Diane Feinstein wants to take ALL of your guns

You're a fucking moron. Gun nuts (sic) are the ONLY reason you aren't a subject under a tyrannical government today. Talk all the shit you like, but you are running away to live in some socialistic utopia. Things obviously aren't that bad where you live.

By all evidence, JoeB131 would prefer to live under a tyrannical government. The big problem with him and his kind is that he's not content to slither off to some socialist shithole like Cuba or Venezuela, that is already the kind o country he wants; he wants to turn this country into that, ruining it for the majority of us who live here, and who prefer the sort of free country that this was supposed to be.

And of course, the greatest obstacle to freedom-hating pieces of shit such as JoeB131 is citizens who possess arms and the means to defend their freedom, if necessary. That's why his kind so desperately wishes to deny us that right.

I'm kind of gathering that feeling by his limited use of critical thinking skills.

The left lives in a world of delusion, expecting the United States, the leader of the free world, to be like, smaller and more isolated nations. He probably does not consider our position on the world scene, the fact that we are surrounded by third worlders, and that we are not a homogeneous country.

He couldn't even think clear enough to understand that not all mentally ill people are violent, but that if you have a laundry list of things to look for you can determine most of the time who is posing a realistic threat to you. Anyway, he seems to be the pot what is calling the kettle black on this issue.
What simple minded idiocy! There is not one single, feature that determines the outcome. Get real.

Sure there is. Funny thing. Kids in Japan, the UK, Germany, Italy, France have the same kinds of social problems of hormonal little bastards not knowing how to interact with other hormonal little bastards. But the funny thing is, THEY CAN'T GET A HOLD OF GUNS!!! So they don't have mass shootings.

You're a fucking moron. Gun nuts (sic) are the ONLY reason you aren't a subject under a tyrannical government today. Talk all the shit you like, but you are running away to live in some socialistic utopia. Things obviously aren't that bad where you live.

Guy, Western Europe is just as free as we are, and they don't have to deal with some maniac shooting stuff up.

We lock up 2 million people when most Euro nations only lock up around 50,000. We have security guards, militarized police who shoot hundreds of citizens every year, key cards, security cameras, active shooter drills, etc. etc. because this "Free" nation is more a police state than any "socialist" European state.

No man just snaps and kills his coworkers. Bosses screw with their employees; people get passed over for legitimate promotions; some people are bullied; some workers get threatened.

Uh, yeah. That happens all the time. It happens in those European countries, too. Funny thing, they don't have mass workplace shootings. I've worked for some truly shitty bosses (why I am a progressive today), but never did shooting my coworkers ever seem like a plan.

Again, best argument for gun control is letting gun nuts talk.
By all evidence, JoeB131 would prefer to live under a tyrannical government. The big problem with him and his kind is that he's not content to slither off to some socialist shithole like Cuba or Venezuela, that is already the kind o country he wants; he wants to turn this country into that, ruining it for the majority of us who live here, and who prefer the sort of free country that this was supposed to be.

Mormon Bob, please don't go bleating about what the Majority want. The majority wants stricter gun control. The majority wants income inequality. The majority didn't vote for Trump. The majority wants immigration reform and is okay with gay marriage.

And in November, when the majority votes for Bernie, you'll be whining about that.
The left lives in a world of delusion, expecting the United States, the leader of the free world, to be like, smaller and more isolated nations. He probably does not consider our position on the world scene, the fact that we are surrounded by third worlders, and that we are not a homogeneous country.

Again, none of those things are anything to do with the point.

We have gun violence because it is way too easy for criminally inclined or mentally ill people to get guns. Period. this isn't fucking complicated.
You mean people who never harm anyone.

Most mass shooters never harmed anyone until the day they become mass shooters. Heck, the guy in Milwaukee yesterday held down a job, and then one day he snapped. Anthony Ferrill worked at that brewery for 17 years. Punched in every day. Then one day he snapped and shot six co-workers.

Nothing short of a complete police state would have prevented him from killing.
What simple minded idiocy! There is not one single, feature that determines the outcome. Get real.

Sure there is. Funny thing. Kids in Japan, the UK, Germany, Italy, France have the same kinds of social problems of hormonal little bastards not knowing how to interact with other hormonal little bastards. But the funny thing is, THEY CAN'T GET A HOLD OF GUNS!!! So they don't have mass shootings.

