DHS: White Americans Support The Taliban And Are Poised to Carry Out Terror Attacks At Any Moment


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

DHS: White Americans Support The Taliban And Are Poised to Carry Out Terror Attacks At Any Moment​

2 Sep 2021 ~~ By Chris Menahan
Homeland Security head Alejandro Mayorkas together with his underling John Cohen and the propagandists at the Anti-Defamation League went to CNN on Wednesday to drop a new blood libel smearing White Americans as "domestic violent extremists" in line with the Taliban who are poised to start committing terrorist attacks at any moment.
All the same tactics our globalist overlords used to smear all Muslims as terrorists in order to launch the War on Terror in the Middle East are now being used against the American people to launch a new domestic War on Terror here at home.
Despite hyping the phony threat of "white extremists" every day without pause, the ADL's own inflated numbers showed 2020 had the lowest number of "domestic extremist-related killings" in over a decade.
There's so little "domestic terrorism" from "white extremists" that the FBI has had to manufacture fake terror plots and fund Satanic "neo-nazi terrorist" death cults in a desperate bid to create the false perception it's America's "greatest threat."

They're clearly laying the groundwork as we speak.
From CNN, "White supremacist praise of the Taliban takeover concerns US officials":
The only person killed on Jan 6 was unarmed 14-year Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt, who was executed by Capitol Police officer Michael Byrd despite posing no threat.
DHS has been hyping the "white extremist" threat with new bulletins every few weeks and literally nothing has happened.

Alejandro Mayorkas aka Bia Dung's 'Baghdad Bob' true to his name is continuing pseudo mantra of "White Supremacy" as the target of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats.
Now they're trying to link the Taliban with "White Supremacists".
There failed Reichstag Fire of January 6 now has proceeded to their next phase. Guess that wasn’t enough. They want another Reichstag fire. More fires, more laws, the more action to violate our Second Amendment Rights.
America is in a state of siege. The regime in power are enemies of this country. This is why everything in media and info from the state department is complete nonsense. The enemy is here and the enemy is in the White House, the State dept. and the complicit Quisling Media. Proof? The regime in power just handed the Taliban $85 billion in military hardware, gave them hostages and a country to play in.

DHS: White Americans Support The Taliban And Are Poised to Carry Out Terror Attacks At Any Moment​

2 Sep 2021 ~~ By Chris Menahan
Homeland Security head Alejandro Mayorkas together with his underling John Cohen and the propagandists at the Anti-Defamation League went to CNN on Wednesday to drop a new blood libel smearing White Americans as "domestic violent extremists" in line with the Taliban who are poised to start committing terrorist attacks at any moment.
All the same tactics our globalist overlords used to smear all Muslims as terrorists in order to launch the War on Terror in the Middle East are now being used against the American people to launch a new domestic War on Terror here at home.
Despite hyping the phony threat of "white extremists" every day without pause, the ADL's own inflated numbers showed 2020 had the lowest number of "domestic extremist-related killings" in over a decade.
There's so little "domestic terrorism" from "white extremists" that the FBI has had to manufacture fake terror plots and fund Satanic "neo-nazi terrorist" death cults in a desperate bid to create the false perception it's America's "greatest threat."

They're clearly laying the groundwork as we speak.
From CNN, "White supremacist praise of the Taliban takeover concerns US officials":
The only person killed on Jan 6 was unarmed 14-year Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt, who was executed by Capitol Police officer Michael Byrd despite posing no threat.
DHS has been hyping the "white extremist" threat with new bulletins every few weeks and literally nothing has happened.

Alejandro Mayorkas aka Bia Dung's 'Baghdad Bob' true to his name is continuing pseudo mantra of "White Supremacy" as the target of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats.
Now they're trying to link the Taliban with "White Supremacists".
There failed Reichstag Fire of January 6 now has proceeded to their next phase. Guess that wasn’t enough. They want another Reichstag fire. More fires, more laws, the more action to violate our Second Amendment Rights.
America is in a state of siege. The regime in power are enemies of this country. This is why everything in media and info from the state department is complete nonsense. The enemy is here and the enemy is in the White House, the State dept. and the complicit Quisling Media. Proof? The regime in power just handed the Taliban $85 billion in military hardware, gave them hostages and a country to play in.

Dang you find the worst piece of shit articles with the most embarrassing, lying headlines...
LMAO Yeah I agree. A Blackhawk would look great in my front yard. I can't fly the damned thing but I can sure look at it along with all my neighbors.

DHS: White Americans Support The Taliban And Are Poised to Carry Out Terror Attacks At Any Moment​

2 Sep 2021 ~~ By Chris Menahan
Homeland Security head Alejandro Mayorkas together with his underling John Cohen and the propagandists at the Anti-Defamation League went to CNN on Wednesday to drop a new blood libel smearing White Americans as "domestic violent extremists" in line with the Taliban who are poised to start committing terrorist attacks at any moment.
All the same tactics our globalist overlords used to smear all Muslims as terrorists in order to launch the War on Terror in the Middle East are now being used against the American people to launch a new domestic War on Terror here at home.
Despite hyping the phony threat of "white extremists" every day without pause, the ADL's own inflated numbers showed 2020 had the lowest number of "domestic extremist-related killings" in over a decade.
There's so little "domestic terrorism" from "white extremists" that the FBI has had to manufacture fake terror plots and fund Satanic "neo-nazi terrorist" death cults in a desperate bid to create the false perception it's America's "greatest threat."

They're clearly laying the groundwork as we speak.
From CNN, "White supremacist praise of the Taliban takeover concerns US officials":
The only person killed on Jan 6 was unarmed 14-year Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt, who was executed by Capitol Police officer Michael Byrd despite posing no threat.
DHS has been hyping the "white extremist" threat with new bulletins every few weeks and literally nothing has happened.

Alejandro Mayorkas aka Bia Dung's 'Baghdad Bob' true to his name is continuing pseudo mantra of "White Supremacy" as the target of the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats.
Now they're trying to link the Taliban with "White Supremacists".
There failed Reichstag Fire of January 6 now has proceeded to their next phase. Guess that wasn’t enough. They want another Reichstag fire. More fires, more laws, the more action to violate our Second Amendment Rights.
America is in a state of siege. The regime in power are enemies of this country. This is why everything in media and info from the state department is complete nonsense. The enemy is here and the enemy is in the White House, the State dept. and the complicit Quisling Media. Proof? The regime in power just handed the Taliban $85 billion in military hardware, gave them hostages and a country to play in.

Yes, they are called antifa and blm. They have been burning down towns for a while now.
Is this to cover up Biden claiming that the Taliban is his partner in peace?

Democrats have a particular goal in mind when they demonize whites. That goal has a lot to do with the massive importation of non whites.
Nazislamis Following Hitler's Playbook in Switching From Bullets to Ballots

Immigrants who supported Bin Laden got Biden elected.
Is this to cover up Biden claiming that the Taliban is his partner in peace?

Democrats have a particular goal in mind when they demonize whites. That goal has a lot to do with the massive importation of non whites.
Who are these non-whites being imported? Mexicans and Afghanis are Caucasians. Is the problem simply your deep-seated racism?
Only a PM/DSA Democrat would be so hateful to destroy someone else's home. Sounds more like PMS/DSA Democrat version of "Lebensraum".

Why would white Americans carry out terrorist attacks? Most are not moved by Trump's violent speeches.

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