Diane Feinstein wants to take ALL of your guns

You don't have to around locking up every kid, but we can identify potential mass shooters and stop those guys without infringing on their constitutional Rights and without gun control.

Okay, how do we do that? I mean, it's not like we have Tom Cruise in "Pre-Crime" identifying which ones are going to be the mass shooters.


ALL mass shooters have the same basic M.O.

Unfortunately, ONE of the common denominators for determining someone who will commit a mass murder is going to be a young male 17 to 40 (usually no older and most of the time white) and is on a schedule of drugs called SSRIs. Of course, that brings out the typical reaction to ban SSRIs, but not everybody that goes on SSRIs will commit a mass murder.

So, there is a laundry list of things that point to a person that will commit a violent act in their lifetime. If you think back about the kids who committed mass shootings; in retrospect, people would say "I knew something like this was going to happen" or "this didn't come as a surprise."

Let's go back just two years ago this month to Nickolas Cruz (and the profile is the same for mass shooters like him.) He killed 17 people and wounded another 17. But, that was not before he had racked up dozens (maybe as many as 45) police reports. The guy even makes a cell phone video, telegraphing his actions before he commits the act:

State Releases Videos Made By Parkland, Fla., Shooting Defendant

At some point, the authorities have an obligation to take these people into custody and evaluate them. We shouldn't arrest every kid that gets pissed off and throws a tantrum. Neither should we allow people that are on mind altering drugs and have a history of spouting crap about violence to roam the streets unchecked. Additionally, just being brief, mind altering drugs on children should be our LAST option, certainly not the first - and many times only option.
The real problem you guys have. 78% of us don't own guns and a lot of us are sick of the shit we have to put up with from the minority that does.
But that shouldn't be a problem at all and shows just how dangerous the left is...
That's why we have a constitution, to protect the unalienable rights outlined in the constitution from the will of the majority who would otherwise eliminate them...but the point of the thread is to expose the real agenda of the left, and that is to take away our second amendment right with faux issues under the guise of "gun control" and your post shows that you are on board with it.
But that shouldn't be a problem at all and shows just how dangerous the left is...
That's why we have a constitution, to protect the unalienable rights outlined in the constitution from the will of the majority who would otherwise eliminate them...but the point of the thread is to expose the real agenda of the left, and that is to take away our second amendment right with faux issues under the guise of "gun control" and your post shows that you are on board with it.

The Second Amendment is about Militias, not gun ownership. I'm all for well-regulated militias. I belonged to one for a number of years.

I'm totally on board with taking guns away from guys like that maniac who shot up the Brewery yesterday. He wasn't part of a "Well-Regulated Militia".
The Second Amendment is about Militias, not gun ownership.
The post that proves gun control is a lie.

"the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed"
and the 2nd amendment quote that proves you are wrong

I'm all for well-regulated militias. I belonged to one for a number of years.
the NRA is the best civilian militia the planet has ever known...all those guns make it Americas only real safe place, [just check out the crime right at NRA meetings if ya don't believe me]

I'm totally on board with taking guns away from guys like that maniac who shot up the Brewery yesterday. He wasn't part of a "Well-Regulated Militia".
Stop, you are OK with taking away everyones guns and that is really what the left is up to.
So take these guys out of circulation BEFORE they act.

How do you tell which ones you need to take out of circulation? Frankly, if you want to go that route, we'd have to lock up thousands of NRA members who spend all these time on line masturbating about all the darkies and gummit officials they want to shoot.

You mean people who never harm anyone.
So take these guys out of circulation BEFORE they act.

How do you tell which ones you need to take out of circulation? Frankly, if you want to go that route, we'd have to lock up thousands of NRA members who spend all these time on line masturbating about all the darkies and gummit officials they want to shoot.

A couple of days ago a cop arrests a 6 year old. There is no outrage. By contrast, you take someone like Nick Cruz. He has at least a couple of dozen and as many as 45 interactions with the police plus posting violent threats on the Internet. Nobody ever thought to interview that guy; maybe give him a psych eval. Damn, it's like most people don't know what probable cause is... and this isn't even a criminal intervention. It's simply evaluating people who are sending signals day after day that something is wrong.

We know who is going to commit an act of violence in advance at least 90 percent of the time.
So take these guys out of circulation BEFORE they act.