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Not hardly. The United States leads the way in drug use - and a lot of it starts at the "legal" level. Drug use starts with parents, teachers, the educational system, the government, doctors / mental health officials, and then Big Pharma. Unlike those kids in other countries, America has more people in prison than any country on the planet.

The overwhelming majority of the people in prison are there for drug related offenses (and the criminal activity connected thereto.) For every drug addict in a mental health facility in America, more than TEN drug addicts are in prisons. We don't rehabilitate the youth; we teach ours how to become better criminals.

And you've still not answered my question. Since five times as many nonsmokers will die this year due to second hand smoke as compared to the numbers of all firearm deaths, can you point me to the thread you participated in advocating the prohibition of cigarettes?
You're a fucking moron. Gun nuts (sic) are the ONLY reason you aren't a subject under a tyrannical government today. Talk all the shit you like, but you are running away to live in some socialistic utopia. Things obviously aren't that bad where you live.

Guy, Western Europe is just as free as we are, and they don't have to deal with some maniac shooting stuff up.

We lock up 2 million people when most Euro nations only lock up around 50,000. We have security guards, militarized police who shoot hundreds of citizens every year, key cards, security cameras, active shooter drills, etc. etc. because this "Free" nation is more a police state than any "socialist" European state.

No man just snaps and kills his coworkers. Bosses screw with their employees; people get passed over for legitimate promotions; some people are bullied; some workers get threatened.

Uh, yeah. That happens all the time. It happens in those European countries, too. Funny thing, they don't have mass workplace shootings. I've worked for some truly shitty bosses (why I am a progressive today), but never did shooting my coworkers ever seem like a plan.

Again, best argument for gun control is letting gun nuts talk.

Your position seems to be that if people die, it's acceptable, provided that it does not happen by firearm. You're the only "nut" in this discussion. You cannot compare apples to apples. You're too busy comparing apples to oranges.

Did it ever dawn on you that we have a much more diverse population that more homogeneous European countries? Did you factor in that we have a younger population than European countries? Did you factor in that Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply? Did you consider that America is subject to more political turmoil due to the amount of foreigners we take in?

Virtually every mass shooter is on a schedule of drugs called SSRIs. So, the simple minded solution would be to prohibit SSRIs and we'd have no more mass shootings. But, that wouldn't work. You know it and so do I. Liberty has a value.
The left lives in a world of delusion, expecting the United States, the leader of the free world, to be like, smaller and more isolated nations. He probably does not consider our position on the world scene, the fact that we are surrounded by third worlders, and that we are not a homogeneous country.

Again, none of those things are anything to do with the point.

We have gun violence because it is way too easy for criminally inclined or mentally ill people to get guns. Period. this isn't fucking complicated.

Believe it or not, I've found a point of agreement with you. It is too easy for the criminally inclined and mentally ill to get weapons. How about that? For a moment, we are in agreement.

Consequently, I have proposed legislation that would fully rehabilitate people when they enter prison. They would no longer be criminally inclined if we made them do things to earn their release - you know, like get a GED, some job skills, undergo drug rehabilitation, etc. before turning them back onto the streets.

With kids, drugs would be the LAST OPTION and not the first (and many times only option) we offer them the first time they misbehave, complain of a headache, or get on some snowflake's nerves because the child is "hyperactive."

SSRIs would only be dispensed to patients that are closely supervised in a medical facility.

When you have younger people who display a series of quantifiable anti-social disorders, you do a civil intervention and get the child the help they need. I mean, for real dude, if you call the cops on a kid a dozen times; the kid is kicked out of school for violent acts, and is posting pics on the net with extremely violent themes, and is on a first name basis with the people at juvie hall, then you have a freaking problem. Neglecting that is no excuse to trade Liberty for the promise of temporary Safety.
Nothing short of a complete police state would have prevented him from killing.

again- These things don't happen in Europe. Why do you think that is? Are they all "Police States" there.

Hey, do you know how many people are shot by Police in the US every year? About 900.
Do you know how many people are shot by police in the UK? Less than 10.

Do you know how many people we have in prison in the US? Over 2 million.
Do you know how many people they have in prison in the UK? 83,000.

