Diane Feinstein wants to take ALL of your guns

First of all your stats are way off and your full of shit. Parkland never should have happened if people did there jobs. The FBI, Police, the kids mom and relatives and friends, the kids who knew about his threats and the school who e pelted him for bringing ammunition to school all fucked up.

Guy, if we rounded up every kid who had problems in school, we'd have millions of them locked up.

Is there some conservative disease where you all forget what being a teenager was like?

Next. Your numbers are total bullshit. They might be close if you add the last 20 years together. Less then 1% of deaths in America is caused by guns. Gang bangers and criminals don’t count as they don’t go to a gun shop and buy there guns dumbass.

According to the government, of the 18,000 homicides we have, only 2000 are "gang related".

Measuring the Extent of Gang Problems

We have 15,000 gun homicides a year, along with 23,000 gun suicides... Most of those are guns that were already in the house.

Take away some of the Democratic run cities and there is basically no gun violence. Chicago, Baltimore and St. Louis. Who runs those area’s, oh yes Democrats. They have the strictest gun laws and they still get guns asshole. Crawl back under your rock or under your bed

There aren't strict gun laws in Chicago or anywhere else. Chicago had mild gun laws that were largely struck down by the McDonald Decision in 2011. After that, Crime spiked in Chicago as guns became more available.
Really, how is England and Canada doing right now. What happened to New Zealand when they handed guns. Your a pathetic brainwashed libtard who repeats bullshit he hears from Democrats and the fake news. If you think there better then move.

Those countries are doing fine. They don't have anywhere near the crime rates we have.

You keep telling yourself that. Plus those countries are not anything like the US moron. They don’t have the gang bangers, illegals drug problems and many more. They are less safer because you can’t protect yourself plus New Zealand’s crime rate went up when they took away guns. Don’t talk gun control because you sound like an Asshole. Your clueless. Criminals will always have guns and the crime rate would go through the roof. Your to fucking stupid to understand the what’s going on The criminals will be able to do whatever they want and the police aren’t going to save you. By the time they get there you whole family will be dead and they’ll be gone. Gun violence is less then 1 % of the crime in the US and aren’t even in the top 10 in caused of death in the US. Keep trying. It a pleasure to watch you make a ass of yourself.

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You keep telling yourself that. Plus those countries are not anything like the US moron. They don’t have the gang bangers, illegals drug problems and many more. They are less safer because you can’t protect yourself plus New Zealand’s crime rate went up when they took away guns. Don’t talk gun control because you sound like an Asshole. Your clueless. Criminals will always have guns and the crime rate would go through the roof. Your to fucking stupid to understand the what’s going on The criminals will be able to do whatever they want and the police aren’t going to save you. By the time they get there you whole family will be dead and they’ll be gone. Gun violence is less then 1 % of the crime in the US and aren’t even in the top 10 in caused of death in the US. Keep trying. It a pleasure to watch you make a ass of yourself.

Guy, having a gun doesn't make up for your tiny penis... Get over yourself.
You keep telling yourself that. Plus those countries are not anything like the US moron. They don’t have the gang bangers, illegals drug problems and many more. They are less safer because you can’t protect yourself plus New Zealand’s crime rate went up when they took away guns. Don’t talk gun control because you sound like an Asshole. Your clueless. Criminals will always have guns and the crime rate would go through the roof. Your to fucking stupid to understand the what’s going on The criminals will be able to do whatever they want and the police aren’t going to save you. By the time they get there you whole family will be dead and they’ll be gone. Gun violence is less then 1 % of the crime in the US and aren’t even in the top 10 in caused of death in the US. Keep trying. It a pleasure to watch you make a ass of yourself.

Guy, having a gun doesn't make up for your tiny penis... Get over yourself.

And the phallic obsession resurfaces. You just can't help yourself, can you?
Most people on this board are sick of your fascist shit, but shining a flashlight on your idiocy is the best cure.

So you are still whining, then. How's that working out for you?

Were you ok with Reagan and the NRA pushing a California law that made open carry illegal?

That was before the Gun INdustry realized white people with guns were a great market...

You got nothing, you prissy little soy boi.
Where are the lying liberals that claim otherwise?


banning guns.jpg
You want to ban one firearm, you will want more later. She wants to ban semi-automatics since handguns back in the '80s was the evil firearm what will stop them from banning revolvers?
So dude go fuck yourself trying to defend that ****.
Then like most civilised countries you'll be left with manual long guns. But I understand the US is a barbarous land where it is not safe to walk around unarmed so you'll have to

"civilized countries" is the code word for dictator run
and when that doesn't stop the murders ban those guns
If you're an American go fuck yourself
If not your opinion is irrelevant.

