Diane Feinstein passes away

A reminder to everyone that Dianne was one of the whores who helped paved the way for all of these fags to be treated like regular human beings.....and America has been going downhill ever since.......

This should indeed be a great day for right-wingers........because of people like her, even right-wingers have to pretend they don't hate gays as much as they use to.......disgusting.....
There will be an election moron.
The government will put someone in Diane's place to fill the seat then Adam will be elected. See how that works?
Not “the Govt” the Governor. How do you not know this? Adam doesn’t know who he is running against yet but it will be 100% a woman of color.
its the quality of life for many....the coastal wealthy areas are doing great,as long as you can afford it....
There is no quality of life in California...it is a hellhole -- and everyone there isn't rich......majority of people there are poor, dirty, illegal, gay, just disgusting....all because of Democrats
A reminder to everyone that Dianne was one of the whores who helped paved the way for all of these fags to be treated like regular human beings.....and America has been going downhill ever since.......

This should indeed be a great day for right-wingers........because of people like her, even right-wingers have to pretend they don't hate gays as much as they use to.......disgusting.....
Lmao. Your projection is noted.
She should have resigned many months ago when it was clear her ability to perform her duties was compromised.
When I saw a photo of Senator Feinstein when she returned after her absence, my first thought was of Captain Pike in the original Star Trek series.


Just saw Senator Feinstein has passed away at 90. Can’t find link the news just broke.

Dems are soulless ghouls. That woman should have been out of office a long time ago. She was nothing but a prop for a couple of years.

Now Gavin can appoint a black woman….preferably lesbian.

But to the point of Feinstein. Dems are fucking disgusting, and I blame her family as well.
Little doubt that whomever it is, they will be, at the very least, as utterly loathsome as she was.
Hey now, even a broken clock is right twice a day. . . let us not speak ill of the dead.

Everyone has done some good in their life.

Feinstein Accuses C.I.A. of Spying on Congress | The New York Times​



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