Tell me, which one is the police state? The country that limits gun ownership and has little crime or incarceration or police violence, or the one where any nut can own a gun, and the cops have to act like an occupying army?
Not hardly. The United States leads the way in drug use - and a lot of it starts at the "legal" level. Drug use starts with parents, teachers, the educational system, the government, doctors / mental health officials, and then Big Pharma. Unlike those kids in other countries, America has more people in prison than any country on the planet.

With kids, drugs would be the LAST OPTION and not the first (and many times only option) we offer them the first time they misbehave, complain of a headache, or get on some snowflake's nerves because the child is "hyperactive."

Uh-oh, it's an anti-medication nut. Okay, to start with, only 7.5% of kids are on medication, but 11% of them have a diagnosis of ADHD or some similar problem. So if anything, we are undermedicating these kids, because of scaremongers preventing their kids from getting help.

NIMH » Are Children Overmedicated?

The overwhelming majority of the people in prison are there for drug related offenses (and the criminal activity connected thereto.) For every drug addict in a mental health facility in America, more than TEN drug addicts are in prisons. We don't rehabilitate the youth; we teach ours how to become better criminals.

That's not true, either. People in for "Drug-related" offenses are a small slice of the pie. And usually, it's for distribution and selling, not using.


And you've still not answered my question. Since five times as many nonsmokers will die this year due to second hand smoke as compared to the numbers of all firearm deaths, can you point me to the thread you participated in advocating the prohibition of cigarettes?

First, the number of people who die of Second hand smoke is probably minimal.

Myth: Secondhand Smoke Is a Killer

Secondly, we actually DO take action to prevent people being exposed to second hand smoke. You can't smoke in bars, workplaces, offices, most factories. schools, etc. In fact, it's kind of amusing to see a huddle of smokers on a freezing day fifty feet away from a building because we've so stigmatized smokers.

Sometimes, there's a bit of unintended consequences, the youth vaping epidemic, for instance. ,

Your position seems to be that if people die, it's acceptable, provided that it does not happen by firearm. You're the only "nut" in this discussion. You cannot compare apples to apples. You're too busy comparing apples to oranges.

I am comparing apples to apples. We have lots of unnecessary gun deaths in this country because guns are too accessable.

Did it ever dawn on you that we have a much more diverse population that more homogeneous European countries? Did you factor in that we have a younger population than European countries? Did you factor in that Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply? Did you consider that America is subject to more political turmoil due to the amount of foreigners we take in?

Nope. None of those things are a factor in gun deaths other than they ban guns and we don't.

Virtually every mass shooter is on a schedule of drugs called SSRIs. So, the simple minded solution would be to prohibit SSRIs and we'd have no more mass shootings. But, that wouldn't work. You know it and so do I. Liberty has a value.

Back to the anti-pharm nuttery again, are we?

SSRI's were what was keeping these people from going off. In the few cases where these nuts were on SSRI, they had stop taking their meds.

Believe it or not, I've found a point of agreement with you. It is too easy for the criminally inclined and mentally ill to get weapons. How about that? For a moment, we are in agreement.

Consequently, I have proposed legislation that would fully rehabilitate people when they enter prison. They would no longer be criminally inclined if we made them do things to earn their release - you know, like get a GED, some job skills, undergo drug rehabilitation, etc. before turning them back onto the streets.

Wouldn't matter because people still wouldn't hire them... then they'd turn back to crime and oh, Gosh, here's a gun I can easily get a hold of!

When you have younger people who display a series of quantifiable anti-social disorders, you do a civil intervention and get the child the help they need. I mean, for real dude, if you call the cops on a kid a dozen times; the kid is kicked out of school for violent acts, and is posting pics on the net with extremely violent themes, and is on a first name basis with the people at juvie hall, then you have a freaking problem. Neglecting that is no excuse to trade Liberty for the promise of temporary Safety.

That would be fine, except most mass shooters don't show that kind of thing. Locking up Nick Cruz for what he MIGHT do, you'd have to lock up all the kids who get into trouble and never shoot anyone.

Or we can just ban guns, which none of you need, and be done with it.
Nothing short of a complete police state would have prevented him from killing.

again- These things don't happen in Europe. Why do you think that is? Are they all "Police States" there.

