Diane Feinstein wants to take ALL of your guns

What's to understand?

Your side just wants sane Americans to “compromise” our most essential Constitutional rights away, a little bit at a time. Now matter what my side gives up, your side will always demand more, until there's nothing left.

Mormon Bob is still upset that his cult had to give up Polygamy.

Let's get real. We compromise on the meaning of constitutional rights all the time. It's why we don't have sex shows broadcast on TV with full penetration. Someone decided that the heck with freedom of the press, we don't need the children to see that. Someone decided that Freedom of religion means you can't get stoned if you are a Rastafarian.

The right has been spending years chipping away at the rights of accused criminals in the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Eighth Amendments....

So when someone uses the Militia Amendment to justify why a complete nutjob needs a machine gun to mow down a pre-school, um, yeah, we really need to talk about compromise...

The Constitution is not a Suicide Pact
No more

Not really.

The reality- For most of our history, most people agreed on common sense gun laws...

Then hunting fell out of fashion, and the gun industry needed a new market, and decided that the nut who thinks he needs enough guns to fight the government was a fine constituency to pander to. So they flood our streets with guns to make everyone scared.

So here's a great idea. Let's let the gun industry sell guns to anyone they want to.. and then let the victims of gun violence sue the gun industry when one of you nuts mows down a preschool.
Well there a great thing called you tube where you can go back and watch now and she is being interviewed about her assault weapon ban legislation and is clearly talking about those weapons as that’s what the discussion was about. The lie is in the OP

You want to ban one firearm, you will want more later. She wants to ban semi-automatics since handguns back in the '80s was the evil firearm what will stop them from banning revolvers?
So dude go fuck yourself trying to defend that ****.
im tired of the slippery slope arguments... fear them all you want thats fine but don’t lie about what people are actually saying

1. I didn't lie
2. Justify the common-sense gun laws cry
a. Will they stop crimes
b. will they protect anyone
c. will they stop mass shootings
d.will criminals follow those new gun control laws?

3. If you can't justify the common-sense gun control cry's what other purpose can that be for?

The common sense gun laws are there to make it more difficult for mentally ill and high risk individuals to legally obtain lethal weapons. They are also there to make weapons capable of mass destruction harder to obtain. Some will still get weapons and commit crimes. Laws will never prevent all crime. But some may not follow through or they may settle with a knife or a pistol they take from a friend... there isn’t a way to measure prevention. You can believe that nothing is ever prevented by laws that fine. Others believe they do prevent death and destruction which is why they support the laws.

We already have laws that prevent mentally ill people from having access to firearms.
Remember Sutherland Springs church shooting?
The shooter passed all the required background checks all because the Air Force did not file the shooter's info with
So the only purpose for further gun control is to take firearms from law-abiding citizens and the slippery slopes is true.

How do you feel about those existing laws? Are they good and just or unnecessary and illegal?
Now we are down to photo responses huh? You child. Ya know, I understand your perspective, I actually respect elements of it. You on the other hand have no understanding of the “other side” you get stuck regurgitating talking points and ignoring healthy discussion and understanding. Try getting off your soapbox every once in a while.

What's to understand?

Your side just wants sane Americans to “compromise” our most essential Constitutional rights away, a little bit at a time. Now matter what my side gives up, your side will always demand more, until there's nothing left.

This is for households. I don’t believe everyone who has a gun admits it.

Gun ownership in the U.S. 1972-2019 | Statista

what is interesting to note is that gun ownership goes down during a republican presidency and way up during an Obama presidency. Want to get guns off the street? Vote republican
That’s because fear mongering unfortunately works on these dupes.
No slate. People don’t feel safe with democrats. The most dangerous cities are,all run by democrats. Republicans believe in law and order, democrats, not all, don’t believe in law and order. Pretty open and shut case.
This is for households. I don’t believe everyone who has a gun admits it.

Gun ownership in the U.S. 1972-2019 | Statista

what is interesting to note is that gun ownership goes down during a republican presidency and way up during an Obama presidency. Want to get guns off the street? Vote republican
That’s because fear mongering unfortunately works on these dupes.
No slate. People don’t feel safe with democrats. The most dangerous cities are,all run by democrats. Republicans believe in law and order, democrats, not all, don’t believe in law and order. Pretty open and shut case.
all city’s are dangerous. That’s where the highest concentration of people are and where crime gravitates. Which large republican run cities set the shining example of safety that you think should be used as a model?
That's a fantasy. The only way you can guarantee that is the ultimate police state. Of course we could then trust the police as the only ones with guns.

Japan had all of four gun murders last year. Privately owned guns have been illegal since the Meiji Restoration.

Nice job not responding to any of my fucking points you mouth breathing dirt bait.

You don't have a point, buddy. You never do. The rest of us are sick and tired of you gun nuts holding the rest of us hostage.

