Diane Feinstein wants to take ALL of your guns

First of all your stats are way off and your full of shit. Parkland never should have happened if people did there jobs. The FBI, Police, the kids mom and relatives and friends, the kids who knew about his threats and the school who e pelted him for bringing ammunition to school all fucked up.

Guy, if we rounded up every kid who had problems in school, we'd have millions of them locked up.

Is there some conservative disease where you all forget what being a teenager was like?

Next. Your numbers are total bullshit. They might be close if you add the last 20 years together. Less then 1% of deaths in America is caused by guns. Gang bangers and criminals don’t count as they don’t go to a gun shop and buy there guns dumbass.

According to the government, of the 18,000 homicides we have, only 2000 are "gang related".

Measuring the Extent of Gang Problems

We have 15,000 gun homicides a year, along with 23,000 gun suicides... Most of those are guns that were already in the house.

Take away some of the Democratic run cities and there is basically no gun violence. Chicago, Baltimore and St. Louis. Who runs those area’s, oh yes Democrats. They have the strictest gun laws and they still get guns asshole. Crawl back under your rock or under your bed

There aren't strict gun laws in Chicago or anywhere else. Chicago had mild gun laws that were largely struck down by the McDonald Decision in 2011. After that, Crime spiked in Chicago as guns became more available.

You don't have to around locking up every kid, but we can identify potential mass shooters and stop those guys without infringing on their constitutional Rights and without gun control.
True story, bud. We lock up more people than China does, even though they have four times the population. So which is the "Totalitarian Society" again?
Remember folks, this is the nation the people like JoeB and his ilk rave about. Joey is constantly talking about how China does everything sooo much better than the U.S.

That's not what I said at all... English is clearly one of your weak points. You need remedial training at whatever Russian Troll farm you work at.

We lock up 2 million people out of a population of 300 million.
China locks up 1.7 million people out of a population of 1.3 BILLION, in a communist police state.

Those they don't lock up they shoot for organ harvesting.
True story, bud. We lock up more people than China does, even though they have four times the population. So which is the "Totalitarian Society" again?
Remember folks, this is the nation the people like JoeB and his ilk rave about. Joey is constantly talking about how China does everything sooo much better than the U.S.

That's not what I said at all... English is clearly one of your weak points. You need remedial training at whatever Russian Troll farm you work at.

We lock up 2 million people out of a population of 300 million.
China locks up 1.7 million people out of a population of 1.3 BILLION, in a communist police state.

So what's your argument, Poodle, that China lied about the Corona Virus, therefore it's okay that we lock up 2 million people, mostly on non-violent charges?

They also kill more than any other country on the planet. Crimes that get you locked here, get you killed there.
True story, bud. We lock up more people than China does, even though they have four times the population. So which is the "Totalitarian Society" again?
Remember folks, this is the nation the people like JoeB and his ilk rave about. Joey is constantly talking about how China does everything sooo much better than the U.S.

That's not what I said at all... English is clearly one of your weak points. You need remedial training at whatever Russian Troll farm you work at.

We lock up 2 million people out of a population of 300 million.
China locks up 1.7 million people out of a population of 1.3 BILLION, in a communist police state.

So what's your argument, Poodle, that China lied about the Corona Virus, therefore it's okay that we lock up 2 million people, mostly on non-violent charges?

We also lock up people that in many countries would be executed. How long does the average prisoner stay on death row in China?
True story, bud. We lock up more people than China does, even though they have four times the population. So which is the "Totalitarian Society" again?
Remember folks, this is the nation the people like JoeB and his ilk rave about. Joey is constantly talking about how China does everything sooo much better than the U.S.

That's not what I said at all... English is clearly one of your weak points. You need remedial training at whatever Russian Troll farm you work at.

We lock up 2 million people out of a population of 300 million.
China locks up 1.7 million people out of a population of 1.3 BILLION, in a communist police state.

So what's your argument, Poodle, that China lied about the Corona Virus, therefore it's okay that we lock up 2 million people, mostly on non-violent charges?

We also lock up people that in many countries would be executed. How long does the average prisoner stay on death row in China?