Hey, do you know how many people are shot by Police in the US every year? About 900.
Do you know how many people are shot by police in the UK? Less than 10.

Do you know how many people we have in prison in the US? Over 2 million.
Do you know how many people they have in prison in the UK? 83,000.

Tell me, which one is the police state? The country that limits gun ownership and has little crime or incarceration or police violence, or the one where any nut can own a gun, and the cops have to act like an occupying army?

If Europe were all that a bag of chips, you would live there. You don't.

Whether there are guns present in the United States or not, we still have the title of being the country that consumes over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply. How can you blame guns for that?

Are you advocating for making America safer for the millions of drug dealers we are so blessed with that European countries don't have? Are you saying that the presence of firearms are the cause of the immigration problems we have in this country?

So, if we get rid of guns, suddenly the current generation will quit smoking pot, doing heroin, give up video games, quit stealing, prostitution and dealing in order to keep up their current lifestyle?
If Europe were all that a bag of chips, you would live there. You don't.

Because I don't speak German or French.. Also all my property and relatives and friends are here. So running away from the problem isn't a solution.

What we can do is look at what they are doing and say, "Hey, that works! Let's try doing that instead of what we are doing."

It's kind of like when I see my neighbor with a new lawnmower that works so much better than what I'm doing, I don't ask to move to his house. I just buy his model of lawnmower.

Are you advocating for making America safer for the millions of drug dealers we are so blessed with that European countries don't have? Are you saying that the presence of firearms are the cause of the immigration problems we have in this country?

No, dummy, I'm saying that firearms are the cause of 33,000 gun deaths, 70,000 gun injuries and 400,000 gun crimes. Those other issues aren't as bad as you are making them out to be and not what I am discussing on these threads.

So, if we get rid of guns, suddenly the current generation will quit smoking pot, doing heroin, give up video games, quit stealing, prostitution and dealing in order to keep up their current lifestyle?

No, but most of those things aren't really a problem. Pot should be legal, prostitution should be legal, we should treat heroin addiction like a medical problem and not a criminal one.

Let's take video games. The Japanese consume 25% more video games than we do. Some of those Japanese video games are truly gonzo because... Japan. And Japanese movies? Man, some of those movies are nuts!!!

But funny thing. All those video games putting evil thoughts into little Japanese minds, and Japan had all of 3 gun homicides in the last year we have figure for. They had a total of 362 homicides by all methods.

Guns in Japan — Firearms, gun law and gun control

Now, lets compare that to the US.

We have 19,269 homicides, of which 14,542 are committed with guns.

Guns in the United States — Firearms, gun law and gun control
Not hardly. The United States leads the way in drug use - and a lot of it starts at the "legal" level. Drug use starts with parents, teachers, the educational system, the government, doctors / mental health officials, and then Big Pharma. Unlike those kids in other countries, America has more people in prison than any country on the planet.

With kids, drugs would be the LAST OPTION and not the first (and many times only option) we offer them the first time they misbehave, complain of a headache, or get on some snowflake's nerves because the child is "hyperactive."

Uh-oh, it's an anti-medication nut. Okay, to start with, only 7.5% of kids are on medication, but 11% of them have a diagnosis of ADHD or some similar problem. So if anything, we are undermedicating these kids, because of scaremongers preventing their kids from getting help.

NIMH » Are Children Overmedicated?

The overwhelming majority of the people in prison are there for drug related offenses (and the criminal activity connected thereto.) For every drug addict in a mental health facility in America, more than TEN drug addicts are in prisons. We don't rehabilitate the youth; we teach ours how to become better criminals.

That's not true, either. People in for "Drug-related" offenses are a small slice of the pie. And usually, it's for distribution and selling, not using.


And you've still not answered my question. Since five times as many nonsmokers will die this year due to second hand smoke as compared to the numbers of all firearm deaths, can you point me to the thread you participated in advocating the prohibition of cigarettes?

First, the number of people who die of Second hand smoke is probably minimal.

Myth: Secondhand Smoke Is a Killer

Secondly, we actually DO take action to prevent people being exposed to second hand smoke. You can't smoke in bars, workplaces, offices, most factories. schools, etc. In fact, it's kind of amusing to see a huddle of smokers on a freezing day fifty feet away from a building because we've so stigmatized smokers.