I did, and you refused to respond to it, instead going with your usual, "fuh fuh fuh, grumble, fuh fuh fuh" response.

god damn dude stop the lying the only people that want stricter gun laws are people who don't have a gun or don't have a clue on the subject.

Most Americans don't own guns.

The only reason why more people don't support stricter gun control is that they have no clue how permissive our gun laws really are.

The main problem is that sensible people get upset about gun violence for maybe a week after a Sandy Hook or a Parkland. They legitimately ask why a nut like Lanza or Cruz was able to get a hold of military grade weapons and kill children with them. Then they get on with their lives. The gun nuts keep pressure on all the time...

China doesn’t have the drug, alcohol, gang and illegal aliens problem we do. It has nothing to do with guns. Guns aren’t the problem it’s morons like you that are.

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You want to ban one firearm, you will want more later. She wants to ban semi-automatics since handguns back in the '80s was the evil firearm what will stop them from banning revolvers?
So dude go fuck yourself trying to defend that ****.
Then like most civilised countries you'll be left with manual long guns. But I understand the US is a barbarous land where it is not safe to walk around unarmed so you'll have to

"civilized countries" is the code word for dictator run
and when that doesn't stop the murders ban those guns
If you're an American go fuck yourself
If not your opinion is irrelevant.

Now your just a liar or stupid. A lot more Americans own guns then Americans who don’t. Just because your simpleton mind can’t grasp the concept that guns save 1000% more lives then they take. Gun deaths are lower then any other death comparison.

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"civilized countries" is the code word for dictator run
and when that doesn't stop the murders ban those guns
If you're an American go fuck yourself
If not your opinion is irrelevant.

Canada, Germany, Japan, Italy, the UK, France- are not "Dictatorships". They have strict gun laws. They have only a fraction of the crime we have.

First of all your stats are way off and your full of shit. Parkland never should have happened if people did there jobs. The FBI, Police, the kids mom and relatives and friends, the kids who knew about his threats and the school who e pelted him for bringing ammunition to school all fucked up. Next. Your numbers are total bullshit. They might be close if you add the last 20 years together. Less then 1% of deaths in America is caused by guns. Gang bangers and criminals don’t count as they don’t go to a gun shop and buy there guns dumbass. Take away some of the Democratic run cities and there is basically no gun violence. Chicago, Baltimore and St. Louis. Who runs those area’s, oh yes Democrats. They have the strictest gun laws and they still get guns asshole. Crawl back under your rock or under your bed

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god damn dude stop the lying the only people that want stricter gun laws are people who don't have a gun or don't have a clue on the subject.

Most Americans don't own guns.

The only reason why more people don't support stricter gun control is that they have no clue how permissive our gun laws really are.

The main problem is that sensible people get upset about gun violence for maybe a week after a Sandy Hook or a Parkland. They legitimately ask why a nut like Lanza or Cruz was able to get a hold of military grade weapons and kill children with them. Then they get on with their lives. The gun nuts keep pressure on all the time...
An estimated 150 million Americans own at least 1 gun
Lanza didn't own any guns he stole them
Cruz was protected by obama's department of education rules for handling teenagers. Without those rules Cruz would have had his guns confiscated
I'll keep my better than military Grade firearms

Really, how is England and Canada doing right now. What happened to New Zealand when they handed guns. Your a pathetic brainwashed libtard who repeats bullshit he hears from Democrats and the fake news. If you think there better then move.

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"civilized countries" is the code word for dictator run
and when that doesn't stop the murders ban those guns
If you're an American go fuck yourself
If not your opinion is irrelevant.

Canada, Germany, Japan, Italy, the UK, France- are not "Dictatorships". They have strict gun laws. They have only a fraction of the crime we have.
Sure they are dictatorships
You can be a dictatorship without government mass executions create laws that are legislated against certain groups.
Can a parent take their child to another country if that child needs medical care and the government denies it? UK

Nicely said.

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No more

Not really.

The reality- For most of our history, most people agreed on common sense gun laws...

Then hunting fell out of fashion, and the gun industry needed a new market, and decided that the nut who thinks he needs enough guns to fight the government was a fine constituency to pander to. So they flood our streets with guns to make everyone scared.

So here's a great idea. Let's let the gun industry sell guns to anyone they want to.. and then let the victims of gun violence sue the gun industry when one of you nuts mows down a preschool.

It’s actually very scary how stupid your are. You know nothing about guns, gun facts, gun violence and gun knowledge.

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Most people on this board are sick of your fascist shit, but shining a flashlight on your idiocy is the best cure.

So you are still whining, then. How's that working out for you?

Were you ok with Reagan and the NRA pushing a California law that made open carry illegal?

That was before the Gun INdustry realized white people with guns were a great market...

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