DHS Vans Taking Antifa Away

Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
You need to get educated Karen. You commit a crime you get arrested whether the police find you then or days later. Kidnapped? Overreact and deflect much?
These people have zero authority over the protesters. These Trump thugs with weapons are committing crimes. That's the education you need.
You have zero clue moron. Police have no authority? And can’t use unmarked cars? Yeah, you are dumber than what my dog left in the yard earlier. Maybe a rioter with a 2x4 can give you a lesson in reality.
They aren't police, and the city has given them no authority to be there. Oregon Gov. Kate Brown Says President Trump Is Invading Portland as an Election Stunt

Too bad she can’t do anything about it. She has ZERO say to anybody who cares. The public is sick of her bullshit and they want law and order restored. Maybe Trump supporters SHOULD make her life hell the way she has allowed her rioter pals to do to everybody else.
The only law and order needing restoring is Trump's thugery with these unauthorized douche bags pretending to be the law. .
So DHS and the US Marshals are “pretending” to be the law? Another fail. Keep trying, you’ll never be right, but the left will reward you anyway for your lies.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

First of all it was not a legal arrest. I suppose you have heard about reading someone their Miranda rights. There is no evidence they committed any crimes.
Prove that these criminals did have warrants and had done nothing illegal. You should be able to easily do that should t you? Oh, you can’t? No evidence? Sure uneducated dipshit, sure.
Lol, go ahead and rewrite history. He was a black professor with a chip on his soldier, and the beer summit was a laughing stock for the world.

Uh, you work your whole life to build a professional reputation, and some thug with a badge treats you like a criminal in your own home? Um, yeah, he had a chip on his shoulder, and rightfully so.

The Cop still acted stupidly.

No, Trayvon was a criminal that attack an innocent man. The men defended himself, and the Trayvon was correctly shot and killed for attacking him.

No, he was murdered by a racist. This is why we have riots in the streets, black folks are getting tired of being murdered by racists.
Just STFU you racist POS. Trayvon went back and attacked Zimmerman. Proven and documented. Had Trayvon stayed where he was (he got to his destination) nothing would have happened. Instead, the big bad thug Trayvon thought he’d go beat up Zimmerman. Then he got what he asked for. That’s the true story as shown in court. Run along now racist. Murdered by racists? Yeah, a lot more WHITES are murdered by racist pieces of shit like you.
The guy locked himself out of his house and was trying to break in. The cops were called, and they went to investigate it. The guy showed his but instead of reasoning with the cops and tell them it was his house. Then of course obama had to prove how stupid he is. After that he had to embarrass of with a beer summit.

Um. No.

The cops were called and had established his identity as the home owner. Then when he got upset that they were treating him as a criminal BECAUSE he was black, they decided to arrest him for "Contempt of Cop". The higher ups realized what a fuckup this was and let him go immediately, but not before the whole country got to see that this cop acted stupidly.

Trayvon attacked an innocent man. He was in the wrong. No question about it.

Trayvon was walking home and was being stalked by a bully with a gun. Given the fact that Zimmerman has subsequently beaten up two girlfriends and has been in trouble for other things, anyone with a lick of sense could tell you who was in the wrong there.
Lol, go ahead and rewrite history. He was a black professor with a chip on his soldier, and the beer summit was a laughing stock for the world.

The black is ALWAYS wrong. Trayvon Martin was a kid being stalked by a guy who had been told by the police dispatcher to stay in his car. Zimmerman got away with murder.
Lol, go ahead and rewrite history. He was a black professor with a chip on his soldier, and the beer summit was a laughing stock for the world.

Uh, you work your whole life to build a professional reputation, and some thug with a badge treats you like a criminal in your own home? Um, yeah, he had a chip on his shoulder, and rightfully so.

The Cop still acted stupidly.

No, Trayvon was a criminal that attack an innocent man. The men defended himself, and the Trayvon was correctly shot and killed for attacking him.