Sometimes, there's a bit of unintended consequences, the youth vaping epidemic, for instance. ,

Your position seems to be that if people die, it's acceptable, provided that it does not happen by firearm. You're the only "nut" in this discussion. You cannot compare apples to apples. You're too busy comparing apples to oranges.

I am comparing apples to apples. We have lots of unnecessary gun deaths in this country because guns are too accessable.

Did it ever dawn on you that we have a much more diverse population that more homogeneous European countries? Did you factor in that we have a younger population than European countries? Did you factor in that Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply? Did you consider that America is subject to more political turmoil due to the amount of foreigners we take in?

Nope. None of those things are a factor in gun deaths other than they ban guns and we don't.

Virtually every mass shooter is on a schedule of drugs called SSRIs. So, the simple minded solution would be to prohibit SSRIs and we'd have no more mass shootings. But, that wouldn't work. You know it and so do I. Liberty has a value.

Back to the anti-pharm nuttery again, are we?

SSRI's were what was keeping these people from going off. In the few cases where these nuts were on SSRI, they had stop taking their meds.

Believe it or not, I've found a point of agreement with you. It is too easy for the criminally inclined and mentally ill to get weapons. How about that? For a moment, we are in agreement.

Consequently, I have proposed legislation that would fully rehabilitate people when they enter prison. They would no longer be criminally inclined if we made them do things to earn their release - you know, like get a GED, some job skills, undergo drug rehabilitation, etc. before turning them back onto the streets.

Wouldn't matter because people still wouldn't hire them... then they'd turn back to crime and oh, Gosh, here's a gun I can easily get a hold of!

When you have younger people who display a series of quantifiable anti-social disorders, you do a civil intervention and get the child the help they need. I mean, for real dude, if you call the cops on a kid a dozen times; the kid is kicked out of school for violent acts, and is posting pics on the net with extremely violent themes, and is on a first name basis with the people at juvie hall, then you have a freaking problem. Neglecting that is no excuse to trade Liberty for the promise of temporary Safety.

That would be fine, except most mass shooters don't show that kind of thing. Locking up Nick Cruz for what he MIGHT do, you'd have to lock up all the kids who get into trouble and never shoot anyone.

Or we can just ban guns, which none of you need, and be done with it.

I normally do not respond to multi-quotes, but you didn't know that and your shit is too funny not to respond to.

Let's run through your word salad real quick:

1) No I am not an "anti- medication nut." I'm just not an idiot like you. I recognize that America consumes over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply; that for every drug addict in a mental health facility we have more than TEN drug addicts in prison; we have an entire generation that cannot function good enough to pass drug tests and get into the job market due to their criminal records and inability to pass drug tests.

As someone who used to work as a DFACS asset (you know, the guy who takes in foster children when their parents are put into jail or end up dead due to DUI car wrecks, overdoses, etc.) I know the FIRST order of government business is to put those kids on drugs. And you claim we do not give out enough medications

2) You're idiocy cannot stand on its own. So you lie like a New York politician. I never said ANYTHING that remotely indicated I would toss the kids like Nick Cruz, Adam Lanza - or ANY of them into jail. Since you cannot afford to be honest, there is no point in discussing the fact that I advocated a civil intervention at some point to find out why the parents / guardians are relying on police interactions and suspensions from school as the primary parenting methods

3) Second hand smoking does kill people. For you to marginalize the issue shows that you don't give a shit about saving lives; you only care about gun control. It's all about control. See this:

9 of the Worst Diseases You Can Get from Secondhand Smoke | State of Tobacco Control

Since we have laws on who can carry firearms, where and under what circumstances a person can use a firearm AND since you are cool with ANY number of non-smokers that end up dead over cigarettes, then you should accept the inherent issue that sometimes people die in order for you to have the Liberty.

We live in a society that has an entire generation that are willing to vote for a man to be their president when the guy has never held a job, started a business, hired a single individual, worked for a living, and was on welfare when he became a politician. Today that is the American dream. And Slow Joe, you are representative of that mindset. At a time when we should be trying to focus on individual responsibility and making people more self sufficient you come here with this dishonest and pretentious B.S. thinking you're talking down to people - and most of them here could donate a portion of their IQ to you and still be smarter than you.

