Diane Black , a female GOP rich rep. wants to end the EMTLA

We also buy the services of trash haulers. I lived in a city where there was on hauler. And prices were simply stupid. Someone bribed the city council to let them in and we had two. Guess what happened to prices ?

Someone bribed the city council? Or someone finally said, "Cleetus only done picks up the garbage once every month, and the Raccoons done be getting into it!"

Is this what you do when you have no argument ?

You seem to do it a great deal (which answers the question).

We do buy the services of the police and firemen. We pay for them. They negotiate contracts and if they don't like the contract, they will go on strike (and you'll have sub level performance). Imagine that.

Cities, to the best of my knowledge don't let you opt in or out. If you live in the city, you agree to pay.

Counties on the other hand have been known to let homes burn because someone didn't pay the fee.
Neither of course.

Health care IS a commodity to be bought and sold (actually, it's a service, but I guess that doesn't have the same ring to it). It will remain that way until doctors and nurses see the light and agree to work for free. But that's not a "fuck you" to anyone. Just a recognition of the reality of the situation.

So by that logic, fire fighting and police work is a "service" that is bought and sold because policemen and firefighters don't work for free.

I'm sure as a rugged individualist, you think people should put out their own fires, though.

The reality, though, is we don't provide those things on people's ability to pay. We don't let a tenement of poor children burn down because a rich bitch needs someone to get her cat out of a tree.

Medical treatment should be the same thing. We take care of the poor kids with cancer, and THEN we take care of the rich-bitch's facelift, if we have any money left over.

That'd be fine with me, actually. If we want to make health care a government services, we should handle it like we do firefighting or education. But I don't hear any of the socialists advocating for that. They want centralized, national control of health care. Nothing less will do.

No actually only the Democrats, as we do not want the Ins companies as gate keepers. (and that is what the Pubs are ok with )

So, pray tell....why did the ACA depend on insurance companies ?

The republican party is the party of satan.
wrong again fuckchop.

If you are actually dying or in actual 'need' of medical care, you will get it, and you won't have to sit, in pain, for hours, to get it.
Not if you end EMTALA. Even a double fuckchop such as yourself should understand that.

Please support your argument.

There must be some statistic regarding deaths before and after that can be directly attributable to EMTALA.

No one knows exactly what happened, but Bessie Smith, the highest paid black entertainer of her day was reportedly in a traffic accident and died while the ambulance was driving around looking for a hospital that would accept a black person.

Common sense tells you that a for profit institution won't do stuff for "free" unless it's tax deductible and then it's not really "free".
Shit like this is why I fight against you damn loserterians so fucking hard. You people don't value life and have no souls inside you. You're truly the kind of people that would sell this country out for a buck and not think twice...What's quality of life to you? Nothing.

You're fake christians as Jesus would be sicken by you! He'd pretty much tell you that you're going straight to hell when you died if you told him about this shit.

If you want a society without any soul and one based on pure fucking greed then get ready for the body bags. This is a case where morality should be important.
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Neither of course.

Health care IS a commodity to be bought and sold (actually, it's a service, but I guess that doesn't have the same ring to it). It will remain that way until doctors and nurses see the light and agree to work for free. But that's not a "fuck you" to anyone. Just a recognition of the reality of the situation.

So by that logic, fire fighting and police work is a "service" that is bought and sold because policemen and firefighters don't work for free.

I'm sure as a rugged individualist, you think people should put out their own fires, though.

The reality, though, is we don't provide those things on people's ability to pay. We don't let a tenement of poor children burn down because a rich bitch needs someone to get her cat out of a tree.

Medical treatment should be the same thing. We take care of the poor kids with cancer, and THEN we take care of the rich-bitch's facelift, if we have any money left over.

That'd be fine with me, actually. If we want to make health care a government services, we should handle it like we do firefighting or education. But I don't hear any of the socialists advocating for that. They want centralized, national control of health care. Nothing less will do.

No actually only the Democrats, as we do not want the Ins companies as gate keepers. (and that is what the Pubs are ok with )

So, pray tell....why did the ACA depend on insurance companies ?

The Republican's tricked them into it.
JoeB131 does so in nearly every ACA thread. It really rubs him raw that "freeloaders" might indirectly cost him money. He's not the only one. Plenty of others here offer the same excuse for why we need insurance mandates.

Guy, how about posting where I said that instead of mischaracterizing my position, kay?

