Democrats Continue Push To Take Democracy Away

Nah, Trump only tried to relitigate the election on the day of recording the Electoral votes, disregarding those he does not like and substitute fake electors, no picked by the voters, and if that does not work, gin up a mob to march on the capital, to stop the vote and convince house and senate the election was rigged, (though every agency of his administration, all courts, and most of his cabinet say it wasn't as there was no proof. He has said electors should be picked by governor or state legislatures. He wanted to have military seize voting machines and do the election over, but obviously the military (upholding their oath to the constitution [unlike him]) would not go along with it. Now he wants to get rid of 95% of civil servants, make those post political appointees, to avoid getting ratted out, when he want to break the law, since last time, nobody would go along with him, when he wanted to have leaders executed. He does not have many ties to democratic forms of government, as all his heroes are Communists or totalitarian controllers, and he has little use for the democratically elected leaders of most of our allies.
why would Trump believe the 2020 election was fair ? after 4 yrs of Russian collusion ,pee tapes , illegal fisa warrants , sham impeachments, Intel officials covering up the laptop ect ... used by the lawless left .. the left spent 4 yrs illegally trying to destroy his presidency ... and now they are using lawfare just like tyrannical Marxist dictatorships ..
Doofus, it is like this. If a candidate applied to the attorney general of the various states, met the state requirements, as far as legalities, signatures, etcetera, they will be on the ballot in the state where they met filing deadlines and requirements. If they did not, they won't. I have not heard of this, in Tennessee. I suspect there will be a short laundry list of "Other" candidates on the ballot when I vote early, before the November election.
Democrats are trying to take everyone off the ballot but themselves and then claim it is actually others trying to take democracy away. If I called you doofus, you'd probably punish me.
I did address it directly. "Nah" and pointed out, it was trump and trump supporters that directly attacked democracy and our representative republic, like always, and have more attacks on democracy planned if re-elected.
Jan 6 the was a protest over a shady election that turned violent briefly ... leftists like you ... yes you own political violence .. do you believe intel officials and 3 letter federal agencies lying about the laptop to help Biden and censorship and banning on social media over negative Bioden speech was fair ? don't know if enough illegal votes were cast to change the election but the MSM , the 3 letter gov agencies and social media did interfere in the election .. the lefts machine attacked the truth with a vengeance ... illegal votes or not the 2020 election was not fair .. commie ..
I have been in Tennessee the last couple of weeks, after PJ's surgery. I have not taken anybody off and ballots. I have not even been on the USMB much lately. I have certainly never been a Democrat (or a republican, for that matter). You seem confused. Are you on drugs or have you been hanging out in an echo chamber?
is Tennessee the only state that's part of the United States ? I guess you have no problem with other states keeping candidates off ballots ... none of your business eh lefty ? your excuse is weak ..
Nah. I am not like you and Trump. You are the traitors. I served my country, and saluted our flag in this country and others, as an Officer and a gentleman, never forsaking my oath to the country and the constitution, unlike Donald Trump.
That's for sure. You're like Joe and Hunter Biden, and John Kerry, and Hillary Clinton, and Maxine Waters. You can't even spell "Constitution," much less respect it.
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Doofus, it is like this. If a candidate applied to the attorney general of the various states, met the state requirements, as far as legalities, signatures, etcetera, they will be on the ballot in the state where they met filing deadlines and requirements. If they did not, they won't. I have not heard of this, in Tennessee. I suspect there will be a short laundry list of "Other" candidates on the ballot when I vote early, before the November election.
You got the wrong guy. I voted 3rd party in 2016 as both the Republican and Democrat candidates were bound to be bad for the Republic. I certainly do not care who is on the ballot. I will continue to vote for the one, likely to do the least long-term damage to the Republic.
That you are neither hot nor cold but lukewarm......
That you are neither hot nor cold but lukewarm......
Perhaps? People like him think they can post whatever, attacking whomever and no one can do anything about it in rebuttal or the board Police will use power to harrass you behind the scenes.
First it was trying to take Trump off the ballots. Now it has moved on to trying to take all third party candidates off the ballots. I don't see Trump trying to take democracy away. I see democrats trying to take democracy away. Democrats want as many people to vote as possible, just as long as there is only one candidate on the ballot. Even Russia has more than one candidate on their ballots.

Even if all 3rd party's/Independent candidates were nixed the upcoming POTUS 2024 contest won't even be close. The map below shows Biden @ 191 & Trump @ 345. I disagree with his outcome prediction about New Hampshire & Virginia barely flipping into the red zone as those two states will, in my opinion remain @ LEAST light blue. I think he really missed the target regarding Minnesota like that state has NOT supported red candidates in 20+ years so I have Minnesota light-medium blue for sure. I have Biden garnering 222 on the count with Trump garnering 305 on the count. That's not a massacre like the Reagan/Mondale contest but it's still a hefty win for Trump.

Of interest are the two state of Oregon & Washington NOW @ MEDIUM BLUE 'DOWN' FROM DARK BLUE. Us folks east of the mountains in eastern Oregon/eastern Washington states are pushing hard for Secession from both Olympia & Salem. Eastern Oregon has the best chance as Idaho strongly desires the counties in eastern Oregon so the two can form the state of "Greater Idaho".

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How about letting the voters decide that? That's what democracy is. Why are you against letting voters decide who they can vote for? You're purposely trying to take people off ballots. That's not democracy.
The voters decided that when they ratified the 14th amendment.

The voters decided that when they ratified the 14th amendment.

Oh, sorry. I didn't realize the 14th amendment allows Democrats to take all third party parties off of the ballot. But, if you're just talking about Trump, he will be on the ballot in all 50 states, despite democrats trying to take democracy away.

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