The United States has the world's largest prison population. Oddly, most are there for drug offenses and, ironically, it was the parents, teachers, schools, government doctors / mental health community and Big Pharma that hooked them on drugs in most cases to begin with.
Those they don't lock up they shoot for organ harvesting.

China only executes a few thousands, BUT YOU ARE MISSING MY POINT.

We lock up 2 million people, more than China or any other country. We have another 7 million on probation or parole.

12,000 that we know about. Given China reports nothing, that is not even close to the total.

How many are in political prisons which China likewise doesn't report

Face it joe, you're full of poo
Diane Feinstein provided cover for a Red Chinese government spy ring. Why is she still in office? Of course she wants to disarm the public.
12,000 that we know about. Given China reports nothing, that is not even close to the total.

How many are in political prisons which China likewise doesn't report

Face it joe, you're full of poo

Exactly. Their reported prison population is about as trustworthy as its economic data is. Do 'Re-education facilities' count as prisons in Red Chinese data? Probably not.
True story, bud. We lock up more people than China does, even though they have four times the population. So which is the "Totalitarian Society" again?
Remember folks, this is the nation the people like JoeB and his ilk rave about. Joey is constantly talking about how China does everything sooo much better than the U.S.

That's not what I said at all... English is clearly one of your weak points. You need remedial training at whatever Russian Troll farm you work at.

We lock up 2 million people out of a population of 300 million.
China locks up 1.7 million people out of a population of 1.3 BILLION, in a communist police state.

So what's your argument, Poodle, that China lied about the Corona Virus, therefore it's okay that we lock up 2 million people, mostly on non-violent charges?

We also lock up people that in many countries would be executed. How long does the average prisoner stay on death row in China?

The United States has the world's largest prison population. Oddly, most are there for drug offenses and, ironically, it was the parents, teachers, schools, government doctors / mental health community and Big Pharma that hooked them on drugs in most cases to begin with.

Oddly, most of them are in for being members of violent street gangs and criminal syndicates and ironically, their parents, teachers, schools, and government have zero influence over their greed and criminality, it's entirely their own sociopathic behaviors that got them locked up.
True story, bud. We lock up more people than China does, even though they have four times the population. So which is the "Totalitarian Society" again?
Remember folks, this is the nation the people like JoeB and his ilk rave about. Joey is constantly talking about how China does everything sooo much better than the U.S.

That's not what I said at all... English is clearly one of your weak points. You need remedial training at whatever Russian Troll farm you work at.

We lock up 2 million people out of a population of 300 million.
China locks up 1.7 million people out of a population of 1.3 BILLION, in a communist police state.

So what's your argument, Poodle, that China lied about the Corona Virus, therefore it's okay that we lock up 2 million people, mostly on non-violent charges?

We also lock up people that in many countries would be executed. How long does the average prisoner stay on death row in China?

The United States has the world's largest prison population. Oddly, most are there for drug offenses and, ironically, it was the parents, teachers, schools, government doctors / mental health community and Big Pharma that hooked them on drugs in most cases to begin with.

Oddly, most of them are in for being members of violent street gangs and criminal syndicates and ironically, their parents, teachers, schools, and government have zero influence over their greed and criminality, it's entirely their own sociopathic behaviors that got them locked up.

Bullshit. The system manufactures most of them beginning at childhood. But flame on.
Remember folks, this is the nation the people like JoeB and his ilk rave about. Joey is constantly talking about how China does everything sooo much better than the U.S.

That's not what I said at all... English is clearly one of your weak points. You need remedial training at whatever Russian Troll farm you work at.

We lock up 2 million people out of a population of 300 million.
China locks up 1.7 million people out of a population of 1.3 BILLION, in a communist police state.

So what's your argument, Poodle, that China lied about the Corona Virus, therefore it's okay that we lock up 2 million people, mostly on non-violent charges?

We also lock up people that in many countries would be executed. How long does the average prisoner stay on death row in China?

The United States has the world's largest prison population. Oddly, most are there for drug offenses and, ironically, it was the parents, teachers, schools, government doctors / mental health community and Big Pharma that hooked them on drugs in most cases to begin with.

Oddly, most of them are in for being members of violent street gangs and criminal syndicates and ironically, their parents, teachers, schools, and government have zero influence over their greed and criminality, it's entirely their own sociopathic behaviors that got them locked up.