Now your just a liar or stupid. A lot more Americans own guns then Americans who don’t. Just because your simpleton mind can’t grasp the concept that guns save 1000% more lives then they take. Gun deaths are lower then any other death comparison.

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What makes you think I lied in that ?
Really, how is England and Canada doing right now. What happened to New Zealand when they handed guns. Your a pathetic brainwashed libtard who repeats bullshit he hears from Democrats and the fake news. If you think there better then move.

Those countries are doing fine. They don't have anywhere near the crime rates we have.
England passed New York not to long ago in crimes
This is another reason Hillary Clinton lost the in her race to become president. Dian Feinstein. Usually Female politicians want to take all of the Guns out of Americans homes. Hillary had the same gun confiscation philosophy.
You want to ban one firearm, you will want more later. She wants to ban semi-automatics since handguns back in the '80s was the evil firearm what will stop them from banning revolvers?
So dude go fuck yourself trying to defend that ****.
im tired of the slippery slope arguments... fear them all you want thats fine but don’t lie about what people are actually saying
1. I didn't lie
2. Justify the common-sense gun laws cry
a. Will they stop crimes
b. will they protect anyone
c. will they stop mass shootings
d.will criminals follow those new gun control laws?

3. If you can't justify the common-sense gun control cry's what other purpose can that be for?
The common sense gun laws are there to make it more difficult for mentally ill and high risk individuals to legally obtain lethal weapons. They are also there to make weapons capable of mass destruction harder to obtain. Some will still get weapons and commit crimes. Laws will never prevent all crime. But some may not follow through or they may settle with a knife or a pistol they take from a friend... there isn’t a way to measure prevention. You can believe that nothing is ever prevented by laws that fine. Others believe they do prevent death and destruction which is why they support the laws.
We already have laws that prevent mentally ill people from having access to firearms.
Remember Sutherland Springs church shooting?
The shooter passed all the required background checks all because the Air Force did not file the shooter's info with
So the only purpose for further gun control is to take firearms from law-abiding citizens and the slippery slopes is true.
How do you feel about those existing laws? Are they good and just or unnecessary and illegal?
unnecessary and illegal
You keep telling yourself that. Plus those countries are not anything like the US moron. They don’t have the gang bangers, illegals drug problems and many more. They are less safer because you can’t protect yourself plus New Zealand’s crime rate went up when they took away guns. Don’t talk gun control because you sound like an Asshole. Your clueless. Criminals will always have guns and the crime rate would go through the roof. Your to fucking stupid to understand the what’s going on The criminals will be able to do whatever they want and the police aren’t going to save you. By the time they get there you whole family will be dead and they’ll be gone. Gun violence is less then 1 % of the crime in the US and aren’t even in the top 10 in caused of death in the US. Keep trying. It a pleasure to watch you make a ass of yourself.

Guy, having a gun doesn't make up for your tiny penis... Get over yourself.
Pretty sure women who carry don't have a penis
Is she a law maker?

yes, but she needs to get all the other lawmakers to agree.

The real problem you guys have. 78% of us don't own guns and a lot of us are sick of the shit we have to put up with from the minority that does.
FYI the president needs to get a majority to agree. Meaning you can have an anti second amendment president but a majority pro second amendment Congress anti rights can go no where.
Has any legal gun owner ever shot you, shot at you, pointed a gun at you, or forced you to shoot a gun? If not, what are you so upset about? Those people you're so mad at just stopped a massacre in a church. Without them, more would have died. Yet you continue to be angry at peaceful, law abiding citizens.

A legal gun owner lived next door to me. He shot a bullet through is patio door and into the common parking area of our community. A few weeks later, because the cops didn't take his gun, he shot himself.

Those shitheads in Texas didn't stop that guy before he killed two people.... if no one had guns, no one would have died.
People die every second of every day

And if someone wants to commit suicide it is his choice

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True story, bud. We lock up more people than China does, even though they have four times the population. So which is the "Totalitarian Society" again?
Remember folks, this is the nation the people like JoeB and his ilk rave about. Joey is constantly talking about how China does everything sooo much better than the U.S.

That's not what I said at all... English is clearly one of your weak points. You need remedial training at whatever Russian Troll farm you work at.

We lock up 2 million people out of a population of 300 million.
China locks up 1.7 million people out of a population of 1.3 BILLION, in a communist police state.

So what's your argument, Poodle, that China lied about the Corona Virus, therefore it's okay that we lock up 2 million people, mostly on non-violent charges?

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