Diane Feinstein passes away

Hey now, even a broken clock is right twice a day. . . let us not speak ill of the dead.

Everyone has done some good in their life.

Feinstein Accuses C.I.A. of Spying on Congress | The New York Times​


Performative window dressing, that can't wash the blood from the hands of a career warmongering war profiteer.
other than the loss to the immediate family, what difference will it make?
Will she continue voting in the Senate, as she did yesterday, until a replacement has been named?
She hasn't been truly functional for some time and there have been a number of California politicians jockeying to take her place. Best guess on which sewer sludge will the governor appoint to fill the slot?

I'm convinced that she's been dead for a long time, months at least, perhaps a few years, even.

She's been existing recently only as an undead zombie-like creature, animated only by the demonic spirit that has possessed her for almost her entire political career.

I guess the demon decided, finally, to call it quits. I guess there's only so far that a dead body can rot, before even a demon can't keep it going.

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