So now with the EVIL Corporation Insurance Companies losing their supplemental billions from the gov
JoeB131 does so in nearly every ACA thread. It really rubs him raw that "freeloaders" might indirectly cost him money. He's not the only one. Plenty of others here offer the same excuse for why we need insurance mandates.

Guy, how about posting where I said that instead of mischaracterizing my position, kay?

So now with the EVIL Corporation Insurance Companies losing their supplemental billions from the gov

So you misrepresented what I said, right?

Thanks for admitting that. Not that I ever expect Libertarian Retards to be honest.
You mean an end to Illegals using Emergency Rooms as Primary Physicians?
And fuck you!

Yup, you're totally not at all racist.

So let's be honest about what about what EMTLA is.

It's an unfunded mandate. If we had poor children regularly dying from treatable diseases because they lacked insurance, there would be the kind of outrage that would actually create a single payer system. so instead, we mandate that they treat the poor at ER's (at three times the cost if we just had regular state-run clinics) and they take the loss and increase the cost to the paying customers using a lot of accounting tricks like charging $100.00 for a dose of tylanol. (Yes, this actually happened when I had my knee surgery.)
JoeB131 does so in nearly every ACA thread. It really rubs him raw that "freeloaders" might indirectly cost him money. He's not the only one. Plenty of others here offer the same excuse for why we need insurance mandates.

Guy, how about posting where I said that instead of mischaracterizing my position, kay?

So now with the EVIL Corporation Insurance Companies losing their supplemental billions from the gov

So you misrepresented what I said, right?

Thanks for admitting that. Not that I ever expect Libertarian Retards to be honest.
Cute name. "Losertarians" is better though.

Anyway, it sure sounded to me (in the linked post and many others like it) like you were griping about the uninsured getting treated for "free" at emergency rooms, about getting "stiffed with the bill". I thought you were using that as an excuse for forcing everyone to buy insurance from your buddies in the insurance racket.

But hey, if I'm wrong, I'm wrong. Maybe I just didn't get the joke.
You mean an end to Illegals using Emergency Rooms as Primary Physicians?
And fuck you!

Yup, you're totally not at all racist.

So let's be honest about what about what EMTLA is.

It's an unfunded mandate. If we had poor children regularly dying from treatable diseases because they lacked insurance, there would be the kind of outrage that would actually create a single payer system. so instead, we mandate that they treat the poor at ER's (at three times the cost if we just had regular state-run clinics) and they take the loss and increase the cost to the paying customers using a lot of accounting tricks like charging $100.00 for a dose of tylanol. (Yes, this actually happened when I had my knee surgery.)

This sounds (again) like you're against EMTALA. What gives?
Cute name. "Losertarians" is better though.

Anyway, it sure sounded to me (in the linked post and many others like it) like you were griping about the uninsured getting treated for "free" at emergency rooms, about getting "stiffed with the bill". I thought you were using that as an excuse for forcing everyone to buy insurance from your buddies in the insurance racket.

But hey, if I'm wrong, I'm wrong. Maybe I just didn't get the joke.

dude, you are the joke. LIbertarian Retards are always a joke. They want the benefits of living in civilized society, without the commitments.

Benefit- we aren't going to let you die of a treatable disease because you don't have money or insurance.

Commitment- we have to have a system in place to pay for that.

The problem with EMTLA is that it uses the most expensive kind of treatment and passes the bills on to everyone else.

When you could just have single payer and spread those costs out evenly. But some asshole like you shreiks 'EEEEEEEEKKKKK! Socialism!" and we keep doing the same dumb, expensive, inefficient shit we are doing.
This sounds (again) like you're against EMTALA. What gives?

I am against EMTALA. I want single payer. I've made that pretty fucking clear.

Is EMTALA better than letting poor children die in the streets, which is what you Libertarian Retards want? Um, yeah.

Does that make it a good system? Not really.
You mean an end to Illegals using Emergency Rooms as Primary Physicians?
And fuck you!

Yup, you're totally not at all racist.

So let's be honest about what about what EMTLA is.

It's an unfunded mandate. If we had poor children regularly dying from treatable diseases because they lacked insurance, there would be the kind of outrage that would actually create a single payer system. so instead, we mandate that they treat the poor at ER's (at three times the cost if we just had regular state-run clinics) and they take the loss and increase the cost to the paying customers using a lot of accounting tricks like charging $100.00 for a dose of tylanol. (Yes, this actually happened when I had my knee surgery.)
Show your SSN and get treatment.
You jumped over the border, go back home.
I know your diseased Liberal brain couldn't figure that one out without a flowchart smacking whatever's left of your "poor little darkies" racist brain.
You mean an end to Illegals using Emergency Rooms as Primary Physicians?
And fuck you!