No, he was murdered by a racist. This is why we have riots in the streets, black folks are getting tired of being murdered by racists.
Just STFU you racist POS. Trayvon went back and attacked Zimmerman. Proven and documented. Had Trayvon stayed where he was (he got to his destination) nothing would have happened. Instead, the big bad thug Trayvon thought he’d go beat up Zimmerman. Then he got what he asked for. That’s the true story as shown in court. Run along now racist. Murdered by racists? Yeah, a lot more WHITES are murdered by racist pieces of shit like you.

It's a lost cause, lyin Joe will try and tell you "Hands up don't shoot" really happened.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

First of all it was not a legal arrest. I suppose you have heard about reading someone their Miranda rights. There is no evidence they committed any crimes.
Prove that these criminals did have warrants and had done nothing illegal. You should be able to easily do that should t you? Oh, you can’t? No evidence? Sure uneducated dipshit, sure.

Hey stupid!!! It’s up to the COPS to have warrants. It’s up to the STATE to lay criminal charges and to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

No one who is accused is required to “prove their innocence”. The burden is on the state to prove their guilt.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

First of all it was not a legal arrest. I suppose you have heard about reading someone their Miranda rights. There is no evidence they committed any crimes.
Prove that these criminals did have warrants and had done nothing illegal. You should be able to easily do that should t you? Oh, you can’t? No evidence? Sure uneducated dipshit, sure.

Hey stupid!!! It’s up to the COPS to have warrants. It’s up to the STATE to lay criminal charges and to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

No one who is accused is required to “prove their innocence”. The burden is on the state to prove their guilt.

Not true, ask Kavanaugh.
Lots of liberals oppose abortion but let’s others make their own choices
The Germans were pro choice when it came to killing the Jews too. They'd say I would never kill a Jew, but I'm not gonna stand in the way of someone who want to. It's their choice
The guy locked himself out of his house and was trying to break in. The cops were called, and they went to investigate it. The guy showed his but instead of reasoning with the cops and tell them it was his house. Then of course obama had to prove how stupid he is. After that he had to embarrass of with a beer summit.

Um. No.

The cops were called and had established his identity as the home owner. Then when he got upset that they were treating him as a criminal BECAUSE he was black, they decided to arrest him for "Contempt of Cop". The higher ups realized what a fuckup this was and let him go immediately, but not before the whole country got to see that this cop acted stupidly.

Trayvon attacked an innocent man. He was in the wrong. No question about it.

Trayvon was walking home and was being stalked by a bully with a gun. Given the fact that Zimmerman has subsequently beaten up two girlfriends and has been in trouble for other things, anyone with a lick of sense could tell you who was in the wrong there.
Lol, go ahead and rewrite history. He was a black professor with a chip on his soldier, and the beer summit was a laughing stock for the world.

The black is ALWAYS wrong. Trayvon Martin was a kid being stalked by a guy who had been told by the police dispatcher to stay in his car. Zimmerman got away with murder.


Cause if the black is right, then we agree, and there is no controversy and that is the end of it, and it is forgotten.

And you move on to the next ginned up, "outrage" where you can wace bait and pretend to be upset and have a hissy fit, and rile up a mob to go out and commit hate crimes, maybe even murder.
NPR has reviewed court documents of 51 individuals facing federal charges in connection with the unrest. As of Tuesday morning, none is alleged to have links to the antifa movement

Wow not one arrest. Damn Barr must be incompetent if he cannot even arrest one person shown to be antifa

"We have some investigations underway, very focused investigations on certain individuals that relate to antifa, says Barr.

Trump will probably take credit saying that he scared them away. Since he cannot designate them as a terrorist group officially, I guess he can tweet that they are terrorists.

So my question does the FBI now investigate ideology or actual violence?
NPR has reviewed court documents of 51 individuals facing federal charges in connection with the unrest. As of Tuesday morning, none is alleged to have links to the antifa movement

Wow not one arrest. Damn Barr must be incompetent if he cannot even arrest one person shown to be antifa

"We have some investigations underway, very focused investigations on certain individuals that relate to antifa, says Barr.

