Democrats Continue Push To Take Democracy Away

The Democrats keep claiming we have to vote for them in order to "save democracy." These are the same people trying to kick other candidates off the ballot so that your choice is only between trash and trashier.

The Democratic National Committee and Clear Choice PAC, a super PAC backing President Joe Biden that is focused on countering third party candidates, have objected to Kennedy’s ballot access in four states in the last month. Some of those challenges have been filed in key battleground states such as North Carolina and Nevada, while others are focused on his petitions in traditionally Democratic strongholds.

Oh, sorry. I didn't realize the 14th amendment allows Democrats to take all third party parties off of the ballot. But, if you're just talking about Trump, he will be on the ballot in all 50 states, despite democrats trying to take democracy away.
Like I said, no thinking...
why would Trump believe the 2020 election was fair ? after 4 yrs of Russian collusion ,pee tapes , illegal fisa warrants , sham impeachments, Intel officials covering up the laptop ect ... used by the lawless left .. the left spent 4 yrs illegally trying to destroy his presidency ... and now they are using lawfare just like tyrannical Marxist dictatorships ..
He does not believe in anything that is not a benefit to him, whether told by his own lawyers, his own staff, his own department heads, judges he appointed, or anybody else. It is just his old deny, deny, deny, even if caught red handed. It might work on the mentally feeble, or a wife that does not want her and her children to lose out financially, not no only normally intelligent American Voters, only the Trump Cult.
Jan 6 the was a protest over a shady election that turned violent briefly ... leftists like you ... yes you own political violence .. do you believe intel officials and 3 letter federal agencies lying about the laptop to help Biden and censorship and banning on social media over negative Bioden speech was fair ? don't know if enough illegal votes were cast to change the election but the MSM , the 3 letter gov agencies and social media did interfere in the election .. the lefts machine attacked the truth with a vengeance ... illegal votes or not the 2020 election was not fair .. commie ..
You have never proven and illegal votes. You are living in a echo chamber dream world.
is Tennessee the only state that's part of the United States ? I guess you have no problem with other states keeping candidates off ballots ... none of your business eh lefty ? your excuse is weak ..
I will let you take care of them, along with lawyers, though, if Republican lawyers, they don't seem to be able to prove anything political in court, often even under trump appointed judges.
So you voted for BiDumbfuck then.
Voting for neither Trump or Hillary, only kept one of them from being elected. I voted for Joe Biden in 2020 and was successful in keeping the Trump scourge from returning to office. I will vote for Joe Biden in the upcoming election, again, to keep the Trump scourge (now convicted felon) from returning to office.
I would bet money, RFK will be on the ballot in Nevada. The RNC would probably pay "independent" lawyers. Hopefully they would not hire Republican lawyers, if they want to succeed in keeping RFK on the ballot.
link ? once again another leftist claim based on shrill effeminate emotions .. its Dems trying to keep him off ballots weakling .
He does not believe in anything that is not a benefit to him, whether told by his own lawyers, his own staff, his own department heads, judges he appointed, or anybody else. It is just his old deny, deny, deny, even if caught red handed. It might work on the mentally feeble, or a wife that does not want her and her children to lose out financially, not no only normally intelligent American Voters, only the Trump Cult.
so none of the things I posted about what the Dems did is true eh commie ? turn in your man card bOY..
link ? once again another leftist claim based on shrill effeminate emotions .. its Dems trying to keep him off ballots weakling .
You want a link to my betting habits? I have not got one. Why don't you run in circles, scream and shout, waving your hands, all about, as if you think it is actually going to happen? It is kind of a cult thing, with you people. You can believe if you like. I simply do not believe they will be successful, so at this time, it is of no importance. I am pretty sure, you will be able to cast your vote for RFK in whatever state, you live in.
You want a link to my betting habits? I have not got one. Why don't you run in circles, scream and shout, waving your hands, all about, as if you think it is actually going to happen? It is kind of a cult thing, with you people. You can believe if you like. I simply do not believe they will be successful, so at this time, it is of no importance. I am pretty sure, you will be able to cast your vote for RFK in whatever state, you live in.
:auiqs.jpg:what was that crap ?? wow ! you're losing it woman ! is it starting to sink in that Trump may be POTUS again ?? I've noticed a lot of leftists like you are acting a little more emotional and panicky than your usual effeminate emotional norms ..
so none of the things I posted about what the Dems did is true eh commie ? turn in your man card bOY..
Things you post rarely amount to a hill of beans. This RFK thing, does not either. You do not have to believe me, as you usually don't, but you will get to proudly cast your vote for RFK. I cannot believe, you arr gullible enough to fall for it, after reading the grounds, knowing he has qualified to be on the ballot in that state, already.
:auiqs.jpg:what was that crap ?? wow ! you're losing it woman ! is it starting to sink in that Trump may be POTUS again ?? I've noticed a lot of leftists like you are acting a little more emotional and panicky than your usual effeminate emotional norms ..
No. He will lose again, and the country will be saved from him, once again.
Things you post rarely amount to a hill of beans. This RFK thing, does not either. You do not have to believe me, as you usually don't, but you will get to proudly cast your vote for RFK. I cannot believe, you arr gullible enough to fall for it, after reading the grounds, knowing he has qualified to be on the ballot in that state, already.
its the attempts of the left in removing candidates from ballots that i'm pointing out commie ... but go ahead and vote for the Real threat to democracy the [dem party] lady ..
No. He will lose again, and the country will be saved from him, once again.
:auiqs.jpg: you just proved my point ! i know there's no guarantee Trump will win just as there's no guarantee Briben the treasonous sellout will win either .. that's the difference don't you see ... I recognize the fact that Trump may lose because unlike you I am a Real Man not ruled by effeminate emotions .. that's why you refuse to accept the fact that Briben may lose ..
He does not believe in anything that is not a benefit to him, whether told by his own lawyers, his own staff, his own department heads, judges he appointed, or anybody else. It is just his old deny, deny, deny, even if caught red handed. It might work on the mentally feeble, or a wife that does not want her and her children to lose out financially, not no only normally intelligent American Voters, only the Trump Cult.
Then why would anyone vote for Joe?
You want a link to my betting habits? I have not got one. Why don't you run in circles, scream and shout, waving your hands, all about, as if you think it is actually going to happen? It is kind of a cult thing, with you people. You can believe if you like. I simply do not believe they will be successful, so at this time, it is of no importance. I am pretty sure, you will be able to cast your vote for RFK in whatever state, you live in.
If you want to win your bet, bet Trump.


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