Diane Feinstein wants to take ALL of your guns

Is she a law maker?

yes, but she needs to get all the other lawmakers to agree.

The real problem you guys have. 78% of us don't own guns and a lot of us are sick of the shit we have to put up with from the minority that does.
Is she a law maker?

yes, but she needs to get all the other lawmakers to agree.

The real problem you guys have. 78% of us don't own guns and a lot of us are sick of the shit we have to put up with from the minority that does.
Have to depend on someone else to defend you and yours in the event something was to happen.
Round here we call that a cuck
Is she a law maker?

yes, but she needs to get all the other lawmakers to agree.

The real problem you guys have. 78% of us don't own guns and a lot of us are sick of the shit we have to put up with from the minority that does.
Has any legal gun owner ever shot you, shot at you, pointed a gun at you, or forced you to shoot a gun? If not, what are you so upset about? Those people you're so mad at just stopped a massacre in a church. Without them, more would have died. Yet you continue to be angry at peaceful, law abiding citizens.
Is she a law maker?

yes, but she needs to get all the other lawmakers to agree.

The real problem you guys have. 78% of us don't own guns and a lot of us are sick of the shit we have to put up with from the minority that does.
There are an estimated 150 million gunowners in America where did you get the 78% number from?
Where are the lying liberals that claim otherwise?


That's from back around 1994, around the time she got that “assault weapon” ban enacted. An admission that she really wanted to ban all privately-held guns, but knew that she couldn't get the support for that, so she crafted the most restrictive ban that she thought she could get passed.

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