How do you tell which ones you need to take out of circulation? Frankly, if you want to go that route, we'd have to lock up thousands of NRA members who spend all these time on line masturbating about all the darkies and gummit officials they want to shoot.

You mean people who never harm anyone.

Nick Cruz killed 17 and injured 17 people. He shared the same characteristics as the Adam Lanza, James Holmes, Eric Harris, Patrick Purdy, Neal Furrow, Dylan Roof, etc., etc. ad infinitum. Any jackass with modicum of intelligence could have read the signs and stopped those shootings long before they happened.

No, you don't go after just anyone. You quit prescribing mind altering drugs to people as a first option. And, if you have to give people mind altering drugs, it is under supervised conditions. When people have a history of having the cops called them on them for terroristic activities / threats and / or acting in a manner that is quantifiable - indicating a dangerous behavior, you look into the individual. NO, you don't take their fucking guns, impose red flag laws, and start infringing on their constitutional Rights. You do a civil intervention to see if probable cause may exist. You would be surprised to find that a lot of people want help, but don't know where to go and are reluctant to ask.

Know this: When Joe Biden looked into a camera and said "I'm coming after your guns," I took it as a direct threat. His lies were too much to take and when he said that, I vowed this week-end to buy a firearm... just to piss him off. Nobody is taking my firearms and nobody should be able to unless they have probable cause.

I'm against background checks, registration, bans, limits, etc. I urge everyone to never comply with that stuff. At the same time, if gun owners don't get off their asses and quit making excuses, the left WILL impost gun control and you will have to fight back or hide your gun. And what good is your gun if it's buried in the back yard. Why is it there? Gun owners have an opportunity to look at how the government creates killers and they have an opportunity to challenge it. If we lower the rates of firearm deaths with measures that don't include gun control... or at least put the proposal on the table, it will shut down the B.S. of the left.
A couple of days ago a cop arrests a 6 year old. There is no outrage. By contrast, you take someone like Nick Cruz. He has at least a couple of dozen and as many as 45 interactions with the police plus posting violent threats on the Internet. Nobody ever thought to interview that guy; maybe give him a psych eval. Damn, it's like most people don't know what probable cause is... and this isn't even a criminal intervention. It's simply evaluating people who are sending signals day after day that something is wrong.

We know who is going to commit an act of violence in advance at least 90 percent of the time.

I recently did a resume for an assistant principal who is looking to get out of education. The description you gave us "making violent posts on the internet" could apply to dozens of kids at any given time. THe problem with Nick Cruz wasn't that he's that unusual.. he describes a large subset of teenagers in pretty much any time period.

The problem was, he as able to get his hands on a military grade weapon.
You mean people who never harm anyone.

Most mass shooters never harmed anyone until the day they become mass shooters. Heck, the guy in Milwaukee yesterday held down a job, and then one day he snapped. Anthony Ferrill worked at that brewery for 17 years. Punched in every day. Then one day he snapped and shot six co-workers.
No, you don't go after just anyone. You quit prescribing mind altering drugs to people as a first option. And, if you have to give people mind altering drugs, it is under supervised conditions. When people have a history of having the cops called them on them for terroristic activities / threats and / or acting in a manner that is quantifiable - indicating a dangerous behavior, you look into the individual. NO, you don't take their fucking guns, impose red flag laws, and start infringing on their constitutional Rights. You do a civil intervention to see if probable cause may exist. You would be surprised to find that a lot of people want help, but don't know where to go and are reluctant to ask.

18% of the population suffers from some kind of mental illness. We can't do interventions on all of them. We can make it a lot harder for them to get guns.

Know this: When Joe Biden looked into a camera and said "I'm coming after your guns," I took it as a direct threat. His lies were too much to take and when he said that, I vowed this week-end to buy a firearm... just to piss him off. Nobody is taking my firearms and nobody should be able to unless they have probable cause.

I'm against background checks, registration, bans, limits, etc. I urge everyone to never comply with that stuff. At the same time, if gun owners don't get off their asses and quit making excuses, the left WILL impost gun control and you will have to fight back or hide your gun. And what good is your gun if it's buried in the back yard. Why is it there? Gun owners have an opportunity to look at how the government creates killers and they have an opportunity to challenge it. If we lower the rates of firearm deaths with measures that don't include gun control... or at least put the proposal on the table, it will shut down the B.S. of the left.