You're out of your league and lying about what I said is the epitome of desperation on your part. You did not reference my main talking point that was bolded: series of quantifiable anti-social disorders. Then again, Slow Joe, you are beginning to sound like one of those who displays such disorders... just saying.
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If Europe were all that a bag of chips, you would live there. You don't.

Because I don't speak German or French.. Also all my property and relatives and friends are here. So running away from the problem isn't a solution.

What we can do is look at what they are doing and say, "Hey, that works! Let's try doing that instead of what we are doing."

It's kind of like when I see my neighbor with a new lawnmower that works so much better than what I'm doing, I don't ask to move to his house. I just buy his model of lawnmower.

Are you advocating for making America safer for the millions of drug dealers we are so blessed with that European countries don't have? Are you saying that the presence of firearms are the cause of the immigration problems we have in this country?

No, dummy, I'm saying that firearms are the cause of 33,000 gun deaths, 70,000 gun injuries and 400,000 gun crimes. Those other issues aren't as bad as you are making them out to be and not what I am discussing on these threads.

So, if we get rid of guns, suddenly the current generation will quit smoking pot, doing heroin, give up video games, quit stealing, prostitution and dealing in order to keep up their current lifestyle?

No, but most of those things aren't really a problem. Pot should be legal, prostitution should be legal, we should treat heroin addiction like a medical problem and not a criminal one.

Let's take video games. The Japanese consume 25% more video games than we do. Some of those Japanese video games are truly gonzo because... Japan. And Japanese movies? Man, some of those movies are nuts!!!

But funny thing. All those video games putting evil thoughts into little Japanese minds, and Japan had all of 3 gun homicides in the last year we have figure for. They had a total of 362 homicides by all methods.

Guns in Japan — Firearms, gun law and gun control

Now, lets compare that to the US.

We have 19,269 homicides, of which 14,542 are committed with guns.

Guns in the United States — Firearms, gun law and gun control

Hey dumbass - NOTHING you posted has squat to do with what I said. I'm going to repeat two things to you and if you want a conversation, don't bother me with your desperate attempts that are straw man arguments, lies and distortions. Get this through your thick skull:

series of quantifiable anti-social disorders.

You are a lying POS and you're desperate. I never said ANY of the things you're claiming. It's a series of disorders that lead a rational person to quantify behavior. A guy drinks booze, but functions. Another guy drinks and gets into fights and gets his ass thrown into jail. One of them has a problem - series of quantifiable anti-social disorders.

Once you take out the police actions, wars, suicides, and people who were on SSRIs when they committed a mass shooting, you will see that the 400 million plus weapons in private hands are quite safe. Less than a fraction of 1 percent will ever be used in a crime.
Let's run through your word salad real quick:

1) No I am not an "anti- medication nut." I'm just not an idiot like you. I recognize that America consumes over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply; that for every drug addict in a mental health facility we have more than TEN drug addicts in prison; we have an entire generation that cannot function good enough to pass drug tests and get into the job market due to their criminal records and inability to pass drug tests.

A whole generation? Really? The problem is, most of those drug test failures are due to pot, which isn't that big of a deal. Then they grow up and stop smoking weed.

As someone who used to work as a DFACS asset (you know, the guy who takes in foster children when their parents are put into jail or end up dead due to DUI car wrecks, overdoses, etc.) The FIRST order of government business is to put those kids on drugs. And you claim we do not give out enough medications

This would be the same kinds of DFACS who are grossly incompetent and return kids to bad households? The ones who did three visits and said the kid was okay when she was dead in a bag under the couch?

2) You're idiocy cannot stand on its own. So you lie like a New York politician. I never said ANYTHING that remotely indicated I would toss the kids like Nick Cruz, Adam Lanza - or ANY of them into jail. Since you cannot afford to be honest, there is no point in discussing the fact that I advocated a civil intervention at some point to find out why the parents / guardians are relying on police interactions and suspensions from school as the primary parenting methods

Yes, and if the state comes in and tells ANY parent they are doing it wrong, they'll tell you to do something anatomically impossible. The thing was, Nick Cruz was an adult when he went on his shooting spree and so was Adam Lanza. And we aren't even talking about the more adult mass shooters like the guy in Milwaukee who thought his co-workers were out to get him before he shot up five of them. That guy was well into his fifties...not sure what kind of civil intervention would have helped there.