Trump will probably take credit saying that he scared them away. Since he cannot designate them as a terrorist group officially, I guess he can tweet that they are terrorists.

So my question does the FBI now investigate ideology or actual violence?

Loose cell organizations could be hard to nail down, with proof that would stand up in court.

But yes, I want more. I want to see the organization charts like we used to see with mafia families and I want to see organizers and money people going down for big time.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

First of all it was not a legal arrest. I suppose you have heard about reading someone their Miranda rights. There is no evidence they committed any crimes.
Prove that these criminals did have warrants and had done nothing illegal. You should be able to easily do that should t you? Oh, you can’t? No evidence? Sure uneducated dipshit, sure.

Hey stupid!!! It’s up to the COPS to have warrants. It’s up to the STATE to lay criminal charges and to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

No one who is accused is required to “prove their innocence”. The burden is on the state to prove their guilt.
Innocent until proven guilty.

It's right there in the fifth and the fourteenth amendments.

Conservatives however, only know one phrase from the document. It it's not this one.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

First of all it was not a legal arrest. I suppose you have heard about reading someone their Miranda rights. There is no evidence they committed any crimes.
Prove that these criminals did have warrants and had done nothing illegal. You should be able to easily do that should t you? Oh, you can’t? No evidence? Sure uneducated dipshit, sure.

Hey stupid!!! It’s up to the COPS to have warrants. It’s up to the STATE to lay criminal charges and to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

No one who is accused is required to “prove their innocence”. The burden is on the state to prove their guilt.

Not true, ask Kavanaugh.
Well that's a lie.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

First of all it was not a legal arrest. I suppose you have heard about reading someone their Miranda rights. There is no evidence they committed any crimes.
Prove that these criminals did have warrants and had done nothing illegal. You should be able to easily do that should t you? Oh, you can’t? No evidence? Sure uneducated dipshit, sure.

Hey stupid!!! It’s up to the COPS to have warrants. It’s up to the STATE to lay criminal charges and to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

No one who is accused is required to “prove their innocence”. The burden is on the state to prove their guilt.
Innocent until proven guilty.

It's right there in the fifth and the fourteenth amendments.

Conservatives however, only know one phrase from the document. It it's not this one.

You mean like Kavanaugh?
Liberals are having differences of opinion about defunding the police right now. They also have difference of opinion about Medicare for all.

Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
You need to get educated Karen. You commit a crime you get arrested whether the police find you then or days later. Kidnapped? Overreact and deflect much?
These people have zero authority over the protesters. These Trump thugs with weapons are committing crimes. That's the education you need.
Trump supporters causing billions of dollars worth of damage, and the democrat leadership is letting them?
Protesting has been largely peaceful, while Trumps thugocracy is stoking the violence for political purposes. I would tell you to keep trying, but you never had an argument.
HAhahaah! Trump supporters rioting in DIM run cities and allowed to do so? Epic fail. Perhaps most epic ever. Don’t bother trying anymore, you’re now a confirmed joke.
Another made up argument out of thin air folks. They make up arguments to have feel good feelings, because nothing they say can be documented as fact or the truth in other arguments. They are like the chicken with the head cut off pedaling in make believe.
The Seattle mayor changed her mind after the protestors came to her house.
And can you imagine now, with all these unauthorized Trump goons wandering the streets hiding their faces harassing peaceful protesters. That's even worse.
They aren't peaceful protestors. They are criminals and should get ample jail time.
No kidding? Then let the police do the arresting. They don't need Trumps hit squads of redneck face hiding pussy patrols getting in everyone's business.
The problem is, the democrats in charge wouldn't do anything. So once again Trump had to take care of a democrat caused problem.
Trump hasn't taken care of anything but to incite violence with peaceful protests. Look what he did in front of the WH by pushing protesters out of the way; Peaceful Protesters Tear-Gassed To Clear Way For Trump Church Photo-Op He isn't protecting shit.
Those peaceful protestors tried to burn a historic church down. Try again.

