets hiding their faces harassing peaceful protesters. That's even worse.
They aren't peaceful protestors. They are criminals and should get ample jail time.
No kidding? Then let the police do the arresting. They don't need Trumps hit squads of redneck face hiding pussy patrols getting in everyone's business.
The problem is, the democrats in charge wouldn't do anything. So once again Trump had to take care of a democrat caused problem.
Trump hasn't taken care of anything but to incite violence with peaceful protests. Look what he did in front of the WH by pushing protesters out of the way; Peaceful Protesters Tear-Gassed To Clear Way For Trump Church Photo-Op He isn't protecting shit.
Those peaceful protestors tried to burn a historic church down. Try again.

Those peaceful protestors who were tear gassed did not commit any crime.
They tried to burn the church down.

No they did not. The arson occurred DAYS before Trump gassed the protestors.
When’s the last time you and anyone in your Liberal crowd had a different of opinion?

So now that your lie has been debunked, you’re shifting the goal posts.

Liberals disagree about lots of things. Lots of liberals oppose abortion but let’s others make their own choices. It’s called being “pro-choice”. Unlike conservatives who refuse to allow women to make their own choices and seek to inflict their radical beliefs on others.

There is disagreement on defunding the police, on MediCare for all, and on corporate bailouts, just for starters.

What liberals don’t do is turn on one another like weasels in a barrel. The most damaging anti-Trump ads are coming from the RIGHT.

Every day Trump tweets hate at Bolton, Sessions, Pelosi, and others and every day his cult comes here to amplify his message.

The claims that America will turn into a post-apocalyptic hellhole using actual video of the hell hole Trump has already turned the nation into.

Trump has managed to unleash the 1918 pandemic, the economic collapse and unemployment of the Great Depression, and the race riots of the 1960’s, on the nation all at the same time. And he’s blaming others for all of it.

Every day the Trump cult comes here and bleats out their chorus of hate and CB blame.
Yeah you lost me on abortion. Your leaders are out there saying your not welcome if you do not support abortion. Heck even Biden said if you don't vote for me, you ain't black. Nice try, though. Liberals are the most closed minded people around.

Denial is not just a river in Egypt. Liberals are “closed minded“ and nothing can convince you otherwise.

Unintentional irony always backfires on the cultists.

The leaders are saying you’re not one of us if you don’t support CHOICE. No one is “pro-abortion” and the right is NOT “pro-life”. To actually be “pro-life” you have to oppose the death penalty, and war, both of which conservatives have never opposed.
You can post that response, which is nothing but parroted RWNJ talking points straight from the rush Limbaugh show, and accuse Democrats of being close minded?

Do you even know what irony is?
Liberals are having differences of opinion about defunding the police right now. They also have difference of opinion about Medicare for all.

Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
You need to get educated Karen. You commit a crime you get arrested whether the police find you then or days later. Kidnapped? Overreact and deflect much?
These people have zero authority over the protesters. These Trump thugs with weapons are committing crimes. That's the education you need.
Trump supporters causing billions of dollars worth of damage, and the democrat leadership is letting them?
Protesting has been largely peaceful, while Trumps thugocracy is stoking the violence for political purposes. I would tell you to keep trying, but you never had an argument.
HAhahaah! Trump supporters rioting in DIM run cities and allowed to do so? Epic fail. Perhaps most epic ever. Don’t bother trying anymore, you’re now a confirmed joke.
Another made up argument out of thin air folks. They make up arguments to have feel good feelings, because nothing they say can be documented as fact or the truth in other arguments. They are like the chicken with the head cut off pedaling in make believe.
The Seattle mayor changed her mind after the protestors came to her house.
And can you imagine now, with all these unauthorized Trump goons wandering the streets hiding their faces harassing peaceful protesters. That's even worse.
They aren't peaceful protestors. They are criminals and should get ample jail time.
No kidding? Then let the police do the arresting. They don't need Trumps hit squads of redneck face hiding pussy patrols getting in everyone's business.
The problem is, the democrats in charge wouldn't do anything. So once again Trump had to take care of a democrat caused problem.
Trump hasn't taken care of anything but to incite violence with peaceful protests. Look what he did in front of the WH by pushing protesters out of the way; Peaceful Protesters Tear-Gassed To Clear Way For Trump Church Photo-Op He isn't protecting shit.
Those peaceful protestors tried to burn a historic church down. Try again.

Those peaceful protestors who were tear gassed did not commit any crime.
They tried to burn the church down.

No they did not. The arson occurred DAYS before Trump gassed the protestors.
When’s the last time you and anyone in your Liberal crowd had a different of opinion?

So now that your lie has been debunked, you’re shifting the goal posts.

Liberals disagree about lots of things. Lots of liberals oppose abortion but let’s others make their own choices. It’s called being “pro-choice”. Unlike conservatives who refuse to allow women to make their own choices and seek to inflict their radical beliefs on others.

There is disagreement on defunding the police, on MediCare for all, and on corporate bailouts, just for starters.

What liberals don’t do is turn on one another like weasels in a barrel. The most damaging anti-Trump ads are coming from the RIGHT.

Every day Trump tweets hate at Bolton, Sessions, Pelosi, and others and every day his cult comes here to amplify his message.

The claims that America will turn into a post-apocalyptic hellhole using actual video of the hell hole Trump has already turned the nation into.

Trump has managed to unleash the 1918 pandemic, the economic collapse and unemployment of the Great Depression, and the race riots of the 1960’s, on the nation all at the same time. And he’s blaming others for all of it.

Every day the Trump cult comes here and bleats out their chorus of hate and CB blame.
Yeah you lost me on abortion. Your leaders are out there saying your not welcome if you do not support abortion. Heck even Biden said if you don't vote for me, you ain't black. Nice try, though. Liberals are the most closed minded people around.

Denial is not just a river in Egypt. Liberals are “closed minded“ and nothing can convince you otherwise.

Unintentional irony always backfires on the cultists.

The leaders are saying you’re not one of us if you don’t support CHOICE. No one is “pro-abortion” and the right is NOT “pro-life”. To actually be “pro-life” you have to oppose the death penalty, and war, both of which conservatives have never opposed.
If you kill someone for the hell of it. You need to die. We war is debatable since we do it for political reasons now, but Trump hasn't gotten us into to a war. Oh, and what has the baby done in the womb? Become an inconvenience over a bad decision.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
You need to get educated Karen. You commit a crime you get arrested whether the police find you then or days later. Kidnapped? Overreact and deflect much?
These people have zero authority over the protesters. These Trump thugs with weapons are committing crimes. That's the education you need.
Trump supporters causing billions of dollars worth of damage, and the democrat leadership is letting them?
Protesting has been largely peaceful, while Trumps thugocracy is stoking the violence for political purposes. I would tell you to keep trying, but you never had an argument.
HAhahaah! Trump supporters rioting in DIM run cities and allowed to do so? Epic fail. Perhaps most epic ever. Don’t bother trying anymore, you’re now a confirmed joke.
Another made up argument out of thin air folks. They make up arguments to have feel good feelings, because nothing they say can be documented as fact or the truth in other arguments. They are like the chicken with the head cut off pedaling in make believe.
Another surrender and admission of idiocy by the resident retard BWK. Can’t refute the facts so cry and whine. Put your tail between your legs and leave before you embarrass yourself further.

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