3) Second hand smoking does kill people. For you to marginalize the issue shows that you don't give a shit about saving lives; you only care about gun control. It's all about control. See this:

Again- it's junk science and we made a whole lot of laws to make people smoke outside. I grew up with smokers. I'm fine.

Since we have laws on who can carry firearms, where and under what circumstances a person can use a firearm AND since you are cool with ANY number of non-smokers that end up dead over cigarettes, then you should accept the inherent issue that sometimes people die in order for you to have the Liberty.

Um, no. I'm fine with the laws that limit smoking. I'm fine with the lawsuits that have forced the tobacco industry to change it's behavior. (We can't use similar lawsuits on the Gun Industry because Congress caved to the NRA and passed laws to prevent that.)

We live in a society that has an entire generation that are willing to vote for a man to be their president when the guy has never held a job, started a business, hired a single individual, worked for a living, and was on welfare when he became a politician. Today that is the American dream. And Slow Joe, you are representative of that mindset. At a time when we should be trying to focus on individual responsibility and making people more self sufficient you come here with this dishonest and pretentious B.S. thinking you're talking down to people - and most of them here could donate a portion of their IQ to you and still be smarter than you.

Again, your side elected a Nazi Game Show host because he hates gays and Mexicans, just like Jesus did.

You really don't have much room to criticize Bernie.

People are voting for him because they realize what a shit sandwich our corporate state is. Since I am only trying to focus on guns for purposes of this discussion, let's review.

You see, used to be, the NRA had the good sense to realize not everyone needed a gun. In the 1960's, when the Black Panthers and other radicals were running around with guns, they lobbied for common sense gun laws and Republicans signed them.

The gun industry wants to sell guns. big problem. People aren't into hunting all that much anymore. Probably because if you think murdering animals is a "sport", you probably need help. So what to do? I know, make sure the crooks and crazy have guns, so everyone else will want them, too! Why you have a right to own a gun... it says so right there in that amendment that talks about "well-regulated militias".
Let's run through your word salad real quick:

1) No I am not an "anti- medication nut." I'm just not an idiot like you. I recognize that America consumes over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply; that for every drug addict in a mental health facility we have more than TEN drug addicts in prison; we have an entire generation that cannot function good enough to pass drug tests and get into the job market due to their criminal records and inability to pass drug tests.

A whole generation? Really? The problem is, most of those drug test failures are due to pot, which isn't that big of a deal. Then they grow up and stop smoking weed.

As someone who used to work as a DFACS asset (you know, the guy who takes in foster children when their parents are put into jail or end up dead due to DUI car wrecks, overdoses, etc.) The FIRST order of government business is to put those kids on drugs. And you claim we do not give out enough medications

This would be the same kinds of DFACS who are grossly incompetent and return kids to bad households? The ones who did three visits and said the kid was okay when she was dead in a bag under the couch?

2) You're idiocy cannot stand on its own. So you lie like a New York politician. I never said ANYTHING that remotely indicated I would toss the kids like Nick Cruz, Adam Lanza - or ANY of them into jail. Since you cannot afford to be honest, there is no point in discussing the fact that I advocated a civil intervention at some point to find out why the parents / guardians are relying on police interactions and suspensions from school as the primary parenting methods

Yes, and if the state comes in and tells ANY parent they are doing it wrong, they'll tell you to do something anatomically impossible. The thing was, Nick Cruz was an adult when he went on his shooting spree and so was Adam Lanza. And we aren't even talking about the more adult mass shooters like the guy in Milwaukee who thought his co-workers were out to get him before he shot up five of them. That guy was well into his fifties...not sure what kind of civil intervention would have helped there.

3) Second hand smoking does kill people. For you to marginalize the issue shows that you don't give a shit about saving lives; you only care about gun control. It's all about control. See this:

Again- it's junk science and we made a whole lot of laws to make people smoke outside. I grew up with smokers. I'm fine.