Bullshit. The system manufactures most of them beginning at childhood. But flame on.

You mean your failed progressive educational system?

I agree
Remember folks, this is the nation the people like JoeB and his ilk rave about. Joey is constantly talking about how China does everything sooo much better than the U.S.

That's not what I said at all... English is clearly one of your weak points. You need remedial training at whatever Russian Troll farm you work at.

We lock up 2 million people out of a population of 300 million.
China locks up 1.7 million people out of a population of 1.3 BILLION, in a communist police state.

So what's your argument, Poodle, that China lied about the Corona Virus, therefore it's okay that we lock up 2 million people, mostly on non-violent charges?

We also lock up people that in many countries would be executed. How long does the average prisoner stay on death row in China?

The United States has the world's largest prison population. Oddly, most are there for drug offenses and, ironically, it was the parents, teachers, schools, government doctors / mental health community and Big Pharma that hooked them on drugs in most cases to begin with.

Oddly, most of them are in for being members of violent street gangs and criminal syndicates and ironically, their parents, teachers, schools, and government have zero influence over their greed and criminality, it's entirely their own sociopathic behaviors that got them locked up.

Bullshit. The system manufactures most of them beginning at childhood. But flame on.

lol what 'system' is that? The one where violent sociopaths don't get to run wild and free over everybody else?
That's not what I said at all... English is clearly one of your weak points. You need remedial training at whatever Russian Troll farm you work at.

We lock up 2 million people out of a population of 300 million.
China locks up 1.7 million people out of a population of 1.3 BILLION, in a communist police state.

So what's your argument, Poodle, that China lied about the Corona Virus, therefore it's okay that we lock up 2 million people, mostly on non-violent charges?

We also lock up people that in many countries would be executed. How long does the average prisoner stay on death row in China?

The United States has the world's largest prison population. Oddly, most are there for drug offenses and, ironically, it was the parents, teachers, schools, government doctors / mental health community and Big Pharma that hooked them on drugs in most cases to begin with.

Oddly, most of them are in for being members of violent street gangs and criminal syndicates and ironically, their parents, teachers, schools, and government have zero influence over their greed and criminality, it's entirely their own sociopathic behaviors that got them locked up.

Bullshit. The system manufactures most of them beginning at childhood. But flame on.

You mean your failed progressive educational system?

I agree

It's not "my" system. My view is that the federal government has NO business in education.
That's not what I said at all... English is clearly one of your weak points. You need remedial training at whatever Russian Troll farm you work at.

We lock up 2 million people out of a population of 300 million.
China locks up 1.7 million people out of a population of 1.3 BILLION, in a communist police state.

So what's your argument, Poodle, that China lied about the Corona Virus, therefore it's okay that we lock up 2 million people, mostly on non-violent charges?

We also lock up people that in many countries would be executed. How long does the average prisoner stay on death row in China?

The United States has the world's largest prison population. Oddly, most are there for drug offenses and, ironically, it was the parents, teachers, schools, government doctors / mental health community and Big Pharma that hooked them on drugs in most cases to begin with.

Oddly, most of them are in for being members of violent street gangs and criminal syndicates and ironically, their parents, teachers, schools, and government have zero influence over their greed and criminality, it's entirely their own sociopathic behaviors that got them locked up.

Bullshit. The system manufactures most of them beginning at childhood. But flame on.

lol what 'system' is that? The one where violent sociopaths don't get to run wild and free over everybody else?

What in the Hell are you talking about? For every drug addict in a mental health facility, we have more than TEN in prison. So, we teach drug addicts how to become better criminals and commit crimes to feed their habit. We refuse to rehabilitate them and then send drug addicted criminals into the streets. How stupid can the American people be!!!!!
We also lock up people that in many countries would be executed. How long does the average prisoner stay on death row in China?

The United States has the world's largest prison population. Oddly, most are there for drug offenses and, ironically, it was the parents, teachers, schools, government doctors / mental health community and Big Pharma that hooked them on drugs in most cases to begin with.