Those peaceful protestors who were tear gassed did not commit any crime.
They tried to burn the church down.

No they did not. The arson occurred DAYS before Trump gassed the protestors.
When’s the last time you and anyone in your Liberal crowd had a different of opinion?

So now that your lie has been debunked, you’re shifting the goal posts.

Liberals disagree about lots of things. Lots of liberals oppose abortion but let’s others make their own choices. It’s called being “pro-choice”. Unlike conservatives who refuse to allow women to make their own choices and seek to inflict their radical beliefs on others.

There is disagreement on defunding the police, on MediCare for all, and on corporate bailouts, just for starters.

What liberals don’t do is turn on one another like weasels in a barrel. The most damaging anti-Trump ads are coming from the RIGHT.

Every day Trump tweets hate at Bolton, Sessions, Pelosi, and others and every day his cult comes here to amplify his message.

The claims that America will turn into a post-apocalyptic hellhole using actual video of the hell hole Trump has already turned the nation into.

Trump has managed to unleash the 1918 pandemic, the economic collapse and unemployment of the Great Depression, and the race riots of the 1960’s, on the nation all at the same time. And he’s blaming others for all of it.

Every day the Trump cult comes here and bleats out their chorus of hate and CB blame.
I know Liberals...I'm related to them...they all parrot each other.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

First of all it was not a legal arrest. I suppose you have heard about reading someone their Miranda rights. There is no evidence they committed any crimes.
Prove that these criminals did have warrants and had done nothing illegal. You should be able to easily do that should t you? Oh, you can’t? No evidence? Sure uneducated dipshit, sure.

Hey stupid!!! It’s up to the COPS to have warrants. It’s up to the STATE to lay criminal charges and to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

No one who is accused is required to “prove their innocence”. The burden is on the state to prove their guilt.

Not true, ask Kavanaugh.
Well that's a lie.

Nope, absolutely true. Accusations with NO proof, zero. You had him "convicted" and unworthy of the Supreme Court.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

First of all it was not a legal arrest. I suppose you have heard about reading someone their Miranda rights. There is no evidence they committed any crimes.
Prove that these criminals did have warrants and had done nothing illegal. You should be able to easily do that should t you? Oh, you can’t? No evidence? Sure uneducated dipshit, sure.

Hey stupid!!! It’s up to the COPS to have warrants. It’s up to the STATE to lay criminal charges and to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

No one who is accused is required to “prove their innocence”. The burden is on the state to prove their guilt.

Not true, ask Kavanaugh.

I must have missed the part where Kavenaugh was arrested, tried and found guilty, and deemed unfit to sit on the Supreme Court.

I can’t help but wonder what would have happened if the FBI had talked to the more than a half dozen people who had publicly offered to testify, but were never called.

Last but not least was his while wounded animal performance snarling at the Democrats and ass kissing the Republicans. Such partisan displays are completely unbefitting a candidate for the Supreme Court, where a cool head and a lack of partisanship should be the first qualifications.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

First of all it was not a legal arrest. I suppose you have heard about reading someone their Miranda rights. There is no evidence they committed any crimes.
Prove that these criminals did have warrants and had done nothing illegal. You should be able to easily do that should t you? Oh, you can’t? No evidence? Sure uneducated dipshit, sure.

Hey stupid!!! It’s up to the COPS to have warrants. It’s up to the STATE to lay criminal charges and to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

No one who is accused is required to “prove their innocence”. The burden is on the state to prove their guilt.

Not true, ask Kavanaugh.

I must have missed the part where Kavenaugh was arrested, tried and found guilty, and deemed unfit to sit on the Supreme Court.