Since we have laws on who can carry firearms, where and under what circumstances a person can use a firearm AND since you are cool with ANY number of non-smokers that end up dead over cigarettes, then you should accept the inherent issue that sometimes people die in order for you to have the Liberty.

Um, no. I'm fine with the laws that limit smoking. I'm fine with the lawsuits that have forced the tobacco industry to change it's behavior. (We can't use similar lawsuits on the Gun Industry because Congress caved to the NRA and passed laws to prevent that.)

We live in a society that has an entire generation that are willing to vote for a man to be their president when the guy has never held a job, started a business, hired a single individual, worked for a living, and was on welfare when he became a politician. Today that is the American dream. And Slow Joe, you are representative of that mindset. At a time when we should be trying to focus on individual responsibility and making people more self sufficient you come here with this dishonest and pretentious B.S. thinking you're talking down to people - and most of them here could donate a portion of their IQ to you and still be smarter than you.

Again, your side elected a Nazi Game Show host because he hates gays and Mexicans, just like Jesus did.

You really don't have much room to criticize Bernie.

People are voting for him because they realize what a shit sandwich our corporate state is. Since I am only trying to focus on guns for purposes of this discussion, let's review.

You see, used to be, the NRA had the good sense to realize not everyone needed a gun. In the 1960's, when the Black Panthers and other radicals were running around with guns, they lobbied for common sense gun laws and Republicans signed them.

The gun industry wants to sell guns. big problem. People aren't into hunting all that much anymore. Probably because if you think murdering animals is a "sport", you probably need help. So what to do? I know, make sure the crooks and crazy have guns, so everyone else will want them, too! Why you have a right to own a gun... it says so right there in that amendment that talks about "well-regulated militias".

If someone can tell me what this idiot is babbling about, please summarize. I do not read multi quotes. The straw man arguments and this nutjob's pathetic attempts at supporting gun control should be an embarrassment to all liberals. If they aren't, we've got this won.
Hey dumbass - NOTHING you posted has squat to do with what I said. I'm going to repeat two things to you and if you want a conversation, don't bother me with your desperate attempts that are straw man arguments, lies and distortions. Get this through your thick skull:

series of quantifiable anti-social disorders.

You are a lying POS and you're desperate. I never said ANY of the things you're claiming. It's a series of disorders that lead a rational person to quantify behavior. A guy drinks booze, but functions. Another guy drinks and gets into fights and gets his ass thrown into jail. One of them has a problem - series of quantifiable anti-social disorders.

Who gets to quantify an anti-social disorder. Little Timmy keeps acting out in class. he's anti-social. My niece got a talking to because her four year old son kept singing "Go, Cubs, Go" in class during the 2016 World Series Run. (His sick grandma loved the Cubs).

Once you start criminalizing teenage behavior, that's a slipper slope.

Once you take out the police actions, wars, suicides, and people who were on SSRIs when they committed a mass shooting, you will see that the 400 million plus weapons in private hands are quite safe. Less than a fraction of 1 percent will ever be used in a crime.

So what? Most lawn darts never impaled a kid's head, but we still banned them because a couple did.

The fact is, most gun homicides are not SSRI, Police Actions or wars. (Suicide is a special case, as guns make them a lot easier to commit) . Most gun homicides are people who know each other and a gun just happened to be in the house during an argument that went wrong.
If someone can tell me what this idiot is babbling about, please summarize. I do not read multi quotes. The straw man arguments and this nutjob's pathetic attempts at supporting gun control should be an embarrassment to all liberals. If they aren't, we've got this won.

Your concession is duly noted. I'm sorry you have such a short attention span. Maybe if you took that Ritalin as a child like you were supposed to, you'd be able to focus on reading.
Nothing short of a complete police state would have prevented him from killing.

again- These things don't happen in Europe. Why do you think that is? Are they all "Police States" there.

Hey, do you know how many people are shot by Police in the US every year? About 900.
Do you know how many people are shot by police in the UK? Less than 10.

Do you know how many people we have in prison in the US? Over 2 million.
Do you know how many people they have in prison in the UK? 83,000.

Tell me, which one is the police state? The country that limits gun ownership and has little crime or incarceration or police violence, or the one where any nut can own a gun, and the cops have to act like an occupying army?

Are you seriously pretending that there are no killings in Europe?

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