Oddly, most of them are in for being members of violent street gangs and criminal syndicates and ironically, their parents, teachers, schools, and government have zero influence over their greed and criminality, it's entirely their own sociopathic behaviors that got them locked up.

Bullshit. The system manufactures most of them beginning at childhood. But flame on.

lol what 'system' is that? The one where violent sociopaths don't get to run wild and free over everybody else?

What in the Hell are you talking about? For every drug addict in a mental health facility, we have more than TEN in prison. So, we teach drug addicts how to become better criminals and commit crimes to feed their habit. We refuse to rehabilitate them and then send drug addicted criminals into the streets. How stupid can the American people be!!!!!

What's the difference between a loony drug addict and crackpot loons like yourself? We let loons run loose, and lock up those who break the laws.

Drug dealers usually work for violent gangs and most certainly work for violent organized crime syndicates, some of them currently murdering thousands in Mexico alone, not to mention Americans. I know you must love those criminal syndicates and don't want to interfere with their profits and stuff, but many people think they're bad nasty people and don't buy the ludicrous libertoon nonsense about how legalizing the crap is some great solution or something. The reason the U.S. has such a crime problem in the first place is the spoiled narcissistic mentality of people like yourself, who think they have some magic 'right' to do literally anything they want to any time they want. Sorry, but that isn't real life; societies need rules or nobody will have rights or freedoms at all in the end, and drug dealers and their fans are the lowest life forms of all.
You don't have to around locking up every kid, but we can identify potential mass shooters and stop those guys without infringing on their constitutional Rights and without gun control.

Okay, how do we do that? I mean, it's not like we have Tom Cruise in "Pre-Crime" identifying which ones are going to be the mass shooters.

12,000 that we know about. Given China reports nothing, that is not even close to the total.

How many are in political prisons which China likewise doesn't report

Even if you take the 12,000 number as fact, it doesn't make up for the fact that they STILL lock up less people than we do.

The fact that we are making comparisons WITH China - a Communist Dictatorship with a limited grasp on the concept of human rights - instead of other western democracies, says a lot.

Most other western Democracies have abolished the Death Penalty altogether and only lock up 50 - 100K people at most.

We still execute poor people (When we execute a millionaire, you can come back and talk to me about the fairness of the system) and lock up nearly 2 million people.
The United States has the world's largest prison population. Oddly, most are there for drug offenses and, ironically, it was the parents, teachers, schools, government doctors / mental health community and Big Pharma that hooked them on drugs in most cases to begin with.

Oddly, most of them are in for being members of violent street gangs and criminal syndicates and ironically, their parents, teachers, schools, and government have zero influence over their greed and criminality, it's entirely their own sociopathic behaviors that got them locked up.

Bullshit. The system manufactures most of them beginning at childhood. But flame on.

lol what 'system' is that? The one where violent sociopaths don't get to run wild and free over everybody else?

What in the Hell are you talking about? For every drug addict in a mental health facility, we have more than TEN in prison. So, we teach drug addicts how to become better criminals and commit crimes to feed their habit. We refuse to rehabilitate them and then send drug addicted criminals into the streets. How stupid can the American people be!!!!!

What's the difference between a loony drug addict and crackpot loons like yourself? We let loons run loose, and lock up those who break the laws.

Drug dealers usually work for violent gangs and most certainly work for violent organized crime syndicates, some of them currently murdering thousands in Mexico alone, not to mention Americans. I know you must love those criminal syndicates and don't want to interfere with their profits and stuff, but many people think they're bad nasty people and don't buy the ludicrous libertoon nonsense about how legalizing the crap is some great solution or something. The reason the U.S. has such a crime problem in the first place is the spoiled narcissistic mentality of people like yourself, who think they have some magic 'right' to do literally anything they want to any time they want. Sorry, but that isn't real life; societies need rules or nobody will have rights or freedoms at all in the end, and drug dealers and their fans are the lowest life forms of all.

You sound like someone on drugs. I don't know how you came to say that kind of shit to me, but it shows the abject stupidity by which anonymous cowards like you can get on the net and stir up shit.

Personally, I'd hang every drug distributor by the neck until dead if I were in charge. But, it's total dumb asses like you that prevent the system from going after the real guys. Your Internet keyboard commando insults don't impress me.

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