I can’t help but wonder what would have happened if the FBI had talked to the more than a half dozen people who had publicly offered to testify, but were never called.

Last but not least was his while wounded animal performance snarling at the Democrats and ass kissing the Republicans. Such partisan displays are completely unbefitting a candidate for the Supreme Court, where a cool head and a lack of partisanship should be the first qualifications.

I rest my case.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

First of all it was not a legal arrest. I suppose you have heard about reading someone their Miranda rights. There is no evidence they committed any crimes.
Prove that these criminals did have warrants and had done nothing illegal. You should be able to easily do that should t you? Oh, you can’t? No evidence? Sure uneducated dipshit, sure.

Hey stupid!!! It’s up to the COPS to have warrants. It’s up to the STATE to lay criminal charges and to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

No one who is accused is required to “prove their innocence”. The burden is on the state to prove their guilt.
you make trump do it all the time you hypocritical bitch.
Liberals are having differences of opinion about defunding the police right now. They also have difference of opinion about Medicare for all.

Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
You need to get educated Karen. You commit a crime you get arrested whether the police find you then or days later. Kidnapped? Overreact and deflect much?
These people have zero authority over the protesters. These Trump thugs with weapons are committing crimes. That's the education you need.
Trump supporters causing billions of dollars worth of damage, and the democrat leadership is letting them?
Protesting has been largely peaceful, while Trumps thugocracy is stoking the violence for political purposes. I would tell you to keep trying, but you never had an argument.
HAhahaah! Trump supporters rioting in DIM run cities and allowed to do so? Epic fail. Perhaps most epic ever. Don’t bother trying anymore, you’re now a confirmed joke.
Another made up argument out of thin air folks. They make up arguments to have feel good feelings, because nothing they say can be documented as fact or the truth in other arguments. They are like the chicken with the head cut off pedaling in make believe.
The Seattle mayor changed her mind after the protestors came to her house.
And can you imagine now, with all these unauthorized Trump goons wandering the streets hiding their faces harassing peaceful protesters. That's even worse.
They aren't peaceful protestors. They are criminals and should get ample jail time.
No kidding? Then let the police do the arresting. They don't need Trumps hit squads of redneck face hiding pussy patrols getting in everyone's business.
The problem is, the democrats in charge wouldn't do anything. So once again Trump had to take care of a democrat caused problem.
Trump hasn't taken care of anything but to incite violence with peaceful protests. Look what he did in front of the WH by pushing protesters out of the way; Peaceful Protesters Tear-Gassed To Clear Way For Trump Church Photo-Op He isn't protecting shit.
Those peaceful protestors tried to burn a historic church down. Try again.

Those peaceful protestors who were tear gassed did not commit any crime.
They tried to burn the church down.

No they did not. The arson occurred DAYS before Trump gassed the protestors.
When’s the last time you and anyone in your Liberal crowd had a different of opinion?

So now that your lie has been debunked, you’re shifting the goal posts.

Liberals disagree about lots of things. Lots of liberals oppose abortion but let’s others make their own choices. It’s called being “pro-choice”. Unlike conservatives who refuse to allow women to make their own choices and seek to inflict their radical beliefs on others.

There is disagreement on defunding the police, on MediCare for all, and on corporate bailouts, just for starters.

What liberals don’t do is turn on one another like weasels in a barrel. The most damaging anti-Trump ads are coming from the RIGHT.

Every day Trump tweets hate at Bolton, Sessions, Pelosi, and others and every day his cult comes here to amplify his message.

The claims that America will turn into a post-apocalyptic hellhole using actual video of the hell hole Trump has already turned the nation into.

Trump has managed to unleash the 1918 pandemic, the economic collapse and unemployment of the Great Depression, and the race riots of the 1960’s, on the nation all at the same time. And he’s blaming others for all of it.

Every day the Trump cult comes here and bleats out their chorus of hate and CB blame.
I know Liberals...I'm related to them...they all parrot each other.
That's a lie.

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