Democrats Continue Push To Take Democracy Away

:auiqs.jpg: you just proved my point ! i know there's no guarantee Trump will win just as there's no guarantee Briben the treasonous sellout will win either .. that's the difference don't you see ... I recognize the fact that Trump may lose because unlike you I am a Real Man not ruled by effeminate emotions .. that's why you refuse to accept the fact that Briben may lose ..
What do you care? You are an RFK voter, and he will definitely lose, even worse than Trump.
What do you care? You are an RFK voter, and he will definitely lose, even worse than Trump.
no pal I'm voting for Trump ..AGAIN ! like all commie tyrannical leftists you don't care about our republic .. I on the other hand do .. trying to keep a candidate off the ballot [even though he's a far leftist ] for political gain is tyrannical ..
Then why would anyone vote for Joe?
To continue the economy (currently outperforming the world economy), insure Ukraine will not be summarily given to the Russian, continue partnerships with NATO standing against further Russian aggression, avoid another Trump Tariff war, that will kill the middle and lower classes in this country, avoid a Trump war against DOJ, FBI, DHS and every agency he ran that said publicly, he lost the 2020 election, and to make sure we do not fall internally to authoritarian top down rule, instead of remaining a representative republic.
Voting for neither Trump or Hillary, only kept one of them from being elected. I voted for Joe Biden in 2020 and was successful in keeping the Trump scourge from returning to office. I will vote for Joe Biden in the upcoming election, again, to keep the Trump scourge (now convicted felon) from returning to office.
So you're a hard Left whackjob who disgraced the uniform by voting for Democrats.
To continue the economy (currently outperforming the world economy), insure Ukraine will not be summarily given to the Russian, continue partnerships with NATO standing against further Russian aggression, avoid another Trump Tariff war, that will kill the middle and lower classes in this country, avoid a Trump war against DOJ, FBI, DHS and every agency he ran that said publicly, he lost the 2020 election, and to make sure we do not fall internally to authoritarian top down rule, instead of remaining a representative republic.
You favor far Left one party rule, because I seriously doubt you are a Conservative.
Only a complete Imbecile (or a fraudulent lifetime secret criminal) could look at the mountain of smoking guns in the 2020 Election and still read Dem talking points like “there is no fraud, no proof”. There is proof in GA court hearings of SIG review not performed or missing scans. Admitted by the dirty DEMs.//

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