Yup, you're totally not at all racist.

So let's be honest about what about what EMTLA is.

It's an unfunded mandate. If we had poor children regularly dying from treatable diseases because they lacked insurance, there would be the kind of outrage that would actually create a single payer system. so instead, we mandate that they treat the poor at ER's (at three times the cost if we just had regular state-run clinics) and they take the loss and increase the cost to the paying customers using a lot of accounting tricks like charging $100.00 for a dose of tylanol. (Yes, this actually happened when I had my knee surgery.)

This sounds (again) like you're against EMTALA. What gives?
If Penelope described it incorrectly, discuss it with her.
Show your SSN and get treatment.
You jumped over the border, go back home.
I know your diseased Liberal brain couldn't figure that one out without a flowchart smacking whatever's left of your "poor little darkies" racist brain.

How many people know their SSN by heart? How many carry their SSN Cards with them? Maybe they had it with them and a mugger took it from them when they were injured for whatever they are going to the ER for.

What if the illegals have a fake SSN?

You see how your logic falls apart.
Show your SSN and get treatment.
You jumped over the border, go back home.
I know your diseased Liberal brain couldn't figure that one out without a flowchart smacking whatever's left of your "poor little darkies" racist brain.

How many people know their SSN by heart? How many carry their SSN Cards with them? Maybe they had it with them and a mugger took it from them when they were injured for whatever they are going to the ER for.

What if the illegals have a fake SSN?

You see how your logic falls apart.
That had to be the most racist post ever saying that minorities are too stupid to know 9 digits.
You're pathetic.
That had to be the most racist post ever saying that minorities are too stupid to know 9 digits.
You're pathetic.

Most people don't memorize their SSN. The only reason I know mine by heart is because the military used them as serial numbers. But do try to keep pretending you don't come off as racist as shit on this board, buddy.
That had to be the most racist post ever saying that minorities are too stupid to know 9 digits.
You're pathetic.

Most people don't memorize their SSN. The only reason I know mine by heart is because the military used them as serial numbers. But do try to keep pretending you don't come off as racist as shit on this board, buddy.
I had to go to the Nassau County Department of Social Services for a year and half to get my mother-in-law approved for Medicaid and I paid attention...everyone knows their SSN.
Stop embarrassing yourself.
[Is EMTALA better than letting poor children die in the streets, which is what you Libertarian Retards want? Um, yeah.

This is the same false dilemma you Inject into most of these discussions. Someone doesn't agree with your favorite solution to a given problem and, rather than address their concerns, you simply claim that they are indifferent to the problem. Which is chickenshit.

People opposed to banning abortions aren't "in favor" of abortions. People opposed to the "War on Drugs" aren't fans of addiction. People opposed to the PATRIOT ACT aren't supporters of terrorism. And people opposed to socializing health care aren't indifferent to suffering. They just think you're idiot.
Neither of course.

Health care IS a commodity to be bought and sold (actually, it's a service, but I guess that doesn't have the same ring to it). It will remain that way until doctors and nurses see the light and agree to work for free. But that's not a "fuck you" to anyone. Just a recognition of the reality of the situation.

So by that logic, fire fighting and police work is a "service" that is bought and sold because policemen and firefighters don't work for free.

I'm sure as a rugged individualist, you think people should put out their own fires, though.

The reality, though, is we don't provide those things on people's ability to pay. We don't let a tenement of poor children burn down because a rich bitch needs someone to get her cat out of a tree.

Medical treatment should be the same thing. We take care of the poor kids with cancer, and THEN we take care of the rich-bitch's facelift, if we have any money left over.

We do buy the services of the police and firefighters.

We also buy the services of trash haulers. I lived in a city where there was on hauler. And prices were simply stupid. Someone bribed the city council to let them in and we had two. Guess what happened to prices ?

A city of a tiny town. That is why the fine needs to be endorsed for no health ins. , even raised.

Or the money could go to an HSA instead of the Federal Government.

A much better use.

You have to have a compatible health insurance plan to have an HSA.
I had to go to the Nassau County Department of Social Services for a year and half to get my mother-in-law approved for Medicaid and I paid attention...everyone knows their SSN.
Stop embarrassing yourself.

Um, dude, that was a department where you had to get that info before you showed up. We were talking about someone showing up at an emergency room and having to produce that number when they are maybe injured, to prove they aren't a Mexican or something.

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