The best argument for gun control is to let the gun nuts talk and remind us how nutty they are.

The above is a case in point.
A couple of days ago a cop arrests a 6 year old. There is no outrage. By contrast, you take someone like Nick Cruz. He has at least a couple of dozen and as many as 45 interactions with the police plus posting violent threats on the Internet. Nobody ever thought to interview that guy; maybe give him a psych eval. Damn, it's like most people don't know what probable cause is... and this isn't even a criminal intervention. It's simply evaluating people who are sending signals day after day that something is wrong.

We know who is going to commit an act of violence in advance at least 90 percent of the time.

I recently did a resume for an assistant principal who is looking to get out of education. The description you gave us "making violent posts on the internet" could apply to dozens of kids at any given time. THe problem with Nick Cruz wasn't that he's that unusual.. he describes a large subset of teenagers in pretty much any time period.

The problem was, he as able to get his hands on a military grade weapon.

What simple minded idiocy! There is not one single, feature that determines the outcome. Get real.
No, you don't go after just anyone. You quit prescribing mind altering drugs to people as a first option. And, if you have to give people mind altering drugs, it is under supervised conditions. When people have a history of having the cops called them on them for terroristic activities / threats and / or acting in a manner that is quantifiable - indicating a dangerous behavior, you look into the individual. NO, you don't take their fucking guns, impose red flag laws, and start infringing on their constitutional Rights. You do a civil intervention to see if probable cause may exist. You would be surprised to find that a lot of people want help, but don't know where to go and are reluctant to ask.

18% of the population suffers from some kind of mental illness. We can't do interventions on all of them. We can make it a lot harder for them to get guns.

You have no legal basis to come for anyone's guns. Mental illness is one thing; an obvious penchant to commit violent acts another.

Know this: When Joe Biden looked into a camera and said "I'm coming after your guns," I took it as a direct threat. His lies were too much to take and when he said that, I vowed this week-end to buy a firearm... just to piss him off. Nobody is taking my firearms and nobody should be able to unless they have probable cause.

I'm against background checks, registration, bans, limits, etc. I urge everyone to never comply with that stuff. At the same time, if gun owners don't get off their asses and quit making excuses, the left WILL impost gun control and you will have to fight back or hide your gun. And what good is your gun if it's buried in the back yard. Why is it there? Gun owners have an opportunity to look at how the government creates killers and they have an opportunity to challenge it. If we lower the rates of firearm deaths with measures that don't include gun control... or at least put the proposal on the table, it will shut down the B.S. of the left.

The best argument for gun control is to let the gun nuts talk and remind us how nutty they are.

The above is a case in point.

You're a fucking moron. Gun nuts (sic) are the ONLY reason you aren't a subject under a tyrannical government today. Talk all the shit you like, but you are running away to live in some socialistic utopia. Things obviously aren't that bad where you live.
You mean people who never harm anyone.

Most mass shooters never harmed anyone until the day they become mass shooters. Heck, the guy in Milwaukee yesterday held down a job, and then one day he snapped. Anthony Ferrill worked at that brewery for 17 years. Punched in every day. Then one day he snapped and shot six co-workers.

No man just snaps and kills his coworkers. Bosses screw with their employees; people get passed over for legitimate promotions; some people are bullied; some workers get threatened.

How many threads have you participated in on this board advocating that we prohibit the sales of alcoholic drinks?
You're a fucking moron. Gun nuts (sic) are the ONLY reason you aren't a subject under a tyrannical government today. Talk all the shit you like, but you are running away to live in some socialistic utopia. Things obviously aren't that bad where you live.

By all evidence, JoeB131 would prefer to live under a tyrannical government. The big problem with him and his kind is that he's not content to slither off to some socialist shithole like Cuba or Venezuela, that is already the kind o country he wants; he wants to turn this country into that, ruining it for the majority of us who live here, and who prefer the sort of free country that this was supposed to be.

And of course, the greatest obstacle to freedom-hating pieces of shit such as JoeB131 is citizens who possess arms and the means to defend their freedom, if necessary. That's why his kind so desperately wishes to deny us that right.

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